The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-03-04, Page 2The Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 309, Lucknow held their annual public speaking contest for area schools Friday. night, when 15 elementary students participated: • Kent Campbell, Kinloss ' Central Public School won the j junior yn, placei nand Vick Hackett,.Brookside P blic School untor avasao. took first in the senior division. Lisa Collyer, Lucknow Central Public . School and Lisa Card, St Joseph's Community School, Kingsbridge were runnersup in the junior division. Linda Van 'Asch, ,St. Joseph's Community :'School, Kingsbridge, and Bill Card, St. Joseph's Community School, Kingsbridge, were runners up in the senior division. ontest Five other speakers competed in the junior division 1 including Meagan Clark, . Kinloss Central Public School; Wendy Miltenburg, St. Joseph's Community School, Kingsbridge; David;Cayley, Lucknow Central Public School; Liane Crighton,' Brookside Public School and Beverly Exel, Lucknow Christian School. Four speakers also competed in the senior division, Dorothy _ Lennips, Lucknow Central Public School, Andy Grazier, Lucknow Central. Public School; Mary Ann Malda, Lucknow Christian School and Vicki Pentland, Brookside Public School. Judges. were John Snowden, Kincardine, Betty Scott, Ashfield Township and Cal Russell, Hepworth. Dave Zyluk, principal of St Joseph's Community School, Kingsbridge, was chairman for the evening. First place winners in the event will proceed to the Zone finals held in Seaforth on March 7. Winners of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch -309, ,Publc Spealdng Contest held: sit the Lucknow Legion, Friday night, included from the left, Lisa Collyer,: Lucknow Central Public `'School, second, .'janitor' level;: Bill \\Card, St.. Joseph's Community School, : Kingsbridge, third, senior- level;; Kent Campbell', Kinloss Central School, Breit,. junior level; Vicky be. ' Hackett, Brookside 'POW School, first,. senior level; Linda Vans Osch, St: Joseph's Commanity, School, ' Ki ngsbr dge,' second, senlor level and Idea Gard, St. Joseph's Community School;, Kingsbridge, third, jingo! level. tent Vicky will : go qn to compete hi the Zone Cl 8gls hi Stator* on March 7. . ' • [Sentinel Stat Photo] Sing% CoPy 35c WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1981 Increase in fire claims alarming The president of the West Wawanosh Mutual Fire ' Insurance . Company told the company's annual meeting that net 'losses •have increased over 100 per cent in the past two years. Eldon Bradley ' told the . policy holders who attended the 102nd annual meeting held in the Dungannon. Agricultural hall on Friday, net losses increased about 75 percent. in 1979 and increased another 35 per cent over the past; year. There was a high rate of fire claims with improper installationof wood burning apparatus or faulty ventilation as the probable cause, said Bradley. This unfortun• - Cassidy coming to Huron truce Michael Cassidy, Leader of the Ontario. > New Democratic Party will'be in Lucknow on Tuesday, March 10. Cassidy will'be addres- sing a luncheon mecting.on issues of in%part , 20 PAGES •.ince to'this area. Following his presentation. ate trend may lead to some adjustment in present rates; should ' it continue, warned Bradley. He acivised . that . any material change to the property insured, such as the installation of a wood burning stove should be reported to the company. Failure to do so, saidd-Bradley, , could affect coverage. • During .the year the reserve ' for the protection of the policy holders increased by approximately 13 :per cent to 52,899,513, with an increase in grosspremiums written of 16.75 per cent: Total gross claims paid, amounted to $690,540.68. Of these claims, 92 fire claims totalled $473,350 and 305 lightning claims totalled $85;883. Twenty-two theft claims including livestock and machinery totalled $18,432 and 70 machinery claims', including only those claims ,where coverage would otherwise not be provided, totalled $44,639. Bradley concluded his remarks saying the response to automobile insurance is encour- aging. The company began writing automo-• . -t Turn to page 2*' Preschoolers have been attendidg a story hour it Brookside Public School for the month of February. Here, Tracey Curran, 4, it assisted by Heidi Fillmore of grade 6. The the me ef. Monday's session was pigs and the children heard a story about Hamilton the Pig and trade paper pigs with it little help froth come older students, Helen Blake, librarian at the school, directs the story hour which.has egioyed'an increasing attendance since the beginning of the month. Some 30 children attended Moidayts story hour. [Sentinel Staff Photo]. lose brid e Mere wilt be an appOrtunit3r for, questions from . those in attendance.: The lunch will be held at the Lucknow Legion and will start at 12.30 p.m. A hot roast beef buffet will be. served by ,:the Lucknow Anglican Church Women. The meeting is being sponsored by, the Huron Bruce NDP. Enquiries should be addressed to Fran McQuail, 528-6542. Meet the candidates Lucknow .area voters in, the upcoming • provincial election will ' have the opportunity to meet the Huron -Bruce candidates at an All Candidates Meeting in the Lucknow Legion on Tuesday, March 10 at 8 p.m. The meeting will open with 'remarks made by the candidates lasting six minutes each in length. This' will be ''followed . by written questions' which will be answered. Questions may be addressed to a 'particular candidate but each candidate will have, the opportunity to 'respond fo any question asked. The meeting will then be open to questions from the floor. At the close of this question and answer period, each candidate will give his closing remarks. Coffee andcookies will beserved follow- ing the meeting. ' Turn to page. 2• High' water has damaged' the Crozier bridge on concession 9 o Ashfield Township and the `bridge may be closed . until May or June. ' The high, fast water caused by the February thaw undermined the 'bridge abut- ment on the south-west corner, causing the abutment to settle and the deck of the bridge to drop about two feet. Ashfield Township' Council surveyed the damage and closed the bridge last Wednesday. B. M. Ross and Associates, of Goderich, the township's engineering • firm, plan to replace the pier but do not believe it will be necessary to replace the deck of the bridge. Work on the bridge cannot begin until the water level subsides and weather conditions stabilize. , It is expected the bridge may remain closed . until May or June before repairs can be completed. Similar damage occurred in 1948 when the bridge had to be replaced, liospital receives county grant Huron County Council approved grants totalling 5220,204 to two of the county's hospitals when they met February 26. Wingham and 'District Hospital will receive 5119,250 for construction. to expand the hospital's outpatient area, laboratory and radiology department, Council also granted $100,954 to Clinton -bIieflos 'tai for the redevelopment of the Pu pa P _ services of the e hos. tal. ambulatory care p ofth o n � share e In both instances the c u ty cost is 371e r cent of the amount approved by the province. . Turd to page 2* f lJ •