The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-05-27, Page 5Lue!wow Sentinel, Wednesday, .May 27, 1981—Page, 5 Ripley woman lands in Sweden• during snowstorm By Ab Wylds On Fri., May 15 Mrs. Nina Wyld of the sixth concession west arrived back home in '.Canada from a two .,week vacation tripto her native Sweden, On the first of May Nina flew from Toronto to Frankfort and then on to Stockholm -where they landed in a snow storm. Then another 50 to 60 miles to the west to 'Vasteras where she visited with her father Dr. Sven Isberg, who is a medical doctor there. While there Nina's sister from Vancouver . flew home also. During the two weeks Nina was away, Karen'! and John Wyld of Malcolm Street in Ripley had the children here.. They are Scott, Karen, Richardand Julie... Last Friday Don McLay motored to Toronto airport to meet his wife Audrey who was flying back from. Philadelphia. This week Don is in Hamilton attending the convention of Ontaiio postmasters, and . next week he will be in Regina, Saskatchewan for the Canadian convention of postmasters and assistants. Don is the ' secretary - treasurer of the Canadian Postmasters and. Assistants Association (CPAA). In charge at. the Ripley post. office will be the assistant postmaster "Margaret Thompson and helping Will be Lois Irwin, both • of William Street. i(eit:h. Pollock, son of Clarence and Lois Pollock of Ripley has successfully' completed his two year course at Conestoga College at Waterloo. Keith is now an electrical technician and is presently with the Pollock Electric firm in Ripley. On Victoria Day, May 18, a week : ago, last. Monday, Noreen MacDonald of Malcolm . Street , in Ripley was ' back on staff at the Kincardine and District Hospital. It was the ,first time back to work for Noreen following her surgery there over a month ago. Marion and Jack Lawrie of the Tiverton area, Bruce Township, spent last Sunday visiting ` with Evelyn. '. and, Jack Johnson in Ripley. A.J.and Glenda Gardner and sons Aaron and Brandon of Vanastra visited with her sister Carol and Donnie Fludder, Tammy and Jason in Ripleylast weekenck Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marshall of Milton, Ontario visited their sister, Mrs. W. J. Mackay at Huronvilla in Ripley. The three of ahem spent an evening with relatives at Cargill. The Ripley and District Horticultural Society held their annualspring flower show with tea, plant and bake sale on Friday, May 15 in the Huron Township Hall. in Ripley. Despite heavy rains the exhibits were large in numberand excellent in quality. Mrs. Ross Shiells of Lucknow was the judge accompanied. by Mrs. Dorothy Brooks and Mrs.. Marian Gamble. Top win- ners were Mrs. Ewan MacLean with 41 points, Mrs. Verna Finlayson 39, Mrs. Joan MacLeod, 31 and. MrS. Marie Farrell 29. Members werewell pleased with the day's receipts and activities:. The Bruce South District Women's Institutes held their annual spring meeting last Tuesday, May 19 in St. Andrew United Church ' in Ripley. • . John . and , Jan Fludder, daughter Dawn and son Brad of William Street in . Ripley spent the long Victoria Day weekend,' Fri., May 15 ' to Mon:, May 18 on Manitoulin Island visiting with her sister and family, Mr. and MrS. Gary Haufman and children at South Baymouth. This included the trip on the ferry . Chi Cheemaun bet- ween Tobermory and South Baymouth. 'rinity minister takes Ottawa trip By Bell Haiaekett Rev. Arthur and Betty. Scott travelled to, Ottawa for five days during the Victoria Day holiday. Their children, Ian and Darrell, visited at the home of Charlie and Mayme Wilkins. Congratulations to Reg and. Freda Broome who cele- brated their 40th wedding anniversary at (their home on Sunday, May 24. Their fam- ily, Ken and Mary Scheerer, Pam and Greg of Goderich and Tom and Rose Broome; Pat and Diane of Lucknow visited with them. Their son Jack, his wife Marlene, and children, Eric' and, Carrie of Calgary, sent best. wishes: Recent visitors with Frank and Sally .Ritchie were Mrs. Phyllis 'S'teffler of. Fairview, Alberta, and her mother-in- law, Mrs. Annie Steiner of ALUMINUM ALUMINUM DOORS [SELF STORING SCREENS] STANARD SIZES 2 ft. 61n. z Eft. 6 in. 2 ft. 81zi. x 6 ft. 81n. 2 ft. 10 in. x 6 ft. 81n. 2 ft. 10 in. x 6.ft. 10 tn. . Brussels. On Sunday they. had Alex and Muriel Mac- Auley of Ripley, Mrs. Hazel King, and Angus. MacAuley of Detroit. Congratulations to Karen Campbell who graduated last Friday from The Regional School of Nursing, . London, as,, a , Registered Nursing Assistant. The presentation ofcertificates, dinner and dance was held at the Latin Quarters. Karen's parents, Arn and Dona, Campbell, sisters : Sandra and Sheila, grandparents Mrs. Knott of Chatham and Mrs. Campbell of Petrolia " and aunt, Mrs. Muriel Cook, Petrolia, at- tended. Karen is employed at a nursing home in London. Sunday visitors with Shir- ley and William Irvin and. Shelley were her • sister, Janice and Ed McCutcheon, Meredith, Darryl and Dianne of Lions Head; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Robb and Glen, and Sandra Robb and friend, Bob Darling. Congratulations go out to Greg Hackett Who graduated last Friday from Ridgetown College of Agricultural Tech- nology in the Agricultural Production and Management course. • Greg's parents, Lorne and Hazel Hackett; and his family, Brian, Bren- da and, Mac, attended ' the ceremony and luncheon at the college. Later they all had dinner at Blenheim with Hazel's parents, Mr. and l frs. Glen Campbell. Greg is employed at the . Lucknow District Co-operative: Congratulations to Eliza- beth and Murray Irvin for the birth of'their new baby girl, last week. Trinity ladies arebusy making.. plans and preparing for their annual Garden Party. . At Kemps'_. General Store, Sth anniversary winners of door prizes were:. lst .prize, electrical, digit alarm clock, Marilyn Tebow;' 2nd prize, 3 Ib. bacon, Helen ' Kuik; 3rd prize, two Wintario ' tickets, Joan Helm. Winners of three ice cream sandwiches each were Warren Andrew, Evel- yn Hackett, . Freda and Reg Browne, Hilda Lane and Lorene Alton. . LECTROHOME A4J Ezcesshumidity can cause warping, rust and mildew damage,, pause windows and doors to stick and basement pipes to drip.Without proper .air dreuladon, damp, musty odors may develop. Make better use of summer storage areas, basements, laundry rooms with an Electrohome dehumidifier. An Electrohome dehumidifier will draw Off mach of . this excess . moisture in the air, eliminating many of these problems. Electrohome has four fully featured models with new contemporary design to suit your needs. and decor. ELEOTROHO1'4E DEHUMIDIFIERS ALUMINUM WINDOWS Available In Any Size Free Estimate a No Obligation EDR 22 O 10.4L. [22 U.S. pinta]/24 hoar capacity O Automadc humidistat • D Pilot light O titer back O Castors O Drains hole connection O Automade overflow protee- don ( 9L [11 quart U.S.] water container St. Lawrence Cement Portland and Masonry HENDERSON NGfl1P BUMMING CIEINITRJE JO1-I1 W. HENDERSON LTD. Business. Hours. Mon. to Fri. 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m. to Noon Phone 528-3118 Greer Phone 5284112 & Electric Lucknow tl