The Signal, 1933-3-23, Page 617,110.„•i
. • '
Table Cream and
Whipping Cream
Rafe, because it is all pro-
duced from a Government -
inspected Herd.
Your , pationage solicited
Clif. McManus Dairy
--PHONE 639—
$ince tbe does a na ligation it
laiMosettoie Co procure any fur.
timer supplies of Welsh Coal, un-
til navigation opens again in the
In the meantime we can supply
you wilt the hest quality of
Melo Skeet flame 17141
To awn time ie Important; what you
do with it is still more important
WO Street
Electrical Appliances,
Fixtures, etc.
Electric Wiring of all
Estimates gime ea applicaties
Telephone 82 — Goderich
The Preeeding Instalment
"The Kid," • young gangster, goes
light-heartedly on hia criminal way
wail be meets "the" girt Then he
begins to see himself, and the gang,
and Ms aud their way of life through
eyes suddenly opeued by him love for
Mary Boylan.
"Sweetness." be acknowledged hum-
bly to Mary, "I'm juin a bum. I'll
never be able to make you happy.
you better find somebody else. like-
ly there's somebody else now. There
must 'a been somebody else tryin' t'
grab off • little peach like you."
DimpLing, Mary confessed a prev-
ious suitor, one Peal Brown who,
owned his punabing business. __
"Only I didn't love him!"
"You'd 'a' married him if I hadn't
come along," said the Kid, with quiet
"But you would! You ain't the
kind not to want a 111. o' your own.
Mary—your own man, your man
home. your own kid& You'd 'a' mar-
ried him if I hadn't come along an'
messed it up. You oughta pick him
anyhow, Mary!"
Rare humility in hie voice, the
humility of perfect love overlooking
its own hunger in favor of Mary's se -
Marys voles ibis. Haled, with
an imminence of tears beating in it.
-But I couldn't—not now! Love
isn't something you have any control
fie knew what she meant by that:
that her love for himself was as eas-
ily and as naturally a part of her as
her breathing, and as little pomilble
to choke off.
"Don't you love me?" urged Mary
with the beet of tears ringing out
stronger in her unsteady voice.
"Love you? Gawd, it's because I
lore you—"
They were clinging in an embrace
which was the more ardent became
of an outburst of tear. on Mary's
"You frighten me sometimes!" she
sobbed. 'Trying to drive me away
from you! Saying I ought to marry
Paul Brown!"
Tears....the fire teen he had
brought her....11 she persisted in
loving lam, bow many more tears
would there be for Mary?
Silently the Kid perceived the ut-
ter cruelty of contracting a &in to
society which roust be paid by those
who loved him. He hadn't known.
He hadn't thought. He'd been just
• heedless, Irresponsible boy allowing
his feet to tread easily the path ot
false glory. But now?
CIpure, wholesome,
and economical table
Syrup. Children love
its delicious flavor.
Lowest Food Prices
PINK Tailtins 9c
Peas, Corn, Tomatoes -
Large 40 oz. jars 28c
Extra Fancy
3 LBS. 2k
Golden Wax Beans %;-:17,n, 2 Tins 23c
Atana Raisins Australian 2 '' 25c
7,1,LED,ons - Les• 25c
' -''•
Ile drew Mary closer. Kissed her
wet eye& Gave her earned reamer-
"8' help me God, Sweetnees, there's
nothing in the world I wouldn't do to
mske you happy! I'm not even thlak-
in' of myself. I only want t' do
ithat's beet for you."
• • •
He grew familiar with tbe pres-
sure of a girl's soft cheek against his
own. With the pull of a girl's mall
hand upon hie arm. With the sound or
a girl's happy voice planning a (Stun
which had to do with both. although
he himself had little to say. And he
grew, likewise, familiar with a fear
which bannted Ms footsteps perpet-
On the nights whoa the'pmg raided
freight cars conveniently niaced by
dishonest railroad employees, be
worked as efficiently as ever, but with
a difference. Momentarily he nweited
the stab of fire in the dark-
ness which would put iso end to his
happiness and Mary's. Mosneutarily
his ears strained for the sound of a
police whistle. The very element of
risk which had drawn him in the be-
ginning repelled him now. Because
whatever struck at hien struck at
Cliff avoided him and was graft
sullen, once flaming into open oroteet
"Mary was all set until you came
on the scene! Ail yub had to do was
to keep away, but euh was too poor a
sport to do that!"
'tiff I don't know that!" retorted
the Kid miserably. " 131ff it ain't
what 1 keep thinkin' saornin', noon,
an' night!"
He was curiously abashed, feeling
himelf at fault. A. redhot had no
right to love a decent girl. His own
bonew"4 agreed with CUff upoo that.
Paul Brom, the secun prospect
happiness offered by the pimmbiag
shop, he'd cut Mary off from thane.
And what had he to offer in ex-
• • •
Time mimed.
The gang fioerished, and outward-
ly his love for Mary flourished also.
He bought her present.. Lied con-
elecinglY about his frequent night
absences. Exclaimed no less convinc-
ingly with her over the epidemic Of
crime "weeping the city.
The gang controlled the city gov-
eminent now. With the gang's own
politicians holding them in check, tile
police were more or less helpless. If
a handful ot gangster, were brought
in under arrest, within twentylour
nun they were at large again. Fu-
tilely the newspapers shrieked _We -
test against existing condition, me
the gang, reading, laughed.
Snder waxed increaslogty ants
gant. Twice he shot down men in cold
blood, and the gang laid nothing, er-
cept once, when the Kid himself pro-
That guy maker me sick!" he said
one night to a small group at Jake's.
"Honest, he ain't happy unless he'm
Iselin' somebody!"
There was a frosen silence on the
.hearera. dot._31xed
Itoftisrraz At"
Spider just behind hiin.
Spider spoke significant171
make yuh sick, do I, Kid?
ain't- -that—too—bed r
Just that but the men on
_.!;1 th4
"So I
Reached &creel' the table and took bare boards, and was then minostaly
°las of Ma NUM to las, wondering still.
as alwart, haw such tiny hands could "I can't bear it!" sobbed Mary
bold hits heart so securely. wildie.
-Leoniawoo fine tonight. she_ dinned, ening the wen through
It was what be (tilled her "all °be could uot bear it either. lipider,
Mary's eyes, the Kid telt that he
Mary, Dutch and binned went an
drowsed in the most Ida ardent VOW'
comity Mot matte possible. , tutted up in what he could sot bear.
"You dirty dug!" he Untie at dean
A diamond sparkled on Idary's fin- der, revoloion and disgust blinding
ger. A jeweled bracelet slid back Was to prudence.
and forth upon her arm. A neeklace Spider ,paused en hie' progress to
which he had elaborately exPialaed the dour. The breathless bun la the
was JUit a dev" imitafien, 111: room deepened. The Kid knew lam -
•round her maid young' throat. self marked for death. Anther set-
tledMagi, he %sundered how much ond, aud he would be lying down me
Mary would enjoy her finery if she un the same door which bad received
lraevr how it Ms procured- If slat Dutch's limp body, perbapa with his
knew that nten's lives had hung in the own fingernails mating geo fame
balance in the winning of her baubles. scraetillug noise so intolerable to lie -
and that men'a honesty had paid fet ne go.
them. Mary, choking with horror, flung
Mary mulled at him. noted in front of hls, and Spider's
He aaw the utter love in her face, intares_t
the tenderness in her blue eyes ..aeowit'iouato• mitts ti -lo.• he ale
novel, atter a scrutiny prelonged to
which always* mode Mai feel guilty.
the point of insult. and °Mined w-
illies WISE Naked at him like
ward the door. _
atdf•Inainwd:1117forvest.-Whalpoishogyeart he sobbed,
which all Ma previous fears were as
The Kid lutentli -(W-Tleside
"If I'd known you. before I met the nothing; a fear that shrivelled Ms
Sane. Sweeteess, I'd goes littailidlits heart and put ice -water in his vein&
Honest, I would!" The friendly proprietor was at his
Be believed it. Told himself over elbow, speaking into Ms ear, but Kid
EMI over that he could hare made an ealy halt beard what he
honest living. Somehow. Somewhere. "I had one o' the boys bring your
As good a living perhaps as Paul car around to the side door, Kid. Beat
Brown. whom be bad once met at it with the lady while the beetle's
Mary's home and had both envied and good."
hated. Presently he found himself heading
maws male dimmed as she hack to the city with Mary, the night
glanced over Ms shoulder. air cooling hie fevered cheeks. but
Wheeling Instantly In Ms chair, be
with Mary at Ms side continuing a
saw sewer*, of ske ea.,g ewe in: tow, blokes mobbing which hurt lam
Dutch courad, ran, and a unenduratly.
The lain of hearing Mary's sobe
fellow named Dion, whom he barely
warred with the fear which had
knevAtv..the sight a them the Kid gave claimed him at Spider's insolent ap-
$ low whistle oe dismay, for Dutch
Conrad was accompanied by Seidel' Any moment now • shot might ring
out from behind • tree, or another
Hie immediate reaction
car might crowd than into the ditch
was to
iest.* at once, and be gave voice to IL beside the road, or, drawing length-
Letdig, Mary"
wise across the road Unit force them
s .
sigirre dark era widened in wir. to a halt. He himself was marked
for death. Unerringly he knew that.
prime. "Eat we've ordered!" she pro-
tested. But Mary?
Amin be wee batmewai by hie is. Inarticulately he prayed, deers
the car at frantic speed along the
ability to erplati. although he was
certain that there would be trouble mad, "Please, God, Ion out for
over thia night's work. 'Mary!"
Looking at May Firth, with her11*4 never take Mary out in the
country again. Where the crowd was
speciously golden head, he wondered
thickest was where they belonged
whether her grudge lay with Spider
or Dutch Conrad. If with Spider, from now on.
the evening sight without
Eventually, through • film of tears,
' pass
event. 'The ttlement inevitably
and with a feeling that they were a
forthcomiwetake place ewe. direct answer to prayer, he saw the
ng lds,.
lights' of the city loom no ahead.
where. But if Spider had sent May
with Dutch Conrad tu justify some • • •
grudge of him mu— . It seemed to him that Mary was
Narrowly watddig y irt eth, he different after that night at the road -
saw that ebe wan ,,,,ither nervous house. Not in so tar as her lore for
he smiled and
nor apprehensive as
him was concerned, for he still had
the tender comfort of her cheek
coquetted with Debit mad his belief
against his and the pull of her hand
that Spider had sect her hardened
upon his arm. Still had, at rarer
Dateh...poor wad fool. had intervals, the happiness of hearing
Mary plan their future togetber.
a hot ware of $'r Dutch, whom
be had found the owl likeable of the Rather was it that her find contact
gang. A square , Dutch. And
with ugly life had bruised Mary her -
ow be was definitely doomed s
self and taken away some quality of
though he had algenti_hts own death joyousness which had been esaentially
warrant, whIchlglifir Wirt. a -put at her.
The life which had permitted the
With a sick repugnance the Kid
brutal murder of Dutch Conrad be -
continued to stare hostilely at May
Firth. Leading a styaare guy like. fore her helpless eyes was not the life
Mary had felt such a pretty confid-
Dutch into • trap. Inunhing over it,
encs in. Mary no longer felt safe.
with her eye. upon the tioorwaY. Raging, the Kid perceived this, and
that, wititoct undentaindiag
"I keep dreamt's/ of that sea."
she shuddered to him in a frozen
whisper. "I wake trp creaming In the
night, remembering Isis face!"
it wrung the Kid's heartstrings. He
stopped taking Mary out. They spent
their evenings instead in the security
of Mary'e small parlor, which was In
reality no security at ell, as the Kid
well knew.
Nothing would stop Spider.
Spider, If he stone, would ride tip
to Mary's house in a car filled with
gangsters armed with mewed -off
shotguns, would force hie way into
Mary's parlor, end. throwing Mary
over his shoulder Itke a sack of weal,
And' Ditch, poor fool, Want. 1bn
tuaimokiair .4 Y -
IHe'd got to get Merit GUI -
"Let's go," be said abruptly to
Mary, pushing beck his chair. And
there was that In his Me which sent
Mary fumbling for her wraps.
side of the Kid moved back with a
frightened surge.
Spider played with the situation a
nroment and then laughed mirthless-
ly. " lilfree country," he conceded
generounly. "Evlbody's entitled to
their own opinion."
IVItich meant actually that he bad
further we for the Kid. That it was
not expedient, as yet, to pump cold
lead into him. But that some
It was all there in the cold
.4aget1 .eyea -and -the sinew, is
of lass hands.
Flpider wasn't sane! realized the
Kid for the find time And won-
dered wretchedly how many others
of the gang were abnormal. Whether
he himself hadn't a slight .train of
the unwholesome.
• • •
Then, one night, he wast forced to
nee lameelf and the gang as well
through Mary's eyes.
He had taken Mary to dinner at
one of the numerous roadhouse,* out-
ride the elty where, if neeeneary, a
friendly proprietbr would aorta hint
in a getaway. The possible need of
a getaway wax aconething he had to
figure on In thew days when hie face
was hemming better known.
The newmpapens were now creating
leach a stir that the polies were nen"
e erily more active in 'spite of condi-
tiona hampering their activities.. There
was talk of throwing out • drag -net,
and Ise never knew what moment •
hand of the hated blue uniforms
might pour through the demo of a
room in which he was trapped.
So, all thInge considered, he "pent
hie titne in two kind's of places only:
congested gathering. where he could
hide eerily among the crowds, and
iodated places where the pronpect ot
a quick getaway was favorable.
Inwardly he raged over the oecee-
elty of ehooning hide-outs to bring
Mary to, because it brought Mary In
direct contact with an undesirable
Not Infeecinently he bumped tato
others of the gang and the girls% elm
anortmenled them Onee or twire 8.
oven had to introdswe Mary to avoid
difilonItlen. and Mary had been newsy
In meth company lle had been 11Z
sow himself, Inwardly raging.
unhepolly rstraiving how ronthrned
associscloss with hint( Weent_JaliV.i.
ably mark Wary
se of "rr"tlit'Ztetrm..
?IProasterts pt
ware moor!. Hi. first hasty eine
arceindl 41.slnerd no tonsillar fan.
and he sighed with relkst Nothing
to worry about. and a long evening
shied. Joy. owtemedoi with neoad-
n em, dowel throne% hie
Thaaleitii, be 10100t1 to Mary. aimed *ft
• • •
It was, however. 'Heady too late.
Spider. with two or Mtn of Me elat-
ed adherents, was in the act of en-
tering the door. Nobody would be
aJlowed to leave until whatever was
to take place had taken Pace.
The pale eyes with their insane
glitter swept the room, poised brief-
ly at the table where the Kid sat
with Mary, registered their presence,
sod passed on.
'Spider- missal -4seessid the. group .44
whkii 'May Firth had been the laugh-
ing, noisy centre. laughter faded out
of the room as moideely an though
wiped away by a 'moose. The music
stopped upon a false note. Ppider
spoke with a determined brutality
into the 'alines voids followed.
"it'pone yuh thought nth e'd steal
my girl an' get away with ur
Dutch staid nothing.
"That don't go, seer said Snider
The others at the table fled with a
noisy npnetting of chairs, leavittg
Oplder anti Dutch tHeigg each otter.
Color faded paseeptibly from
Driteh's face, leaving it a yellowish
tellow white, but be attempted no ex-
Spider took his band from his
pocket. and Mary seleamed; a high.
thin ecream exeetly dirpliestinat that
long -ago screaw of Sillo's wife.
"Ktop hint!" she ,-tied out flereely,
pounding on the table with both flab.
"Stop him he's "meg to kill that
The Kid stood miseahly irreaolute,
hie empty Mande hanging a'. his aide.
Ile had a gat, the abort, Maw -nosed
weapon popoler with the gang, but he
would never be permitted eves to
reaeh It. One of griller's I114'n would
bnmp him off at the drst move. No-
thing he eould do, 14,
Woarizy admitting lele inability
interfere, he decided. the eittustiou
won1d, after alt, ont be traproved ea
fir as Mary wen empeoned If he shot
Spider instead of dpider shooting
Dotes, and was then shot down him-
Ilhe real blame for fatting Mary in
for anything like this wass hist Be,
came he had not broil Mean enough to
givs her np in the Mit plans. fls
MIMS. he Mot allowed nary to en-
tangle her ilre with lide,
. Solder rallied las ‘..bend Jtellher-
at,tv itiot Drees dada amid tarried
away Ille pate faeolleligelf 611 stxt,
SP no girl broke Ines tamest of
ta nee*.
y'reolf, slat 40 SW Mild-
Mils slimed
the Moor Wade
A thounand times in hie am
dreams the Kid dwelt upon this Da -
nerving poseibi I I ty
Nobody eould stop Spider. Nothing
ever had; nobody ever world.
npider himself knew that and wee
simply playing a cat and mouse game
now, watching every throb of misery
in the Kid's body, gloating over it,
striking at him through his love for
"How's the whiteface?" be
would inquire jeeringly when they
And the other', lintettine, wou
nicker In mirthless; uneasiness.
Nobody else had a grudge against
him, hunt Spider sset the tune for them
to (WIN* tn. Without Elpider
It esme to him eventually that one
thing would stop. Spider.
napt dragged aired7 by. full of
auspense and full a tsar. He never
knew now but what, stepping ont of
hie doorway, the quick vat of a fol.
Id t would follow Ms apswarance.
He never knew but what, when he
passed the month of some dark alley,
with his heart pounding between Rig
rib., • tmod of flame would stab the
dartnesk followed by the stetting
escape of an indintine Noire and his
own stagging to the pavement.
jle never knew, when something
"fltnoped *mane hie door Miring his
heasiy, fitful slumber and lent lam
into trembling wake -fulness but that
the door Sheet would come hurtling
down Minted la tely afterward.
lite never knew, whets they pilled
Job under the sheltering rover of
daftness and he was atedgited the
moat dangerous pont, trot what the
bulls wonIst wet him on a myeterton.
tip, and is lifetime behind hare woeld
prove Opider's way at aelleng otp.
Himself In prison. Spider free to
poonse WIN perhaps, the
su LrterUsHP grew thin The rotor fled from
his high eheekhonea Hie oyes held
• basted emffon.
"You're asl wdl r' seemed Wary
tragieelly. 'Toe don't tate ears et
mmessIt. Nimay. You're so thin!"
lam: custards, rich cocoa topped with
ensue eggnog& And steadily_ the
Kid grew thinner.
"I saw that an in the street to-
day," said Mary on night, shudder-
ing. raised Ms hat to me, vat
when I asesamed. tie was mak Uka
Th 1(14. Kid, himself ahuddering. wait
Dome and oind iUvwe;
revolver. He'd got to get Spider be-
fore Spider got Mary.
They pulled a Job at tbe freight
yards+ the following night.
Automobiles, twelve of theta, were
leisurely unloaded from conveniently
plated cars and leisurely driven away
Under their own power toward an ad-
joining State By daylight the ean
would be in still another State.
The Kid was look -out, standing
long minutes puffing away at • dilated
held beneath the cover of his hat, al-
most in a crisis of nerves, althotielts
as he persistently reassured himself,
Ire certainly had nothing to fear this
Spitler hhmtif was on the job,
which wee mmmosal, thesally Spider
waited atlefeit. ober* they reported
to him after the goods had been put
under cover. apider's very presence
argued absolute safety, but Spider's
presence represented also the reason
for the nervousness 'which dried the
KW* math and seat Gay shivers
chasing up and down his spin.
He was out to get Spider tonight,
and killing wasn't la his line. He'd
never nen taken a shot at the various
watchmen surprielng them In the
past. Had never fired owe upon the
hated blue uniforms pursuing them on
unlucky n1ghts. The gang would bave
laughed had they know's, but he'd
managed so tbey hadn't known.
The last of the stolen cars moved
away. The group of Mitt worken as-
sembled, with Spider tering out Ma-
rled instructions.
