The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-03-04, Page 11° •:"•' • ' •• 40 1981 The Kinloss Kairghea Women's Institute held their curator meeting on Thurs. day, February 19 at 1.30 p.m. at the home of Mrs, Leonard. MacInnes. The president, Mrs. Allan Mac- Dougall, welcomed all to the meeting. I Mrs. Leonard Clarke read the scripture. The secret- ary -treasurer, Mrs. Donald wintry, read a letter frern e provincial president, Mrs. Keith Heipleh. The committee to look after the Fall Fair exhibit is Mrs. Hank Hartemink, Mrs. Frank MacKenzie and Mrs. Farish Moffat. Mrs. Moffat 1,1 reported that a box of choco- lates had been given to each of the two men in the Kair- shea roam at the Wirtgliarn Hospital for Valentine's Day. Mrs. Gordon Wall reported on the entertainment for Pinecrest Manor on Satur- day, February 21. There will. be a 'final meeting for the embroidery class on March 10 at Mrs. Donald MacKinnon's. Mrs, Brian Doelman reported that there are six girls taking the 4-H course, "Get ready, get set, sew". Mrs. Jack Mali is the assistant leader for this course. Mrs. Evan Keith is to be the new Federated Repre- sentative for South Bruce District. Mrs. Allan MacDougall told the ladies of the Pants, Course sponsored by the • , 4.4**44 • . • ' •• u hall'ststor Department of Agriculture and Food in Walkerton. Mrs. Allan MacDougall, Mrs., BM Haldneby, Mrs. Frank Mac- Kenzie, Mrs. Brian Doelman and Mrs. Clarence Ritchie are the Kairshea ladies tak- ing the three day course. Mrs. Harvey Houston was, ch airI ad y for the prograni. She led in the sing -a -long and gave a reading. The motto, "Most footprints on the sands of time were made by work boots", was well given by Mrs. Cliff Roulston. !' • • the hall as a school in 19fAr for $1.00 and told of the different renovations since then. She closed by reading a pon, Grandma's Quilt ' Mrs. Donald MacKinnon conducted a contest Mrs. Leonard Clarke gaire a hum- orous reading. , ° The roll call, Bring your wedding picture or one of your mother, a family snapshot for the Tweedsmuir Books, was most interesting. They •showed many different styles and gowns and kept some wondering -who they were Mrs. Evan Keith told of the Island of Jamaica which she and her husband had visited. Mrs. Cliff. Roulston gave the courtesies. A delic- ious lunch was served by the hostess and directors, Mrs. Harry Lavis and Mrs. Leon- ard Cla.rke., • Mrs. Houston gave the topic, Our Institute Hall. It was the most interesting and informative to the newer members of the institute. She said the institute bought • n, s new ir By May Boyle • • • Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bushell on the arrival of their , baby daughter, Rachael Dawn, in Wingham and District Hos- pital; to Mr. and Mrs. Bob MacDonald, concession 10, a baby girl and to Mr: and Mrs. Grant Eckenswiller, the A proud grandparents of a • granddaughter. The baby's parents are Brenda and Bernard Cam bell • • • Sympathy is extended to 1. the Birt family in the death if their father, the late Charles Burt, who passed away at Brucelea Haven. He was 93 ,f2 years of age and formerly a resident of our community. All of his family were. home for the funeral on Sunday at Kincardine. Friends .from 1,,•• A social evening and euchre party was enjoyed at the ,Townhip hall, Holyrood, on Thursday evening. Six tables were in play and those winning prizes were high gent, Ross Cutriming; high lady, Mrs. William MacPher- son; lucky. lady, Mrs. Ross Cumming and lucky gent, Harold Stickwood. Sympathy is extended to • the Murray family in the passing of , their uncle, the late William Collison. Mrs. - Reg Br° n of concession 10, is also a niece. Mr. and Mrs. George Burt and children and Mr. and Mrs. Ray„Fransisco of Toion- to visited withtheir parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burt, Paul and Terry and attended their grandfather's funeral on here also attended. Sunday. ine River UCW chooses topic, love Mrs, Ken Farrell was host- letter from her family in ess for the February meeting Lesotho, Africathe third of PIne River U.C.W. when poorest country in the world. dessert was served at 1 p.m. Following the courtesies the The president, Mrs. Jack president gave the thought • Campbell extended a wel- for the day, and the closing come, and opened the meet- ' prayer. ing with a poem. Mrs, Ralph Coles conven- Town, and ed the program , on the theme, Love. The scripture ‘..4 ' . was read by Mrs. Delbert ountry Wilson. Two splendid read - lugs. •Partners, and Awes hsome power. of hunian love, old. 