The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-05-27, Page 9',,,,,S7S-.77.:,.,,,,s,s,s7sSIOSSSS,,,SfSSOSSISssis,s,SSNS,S,Nr.9,.SSSSMSS40,Siiyte,,,,...4173, 0:47,SISS,41,10,14,!,SPPSSPYS.,,.rrk:':f , . s • • The Lucknow and District Kinsmen held their annual • Skate-a-thon in late March • with •approximately 60 youngsters taking part. Ab - •out $750.00 was raised by the skaters for community bet- terment. • Top pledge earner and winner of the $25.00 first prize was Tim Becker. Sec- ond prize was Steven Murray and third prize went to Ken- ny. Neabel. They won $15.00 andtl$10.00 respectively. A complete list of • the skaters • follows: Joey Carmichael, Nancy Carmichael, Glen Gib- son, Mandy Stewart, Robbie I3ierns, Jodie Kerr, Leanne Creighton, Ronald Plasschant, Sherry Smith, Jeff Gibaon, Angela Foran, El- mer Foran, Kenny Neabel, Robbie Johnson, Terri -Lynn ' Johnson,' Eric Cowan, Steve .Huffman, Heather Storey, Tim Becker, Beverly Aitchi- son, Debbie Raymond, Kelly McBride, David •Hallam, • Heather Ohm, Jackie Wil- • son, Kristie Stanley, Paul • Helm, Adrian Helm, Dianne Wilson, Dean Lindsay, Julie Nicholson, Gary Forster, Tim\ Treleaven, • Fern Martin, Ruth Martin; Jamie Hum- phrey, •Michael • Pentland, • Danny Gilchrist, Tracy -Liv- • ingston, Lynn Alton, Cindy • Struthers, Kelly Markham, Paul Reed, Lea -Anne Living- ston, Angela Norman, Jeff Murray, Steve Murray, Dar- ren McKim, Craig. Irwin, Chris Irwin,, Donny Murray, \ Jeffery Ireland, Bill Ireland, • Charles Murray,- Richard McDonald, Cecil Little, Rich- • ard Ireland, Marcia. Boak. There are about 15 skaters who haven't turned their pledges in as of yet. It would be appreciated if they would turn, there in to Project Chairman, Ken Johnstone, at Johnstone & , Son Furni- ture. Mr. Miner conducted cornmunion and baptismal ser- vices at St. Helens United Church. Catherine Dawn Wilkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilkins and Mich- ael Robert MacGillivray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mac- Gillivray were both baptized. Mr. and Mrs. • Wilkins entertained a number of rela- tives at their home following the baptismal. Mr. and Mrs. MacGillivray ,also entertained •at their. home. Guests were Mrs. Mary • MacGillivray, • Luck - now; Mr. and Mrs Glen Phillips, and family of God- erich; Mr. and Mrs. Don MacGillivray and family, .of Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Errington; Mr. and • Mrs. Mac Conley and family of Lucknow Valerie Errington, VVingham and Mike Tanner. Mrs. Marilyn Flaro, Krist- en and Melissa of Edmonton, Alberta and Mrs. Norma • Strong of Wingham, visited 'with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Todd and family. • Shoot Party • High lady this week was • Agnes Gaunt; second high Isabel Kilpatrick. High man was Diane Jefferson with Ross Errington taking second Agiicuhural high. There was a four way tie for shoot prize among Kay McCormick, Ab Coultes, Marie Merkley and Diane Jefferson. Kay McCormick drew high card for the prize. Lucky cup went to Chris Strutton and lucky plan to Isabel Kilpatrick. Ross Er- rington auctioned the re- maining pies which brought the card parties to a close for this season. In a story concerning the • funding of the fence around the Lucknow ball diamond, carried in last week's Sentin- el, the Lueknow Agricultural Society •was inadvertently ommited when naming the donors. The fencing was funded mainly by the Luck - now Tractor Pullers Associi- tion with assistance from the • Lucknow District Lions Club, the Lucknow DistrictAgricul- ture Society and the Noisy Ladies Softball team. Registration for the FollOwing Activities will be held at the Ripley -Huron Complex on June 2, 1911 . at 7 p.m. TENNIS INSTRUCTION • Dates: June 10, 17. 24 & July 1 June 11, 10, 25 & July 2 Times: • ' 7 toll:30 p.m. or 1:30 to 3 p.m. First 41 people to register ate accepted. MOBILE SAILING SCHOOL Oates: July 13 - 17/11 Three Classes per day Times: Morning -9 -12 a.m. Afternoon 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. • Craning - 9 p.m. AT SEPOY CERAMICS & CRAFTS Ruth and. Bill are holding a Retirement Sale if therP is not enough registered in any of the above activities your money will be refunded and the class will be cancelled. • „REGISTRATION FOR RIPLEY-HURON PLAYSCHOOL Wili be hold at the Ripley -Huron Complex WED. JUNE 24th: 1 3 p.m. Program to run for seven mimics. June 29th-A0gust 14th. AGES: 4-10 as of Juno 3041 with • proof of age required). pipr family Sponsored by Ripley -Huron Recreation .ASSOticitiOn. More information rimy be obtained by phoning 1 All Ceramic Glazes; Underglazes, Stains, Brushes and Supplies Ali Macrame Cord, , Beads, Rings, Etc. " Everything Else in The Store CASH AND CARRY NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS