The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-03-18, Page 4F is t moth 18,'5 u. The March session of West bili�� bond coverage, spray Wawanosh Township Conn- liability and contents and cil took place in the Munn equipment in the Municipal eipal Office of the Public : Buildings WorksBuilding rk ln;on Tuesday Motion , by .; Councillors. afternoon, March 3, 1981. All " Seeger and Cranston, "That members were in attendance the Township of West Wawa- with Reeve Durnin , presid nosh hereby authorizes that in g buildingits be'i sued. � perm s o. The: minutes of the Febru- . L. Miller (barn -workshop) ary meeting were read and . and L. Selent (implement adopted on motion of Court- shed)". cutCranston osand Brind- David :'Erringtonspoke to ley. Council on behalf of the Re - Three owners on the And- creation Committee, and out- rews-Finnigan Drain (Bob " lined some of the activities Hallam, Harold. Menary and planned/6r the coming year. Marinus Bakker), attended, , Motion, by . " Councillors before Council and discussed Durnin and Cranston, "That an alleged tile blockage in ` West Wawanosh Township the drain. Motion by Coun- Council hereby adopts the cillors Cranston and Brind- 1981 Road Program as -pre- ley, "That, when the ground pared and: presented, show- is sufficiently dry,µthe Drain- ing a total budget of age Superintendent. is here- $218,000.00, for a subsidy with authorized to hire a total of $130,500.011". biickhoe to explore the Motion by.. Councillors trouble spots on the And- dBrindle and 5 "That ee$er, a y revs -Finnigan Drain to de- West Wawanosh' Township termite the reason for the Council hereby accepts the water backup and 'a possible proposal of K. Smart Assoc- solution to the ',problem". fates Limited, Kitchener, for Marinus Bakker also questhe survey and preparation �f tioned Council about a recur-1plans for licensing rn$�the three ring cattle problem on his gravel pits under the Town- iproperty, and whether or not ship's control, at an upset the Township could offer any figure of $3;000.00". assistance. • Motion by Councillors Dave Reed, of Frank Cow- Cranston and Durnin, "That an Insurance, and Frank For-. West Wawanosh Township an . attended. the... Council , Council , hereby. authorizes meeting and: Mr. Reed re- the Road, Superintendent" to' viewed the Township's incur- advertise in three local pap- ance coverage. Council. auth- ers for tenders for crushing nriz d ncre s a es to be written and applying approximately . . into policies for non -owned, 20,000 cubic yards of granu- auto liability, owned auto lia- lar material on Township roads and approximately 5,000 cubic yards. on 1981' new construction". The road accounts were. ordered paid on motion : of Councillors Durnin and ,See -' ger- B-l► #4.1981given a was gven third and final reading on . motion of Councillors Crane' ston and Brindley. This by-law imposes" a special rate on a property to recover a tile drain loan. Before considering appli- cation received for counting dogs' `in the, Township for 1981; Council agreed to consider an application that was received by the Clerk 55 minutes after the advertised closing time. Councillor Brindley declared a conflict of interest.: Motion by Coun- cillors. Seeger and Cranston, "That West Wawanosh Township Council hereby accepts the application of Mike Brown, R. will. 2, Luck - now, : to count° dogs in the 4.. Township for the year 1981 at a cost of $1.90 per dog". By -Law #5, 1981 was given third reading . and. finally passed by motion of Council- lors Dandle and Seeger.;This by-law increases ' the fees required to' be paid by dog owners. The . fees ;;d to be chargednow are: $5.00 for the first male or spayed female; $'10 00 for the sec-, ond, $10.00 � for the first female and $20.00 for each. additional female. Council was informed that If vehicles interfering . with snowplowingate covered un- der the Highway Traffic Act, and once an 'offending vehic- le licence number is 'submit-. ted to the Ontario Provincial Police they will take'the appropriate action. Motion by Councillors Brindley' and :Cranston, "That By -Law ; #3, 1981 to regulate parking on roadsides is hereby repealed by West Wawanosh Town- ship Council. . The :Clerk was requested to continue with her attempts to obtain assistance in allevi- ating the parking problem caused. by skiers' vehicles on. concession 2, in the hope of' having a ' concrete . solution before fo win r.. meat. to . .. . shfieId t�.Shi, counc ecides to replace Crozier bridge A special meeting was held` on Monday, March 9 regarding the Crozier Bridge, concession 6, E.D. Lee Authice and Ross Jackson from: the Ministry of Transportation . and Com- munication were present \and. Ken Dann from B.M. 'Ross. and Associates, Goderich. After lengthy' discussion, a.. motion was passed \authoriz- ing B. M. Ross and Associa- tes to proceed with plans and. \ specifications for a '' nebv bridge to replace the present one. Township, of 1 Ashfield Council met on March 3 with all members present. ; The tender of Joe Kerr Ltd. Wingham Ontario to crush and deliver approxi• mately, 35,000 _ cu. yards of gravel .at'a'price of $1.77 per yard and .:1000 yards in a stockpile :at $1.00 .peer yard was accepted.. The tender of Pollard Bros, Harrow, Ontario, to supply and apply approximately 140 tons of .calcium .chloride on .. roads at $135.85 per ton was accepted. The tender of Can -Am :Oil Services, ., Breslau, Ontario,. to supply and apply approx- imately 6000 gallons of road oil on roads at 55.4 cents per gallonwas accepted: These tenders are all sub- ject to the approval of the M.T.C. Gary Jewitt,' principal of Brookside School,' was pres- ent with 'a proposal to form an agreement with the Town- ship to construct a Creative Playground at Brookside School. Council agreed to co-operate and a formal -agreement will be drawn up. . Building permits were ap- ' _' proved for Phil Foster (hog barn), William, Irvin (hog Bann); and Herb Wilkins (garage): Road accounts . of $39,641.70 and general ac- counts of $33.,955.35 were approved for payment:. Council agreed to pay their share of the .proposed' new renovation project at the W'ngham and District 'Hos- pital of $5,000 to be paid one half in -1981 and oneiialf in `1982: Impienent� ��s, • Hog Borns L . Cattle She& E1c. Free Estimate No Obligation John W. Henderson LuflberLtd, 1- 4( 4( 9 9 .9' - *- *. 9' 9' .9k . * nine Lunch and Refreshments N 1(( 4 : 41#.414._ ..44,4t****4-44.4,*.#14.***,..***. itIN*110Mi,14.1)1007.. Kinsmen's 2nd A000 udrnow C�i'mun.ity Cenlire ON SA 1URDA Y,MARCH 28th 9:30 1:00 INcAH QRAWS 1® $300.00 '. $100 " $ per couple (Only 250 Tickets To Be Sold] Tickets' Available From A4 Kinsmen Member or At mei i , 's Insurance Agency, Button'it Meat 3 et, Johnstone Furniture, Or At the boor WhH They L.s't