The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-03-11, Page 2Noe 111. •fro. Pe .1 Bruce is that Elston expect they will hesitate if they win the election. Once the election is .. over, says Elston, they will want to sit on it as long as possible. Elston wants the growth and development. at the Bruceorderly, to. be controlled and y, While he wants the agri park to expand and: industry to move in because the jobs are needed in this riding, he wants to be sure the development is:. well : integrated with the surrounding community. He doesn't want to see thepeople ' of the area, P p : displaced.: He wants: environmental studies done to ensure the -development:: will not .:damage the local tourist ,: industry, -farmingindustry or ;small: business. For the small businessmen, Elston wants to see a grant or, credit system encouraging, research and development projects. Ontario has a branch . plant economy which is, seriously affected by layoffs and plant shut. downs, says Elston. Research and develop ment should be done in Ontario, leading to products which can be exported. A program;. allowing' for tar deductions for research and development would also provide an incentive.:. for the small business man, =suggests7Elston. There is ,a small company`:. in "Lucknow which has added two new productsto the, major products they already make and have received no grants for .resea-rch or develop - ment, notes Elston. In the- meantime, they 1 forin.th`.. oil'` Canada. Harron wants : to see e eC ads,: price of oil at 75:';per cent of the world price. To set the. price'of oil at the world 'level would be `, an "economic disaster for :;this province, says Harron Ontario's economic prob!ems are a result of tlie cost of fossil fuels, he adds. Harron predicts hydrogen is the fuel of the future and he wants to see the :development of hydrogen as an' alternate fuel. Hydrogen is produced by splitting hydrogen from oxygen in water using ` electricity. `;Both Water ` and electricity are available at the Bruce Nuclear Development, says Harron who believes the Bruce would be an ideal location for the production of hydrogen. It: was announced ; last week that the federal and provincial' governments will proceed with an experimental 'pilot project on hydrogen as an alternate fuel. Harron says the role of the Bruce Economic. Development Committee: is to act ' as a watchdog that, the industry which comes to theBruce industrial park is compatible with - have had no assistance with high interest rates at a time when they've had to carry ,a large inventory because . sales of . one major produeclined due to the unusual weather conditionover the last two winters. "You cannot leave small , business sit alone like that," remarks. Elston. He believes there areo le in this riding P� P who are disillusioned with the : Davis' government and politicians in general. This concerns. him: "Once people lose the will to work to improve, then you're in real trouble,"' "he observes, People are concerned when the health ministry closes beds at local hopsitals, says `ferep; page the area's tourist. -and farming industry As chairman of the committee,'' Harron is interested in hydrogen production as - the Bruce and also the expansion of : the agri-park.' The Davis government, has announced an agricultural incentive grant for growers in . the Leamington area to relocate atthe Bruce park;when the park expands to 10 acres. Harron wants to see the park supply Ontario with tomatoes and lettuce to reduce the cost of importing these vegetables year round. Should the agri-park expand to reach its 'potential, the park would become a tourist attraction in this area, (Harron points out. A feasibility study hasbeen announced which' will determine the feasibility of a deep. water harbour " at Kincardine. Harron is pleased the federal and „provincial govern- ments are proceeding with this study, because a deep water harbour is vital for the location of some of the industries who have already indicated 'an interest in locating at.� • the Bruce. Harron believes the people. 'of Huron Bruce are satisfied 'with the; Performance -:of the Conservative government. He knows there are some areas, such as loans and assistance for farmers and small business men; where�.tlie� people of� this ridingw ant' the government to increase their support. • Harron says thereis a strong indication . the people of the riding are not in favour of eliminating grade 13 as proposed;: .B by Liberal.,.. leader Stuart Smith. Harron believes` Ontario's health and wel fare and senior citizens'programs• are' the best in 'Canada. Many y seniors have told Harron they've never had it so good. Harron dmits there are areas where the. a.. people : are not satisfied with the Davis government but the hopes to take these concerns to Queen's Park and work to make ' improvements. If there are areas of the Conservative partys platform which Harron does not agree with, he believes he has the obligation to go to Queen's . Park and tell them. Elston, and then provides ` huge. capital grants for the expansion of facilities. But what this government , hesitates to . tell the people is there is no money available for the extra maintenance costs and extra staff, "What we have now is a little jingle put out by the Conservative party that, says, ' "HP el Bill keep the promise" "Well he's the one who has been making the promise for the last 10 years Tel now, other situations he's de 'ded to like so many , turn it over to the people again and said, `Well, 1 made the promise., you people fulfull it'.., Elston also objects to the government's waste of taxpayers' dollars. Their land .banking policy has resulted, in several schemes which have gone awry. Edwards- burg was purchased as an industrial site and has now been turned over to the ministry of natural resources as a reforestation pro1ect. The land at South Cayuga was purchased•to. build a city andis now the , location of ,a proposed li9uid Waste disposal site. And there "is the white elephant, Minaki Lodge. Elston marvels at the gross immorality of spending thtmoney without ever. coming to the representatives of the people'for their tr. PP , approval. Elston is also concerned about the govern - Merit's support of the province's education system;. The number of dollars has increased but rovincial support has . slipped from 60 .P.., PP PF per cent to 51 per cent. The difference has to be 'made up at the local level: Elston is disappointed with :the govern- ment's response to workers : who want retraining apprenticeships. The province spends millions importing skilled labour when 55,000eo le in theprovince want an P P apprenticeship opportunity The govern- ment's; response is a program which provides only 12,000 apprenticeship oppor- tunities. Why not retrain the people who are not needed in the auto industry right ht now to do the Y Po jobs. taken b : im ' �: rted skilled,labour? • asks Elston. 4 . �.... ODER YOUR R TRAIL OR 3 PT:" HITCH CULTIVATOR TODAY Made to your size requirements evellingAvailable Trailand Mounted for Cultivators and Discs s TRAIL TYPE CULTIVATOR with Fold out wings. ideal 'dabble iultivatlon etc. Weber ,cultivators are eapecl�y for great performance far rough terrains and extra'' heavy duty use. Stnrdy2Va "'z2V/a '1 bOst frame; conatructton gives the cultivator strength and durability. ADJUSTABLE FOR VARIABLE WORKING DEPTH. Weber cultivators ate $old tested and witbeta ld ragged arse. 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