The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-03-04, Page 6tpl • • .I Imo r Sentinel, Wed each yi, March 4, I t;i.,.hu.re'Iz:man celebrates80th birthday By Valetta Emerson Mr. and ,Mrs• Bill Evans accompanied Mr, and Mrs. Nicholson ' of Kinlough on Sunday to :Mr• and Mrs. Ted Evans of, Ualinafad, for • a family reunion . with their daughter, . Linda, who -was' home from Edmonton for a ' long weekend. When the telephone, was •water. installing the new phone system at Carl Shack's rest- aurant, they cut a drain. When the mild weather came ,the drain poured water, into the restaurant basement. The telephone company spent two days digging be- fore they located .the drain and got the'basement free of "i Mrs. Cassie Mowbray: was home from Sarnia on Sun- day. . On Wednesday, Paul Mac- Milian ' of Watford accom- panied by his friend, Joanne Timmers and his grandmoth- er, 'Mrs. Isobel Tiffin, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin'.. Jack Whytock• will be in charge of the services at the optter to the eat or n United Church of Sunday, March .8. On Sunday, the neigh- bours held a surprise birth- day party for Pat MacMillan, who was celebrating his 80th birthday. Congratulations Pat, from the community. Visitors on `Sunday with Mr. ;.and Mrs: Walter -Elliott and Karen were . Mr.. and Mrs. Paul Elliott, Jeffery4nd Leslie of Brussels, Mr. and, Mrs. David Elliott of Listowel and Mrs. Elliott's father, ; Bill Forster. Miss Clara Milligan on Monday entered College at Kitchener on a six month course. The . community exp tends -good luck wishes in the course: Steve Irvin and Clara Mil- 1age .a ht bringing any results, for formation in detail on the. which' we as a committee are study after public comments deeply disappointed. have been received, We are particularly con- thereforeeliminating -cerned about the fact' .that... '... — - , - "any . other contribution the public the Ministry of Energy, may wish to make? Robert Welch, has requested We feel it is of utmost im- Ontario Hydro,; "to'.holdin portancn that the public be abeyance any planning included' in the initial` stages. which Hydro has underway of planning in order that. not 'in order to come to a final only the : environmental and decision on the process agricultural .considerations. which, might best be followed be discussed, but also the to , ensure full public par- " needs of the entire popula- ticipation, and until the tion of Ontario be enhanced. Ministry's review is corn- On . behalf ofthe Huron plete." Power Line Working Corn Are" the . government and mittee:• Hydro planning to release. in- Bill Jonegan RR2 Goderich, ligan spenfthe weekend with her sister, Mary Lou Milligan of Sarnia. . Congratulations to Mrs:. Don Ross and Brian who were lucky to have their ticket drawn Sunday, win- ning a radio, T-shirts, John Deere. hat, and a food' vou- cher in a radio :draw.. Mr. and Mrs::Joe Corey of Clinton visited Saturda y with Mr- and 'Mrs. Gary Rintoul and Kevin. - Mr. and. Mrs Gordon Rin- tout visited Friday with Mr. and Mrs.. Bradley S,peiran of Brussels. Mrs. Ronald Beecroft, Shannon and Heather. and Mrs.` E. W. Beecroft attend ed a bridal shower for. Nancy Briscoe on. Sunday. Mrs. Jol!n A. Curriewas a Tuesday visitor with Mr. and Mrs:. Victor Emerson, ,plan- ning a historic Women's Institute. 