The Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-12-25, Page 371• Martyn Van Meeteren Christrnas at my house On the morning of Christmas, we wake. 'up and look in our stockings.. Then I notiee. that the amount in mine has , already decreased because my sisteris usually up before me. First, we have breakfast, then we open our presents. We, and our rela- tives,usually start from oldest, so my cousin, Janette gets to open her presents last. My parents and relatives never cease to amaze me. Before ' lunch we thank the Lord for what He has given us. Dinner is a great feast of ..black and white meats, potatoes, beans, carrots, the works. After- wards, we enjoy our -gifts, and share them • with our relatives. It shows that giving is better than receiving, if you give with love. By Paul Damsma, Grade 8., Lucknow and Dilstrict Christian. Santa's evil twin- brother Did you know Santa had a twin brother? Well if you didn't 111 tell you- about him. Santa has an evil twin brother. Instead of red and white he wears black and grey. His name is'r Harry the Horrible. Now Harry is an evil wizard. This year he is going to. ban Christmas for ever. And Santa has to stop him for he is the . only/ one who can do it. The spell he is going to cast is the 364 Day Year Spell, He's going to subtract Christ- mas. The only way Santa Claus can stop Harry the Horrible Claus is to have him in a wrestling match in North Pole Coliseum. So now Santa has to train and get rid of some blubber. Harry the Horrible Claus wasn't worried about any thing. He said , he'll use his magic' to hurt his brother. "Run, Santa, run," said Mrs. Claus. Santa was ready to fight. Alright, no rabbit punches. When I say "Break," break. In case of a knock down go to your corner. Ooh, don't hit so hard Harry. I won't cancel Christmas. Oh, Mrs. Claus, what shall I do. Well don't get sad. -You forgot I have Master Black, belt in Karate. I'll fight Harry. Well, oh come on Santa I'll be alright. o.k. you both know the rules. Hi, ya, oh -h, ya, ouch, oh- O.K. O.K.! I will let Santa have Christmas! Hurray! Hurray! We can have Christmas now: Well you proved one. thing. You sure know how to fight. And that's all about 1 Santa's horrible brother and how: Christ- mas was saved:. By Steven Porter, • Grade 5, Kinloss Central. Thng-a-Lig and Woo -woo Ding -a -Ling and Woo -woo are Santa's helpers. The only way youcan tell them apart is their suits. They both have blond hair, and light blue eyes. Ding-a-Ling's suit is purple with a red' hat and boots and. a bell on the end of his .hat. Woo -woos suit is, red with .purple boots and a purple hat and the hat has Cotton on it: So one 4 Christmas they switched ;s.uits, , hats, and . ' boots.. Ding -a -Ling had a hard time getting on Woo-woo's boots: Finally he got them on.. Woo -woo sounded '.likean elephant with Ding-a-Ling's boots on. Poor Woo -woo couldn't see he had Ding-a- Ling's hat on. Santa called Ding -a -Ling but Woo -woo stepped up.. Santa told, what he thought was Dingia=Ling,to load up the sleigh. Woo -Woo wasn't 'very strong but -he loaded the presents up as he was told. , Ding -a -Ling had to paint ,a rocking horse but Ding -a -Ling; was allergic to paint. Ding -a -Ling asked Woo -woo if he could have his suit back and be himself. Woo -woo. said, "Of course!" Sothey. learned their lessons. By Lisa MacDonald, Grade 5, Kinloss Central. sfn is gels from us to you... wltb our thanks for letting us serve you. Happy Holidays to: our Friends! RALPH'S BARBER SHOP LOCATED. AT HAIR CREATIONS, IIVCKNOW Lueknow Sentinei,,.Wednesday, December 25, 1985—i99 !Treleaven's Lycknow Feed Mill Ltd. ET US OPEN oUR/HEARTS duRING This MOST 'holy OCCASION, AS WE RECEIVE His MESSAGE Of LOVE ANd fAITI-I.:. LUCKNOW Hackett Farm Equipment 529.79114 May you find renewed peace and contentment during this blessed occasion; Thanks, all.; • ify m • 1,l3 • !p� ri1 .2,4;‹ tii 1--`L1/.1 /1 With sincere appreciation of your friendship, we extend to you our very best wishes for the holidays, C.A.Becker Equipment Ltd. Lucknow