The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-05-27, Page 8Pagel • W Seudnel, Wednesday) Mai 271 1981 The '1101yrood Women's Institute held their AgricuP titre and Canadian Industries Meeting in the hall on Thurs- day' evening, when they. had as guests, members froiti! Lucknow, Whitechurch, Kairshea, Purple Grove and Kinloss Institutes. . Miss Nancy Qurnh of the Lucknow Florist shop was the d institute meeting read, Ten Commandments for the farm wife. Miss May Boyle gave a humorous read- ing, The Institute. Mrs. Bruce Colwell gave a read- ing, A Mother Is, from the Lucknow Jr. nstitute• Mrs. Agnes Farrier favoured with a piano number, The Flower Song, from the Whitechurch •Institute. Mrs. Mary MacGil- livray of the Lucknow Sr. Institute favoured with a medley of songs on the piano and from Purple Grove, Mrs. Don McCosh gave a humor ous reading on helping to load the pigs for market. Mrs, Leonard Clark from the Kairshea Institute favoured with a piano number. Mrs, Gerald Murray con- ducted a fun game. Follow- ing the close of the meeting a delicious lunch was served' •and a member from each genup expressed a,pprecut- • tion for the pleasant evening that they enjoyed with the Holyrood ladies. • ugustme meet guest speaker. She passed botho utmingotioet s oani dt h eoouatr ed oorf Plants and answered many questions concerning the care of flowers and the proper planting ,time. She was introduced by Mrs. Gerald Murray and thanked . ‘and presented with a gift by Mrs. Charlie Murray. The president, Mrs. Lorne Eadie, extended a hearty Welcome to the large crowd , , present and read a poem, A farm wife and, a mother. The 'roll call was, A house plant beginning with the first letter of y.our surname. • • • • The May meeting of St. Augustine CWL was held in the church vestry on May 11. After opening with prayers, a 'scripture reading was given by Mrs. Leona Hickey. The new executive, hav- ing taken over their posi- tions, were given the chance to become acquainted with their duties as of• this meet- ing. Get well cards have been sent out to Mrs. Jean Del- bergue and Gordon Foran during their ,recent illnesses. A lively sing song was led A discussion then took place by Mrs. Raynard Ackert with concerning the First Com - Miss Edna Boyle at the munion to be held June 7 at 11 piano. Mrs. Lorne Eadie St. Augustine. It was decided to serve a light snack and refreshments after the com- munion. The Crowning of Mary is also upcoming at St. Augustine on May 31. The June meeting will be a joint meeting when the three leagues, St. Augustine, • Kingsbridge and Lucknow, will congregate. A guest speaker is also present for this special meeting, and the annhal plant sale takes place, which features many, a good bargain. The ladies of St. Augustine have been asked to .hold a program for the residents of Pinecrest Nursing Home. Mary Boyle gave her report of activities that: took place at the recent Conference held in Chatham, ,on May 5 and 6. She informed the group that • there are 110 CWL Councils from the London Diocese. Approximately 400-450 lad ies were in attendance at the •meeting in Chatham. Father Ed Dentinger spoke on foreign ownership of land, and the upcoming meeting to be• held in May. Father Ed praised the good work of the. CWI, councils, sayiniz no matter what it may be that the councils ate involved in, the good work is always much appreciated. The meet- ing was closed with prayer, followed by a lunch. W ktches present Partners in Mission • ° Mrs. Margaret Smith was, a sub -theme of this year's Presbyterial at Southampton. topic, Family and Commun- t hastess for the May meeting study, Partners in the Gospel Mrs: Doris Blackwell read ity Needs. Mrs. Ethel White pf the OlivetUnit of St. and was given by the Port a poem, Mother's Crown. conducted the business por- Andrews U.C.W., Ripley. Elgin U.C.W, at the Bruce Mrs. Carol Blackwell had the tion closing with prayer. Mrs. Blanche Hamilton Donnybrook UCW cs hoOse had charge of the program I a opening with a poem, 'Thank God for Little Things. The scripture and com•• mitts were given by Mrs' mothers as theme for meetiri Mary Black followed by prayer. • • Mrs. • Ethel White, Mrs. Lorraine McGuire, Mrs. w Mary Black, Mrs. Muriel Os- ., ' borne, Mrs. Judy Coiling, Mrs. Marg Smith, Mrs. Ev- elyn Coiling and 'Mrs. Blanche Hamilton presented • a presentation, Partners in Mission. This presentation is The Donnybrook U.C.W. Mrs. E. 