"Scatter'n lie low a few days, boys.
See you next Tuesday at Jake's."
Itomewhere in the distance an
alarmed whistling began, followed by
the rapid beating of a night stick up-
on city pavement. Some cop, seeing
a procession ot unlicensed can pro-
ceeding from the fretght yards, was
giving the alarm.
Not, however, near enough to be
dangerous, realized the Kid. Flatber
favoring his own pan instead. He'd
drop behind, plug Holder, aed tbe
gang would think the cope aki it.
That would le him out from possible
reprisal by Spider's immediate follow -
Now that the imminence or his pro-
npective deed was upon him, he found
hitesett shaking and &wallowing at a
lump in his throat Spider, though
Ise was scum, was life. And to stamp
out life— .the Kid sighed, regrettlag
the necessity.
Remembrance of Mary steadied
him as be dropped back witlie the
others stampeded toward safety.
Where was Spider? Not with the
fleeing group. Not at lg. side. With
his gun held uocertainly 10 hie head,
be stood searching the daftness&
Muetn't mate a mistake....
Something struck him smartly in
the chest. He staggered, sinking
down node' ciao knee, set-MallIEbrKt
a few feet away, poised for flight.
Spider also had seised the oppor-
tunity to kill and conventenUy Ian
the blame elsewhere, and finder had
shot first.
With immense effort the Kid premed
ria6t atm upon Me knee. —
leaping, zigzag bounds not indlite
those of a kangaroo he had OMNI sees
In a movie.
In • dreamlike apathy be sighted
and pulled the trigger, rewarded for
tbat enormous expenditure of effort
by a steady deluge of shot from his
Spider collapsed.
"Pretty good!" +sighed the Kid
weakly, himself collapsing as the first
of the blue uniforms reached his side.
• • •
It was daylight when he opened
hi. eyes, and he woe lying upon •
narrow hospital bed with Mary W-
A one side of him and • huge po-
ceiaan on the other.
"Cliff brought me here," said Mary,
la response M hie 'silent interrogation.
He penned that Mary was very
Poor Mary, me yowling to 8.
se me -
happy, and so um -happy help bemuse
he had come into her life! Well,
she knew all about him now.
"Never any good. /..oultht to have
kept away," he apologised feebly, in
a yoke which seemed hardly to be-
long to him.
It woe true. Mary ',mold have
married Paul Brown if he'd kept
away. And, after all. what was a
dlfl'erenee In eyes, in the color of hair,
In a tone of voice? He was • man,
the plumber wan • man, and the
plumber wax the better !nen of the
"Mary laid her hand across his lip*.
"Don't talk! 111 do the talking."
She looked hard at the big pollen
man and at something in her ',an
the big polleeman roste awkwardly
and went • decent interval away.
"I love you," informed Mary 'dark-
ly. "I don't care how hed you are, 1
love you anyway. I'll always love
you"--ehe paused, panting. "If yoe
have to go to jail, I'll tw waiting for
you when you get out. And well start
all over. '11rogether! 111 marry you
before you go, If they'll let as, just
so you'll be gun I'm welting"....
• • •
There was a girl for you! She
meant what dm said, little Mary....
it eame to him then, reesotely, as
though he were an ineredible disease*
from hia own thought., that benne
Mary was like that, he OWINI her more
than 1? she'd beet the kind to dig mit
at the lint hint of trouble.
Mary deserted the beat there was
In life. and It wan np to hire to get
it for her if he email stm with mat
forlins ni nttee renthtesems, bp tried to
ibrecast the fataro.
wee gilId miaow, nr lot
nen It they enuldn't ranee filpIderes
&nth 00 Mm....the passionahr wish
Gut Seeder was stead resurrepted it-
self. There would be plenty they
could tastes upon lam. thing* peomfb-
ly is which be had bed two pert bet
aka, Wei 411ilektiet amity IMMO ler wove serve to. deprive him of
.4* •
freedom. A redhet In prim was veg.
w an to be stamped out. Rysi the galig
would feet that way about 11, mooing
a menace in the possibIlity of his
11. saw Mary waiting through the
Wag Mrs- 115 flew himself Waltlag
through those sante long yearu boiled
bars. Ile maw Paul Stowe wattles
Mary mast what eke said, but she
didn't understand, poor little kid 1
Mary was thinklag they would take
things up where they'd len off, whoa
he cum out. Thinking abe would
love him just the same, through all
the years of dismal separation, mot
understanding that lib never stood
s1111....11. could have wept at Marra
tender folly.
