The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-03-11, Page 20et. Mizettit110ig The regular meeting of Kinloss Council was held on the evening of March 2 with. Reeve Barry Johnston and all councillors present. A motion by councillors llaldenhy and Gibb approved the allocation of $7,000.00 based on 7% of the target of $100,000.00 to be raised by municipalitiesfor the build- ing and renovation project at the VVinghai t and District Hospital. °Payment, is to be made in two ; equal instal- ments, one in Jury 1981 and; one in July 1982. Quick Print (Hanover) is to be :, engaged to 'print the Kinloss restricted area .zon- ing bylaw as their quote was the lowest of the four receiv- ed: $100.00 is to be granted to the Lucknow, Agricultural Society. as was ; granted last year. Motions were made to call tenders for crushing hauling and spreading 18,000 cubic yards of "A" gravel, stock s piling 8,000 cubic yards "A" gravel and for spreading ,gravel on township ratepay- «ers private roads; for 60,000 cubic yards of "B gravel for construction; for heavy machinery rental; for 150 flake tonnes liquid alcium chloride; for quotes on cor- rugated metal pipe; for one 1981 model, 35,000 lb. G.V.W. truck equipped with, diesel motor and for one 5 h.p. single phase air com-. pressor. All the tenders . are The. National Farmers Un-. ion Ottawa Lobby Action on the Crow rate"''had a busy day on Tuesday as some 50 groups of 4 people fanned out through, Parliament Hill offices,. "to, discuss the Crow Rate with members of parlia.. ment. Contact of individual M. P s followed a morning meeting of. the 225' member delegation . with Transport Minister Jean Luc Pepin and other Cabinet-. Minister in - chiding Wheat .Board,Mims- ter Hazen Argue; Senator A. H. Olson; and Employment and Immigration Minister Lloyd -Axworthy.: While Tram Stanley'and Love place second O.n March 7th Lucknow de featbd Saugeen Bowl 29.18. tucknotiv scores were: Ron Stanley 1342, Dan Dawe 1181, Gerry Ross 1157, Bob. Greer .1065, Bob . "Cransten 986, Bob Love 951.. On March 8th Ron Stanley . and Bob Love placed second in Molesworth's 3-6-9 tourn- ament. They wen $75. Wins lottery The Winghant and District Association MR lottery draw February winners are A E. Herbert, Lucknow,, weekend prize winner and M. and Mrs. R. Hotnuth, Clinton, $1500. • tr Mr. and Mrs. rs. Ken Barger and girls, Toronto visited. over the weekend with rets- tives and .friends in the Lucknow ' area. Visitors on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barger Sr., were Ken and Janet, • Lisa • and Michelle li from Toronto, Herb and Roseline, Tara and Matthew. Kineardone and Bill and Anna and Anna May from. Hanover, to be in the Road Super- intendents office by 12.00. p.m. noon on April 6, 1981. Building ' permit .applica- °tions were approved for Mrs. Peter de Boer to construct a silo and for Brian Wolee for machinery shed. General accounts for S7,065.28 and highway ac counts for $13,073.55 were. ordered paid. -- Representatives of the. Lucknow Tractor Pull Assoc- iation attended council ;to enquireabout the possibility of having a liquor vote. On ..February 16 council passed by-law 5.1981 which is a bylaw to require the fencing of privately owned swimming pools. By-law 7=1981 which is the 'est rates ort Minister Pepin repeated earlier statements suggest- ing some uggesting'some need for change to the Crow Rate structure, the NFU position for the reten ;tion of the Crow was strongly 'supported. by Senators Argue and Olson. - The delegation received an unexpected bonus on Tues- day afternoon when some of the NFU executive members were invited to' meet Prime Minister Trudeau at his office at Parliament Hill. At the one half hour - meeting that . took place. Trudeau emphasized . to.. the B group that :witlout ' greater` E, . ; apparent concensus on the Crow issue'.than is currently evident in Western Canada, no change will be made. A meeting with the Senate Transport Committee indic- ated general support for the retention of the Crow "until something better comes al ong As one Senator from New Brunswick observed - rail. service in the Maritime prov- inces had started to go down . hill once it was agreed to enter into negottiations with the railways in the Maritime. Freight Rate Act. A general meeting with. the Progressive Conservative caucus heard. the P.C. Trans. port =critic, Don,Mazankowski. state that his party" supports retention of the Crow Rate' at its present level. Former Agriculture ..Minister John Wise, who chaired _the meet restricted area by-law of the corporation of the Township of Kinloss supercedes the previous restricted, area by- law, 16. The road superintendent was instructed to prepare the' specifications for a single axle, 35,000 lb. G.V.W. truck with diesel motor and plow- ing equipment . and same subject to M.T.C. approval. A' motion was approved to submit the 1981 road budget to the M T.C.,forapproval as presented by the road super - intendant. Council passed a motion to donate $100.00to the, Bruce County Ploughmen's Associ- ation and $50.00 to the Salvation. Army. ing, . told the delegation' he was not disturbed at the need to subsidize railways on grain movement that would assist some 150,000 grain producers because as a dairy farmer he knows of the importance to 60,000 milk producers of the federal $300 million dairy subsidy pro- gram. An evening report back session of the delegates found everyone in high spir- its and- anxious to continue their lobbying efforts ` on Wednesday prior to return- ' ing to their ;homes, The largely Western:,dele. gation is being supported by. approximately 60 NFU mere-. hers. from Ontario and the Maritimes., : . SIM *1.00 • p• ritual Mille $4 *°I) Pa Won EVERY Can Of CU Paint DISCOUNTED Open Everyy /110d ►y Closed iadilY Tour Complete Nine. Decorating Centre CARPETING SOLARIAN AND CORLONS DRAPERIES Yr)t'n rOMPI,ETF: )U)ME DECORATiN ; (ENT FINLAY CORATORS LD"C1t0W,, O 410 WALLPAPER AND C.14 PAINTS PHONE 5284434 F.- • SCHNEIDER'S 500 G. ILLE1 T ST SCHNEIDER'S 175 G. McCORMICKS BLOSSOM 200 G. UNIVERSAL PINKC7 3/, OZ. f * **Gooses COTTONELLE WHITE 4 ROLL PAK OLD SOUTH FROZEN 12 V2 OZ. ORANGE CAS$19 E WE STAN: WHITE MEALTIME 24 OZ. BREAD $1 2F�.....OR • OR ONTARIO 10 LB. BANG IDA 3 ,LB. BAG ops APPLES ONTARIO 16'S OPEN SIX DAYS ••i.. •....•..........••.•• 594 'WE -DELIVER QUAUTY CANADIAN CLOTHING - • fir the No* • CASUAL WR Jews Conk Skirts • Accat: 1.ORKI tompkNe Lias to tit i�t,6iD # or Lucknow 1, Phone 528 2526