'Robinson gave the • es of the North West Terri - held their May meeting prayer and gave the Bible tories and the Yukon, pictur- Tuesday evening, May 12 in reading. Mrs. Hardey gave es that he and his wife Donna Donnybrook rChurchthe meditation, Beatitudes took on their trip there. He for Mothers. Mrs. Robinson showed 'slides of the tar The theme of the meeting gave - a prayersands roads and rivers and was, They call her blessed. Mrs. T. Armstrong intro- cities, also beautiful flowers Mrs. Wm. Hardy gave the duced Jim Robinson from that grow, Mrs. M. Wilson call to. worship. •Kitchener, who showed slid- thanked him for his pictures. FARMERS IN HURON COUNTY "THINKING OF REAL ESTATE. THINK STEVE BUCHANAN" SPECIALIZING IN THE SALE OF FARMS FOR 26 THE SQUARE • • GODERICH CALL 524-4700 AINGS • OFFICE 5244097 tommuirariormilis... Me/4"e/ sle44 KEN GERHARDT 603 Robinson Street Walkerton, Ontario NOD 2V0 Telephone 881-1888 BALDWIN P. COULIS HEARING .AID SERVICE 213 Eighth Street Eaet Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 112 • Telephone 318-9970 .ANINI.U.A.‘ MEETING". wiNGHAm-_-AND DISTRICT. HOSPITAL • CORPORATION NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of The Wingham and District Hospital Corporation will be held at the Nursing Assistant Training Centre, Catherine St., Wingham, Ontario on Thursday, June 18, 1981 at the hour of eight o'clock p.m. for the reception and consideration of the Annual - Reports; for the consideration and confirmation of Bylaws 10 (1) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) and 10 (7) respecting the election of governors and nominations; for the election of Governors; for the appointment of Auditors and for the transaction of such other business 9s may properly come before the meeting. • Copies of the' notices of motion respecting By-law changes may be examined in the office of The Executive Director of the Wingham and District Hospital prior to three o'clock p.m. Thursday, June 18, 1981. Memberships granting votini privileges may be purchased at the front desk of the hospital for one dollar ($1.00) prior to five o'clock p.m. Wednesday, June 3, 1981. No membership sold after that time, on that'date, will entitle the purchaser to a vote. DATED at Wingharn, Ontario this sixth day of May, 1981. By order of the Board of Governors. • N. M. Horn/ • Secretary ,13/111Nlill 131,111; _ 1979 CHEVELLE MALIBU, 4 door 1979 CHEV CAPRICE, 4 door , 1979 ASPEN, 4 door wagon 1978 OLDSMOBILE DELTA 88, 4 door 1977 CHRYSLER NEW ,YORKER 1974 DODGE MONACO,' with air TRUCKS 1981 GMC 1/2 ton 1976 FORD F 150 pickup 1972 DODGE, 1 ton pickup BLYTIN PHONE 52E4342 Use your $500 CHIP GRANT to save energy and renew your home At The Same Time TONGUE AND GROOVE INSULATION BOARD • • TKAER • ALUMINUM INSULATED 40' When you 'side and insulate your home at the same time, you save money by doing the total job for less. This energy saving • Kaiser Aluminum system combines siding with LegerliteTM insula- • tion panels to work year-round during air conditioning season as • well as heating months. It will save you more than its cost in reduced energy bills and less maintenance. And- it increases your home's value. Call For Free Estimate 1•144,4_ 6$441, Box 122, Lucknow • - Phone 528-2726 • 401. 40" 4P. 4111. 411. 4111, er 4r 4r .or 41P 41. 4r 4, Advertisers! s , Get your message to the people who want k your Reach your target market with , a special section ad in the Farm Supplement: 1 If you sell a product or service to the farming k community - take advantage of this opportun- ity. 1 Farm Supplement Wednesday, June 3rd Reach over 10,500 subscribers in Lucknow, Kincardine, Whighern and loderich areas. 1 .4 ADVERTISING DEADLINE THURSDAY, • MAY 28TH AT 5 00 P.M % 4 Phone 528122822 to ay Afr er .or 4' .41. a t• 4)ts4 La Lo is 4, 11 • f