The Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-12-18, Page 3123. Miscellaneous AUCTION SCHOOL -• 14th year, 1200 grad- uates. Courses April,. August and Dec- ember. Write Western Canada School of Auctioneering, Box 687, Lacombe, AB TOC ISO., Phone (403) 782-6215. -051 MAKE MONEY, save money. Learn Income Tax preparation by correspondence.. For free brochure, no obligation, write U & R Tax Schools, 1345 Pembina Hwy., Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2B6. —051 24. Business opportunities AUTHORIZED DEALERSHIPS available. Unique new Windcycle Sailcraft for ice, snow or water, interchangeable parts. Small initial investment is covered by products. Call 705-687-6513 ,Gravenhurst. —051 INTERNATIONAL DOMESTIC Water Dist- iller. Manufacturer offers local distribution rates for new dealer. World's only automatic fully patented water .distiller. Outperforms, outsells, all others. Inventory purchase only, nofranchise fee. Phone toll free 1-800-661- 3866. --051 31. Cards of ,thanks' LEDDY The family of the late James Alphonsus Leddy wish to thank relatives, friends and neighbours for their expressions of sym- pathy in our recent bereavement; also for cards, flowers, food and ' m� emorial dona- tions. A special "thank you" to the nurses and staff of the Clinton Public Hospital, Dr. Hayes, .Father Frank Dentinger, Father Ed Dentinger, .Father Stan Sothysik, Father J. G. Mooney, McBurney • Funeral . Home, pallbearers, flower bearers, altar boys and the CWL of. St, Augustine Parish for the lovely lunch, Your kindness will always be remembered. ' Margaret Leddy, Sara Anstett and Raymond and Gertrude Leddy and family 32. Corning events Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 18, 198S—I'age 13 Dungannon CGIT have Christma.s Vesper Servic.e CHRISTMAS CELEBRATIONS• . AROUND THE WORLD Join the Lucknow and District Christian School on Friday, December 20, 8 p.m. in the Lucknow United•Church for their annual Christmas Pageant. We welcome everyone to share with us the true meaning of Christmas. —51 HAWAIIAN HOLIDAY TOUR. Four island Farmers' Hawaiian Holiday Tour, February 19th to March 5th with Clare Burt Travel. Features tourist attractions and special agricultural visits. Call collect '(416) 451-4944. —051 • • ANNIVERSARY Mr, and Mrs. John Pritchard will celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary in Lucknow on Friday, December 27. Let your presence be your gift. -51,52x CHRISTMAS CANDLELIGHT SERVICE To be held at Lucknow Christian Reformed Church, Sunday, December 22; 7:30 p.m. Theme: "The Cradle in the. Shadow of the, Cross".Everyone welcome: --51ar BENEFIT DANCE For Bill and Joanne Wilkins and family (who '. lost their barn by fire). Friday, January 10, 1986 at the Lucknow Legion Hall. Music by Allan Miller and ,The Hillbillies. Ladies please bring lunch. —51nx REID We would like ; to express our ' thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours who sent flowers, cards, donations, and food during the loss of Mil'vert, a dear .husband,' father, brother, grandfather and great grandfather Thanks to the pallbearers, flower bearers, Rev. Royal, Rick Palla of Stiles Funeral Home and the Women's' Legion Auxiliary. Special thanks to those who helped with the meals at home and to the doctors, nurses and staff at Alexandra Hospital, Goderich. A very special thank you to Dr. Hollingworth and the -nurses on chronic care for the care they gave our loved. one. It •will, never be forgotten. Mrs. plady Reid and families —51 GOVIER 1. wish to thank friends and neighbours .for everything while in University Hospital: Gord —51x MaeGILLi[VRAY I would like to sincerely thank all those who gave their assistance at the time of the accident., Special thanks for the flowers, gifts, • cards''; phone inquiries and food brought to the house. Your thoughtfulness. will long be remembered. • Debbie MacGillivray --51 32. Coming events LUCKNOW & DISTRICT DROP IN CENTRE Meets each Monday and Friday, 2 - ,4 p.m. Everyone welcome. -=43tf EXPECTANT PARENT EDUCATION The Huron County Health"Unit invites you to attend the . Expectant • Parent Education Classes being held at Wingham United Church commencing Wednesday, January 8, 1986. The cost is $5.00. The next series of classes will begin the week' of March 17,. 1986. For pre -registration or further infor, mation, please call the ,Health Unit office at 357.2264; - 50,S1,52ar DUNGANNON AGRICULTURAL. SOCIETY New Years Eve Party;'Tuesday,: December 31, 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Music by Star Spinners. Hot meal, free corsage for first .10 ladies. $15.00 per couple. Call 529-7620, 529-7956: or contact any director. ;-51,52 NEW YEARS EVE DANCE & SMORGASBORD LUCKNOW LEGION , • BRANCH 309 9:00 p.m. to .1:00 a.m. $14.00 PER COUPLE. TIFFINS ORCHESTRA Tickets Available From Members Attention. Farrrters! A. For sale BIG ROUND BALES OF HAY. Phone 395-5227. —50,51x 2 BELGIUM COLTS; 2 standard bred mares, 3 ponies,' small and large. Phone 395-3461 or 395-3391. —51,52 C. Wanted WANTED TO BUY . - ', barbecue pigs., ruptures, rhinitis, poor doers, anysize; also sows and boars fit to butcher. Call 335-3151. —48-Sxtf WANTEDTO RENT . land in Lucknow, Ripley area. Peter Edisbury 395-2438. —50,51x E. Farm services LYNN LdWRY FARM SYSTEMS .LTD;, R. R. No. 1 Kincardine, Ontario. For all your 'manure, feed; and grain handling require- ments call 395-5286 or see us in Amberley. We handle everything -,,almost.