The Signal, 1933-4-13, Page 4sow 4 • • 11-11eitaday, April 13th, 1933 THE SMNAL .044 A 1;" 60DERICH„ ONT. You 'will be "well dressed" if alwayil have the best and IIRDITI-The Nw Kennel Club PYJAMAS -by Ponyth PASTER NECKWEAR HOSIERY 8PRIII0 HATS -by makers ef daySP' I ing-Up-Day AUB The B.Y,P.U. will told their meet- igg Sunday evening, 4prIl 16ttt, in the it'lat (*burl*. 1134bOdi eelcosne to attend this cuertitig. The Woman's ittatiligne will meet in the ForestersHu:: Tuesday, April 18th, at 2.16. Tito address will be given by Miss Dumb of Dungannon. Roll rall--Gardei: Motet Hostess.* _.-Mists Whine Menem >Has MS/ A quiet wedding look pave remote. ly at the Vatted eharch einem, whelk Rev. 1)r. Mortimuge willed in mar- riage Jeanette, youngeet daughter of Mrs. W. Wells anti the late Mr. Wells, and Mr. Colin McDonald, both of Hullett township. The -hem), couple will reside on the grOOIN's farm near Illyt h. There was a large agdienee present at the Forestene ilall en FridaY evening when the A:C.P.A. presented their play, -The Pa gh Across the 11111." under the a uspkes of Itt. Mark's church. The play was cleverly acted, with the fallowing takIng part: Rev. L. V. Pocoek, E. M. Roes, H. A Gib- bons, E. Stafford. G. McNeil, Miss Gladys Fawcett, Mime Marjorie Edgar, iv* Lois Boleusen. Miss son, ane ‘tes. L. V. Pocock. elen Shaer and Miss Pauline contrtbeted piano selec- een acts and George r.ei the audience with south. As a I of he closing of the C. P.R. station amburn Is to lose, as real. dents. Mr. and -Mia. Norman Murray and son Reg. Mr. Murray, who was the nation aped here, has secured a Mustier position at Guelph Junction. Mrs. Murray and SOS 1141111 rotten here for the time Deng. GM Tuesday ening of last week, MIViurray was made the eminent of . iectric toaster from the Young People% So- ciety of Knox tTnlled_church ame on Friday evening. while visiting at the home of Mr. and Mn. A. .1. Fermi - ion, a committee representing tho Women's irunitute presented her with an address and a sewing cabinet. On both occasions Mrs. Murray made Siting reply. This week Reg. was the recipient of a tie and scarf pre- sented to him by his friends Gordoo Done, Margaret Ferguson, Mary Do- buy at this store -we popular prices. by Tonyth $1.95 $2.30 1 SUITSIt; $19.50 and $ . eats -MT* 55c to $1.00 filic to 75c .95 to $5.00 -t- TOPCOATS $111.50 to $23. W. C: Pridham & Son 1II(,I1t 57 bie, Arthur Mortimer*. Berne* Lawson and who attend with alas Collegiate luetitute eac On Monday night t greeter sueompsfully d Glolety at Nil., in t te-t being (ennut pimple of London trims of the Way" is the (video's be Irtlk PAU) - :04 4)1611446 to-tioa of tur sown oi tionerin versus the Clanadt Trutt Onanear, administrator o estate of the late Percy I. Walt of Goderich. which was slated for a1 In OnlatY Court 00 0fld87 wa sated out of alert. The defrod:inte paid to the Weil lilt SUM Ot *413, representing arrears of taxes due by Ibe estate, and an agree- ment was laade as tO costs. The town was rapresented by D. R. Nairn, town solicitor. rotky Craig, Asquith Gudesech day by auto. Althorn young tad the Nile ous drama by the Yound nfereoce. "Ptl- he play used irt MEN! AND BOYS' WEAR The Square, Goderieh Cash Paid for Flesh Eggs Geed Grades - trashiest Prices GODERICH EGG MARKET H. W. Gould CARLOW STORE NEWS There aro ups aad downs where - Orr( you ff0, la country, city or town; Thee lot us think we're always up, And then we'll never be doers Have you ordered your Grain and. Clover 3.eed? Ikaublin Menorahs TIM WEATIIIIM During the past week there was .72 inches of rainfall as compared with .55 in the corresponding week of last year. Early Tuesday morning there was a heavy thunderstorm. The tem- peratures of the two weeks were as follows: Hos 1932 • _Max' Mts. Max. Mtn Thurs., Ape. 6 63 40 41 38 Fri., Apr. 1 43 33 48 31 Sat, Apr. -It -Ir. -33 31 51 36 Sun., Apr. 9 77 57 34 Mon.. Apr. 10 61 38 54 43 Tues., Apr. 11.-53 34 46 16 Wed., Apr. 12 51 30 86 25 Jack Allen, Frank McCarthy and Maurice McKee leave this afternoon for Port Colborne to join the crew of tbe steamer Laraldoe. tions MeNal several aster Fashions The Variety in Our Coats 414':tr‘k`r is Something to Crow About Leading styles interpreted in attractive materials at a price that makes it 95 possible for almost anyone to have a new COAT for Easter. 1 Shosidest, puffed sleeves. Sizes for women and mines. "iikowia•wwwww.0., __There is something new about these AABEE18--BA-Tiii-rrs-the dashing sail - turban. .. .trimmings of flow- ers, little nose veils, wide ribbon bands. $1. 7 9, $2.50, $3.50 A SPECIAL EASTER SELLING ••••••••••••••••40.10%0•••••••10 ' = FASHION FLASHES = Gloves for Easter -Hand in hand with fashion - Fabric Gloves 75c, $1.00 pair Silk Gloves, with the new dull Ankh 35c and $1.00 pair French Gloves in exquisite kid .$1.95 pair up Easter Hosiery Real silk: dull chiffon HOSIERY, every pair individually wrapped. Smart and sheer as smartness requires. All 79c shades of grey and beige pair GIRLS' COATS Smart Coats for the young miss. Flecked tweeds and crepes made in the latest styles and ready for Easter. Sims 4 to 10..0 75 "JUMPERS" with matching blouses for juniors. Made of fine wool crepe in navy, red and green with little Mouses of print. In sizes $1.95 8 to 14. EASTER SPECIAL Men's 2 -trouser Suits i"Easter $18.95 Fine fabrieis of English worsteds in blues and.browns Spring Topcoats Men .01 Topcoats of Itarrymore cloth in greys, fawns and browns; guard model, an141412$12 95 sleeves d well finished • .61.011101.1. Youthi Suits0. Navy blue wonted with fine stripe. Two pair tronaers. Sins 31 to 34. - Easter Special $141.5 A. Cornfield oAt 1011P 10401PS VIVAJW Hinzwv„osor Itd • 74i1-4 "4.•-• ..1 AF r`-'" .1 'L., 1; eit Insnatror oZAss I litatf • MASONIC RALLY There s a Masonic rally on Tues- day it t at the Masonic Temple twee vosion being the official vt of W. Het Deputy Grand Mas- teGregory, of Stratford. After the ork of the lodge a ban- g -net Was he snd a number of toasts were propose,. Ind duly honored, speeches being made by the D.D.G.M. and other visiting brethren as well as by local members of the craft. Vocal seleetions were given by the -31felionte qnartette. Lt .Col. A. r. Sturdy. Metier*. 8. Leggett. F. IL Mil- ler and F. Riley. F. G. Weir. W.M.. of Maitland Lodge, was In the distr. DONNYBROOK Death a Jelin itheoinghain.--The community was surprised to hear on Eleturday MOTOilIe of the sudden death of John Ounnlagham. which tont &es late Friday alitat at.thalscrusgef Mr, deo. Wiliam, with whom he had resided for the past two years. Mr. Cunningham was 4sorn near Markdale sixty-etght year,' ago, :oaring to Donnybrook two years agg Ile is survived by hls widow, formerly Thomann* Wallach, one daueister. Mrs. Lloyd Hinton of Tor. onto. and one son. Wallace. The funeral took place on Monday after- noon from the home of Mr. Wallace. with interment in Wingham cemetery. The pallbearer' were Albert Camp- bell. Thos. Bamford. Robert Chamney. Jaws, Craig Levi Marwood and Frank Devereaux. Relatives were present from Listowel. Seaforth. God- rerich. Stratford, Toronto and Mark- ' dale. "SCOTTY" WINS THIS ONE Beets Florida Champiem in Reggio imam Engagement at lauds& "ticotty" McDougall of Goderich was top dog In Monday nMht's wrest- ling match at London. aad according to the London papers it was a real mix-up. This is The Advertiser's re- port: Charlie and Wilt Joan, local wrest- ling promoters, must here had raw meat on the tpapperonena kir their -elephantg" last eye -king. because the weekly show In the Winter Gardens was certainly just about the rough- est &ad.i doubtediy introsigetessegisoomes. athut pro- gram ever staged in these parts. It certainly steamed up a near -capa- city crowd that almost went nen' with pleasure when the veteran Bill Scotty) McDougall oetroughed Bill Meiddielesaf at thehatter's ewe game, e _ bout. Nobody seemed to care If there was any real wrestling In the bout at alsnoat any stage; the wow of a finish that brought old Scotty victory was more thaq enough to send the customers home talking to them- selves. Middlekauf, the former grid- iron star from Florida, weighed 231; McDougall, the Goderich man with the famous smile, weighed 214. There were cheers for McDougall and raesherries for Middlekauf when they entered the ring for the main Igoe. And the eehoei of the time. keeper's starting gong had not been stilled when Middlekstif made a pass at Scotty -and floored him! The par- ty was on. It didn't take long for old Seotty to pop the Floridian to the canvas with A few wellineung.rights and lefts, and It began to look more like • Golden Gloves mitt tourney than a resoling match. Middlekauf got very wrathy, in fact he got all boiled up and hostile, hut at that he was no pushover for Mc- Dougall. The ex-eollegian just missed on a .few flying tackles that would have knocked peotty halfway up the Huron and Bruce line. but had to be warned repeatedly for his kicking tactics. Hectic action never let up, •nd the fans were always in full voice. Twice McDougall yanked hie op- ponent back into the ring with head- locks after Middlekauf had eflmbed or ducked under the ropes, and after the seeond trip over the hemp, Scotty MOM pf4t. Mr an ermine* to take the find fall in II):30. Middlekauf pro- tested that he had not been pinned, ' hut he didn't get to first ham with 1 the howl. The eecond fall went to Middlekatif 'irv record tline---just 15 suronda. As : far as conk, he determined from the t.sfety of (Metter behind a ring post, Midellekauf did the Welt with a right 14 n (I left to the jaw that dropped j obi Seotty. Then Middlekauf simply sprawled en erap os the meatiest. cantick before the costomers had he - gin to recover from their surpriee. I But what Scotty proceeded to do to his boy friend was juat too bad after they eame hack. He got In the first pench this time, and soon smaebed. Middlekenf off the platform, while the folks nearly rsieed the- roof Neither wasted any time on wrestling an *he is writ ; It was ell elbows, flats and knees. And MIddlekanf was rid- ing his Wine In retreat very often, AA the fleilorieh grappler swormed all DUNGANNON, Align VL -Mr. and lin G. McKenzie, ildatholin and Au dry 'thane spent ausday with frieods la Clinton. ' Mrs. Bert liaise was taken to the Goderlch hospital last Sunday and underwent au operation for appendi- citis. We are glad to report that she is getting along as well as eau be expected. M. lc r. Ongoing() of Lucknow molded' the pulpit in the Presbyter- ian church last Buoday, the ppastor.Rev. C. H. McDonald, preaching in Kuox church, Stratford. Mrs. John Glenn, who has been inning for some Urge In Lucknow, la visiting her daughter, Mrs. Bert Maim. The monthly meeting of the W.M. 8, of the Presbyterian church was held at the bons* of Mrs. W. R. Mothers on Thursday last. lira. R. McWhinney, the president. had charge Of the meeting. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. 8tothers and pray- ers were offered by lin Maim and Mrs. Davidson. The second chapter of the study book was read and dis- cussed. Planes were made for the Euler tbankoffering to be held In the church oe Thursday evening, April 13th. The meeting was closed by all repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. ismer McWhinney, chairman of the board or 8.8. No. 8, Ashileld .(Dungannoo), has been appointed by the board as a delegate to the anneal conventiou of the "D.E.A. to be held next week at Toronto. The regular meeting of the Dungan nos. Junior Farmers' Club was held MI Thursday. The had condition of the roads prevented a large attend- ance. but those who were present heard an interesting and instructive adders* 1P0flt Mr. Gordon Iamb of fiod-t- retch, the guest speaker of the even- ing. Mr. Lamb's thoughtful and thoughtiworeadag remarks were heard with keen appreciation and made the meeting well worth while. The Eagter meeting of the W.M.S. of Dungannon United church was held on Friday with a good attend- ance. The president, Miss Celia Pentland, presided, and opened the meeting by reading the Easter story A thankoffering reading was gives by Miss Claire Pentland •nd one by Mrs. James Finnigan. The responsive Program which was followed was in- terspersed vrith hymns appropriate for Easter. The pastor. Res. 1). A. MacMillan. followed with prayer. Miss Margaret Pentland sung very effectively as a solo, -Alone." Rev. I). A. MacMillan gave an address. The regular business session was fol- lowed by tea, • large number being present Death of tiaseael ethenreed..-Tbe death oecurred on Friday last of Sam- uel Sherwood. an old and eneemed resident of the township of Asbfield iDeceased was in his seventy-eMhth year. The funeral was held on Sun- day from Hackett's church, where lir. Sherwood had been an active member. official and class -leader for many years. The funeral services were eonducted by Rev. C. Tamnor and the Interment was tn Greeebill cemetery. Deceased is survived by his wife (Frances Emme Twamley), thee,. daughters. Mni. Andrew Gaunt. 'BirtiOW-ii Goderich, and three sons. Charles, of Detroit. James, of Aehfield, and Earl, et home. W.M.S. Serviee.-The morning see- TiCe at Dungannon United church oa fieedee-wee the Haetemakeeeting 8ociety, and the address was given by Mies Mary Robertson of Goderich. khe took as her theme the character of &outs, and pointed out the many aspeete of Hie life that showed his be - man qualities and revealed his deep sympathy with the humble people among whom Ile came to dwell 'riffle He performed His earthly mission. The address was listened to with tbe deepest interest by a large congrega- tion. In the evening there was a song service, the choir and congrega- tion singing many of the hymns of Charles Wesley and the pastor giving a aketet, of the life of tbe-grem st hyn. writer. 1 DUNGANNON RAIMIRLD BAYPIELD, Apell 11. -Mr. and Meg W. It Jowett and daughter (Inc. arrived home On Monday. har- ing spent the winter in Florida. Mae Ella McKay Is visiting ber abater 10 Toronto MI* week. Mrs. C. Widcombe and daughter Mary left on Tuesday to visit the former's daugbter, Mrs. Allan Peg In Windsor. Mrs. Charles waeron LARWrilt_ Sunday to Detroit, where ahe wilt visit relatives. Mr. William Cameron has returned to Detroit after spending the winter at his home here. Mr. W. MoOlinehey spent, • few darle.last week vrith his psrents, Mr. and Mrs. H. McOlInchey, returning to Detroit on Stuelay. Mr. James Caning of Port Stanley visited his grandmother, Mrs. Jas. Sturgeon, for a few days last week. Beginning Easter Sunday, mrvire will be at 11 a.m. In Trinity church throughout the summer. There will be special Easter music. liunday school at 10 o'clock. The annual masquerade and dance usder the auspices of Bayfield Agri- nsSain. cultural Society is 50 be had la Me Apritogul human oarrtie•Wedasedaewin be •oveventng,44 ger varleth costumes. Blanc wifi be Mg. piled by the Variety °rehear& and luarvid. Newton -Brad' 'wives as Thtersdahrg. "y Ato spend Easter week-ead in Hamilton and Torooto. Mr. J. 11. Woods. who spent a west In the village, left Mesday to Mitt his sister at Fergus. Mr. and Mrs. A. forks and 01 lAnzien spans unrwValriten inEst Sterned.-Tbe barn on do farm of Albert Leitch, at the Bauble ••• line corner, was destroyed by fire one .4 day last week. Victor Powell, who lives at the place, slipter th ped froe bey mow while carrying a lanter*. falling to the main floor, and the bay caught fire. Powell releamed two horses and two cows sad then gave the alarm. A buggy, llght wagon. • quantity of hay and other article/ were burned, some pigs and bens be- ing saved. loss is partially Me - erred by insurance. Children tell in the highway what they hear by the fireside. over him like a tent 4iffitSit 41.egeef4.471tiotir;i7.11 :1r vId " a arra". a Ivan, mares by holatIne Mieelokasif bleb is the air and gest hint to the cleaners with a Math - ^ • t, Fieseimme of things are rather to be taken by weight than by tale.--Col- tier. Whirs you're HEALTHY you're HAPPY Ham days are usually healthy days. Why not acid to these sunshiny days! Poor health and constipation go hand in hand. Get rid of comm.))) constipation by eating a delicious cereal. Test() show that Kellogg's ALL-BIRAN provides "bulk" to ex- ercise the intestines, and vitamin B to tone the intestinal tract. ALL -BRAN is also twice as rich in iron as an equal weight of beef liver. The "bulk" in ALL-BaAN 1. much like that in leafy vege- tables. How much better than taking pills and drugs -so often harmful. Two tablespoonfuls daily ars usually sufficient. If not relieved this way, 01.0 your dorter. At all greeters. In the ro4-and- vaav.% Naito by E" in London. Ont. s FOR EASTER - We have many novelties in Candies All made on our own( premien, from She purest ingredients. We invite you to eaff and see the many delight- , NI sweets we have pre- pared for our customers. EMS AND LUNCHES AT ALL HOURS '1 VENUS CANDIES West side Square Phone 170 CAPITAL _THEATRE tterIt!il Now Playing -Twin B111 -"Love on the Spot." and Tom Mix, th -My Pal the King." MONDAY and TUESDAY -Matinee Monday at 8 pig JACK BUCHANAN The feet stepping star of "Monte Carlo" la another musical romance. Lots of life, love and laughter in "GOODNIGHT VIENNA" WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY - "LINA frees the famous novel by Mary J. Holmes. A thalnatie Steer pee- - trend he.e sweet SAIL- Hsurp-Betty BlytIto- - FRIDAY and SATURDAY - George Raft, Constance Cummings, Mae West, Mynas Gibson and Allison illxipworth IIe wita.the most exciting. meet dranaatic, people rinevirerer-smit- looMEMAWritA--41141041690, • - ' 510MSCRUfirt COMING -MARIE DRESSLER, AS Matinees -Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 3 p. Robertson's Grocery Easter SPECIALS Sultana D n Seedless Raisins ivC lb. Falcon Peas size 2 '42 2 for 27c Lreaz,„ Corned Beef 1-1b. tin 14c Tic'axicien BEANS No. 2 Tins 2 for 25c Laundry Starch 2 lbs. for 15c Red RoseTea 1/2 -ib 23c 1 IMIIIIIIIIIIINEININININIMINIMIM Our Regular 50c Oranges for 41c a doz. We carry a full' assortment of BUTTER CROCKS ranging in size from a half gallon ".." to eight gallon Lbc a gallon Choice Butter and Fresh Eggs Wanted -Cash Or Trade , . 1 ,, .....,... A. Ito .n -it- j Phone 164 FREE DatIVERY maAard