'meeting. The managers meetingof the Presbyterian church was held at the manse ..on Tues- day evening. The World Day of Prayer is, being held in Whitechurch United ' Church. on Friday. March 6 at 2.30 p.m. The .. guest speaker isto be Mrs. John Bell. Visitors " on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson were Mrs. Mary McClenaghan and Mr. and Mrs. " Murray ' Rutledge of Thamesford and son, Jim of London. On Thursday evening Mrs. Gertrude Tiffin,: of Wingham and. Mts. Roeley deBoer of Langside were callers on Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs,, Ronald Coultes of Wingham had all their family home, Mr: and. Mrs. Bill Empey and family,, Auburn; Mr. and ` -Mrs. Tom Miller and ,Mr. and Mrs.' Rae Lewis and family, .Wingham 'and Mr. and Mrs- Murray Coultes and, family, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Barry 'Elliott visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L Johnston of Phillipsburg and Ryan, who• had been visiting there, returned: home with them: learn to app l zippers Whitechurch 4-H The six sewers - eld their fourth meeting on Saturday at the home of 'Mrs• Purdon. Celia Chandler, president; opened the .meeting with the pied'ge. The roll call: was answered by naming the area of ,gar-. meta where they :applied interfacing. Samples: were shown ,Af a. mounted dart. • Mrs. Elliott described' in- terfacing and extended fac- ing. 'Mrs. Purdon illustrated , -how to sew an extended facing :and how to sew in " a zipper. For ' activity, . each sewed an . extended facing. All skirt samples are to be. prepared for the next meet- ing..: ,1 SCHEDULE ,r,•,�,,r„� DEPART TORONTO • FOR COPENHAGEN OR BILLUNb 25 JUNE i RETURN TO TORONTO • FROM COPENHAGEN OR BILLUND • 15 JULY 22 JULY 05 AUGUST 19 AUGUST 26 'AUGUST 15 JULY 22 JULY 05 *AUGUST 19 AUGUST 26 AUGUST 22 JULY 05 AUGUST 19 AUGUST 26 AUGUST 05 AUGUST 19' AUGUST 76 AUGUST., 19 AUGUST •26 AUGUST 3 Weeks 4 Weeks 6 Weeks 8 Weeks 9 Weeks. 2 Weeks 3 Weeks 5 Weeks 7 Weeks 8 Weeks 1 Week 3 Weeks 5 Weeks 6 Weeks 1 Week 3 Weeks 4 Weeks 2 Weeks 3' Weeks 5589. $589. $589. $589. $589. $589. $589. 5589. $589.- $589. $589. $589. 5589. 5589. $589. $589- $589. $589. 5589. CHILD FARES • 2 to 12 $549 INFAN'T'S FREE NEW FOR vorsawg'NOW FLY TO 'TWO WAS IN DE1 MARK PARIS IMMO TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE inatirlItlort to Cepe.nlrarn, we ere pII•sail to announ- ce that for 1E11 tin now fly you to • sicond city In Denmark, I ark` Our flights will kr • schidutsd stay at In Vialterre Danmirk. kaifora con. timing' 0 * to' toyinkotion. Many of you will N dastlned`for tiil`'i locat.Nil near slHun+d, ihls convenient step velli not only allow you to arrival •t your distinatio•l hours earlier but *111 alio grapy reduce Hue cost of your'onw•rel ground transportation. FLIGHTS OPERATED BY MA' HSK AIR BOEING 707.720' a PROGRESSIVE -CONSERVATIVE :CANDIDATE, HURON BRUCE at the OPENING OF THE P.C. COMMITTEE ROOM former Sl verwoods "Building • next to Montgomery Motors on Friday March 6-10.a.m. COME AND ENJOY COFFEE AND AN , OPPORTUNITY TO MEET WITH GARY BARRON Open 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.. Daily Ptione 528-3010 • • i i:i . r r •••.• 674•6.6i4•6'6•i••••1• •�•• ei ••••i.e ♦• •: .,0000011010 M. II do • M s •' •• r •tl•" •• 6 • e a• •66 ✓ e . e • • 6 6 e 6 e - All Shoot Music and:Muac Books Tbk-DC9O Cassette Tapes 2for $7.00 reg. $5.00 each Clock our our weekiy'Specials On LPs $199..- and Tapes (6.99 efe r • • • • • • • 6 8 • ■ • O a • • • 0 • - - - O • e • 6 • • 6 6 6 • • • 6 • • • 6 • e' 6 • • m • 6 to 6' 6 0 • 6 • 6 6 0 • e 6 6 • 6 6 6 s, e. 6 6 owl, • • 6 6 e' • e •' • e . •. 16 e e •• • e e o s a • .• • • 1 • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • 0..S e • 6 6 •' a e • • e • o' • a • • e • • o e • o "r 0 • e . • e • e' e • . e 6 •' 6- 05455 • c i' e • • • s • e . e ♦ • e i • 6-61666600666 ••••ili.00.* 0.010664610606665116