—42tfar , FARMERS experiencing financial difficult- ies. There may be ways of solving your problems ,that you are not aware of. For further information contact SYL-MAR. Fin- ancial Consultants. (519) 4.49.2809. —048 • F. For rent SEED GRAIN OR CORN STORAGE avail- able, 2800 bu. Phone Elliott's Seed\Mill and Trucking; 528-3500 or 528-3110. - 51,52nx 100 ACRES FARM LAND for, rent. Phone 529-78b8.--51 tf On Dec. 8 the Dungannon CGIT held their annual Christmas Vesper Service. Thirteen girls took part as, well as three g:,ests. Tini Logtenberg welcomed everyone and started the service. The three girls playing the part .of Mary were Shauna" Andrew, Teressa Jefferson and Melissa Logtenberg. Elizabeth's part was played by Debbie Nivins and Bobbi Anne Menary. Anna was played by Cindy Robson. Our special candlelighters were Tammy' Williams, Suzanne Andrew and Alice Jef- ferson, The girls all did an excellent job of their parts as well as singing. Special thanks to Sandy D'aoust for playing and all the parents and special g� ;sts who came to enjoy and support the girls Arrangerne'nt of Christmas symbols composed by SMS The afternoon WMS of the Lucknow Presbyterian Church met on Dec. 11 at the home of Mrs. Morgan Henderson. After a Christmas smorgasbord dinner at noon, Mrs. Brown chaired, the Christmas meeting. She read a small piece on "December" followed by the reading of the "History of the First Christmas Rose". After aChristmas prayer, all members participated in reading in unison • the "Christmas' Beatitudes". Theladies dvided into ,two groups and participated in repeating "A Declaration of Faith" at Christmas; time. Mrs. Ken Laidlaw took charge of the business part of the meeting and 20 ladies answered the 'rollcall with a Christmas verse. Mrs. Austin Loree took up the offering and Mrs. Clara Crowston gave • the offertory praYer. Mrs. Norman Taylor read thestory of "That Holy Night", Mrs. Ramsay and Mrs. Brown conducted a. Christmas ' play. called . "Christ The Cen- tre"., Meaningful symbols -of the birth of 'the babe and his earthly life, death and resurrection were composed into a. very, vivid arrangement which was highlighted with the singing of the well known carols, Scripture readings and musical numbers,. Nearly all the ladies' participated and • Mrs. Bert Moffat was the accompanist for, all the .carols and musical numbers. The lighting of the candle and the beautiful star was indeed impressive as the lights were dimmed and three verses of . "Silent Night". were sung. Annual . reports were given and Mrs. Grace Taylor read 'the new slate of officers. for 1986." Mrs. Brown turned the meeting over to Mrs. Ramsay and she installed all the new officers. "Angels from. the Realms of Glory" was sung and, Mrs. Ramsay brought the meeting to a close with prayer. Wed in Sombra Dell - Swan. Kenneth Douglas Dell of RR 1 Sombra and Margaret Louise Swan of Wallaceburg were married Nov. 2, 1985 at the. Brigden Baptist Church. Pastor Mark Cuthbert presided over the vows. Kenneth is the son of Harvey and Betty Dell, RR 1 Sombra and Margaret is the daughter of Russel and Nancy Swan, RR 3 Lucknow. The matron of honour was Diane Rankin, and Bruce Rankin was groomsman. Kevin Swan . of Clinton and John Dell of RR 1 Sombra were ushers. The reception was held at the Brigden Memorial Hall. The' couple will reside at 45 Dundas Street, Wallaceburg: (Roy Kennedy photo) MCDONAGH REAL ESTATE & IN'SURPr' CE LTD 528-2031 FARMS 216 LEVEL ACRES, 4 bedroom brick, 41 ,acres hardwood bush, give _us an offer. FARROW TO. FINISH, 200, flat workable acres, 4 bedroom home, paved road. KINLOSS, 2 storey brick, beef barn, 1 acre land, $38,900. KINLOSS TOWNSHIP, '100 acres, ,22 acres hardwood bush, 55 , workable, $47,000. KLNIASS, 100 aa -e hog farm, 85 workable, 3 bedroom home, Large barn, 2 sheds, 9 1-2 per cent financing, asking $85,000. •KINLOSS TWP., 100 acres, 94 workable, 68 acres wheat; barn. Asking 572,000. • Lucknow HOMES LUCKNOW: 3 bedroom hone, low down,payment, mortgage at 10'/,. Asking $32,000. LUCKNOW, 1 storey, 3 bedroom, paved drive, attached garage, sun deck, asking 538,000. JUST LISTEn 3 bedroom, 1 storey, fireplace, sun deck. Asking only .522,000. 2 BEDROOM brick home,•attached' garage, 7, acres; new drilled well, ,paved driveway and road, 40x40' barn. Asking 545,000. . W OIUCSHOP and 4 bedroom home, newly renovated; 2 baths including whirlpool tub; heated garage 44' x 44'; patted road; Asking $36,000. 6 YEAR OLD `brick bungalow, 1 acre lot, paved road and drive, 3 bedroom, whirlpool bath, • central vacuum, too many extras to mention. - F'RASER MacKINNON HARRY MctONAGH DAVID MacKINNON 528-3013 528-3821 395-2483