The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-05-27, Page 13Webster Margaret MacLeodis in a Toronto Hospital. We hope she will soon be able to be home. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilkins were , Mr and Mrs. Jim Oliver of Sudbury and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon .Johnston and Gordon's sister, Myrtle, of Lucknow. Mrs. Frances Wilkins spent a day with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr., and Mrs. Charles Wilkins.; Danny MacKenzie has fin— ished his year at Panshawe , College in London, - and . is new at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacKenzie. !, Visiting on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Welling- ton ell ng -ton Webster was Jim Web - liter of Waterloo. On Monday of last : week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilk- ins visited at Five Oaks with their daughters, Mrs. Barb- ara Shepherd and her hus- band, and Janet Wilkins. - Mrs. Finlay MacDonald is leaving one day this week for a couple of weeks visit with, her son and family, Mr..and Mrs. To m MacDonald at Fort .Nelson..... Mike Courtney and Leen and Courtney are motoring out to Hinton, Alberta. It is here Mike is employed and Leonard is visiting his son there. Mike is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Courtney. Cathy and Kevin Cook had their baby daughter, Jesica Margaret, . baptized at the North Ashfield Presbyterian Church. on Mother's Day. The Ashfield W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. -Robert Fattish Sr. Thursday evening. Mrs. Ross Calvert of Sar- nia sPent ar-nia.spent a few days with her, sister . and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ewan Mac- Lean. Mrs. Marion McCharles is in London again for tests. We wish, her well and hope she Iw 'Sl, W, vi*°e' will be on top very shortly. Lynn Elphick, daughter of Mr. and' Mrs. Harold El- phick, is leaving on Saturday for Jasper, Alberta. • Her plans are to get a job and live there: Good luck Lynn, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Robb have moved ' to the Kenny Littlejohn farm . or 11 better known as the Duncan MacKenzie farm. - . Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jack " MacKenzie on the weekend were his ;sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George MacGregor of Hamil- ton and his. mother, Mrs. Isabelle MacKenzie of Luck= now. }.. mpete at Brookside fiel� ,� r 7�y✓ f rr ✓. Y!' ,HL. • .• z7 / ! til/.�/ T',T/! ''�`. .96''S' � '�f' Ate Y � !J { jr sr Y Y �. ,......, . "..w& Lifi sassy does It! Murray Curran "eases" his way over the high held. ;tale school this liursday Butts... Vk►mria and jump at the. "Braokslde. Pubile School geld oily • held last Robertson Public School •b 'Goderich, 'Holme+rr►gle Central • •Thursday. Brookside students Somand Colborn Central' schools wilt be to the and field events to gaalify for the regionalmeets! well as **amide.. ESentInel S Photo} No Longer Purina Dealers I1 As ofiiune-1st,1981, there will no longer be a Purina' Dealer in Blyth or Wngham. Until new dealerships are established, Molesworth Farm Supply In Molesworth 291.3740, Verbeek Farm & Garden Centre in Clinton 482-9333, and .Dave , Eadie Feeds in Lucknow 5282071 will be pleased to service all Purina Customers in these areas. Bob Cummings, District Sales Manager,. and Elaine Aubrey, District , . Sales Trainee, apologize for this temporary inconvenience. If any problems should arise during this perkod, . please feel free to contact Anne Leeson at Ralston Purina Canada Inc. in Woodstock, Ontario 537-6651. Purina Canada Inc. s ®aeas5®on ®no _oo s®®s,.: u..a toosNaan5■ noon moans ®■m b denny's tv SALES & SERVICE R.C.A. Vt'NUv <►v I„ -Antennas -Rotors .Towors 395-5405 electronics repair Get your message to the people who want your product! Iteach your tar get market with a specie' section ad In the Farm Supplement. If you sell a . product or service to the farming community - take advantage of this oppor• tuntty. cau 5284203 Anderson #Ipx Products LSI: �:ucxivow e nni a ..:sa. inisterRev. H...L.Nuge HISTORICAL PAGEANT " Saturday, Mal► 30, 0 pm. . Refreshmints S•rvrd-, MORNING WORSHIP Sunday May 3i 11 aim. Rev: J. R: Macbonaid, Ros. viiie,.;Mich. LISht Lunch W1,ll FoIIow . EVENING WORSHIP • y yam.' .• Rev. Richard • Sand, Piro Floe, Man. Music directed by' Corinne MacDonald,A.Mti ,Mus 8. ALL WELCOME NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS DESTROY WEEDS . NOTICEIS BERM MEIN. to all persons hi p sseasion of lands in any Municipality in the County of Hann. In accordance with the Revised Weed Castrol Act, 1912, Section 4, 14 and 20 and amendaieste thereto, that unless nozlouss weeds growing on their lands aro destroyed by lune 8, : 98 ' ; , throughout the season, the b tudrlpality m eti r pole the Paid Wide and have the steeds destroy = ; ; g the costs agallst the land des Wei, its set out In the Act. The esti-opetatloa of all citizens is solicited. JCB GIBSON Weed hurpector Coast of Huron