'Were given by Mrs. Coles. z She' stated that love is the valentine Only thing in .the world of • which we cannot give too _ A • mich, IVIts. VaughnMunroe Meeting readthe poem, A gift brings • life and love. Mrs. Bill Scott On WednesdayrOakitary. accompanied the singing of 18, 1981 the Town and two, hymns: The devotional! Country s. held . a Valentine period closed with prayer. meeting. President Margaret The secretary read the MacDonald opened• the minutes, correspondence, tneeting and everyone sang and roll call, answered with a /their theme song. bible verse on love. During Mrs. Jean Stewart gave a the business, plans were reading. Mrs. Gertie teddy ' , made to visit the Lucknow gave a reading. Mrs. Grace i nursing home to present the 0 Campbell led In a comic song 54 bibs .Made for the pat- , and Anna Johnstone acorn - lents, and provide 'entertsin- ' partied on. the pianoThe r ment. The World's Day of members joined in. This was Prayer service will be held in enjoyed by all. ' Bethel- Church on March 6 A few games of cards were Mrs. Cliff Elliott .read played. to finish off the after -1 highlights from a . personal f noon. 44 Mrs. VVilliam Haldenby re- turned home after a nice visit with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fry, liarriston. • Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rhody received a telephone call from their son, David, in Africa, telling them of the birth of their new baby (laughter. We extend eon- ° gratulations to the proud parents and grandparents. • • • The general • meeting -tof Lucknow U.C.W. with the theme, Leadership, was held Tuesday, February 17 in the Fellowship Room. The pres- ident Mrs. Robert Finlay, spoke a few words of wel- come and opened the meet- ing with 'a poem. entitled, God Sends a Golden Day. The meeting was turned over to the program con- vener, Mrs. Glen Walden. Mrs. H. Houston presided at the piano for the singing of the hymns and she also accompanied the soloist. • Mrs. G. Walden opened the devotions with a poem, Stand Up and Bless. the Land, which was followed by selected verses from the 13ANNER BUYS 1980 VpLARE, door . 1980 BUICK CENTURY, 4 door 1979 CHEV CAPRICE, 4 door 1978 FORD GRANADA, 4 door 1978 PHOENIX. 1978 FORD F100 pickup SEE THESE AND OTHERS ON OUR LOT SEVERAL OLDER CARS TO CHOOSE FROM MYTH PHONE 523434 YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND AN INFORMATION MEETI NO • SPONSORED 113Y THE Christian Forni ers Federation Of Onittiiio DATE: Ft/140, March 6, 1981, DN. TIME: 8:30 p..m. . PLACE: Lucknow Town Hall, LUCKNOW, Ontario CFFO General Manager. Maeda °Idealism will address the taiga "THE CIIRISTIANfARMERS FEDERATION IN 1981" CFF0 represetibitIve to the Faint &Oki* Shiblthation COmmlailon, BM.. Jongejiut .front Goderich will addiest the.' tOple: • "TOWARDS MORERILSPONSOLIE PLANNING laV AGRICULTURE" EVERYONE WEILCOME scriptures, emphasizing the 'word, Gifts, by Mrs. ordon Johnstone. The meditation was given by Miss Norma Weatherhead which remind- ed us all that we have some talents and these can be utilized in giving leadership. She ended with a poem, If You've Got It. Mrs. Cliff Menary led in prayer and she also assisted Mrs. Harold Greer in taking up the collection, which was dedicated by Mrs. Len Rit- chip. Mrs. Robert Canipbel fav- oured with a solo which was beautifully rendered. This was followed by another poem, Christ Has No ,Hands But Ours, by the program convener. • • • LUCKNOW 1,UNITED CHURCH, SUNDAY, MARCS 8 1,9 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.mi • • Morning Worship • Pastor Don Darrell • SPECIAL ANTHEM Tines Like These" The guest speaker, Pastor • Donald Darrell, was intro- duced by Miss Norma Weatherhead and he gave a very enlightening and hum- orous ddress on his exper- iences as a lay minister with a • few insights about the island, "Grand Tunk" where • he was born. • Mrs. Cliff Menary thanked the speaker and presented him with a gift. ••\ 'Mrs. Finlay returned • to the chair and conducted the bustness. The minuteof the •last meeting were read by the recording secretary, Mrs. Eldon Bradley, and adopted. Pastor Donald Darrell clos- • ed the meeting with prayer. LUCKNOW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. 'Wm. Munshaw B.A. M. Div. • SUNDAY, MARCH 8 11 a.m. Combined Services Church and Sunday School Nursery Provided • Everyone Welcome Financial assistance *Management counselling ManageMent. training • Information on government programs for business. • . • See Our Stratford Itepreeentadve Donflandford • AT: The -Bedford Hotel, Godeilei, Ontario • ON: The 2141. & 4th Tuesday of ascii month fftlext Visit Date: March 10thl If you require financing to start, modernize or expand your business and are unable to obtain It elsewhere on reasonable terms and conditions or if you are Interested in the FBDB management services of counselling and training or wish information on government programs available for your business, talk to our representative. FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK PIroneh °Oleo Address] For auoppointoseut or further information en the Bank's services call • 271.5650 [eollecti- or writs 1036 Ontario Street. •SwOora, Oat•tio • , weir/twat wif~ostosktrasiiiibissiiiitsa. • • •