The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-05-27, Page 12" 1-w %, By Mark Park con The sla-pitch season . is with us again, and plans are in the stages for a second ball diamond to be . put in opera- tion at the Agriculture Park, mainly to accommodate the many tournaments h held in our ;area. Alesia and Laura Gardner of Stratford are staying with: their grandparents, Ross and Isabel •edy for;,a couple of weeks,, while their mother, Rosemary is a patient in Stratford Hospital. Rosemary underwent surgery .on Wed- nesday. Reverend and Mrs. Clar- ence • McClenaghan of Kin- 'cardiae visited friends in Dungannon on Tuesday ev- ening and , enquired for the sick and other friends. Jack Curran :;;of Goderich and formerly of Ashfield, has been brought back to God- erich hospital after being in bitty no 19A. London hospital ,for two weeks: Brookside art. ByDarleue Kulk and Deb Gregory, We held OUT annual Field Day on May 2i. Most people participated in At events. The winners were as follows: senior girls, :: Janice LL Cook;. runner-up, • Wilma' Vander- velde; = senior boys, Wayne Bos; runner-up, Paul. Hack- ett; intermediate girls, Lore- lee orelee Howes;, runner-up, Chris Gibson;:. intermediate boys, Leroy Dougherty; runner-up, Kenny Logtenberg; junior girls, 'Shelley .Good; runner- _ e boys,, Sc Hackett; winner up, Brian Gruendler; midget girls, Donna Raynard; run-. ner-up Kim' Tyler; midget boys, Michael Bauer; run- ner-up, Scott Gibson, Philip Luedemann, : Kirk Living-- ston (tied); . primary ' girl's, Melissa Logtenberg; runner- Mr. Liddle's room 8,. grade up, Shauna Andrew; primary 6, went on a camping trip" to boys, Adrian Rau; runner p, Camp Menesetung. They left �' Jeff Storey, John WrightTuesday,Mayand came. ; �r19 , (tied). ' back May 20. The weather The Regional Field Day made the trip most. enjoy - will be held on May , 28.. The able, sehools, involved are Brook- Grades sevn and, eight side, Colborne, Robertson,: are preparing+.for. their ex - Victoria and Holniesville. ams which will be written Parents are invited to conte. from June 2 to June 10. • ��.••••a*SI ••sr•S•.••••• •••••••••••••••••••I• StockerSalel • •• ether Ohm; juniorottHk .es LI • • Head r bride 'rood hall By; Hoiyrood Hall . was very attractive with` pink and white streamers and wed • ding bells and vases of tulips and: spring flowers and a prettily-►ered umbrella for the, bridal shower of Miss Sandra ' Smith, when.' com- munity ladies gathered for a •most enjoyable evening. Mrs. Karen Allen, :in her pleasing manner, welcomed everyone and thanked every - ,one who had helped with the shower.. Mrs. Ernest ,Ackert A F; gave a humorous ..•reading • entitled, Betty's Afternoon Tea.A Musical . pass the . package •game made dots of. laughs with . Edna Boyle pianist. Amy and. • 'Laurie Gingrich did, a musical skit. Mrs. Charlie. Murray gave good advice to the bride. Becky Ackert did a nice tap dance to recorded tnusic. Sandra and her attend- ants, Mary Atun : Ritchie, Julie Nicholls, 'Cheryl and • Heather Smith and Lisa Moore, were called totie piatf . The bride received ma lovely and useful gifts and expressed thanks to all '1 for Such a lovely shower. She • invited the ladies overto her home to view her trousseau. Lunch was served and a social chat enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hodgkinson of Goderich cal- led on •friends here on Thurs- day. The 118th anniversary ser- vices of the Presbyterian Church were held.on Sunday at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. _with Dr. Willem Joubert, guest preacher. Special music was provided by the choir with • Mrs. William MacPherson organist. ' Mr. and Mrs. George Bushell, David and Janet of Ottawa visited with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. • Edbert Bushell. Other visitors at the same home were Janice and Edwin Fraser of Armow and Mr. and Mrs. Tom McDon+ ald of here. Mr. and • Mrs. George Bushell, David and Janet and Mr. and Mrs, Edbert Bushell spent An 'evening with Mrs. Mary Stewart at Kincardine. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bushell Mr. and Mrs. Walter Breckles were dinner guests of Mr„ and Mrs. Edbert Bushell in hon- our of Liilyiundu11 Bush- ell's 40th wedding, anniver- sary. We extend: best wishes to them on this happy aces - Sion. Mrs , Alfred Bray of List- owel, Mrs. Evelyn. Jones of Wiliowdale, Mrs, Don Currie and her daughter, Heather were visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Frank Maul- den and Keith. The•Holyrood Institute lad- ies attended the District An- • nual meeting at Ripley on Tuesday and held their pro- gram planning at, the hall on Thursday . night. • Kinlongh'W.M.S: , The Kinlough Presbyter- ian •VV.M.S. was held on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Don Robert- son.. ;The president, ,Mrs. Gien Haldenby, opened the meeting With the poem, Take Time, and welcomed visitors. Ilpresent. Mts. Doi Reid had the devotions from Jeremiah. A Mother's Day 'thought was the answer for the roll call, followed by'the minutes and business. ' Mrs. Glen. Haidenby gave • the report of the Synodical which. she attended at Sar - nit. - Mrs. Prank Maulden and Mrs. Don Bushell were in charge of the program, be- ginning with, A land of religion in India and. Mrs. Don Bushell read, The love of a Mother. A film strip, A stranger in India, based on ,,the 1980 trip to India by Rev. Glen Davis, was enjoyed,. followed by a question and answer' period, Mrs. Tom McDonald gave a reading and Mrs.Marlden a contest, Mother's of° the Bible. The president expressed the courtesies following a delic- ious lunch by the hostess. A. sale of baking and plants to • • aid the supply fund was held. Frig at 7:00 p.m. Consisting Of: Steers, Heifers and Calves • • • • • • • • • • • • - • •• Victorairgreaves-[519] :482.7511 Clinton or Barry Muter [519] 235-2717 Enterer 229.6205-Kirkton • Doug Carruthers [519] 237-3734 Dashwood Greg Hargreaves [5191262.2831 Henan (519] 262»x619. Auctionws: Larry Gardiner and Richard .Lobb • • • • •. • - • • • • 1• • • • • •. •••••••,•-•••••••••••••••••••••,••••,••••••,••••••,•••• 15-i1111-1111-1111-1111-1111 1,r1II1--Illi--IIII--IIII —IIII 110 1111 IIII_IIII_Ili1_INI_1111-1111 . ._.. . t III 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 [11 1111 1111 IIII IIII IIII Illi 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 IIII 1111 110 1111 1111 to 1111 Illi 1111 1111 IIII 1111 1111 1111 1111 Ili! 11=1111E1111E1111 • LUCKNOW AND DI miming Will BeBolding ItkO.IST MT IQ Atnitrora►wwAu. Saturdcy, Moy3Oth FQOM'9i00 A.M: TO#P.bi. Saturday, •,lINIe.il FROIVY 9 All. 1;01214100N , There will be•'two summer swimming sessions - for the ,month of July and August • PRICE PERK . S12.00.111O1 ONE 518.00 FOIL TWO S25.00'per family Please Note The size of the beginner swimmingg classes' is limited. So come early to get the time of your choice.. The Junior, Intermediate and Senior classes are not restricted. • ON REG RA 1OH DAT PLEASE KNOW SIVIIVIMING L M ATTAINED 1`tME'PERIOD DESIRED IN WHICH SWESIM NG SESSION YOU WANT TO BE ENROLLED . (July or August of both]'. DON'T ENROLL SMALL CHILDREN WHO ARE LESS THAN 44" TALL Mrs.. Wilson's room. 1,. grade one, visited . at the Wingham Hospital. They were also able to visit Mrs. Graham who is presently" there. The school is getting good cooperation .from'' the cont- munity' in the effort to raise money for the adventure playground. This is greatly appreciated. The 1125th Dun- gannon Birthday Party .Com- mittee gave Brookside $1,000 to help in the _ Community Playground 'facility. We thank the Dungannon Com- munity for this generous donation. We look forward to working with other commun- ity groups to complete 8 Pthis project.'• 114S (BothwiltLimited] Phone Wardsvilts 693.4383'' Dungannon 529.7 Phone., Komolia471;3059. Washed Materh' -Crushed Stone. nt: avel Crushed GaCemeriel =-RGroad Contractors. • • 1979 AMC cOICORD, 2 door 1979 OLDSMOBILE' CUTLASS, 2 door hardtop_ 1979 Ft3RD LANDAU, 4 door, fully equipped' 1979' LE MANS, .4 door, 6• cylinder 1979'.CHEV,. 4 door 1979 CHEM, 4 door, with air 1979 BUICK LeSABRE, 4 door, Limited 1978 CHEVROLET., 4 dr'. stationwagon, fully equipped: 1978 CHEVELLE STATIONWAGON 1977 CHEVELLE; 4 'door, with air 1977 DODGE MONACO, 4 door, with air 1976 OLDS .CUTLASS, 4 door • • • . 1976 MERCURY MONTAGO, 2 door hardtop 1976 CHEV IMPALA, 4 door hardtop 1976 OLSMOBILE OMEGA; 2 door, 6 cylinder. I 1975MEV' IMPALA, 2 &or 1975 OLDS CUTLASS, 4 door TRUCKS 1980 GMC % toe, 4 wheel drive • 1980 3/4 TON, pickup 1979 GMC, 34 ton, pickup 1979 GMC, 34 ton, pickup, 4 seed R 1978 FORD 34 'ton pickup 1977 FORD 600, cab and chassis, or 16 ft. van 1974• INTERNATIONAL, 1600 series, cab and chassis ."Iltirort Cou1ntyra Foremoa't Car blain'" 1��