Mary would marry the plumber, if
he stepped out. Only after a season
ot heartbreak, perhaps, but eventually
she would marry him, all ber pale
over at once, instead a drawn out
over lonely years....
Mary went away. Th. big police-
man returned to hie chair. Blair
ke later:sled tbe Kid that he had •
hole in hie cheat big enough to above
• fist into, and about a fifty-fifty
chance of getting well. That Spidat
was dead. And that Mary- wee tee
pretty a girl to be allowed to cry Mt
eyes out when he could be get**
back to her soon it he'd only be rea-
Turn up the rest of the gang? Buy
his freedom by pulling the dirty on
the Mulch? Squeal on • square guy
like Cliff, for hasten*? &meal as
Mary's brother?
"Wouldn't that be nicer am"
mented the 1114
But for • iis-oseite had a ware ef
heartsick longing for Mary and the
life they two might contrive together
if he bought Ms freedom at the price
Begin all over -but • guy couldn't
fall as low as that. Not if he had
anywhere in him the makings of a re-
gular guy. Even a redbot couldo't
barter the small tarnlahed remnant oe
honor lett to Mos and not be despised
of mem.
"I hqte Mod I die!" said the KM
With longing for beatts so urgent
in him that presently it saggested
Painfully he Mooched laisseelf side-
ways. Very cautioudy, under cover
of the sheltering bedclothes, he
draggled hie hand up to the hole In
his breast. With the image of Mary
vividly before him, he pulled away
the bandage, feeling almost •t mace
the Waggish bow of • beginning hem-
"Pretty good!" sighed the Kid, in
what was half -way triumph over the
unsuspecting policeman at his ride
and half -way • wistfulness of relin-
quishment. "Pretty good!"
- -4-
BELFAST, lierch 21.—Mr. and -
Mrs. Herb. &others and son, of Dun- -
gannon, visited at Mr. Alex. Hach-
ette on Thturilay. 4ACISthritadir"
'ger aed lire. George Phillip,'
Fordyce visited recently with the tat-
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. lobe
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace ?swami"
and family. of Lecknow, spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Will Alton,
Soy Sleek
impetnt • low 417.
last week at Mr. Wilson Irwin's.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam 8wan aod Mr.
and Mrs. Les. Molts., of Dungannon,
spent an evening last week at Mr.
Will Attn.&
Mies Lednor spent the week -end •t
bee home at Port Albert.
Mrs. John Darrow of Lueknow Is
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wllson
Mr. and Met Roy Alton and fam-
ily apeot Saturday with friends at
Port Albert.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Alton and Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. Webster, of the etb
concession of West Wawenoah, visited
recent!, at Mr. Roy Alto's.
it was Billie's lint trip to Me coun-
try. Outaide the farmhouse be saw
the farmer's' wife packing • fowl for
meat day's dinner.
-I say, ma 'am," be said, "do you
maiTries 'em every itIght?"—Pseremes.
Comer te the
Do TOD want to foal *brays at
your best? To meet each day
wtth fresh vitality? You can.
For when you're healthy, you're
A &Belong cereal provides ths
"bulk" that is so important im
overcomingeommee constipation.
Teats show Kellogg's ALL -
Ilium also rupplifo vitamin II
to further aid regular habits.
In addition, ALL-BiLaN is twice
as rich in Iron aa an equal weight
et boat liver.
The "bulb' in Au,Dmite is
moth like that in leafy vege-
tables. What a rellef to enjoy
an aopetising cereal instead of
taking patent inedielees.
—11ferva aa • serial or nes in
AVON ednewlaih"
age. Sold by all
meows. Mads by
Kellogg le Lee-
dom. Ontario.