The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-03-11, Page 6Marek 11, 19 By Valetta Emaeli4 Lost Monday evenbig progressive euchre party was held at Whitechurch Hall by Women's institute commit- tee Mrs. James Wilson, Mrs. Reisel Gaunt and Mrs: Net- tie :Ross. There were five tables in play. Winners were, high man, Fred Tiffin; low man. Jack Maclntyre; high lady. Mrs: Dan Tiffin; low lady, Mrs. John A. Currie and draw, John Sproal. Mc. and Mrs. Charlie M4ore of Cobalt were Mon- day visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Victor Emerson and, other village residents; Char- lie at one time resided in the house now owned by Walter" Moore. The World Day of Prayer was held in Whitechurch United Church on Friday, March .6. The leaders were Mrs. Lorne Durbin and Mrs. Roely deBoer. The readers were Mrs. Millan Moore, Mrs. John de Boer and Mrs.: Wesley Tiffin:.: Mrs. Don Ross was organist for the meeting. The guest speaker was• Mrs. John Bell, ' introduced by Mrs. ,Roely de Boer. Her I topic was The Earth is the Lords and the fulness there- of, theworld and they that dwell therein.: Mrs. Bell was.. thanked by Mrs: Millan Moore. Mr. and-Mrs..Bill Porteous of. Lucknow were Sunday afternoon' visitors . with Mr. Rural correspondent ipeak s .. o Holyrood wa. The . Holyrood Women's 4institutemet on Thursday iefternoon at the home e of iss Edna Boyle. Mrs. Lorne Eadie presided for the meet. Mrs. William MacPherson d the minutes and corres- dence and gave the finan- ' statement. ' The roll call • wa an item of interest from a 1 newspaper. • . • J dges for the homemade St, Patrick's Day cards were Mrs. Agnes Hodgins and Mrs. Gerald Murray. Those. winning the prides were Mrs. John . Scott and Miss Enda Boyle. Miss Edna Boyle nils the prograht convener and open- ed with An Irish, Joke. The topic was varied expdntences of a rural newspaper comes- pondent given by Miss.•May Boyle. She also gave . an account of the Rural Cofies- pondents Seminar which she and other rural correspond- ents attended .in 1980. Mrs. Prank .Maulden eipressed thanks to May for the many years that ache has reported the news . for Kinlough and area in the Lucknow Sentin- el, and on behalf of the ladies presented her with , a gift in appreciation. IScott gave a St. trick's Day reading • and Mrs. Agnes Hodgins, gave a• well prepared motto, Tune flies butremember you are the navigator. A peen Con* test was conducted by Miss Edna Boyle. Mrs, Agnes . e s �gae the yrep and Mrs. Victor Emerson. Rev. and Mrs. John Bell spent the beginning of . the week at their cottage at Inverhuron. The United Church Wom- en om en have been, buy quilting at the home ofMrsrs. Dave Gibb and Mrs. Elmer Sleightholm. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Earl Wilkens is a patient in Wingham Hospit- al. The community wishes her a speedy recovery. On Wednesday, Mrs. Vic- tor Emerson suffered a blackout spell . at noon and remained so till 3.30 when the ambulance was called. Shewas then taken to Wing ham .:Hospital where a check- up discovered nothing ser- iously wrong, The doctor sent her home and she has recovered. Mr, and Mrs, Rqqp `Rich olson and 'Erin of Slrathroy were. Sunday visitors with. herparents, Mr, and Mrs. John de Boer. r. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Laid- law, Michelle and Jason of London, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr.. and' Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw and Mr.. and Mrs. Walter Elliott,. On. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott and Karen, Mr: and Mrs. David Elliott of Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. Barry Elliott and Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Elliott, Jeffery and Leslie of Brussels and Mr. and Mrs, Paul Laidlaw, Michelle and Jason of Lon- don visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Henderson 'of Lucknow area. Jack Whytock had charge of the services in the United Church on Sunday here and at Bluevale. • , The public school, pupils`. enjoyed a holiday Monday as it was Professional Develop- ment Day for the teachers at school. • Mr. 'and Mrs. Alan 'Fal- coner, Tony, Timmie and Amy and Mr. • and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin spent Saturday with Mrs. Cassie Mowbray " and Brian and Lynn Falconer of.. Sarnia and pn Sunday went to Watford to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McMil lan and family.; Mr. and Mrs. Angus Fal- coner visited onthe weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Hector Purdon of Strathroy.. Mr. and Mrs. Don Stewart Of Teeswater were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans visited Tuesday' and Wed- nesday with Mr. and Mrs. Eric Evans of Hyde Park. Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rintoul and Kevin were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rintoul and Brian and Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Speiran of Brussels and in the evening Mr. and Mrs. Paul Elliott, Jeffery and Leslie of Brussels; We are sorry to report that Mrs. Ethel Stewart .. is . a patient in Wingham Hospital. for a checkup,' Visitors on Sunday .with`. Mr. and Mrs. Carl . Mcelen- aghan and Mrs. Mary Mc- Clenaghan were Mr. and Mrs. Melvin McClenaghan of Waterloo and Mrs. Eileen Parker, Benji. and Billie ' of Exeter. • • Stockman's Steerhide Gloves 1 pr. FREE with purchase of 2 tonnes of COOP Beef Supplement • constructed of tough genuine steethidit • durable Roper quality • straight thumb for ma euverability 6. • dome fastener, tan • UCO suggested retail value $11.95 (Limit 2 pairs per cus omen.) fIMAMCIMii AVAILABLE THROUGH Phone 5297911 OFFER ON ALL PURCAHSES VALID UNTIL MANCH 21•1,1981 colt