The Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-12-18, Page 21Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 18, 1985—Page 5 BEST RATE s , 9118% 1 YEAR 103/4 . $ YEAR ElNVESTMENTS b eNtUM^NCI ^OINCV 470 33 WEST ST., GODERICH 1-000-263-5303 LN:ar.3 . Filter Queen IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA' 482-7103 New Years Eve Dance Lucknow Community Centre Tuesday, December 31,1985 9:00 P.M. - 1:00 A.M. Music by: Sound System 70 SPONSORED BY LUCKNOW & DISTRICT KINSMEN CLUB Proceeds to Community Betterment No Minors Allowed. Tickets available at the ' SENTINEL BUILDING SAT. DEC. 14 & 21 1.5 p.m. Tickets also available at McDonagh's insurance through the week. U Cel The Theatre will be closed k . U for Christmas Holidays From Friday, December 24th to Wednesday, December 25th. We re -open Thursday, December26th with SANTA CLAUS "THE MOVIE" STARRING DUDLEY MOORE. We would like to take the opportunity at this time to wish you and/your Family MERRY CHRISTMAS from the staff and Management of The Lyceum Theatre. •' • 1. • •' • • • • • • • • • • • •' 1 •• *STARTS FRIDAY! 4- • " • • • • • • • • • .• • • • • • ROCKY IV A R08ffl4 MAIM IRWiN MK1411ti,,."ROTI 11" SYIVESffR SIAIIONf IAIIA SUIflf RURI YOUNG CAlil W4AiIIIR RRIGIiIE POISON OWN IUNUGREN�. • Ei. • • FRI.-SAT. • i&9 • • • SUN. -MON. WED.-THURS..� 7:30 • 'CLOSED TUESDAY DEC. 24th • ONLY OPEN CHRISTMAS DAY • •. • • • •' ■OUIOANCI • O DUDLEY MOORS "zip MERRY •• ENDS THURS. JOHN 'LITMfGOW CHRISTMAS • DEC. 19th �; .. FROM T THE • NIGHTLY The Movie oa; :t• STAFF AND • • 1`t30itt fAM,ll MANAGEMENT.• •••• •••••O/•••••••••••••••••••••••••••'•••••• •. • • •. ' • • • • • • • • 1 • West Wawanosh council - gathers for inaugural session The members of the West Wawanosh Township council for the 1986-1988 term of office gathered in the office of the municipal works garage on Dec. 5, for its. inaugural session. All subscribed to the Oath of Elected Office and the Oath of Allegiance. No one present had a disclosure of interest to declare. The minutes of the ,November meeting were adopted as printed and distributed on motion of councillors Harry Brindley and Bruce Raynard. A.J..Sherwood appeared before council to complain about beavers on the Young Drain (Sharpe's Creek) on his property at lot 18, concession 3, and to seek council's assistance in removing them. from the municipal drain. Council informed Sher- wood that the drainage superintendent would be made ayvare of his request. 'At 10 a.m. Co'iirt of Revision on the assessments in By -Law #14-85, the Miller- Raynard municipal drain, was opened by a motion of councillors Rhea Hamilton -Seeg- er and Cecil Cranston. Owner Wim de Boer attended thecourt and questioned the members about.assess- ment on his property for future mainten- ance. The clerk referred to the report wherein it is• stated that maintenance will be based on outlet assessment, and de Boer's lot is assessed for benefit only. There being no written appeals, and no other owners appeared, a motion by coun- cillors Brindley and Hamilton -Seeger dos- ed the court: The motion by councillors Brindley and Cranston "That By -Law 1114.85, The Mille:-Raynard Municipal Drain By -Law, is hereby given third reading and finally passed", was carried. The drainage superintendent was in- formed of the beaver problem on the Young Drain' (referred to above by Sher- wood). Work on the Forster Drain in the McQuail property, will be done as soon as possible ;this fall. "Work on .the J.B. Young Drain (on Stapleton property) will be done in the. spring. An application for a building permit for a woodshed submitted by J. Stryker of Aitburn, was approved and, the building' inspector was .authorized to issue a permit on motion of councillors Raynard and Cranston. The 't°road superintendent questioned council about hiring part-time help for winter, especially during intense snow control operations. Severalnames of inen capable of handling snow 'removal equip- ment were quip-mentwere suggested and the road superin- tendent "indicated he would make the, contacts with a view to hiring one. Rate of pay for inexperienced part-time help was discussed, and finally it ,was moved by councillor. Hamilton -Seeger and seconded by councillor Brindley, ;'That the. rate of pay for part-time winter help is hereby set at $5 per hour for a pro- bationary period of four. weeks, at which HAPPY BIRTHDAY G.Q.C. time performance will be •reviewed and at discretion of . council an increase will be considered." The road superintendent informed coun- cil that, grader No. 2 was in serious need of a motor tune-up, and he would probably arrange to have it done shortly. Road accounts in the sum of $4,196.49 were authorized for payment on motion of Raynard and Brindley. The . clerk was directed to write Ray Hallahan regard the covering and compact- ing at thedump, and submission, of his account. Council concurred with resolutions from the village of O'memee, regarding funding by the province for municipalities where fire departments provide CPR', First .Aid,. auto extraction and traffic controlservices; and the Huron -Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School Board tohave the province alter existing legislation which is found to be responsible for excessive law- suits and court awards which are skyrock- eting the cost of insurance premiums to municipalities and school boards. A. motion'by councillor Cranston appoint- ed Harold Errington to a further three-year term as West Wawanosh representative to the Maitland Valley Conservation Author- ity., Other committee appointments are: councillor Cranston Lucknow Arena and Joint Recreation Committee;• deputy -Reeve Raynard - Luckno.v Fire Department and Health Centre; reeve Aitchison - Lucknow Fire Department and Farm & Horne Safety Association; councillor Hamilton -Seeger - , , Auburn Community Memorial, Hall and West Wawanosh Recreation Committee; councillor Brindley - Lucknow Health Centre, Blyth Firc Department and West. Wawanosh Recreation Committee. Considerable discussion took place re- garding the acquisition of caps displaying a township crest, designed from the new logo. The clerk's investigation indicated that . the manufacturing of crests alone would amount to more than $3.00 per piece. The spoons and pins purchased at the time of the selection of the logo were discussed and council felt that until those were disposed of 'no further promotions should be undertaken. The clerk noted that the price of pins and spoons is unchanged' at $1 and $2, 'respectively, and . that there is a plentiful supply still available at the office. The rental of a postage i meter was discussed •briefly, but was felt to be an unwarranted expense for the • sake of convenience only. A. motion by councillors Cranston •.and Hamilton -Seeger, "That . West Wawanosh Township Council hereby resolves that a petty cash fund in the amount of $60 be •established 'to take care of incidental office expenses such as postage, etc." General accounts in the . amount of. $128,104.54,were approved for payment on motion of councillors Cranston and Ham- ilton -Seeger. LUCKNOW DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE OPEN DATES AVAILABLE DECEMBER Friday 13, 20, 27 Saturday 21 JANUARY Friday 3, 10, 31 Saturday4, 11, 18, 25 ,TUESDAY,. DECEMBER 31 Kinsmen New Year's Dance CALL THIS NUMBER BETWEEN 900 am:. and 6:00 p.m. ONLY 528-3532