The Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-12-04, Page 8A Federal Agent is dead. A killer is loose. And the Cita of Angels is about to explode. The director of "The French Connection" is back on the street again. Page 8—Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 4, 1985 NOTICE Sears Canada Inc. (Lucknow WILL BE, OPEN MONDAYS FROM NOW TILL CHRISTMAS The Teeswater Ex Tog CLOSES Saturday, December/7th FOR THE FALL SEASON • Money and unsold Items may be picked up ONLY ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10,, 2.5 & 7 - 9 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2 - 4 Unclaimed articles ibecome the property 'of Coronation Rebekah Lodge and will be sold at the rummage sale on Thursday, .December 12 from 10 - 5 1/' Clarkhill Feeders Ltd. Silo Unl.oaders- Conveyors -Feeders R.R•.5. GODERICH, ONT. N7A 3Y2 PHIL CLARK 524-4367 LUCKNOW DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE, OPEN DATES AVAILABLE DECEMBER Friday8, 13, 20, 27 Saturday 21 JANUARY. Friday 3, 17, 24, 31 Saturday 4, 11 SATURDAY; DECEMBER 7 John Scheeringa and Kathy Purdon ' CALL THIS NUMBER BETWEEN 9:OOa.m. and16:00p.m.ONLY 528-3532 • Mark Kendall just found out • . that his one -nicht stand • has been around for centuries. •• • • • • • • • • ' • GODERICH 524-7011 • DEC. i-12 • FRI.-SAT. • 700 • SUN.-THURS.. 7:30 • • ACCLT OMPANIMENT • emember $2.-00 :' Tuesday • • • • • • O Ml TNI!.MILL GOWN. COblIMY • ENDING THURSDAY. DEC. 57:30 • OACK To THE FUTURE A TASTY COMEDY. RELEASED IN CANADA THROUGH PAN -CANADIAN FILMS Nt A� STARTING 0[C.13 • HerAMILY • SANTA .CLAUS THE MOVIE , _ • •:•••:•.•••••,••••••.•,i•••••••••••••••••••.••••• 31.UtztUu Obeatre PLAYING FRIDAY AND SATURDAY December 6th & 7th ONLY SHOWTIMES: Two Shows Each Evening at 7:00 and 9:00 P.M. PLAYING SUNDAY TO THURSDAY December 8th to 12th SHOWTIME: One show each evening at 8:00 P.M. ONLY Nothing exciting ever, happened in Chris' family. But within 48 hours,'his mother will b'r kidnapped. His father will be forced to reveal a secret' past and he wiII find.hunself at thj• center of an adventure he Muir dreamed could happenrt??CT �r ALGUR69�AliiirEMi to hien. .,. GENE. HACKMAN - MATT DILLON TARGET CHILDREN'S MATINEE Saturday, December 7th SHOWTIME 100 ALL SEATS $2.00 AorrrTAMC• RIISTPICTID ASO 11.• AIM OP MP FAMILY EXSRERS Bible verse on love of God answers Unit 1 ropes!. Unit 1 Christmas decorations. She read a poem, "God comes to earth", and offered prayer. Unit 1 of the Lucknow UCW met on Nov.. "Silent Night" was sung and, the rollcall 26 at the home of Mrs. Ross Shiells., The rollcall, a Bible verse concerning the love of God, was answered by eight membert. and three guests. Grace Gibson ,opened the meeting with the call to worship and Anna Dexter read. the scripture on the birth of Jesus. Mrs. Gibson- gave the' meditation con- cerning the Prince of Peace, explaining that, in the midst of hostility, Jesus fought back with kindness, cooperation and help. She led in prayer. Following the hymn "Joy to the World", Mrs. Ross Shiells gave a reading entitled "Keeping Christ- mas". Guest Connie Van Der Hoek sang the 'carol "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear", .accompanied by Mrs. Wes Ritchie on the piano. Anna Dexter gave a .reading on Christmas traditions and legends. Grace Gibson read "A Christmas letter". Freda Button explained the origin of the carol 'Siler t Night" which the group then sang. She closed with an article on trusting God to guide use. President Mrs. Ross. Shiells presided for the business. Committee reports were given for Supply and Welfare., Friendship, Flowers and Citizenship. Mrs. Shiells gave' the thought for the day on love. Connie Van Der Hoek sang "Amazing Grace". `Mrs. Shiells closed with the benediction. Anna Dexter conducted some Christmas contests while lunch was /prepared, Unit 2 Unit 2 met at the home of Mrs. William Campbell. on Nov. 26 at 2 p.m. for the December meeting held one week early. .Mrs.. Walden welcomed everyone and thanked the hostess. The themeof- the meeting was Advent. She opened with 'a reading "Declaration of Faith at Christ- mas". The roll call was answered with the name of a symbol of the Advent Season by 14 members and one visitor. The carol "0 Little Towns of Bethlehem" was 'sung: The committee had a most inspiring Advent program. Mrs. Campbell opened with, a reading "This is the day God has made". Mrs:. Marybelle Peddle read an Advent • scripture. The first candle lit by 'Mrs.. Campbell was the "candle of family relationships". We''should thank of our families with love and children' give parents hope. Two' musical numbers "0 Little Town of Bethle- hem" and "Suffer little children to come unto met', were played on a tape: The second candle "Peace" was lit by Mrs. William Bolt. God sent a helper John the Baptist, who was a peacemaker . and forerunner of Christ. Two Musical num- bers, "Matthew 24" and "Silent Night" were played followed by prayer by Mrs. Bolt. -Mrs.' Marybelle Peddle lit the third candle "Joy". The joy experienced from the gifts received doesn't last forever. "Away in a manger" was played, followed by Scripture' verses and prayer by Mrs. Peddle. The hymn "Joy to the world" wa.s played. , The• fourth 'candle "Love" was lit by Mrs. Bolt. She read Scripture verses from first Corinthians chapter. 13 followed with the hymn, "Hark the. Herald Angels sing": ' "The Lord's Prayer" was played on a' record. . Mrs.• Eldon Bradley. read "What is Christmas", written by Helen Steiner Rice. A musical number "Prayer for Peace", sung by Perry Como was . played. This closed the Advent program. Mrs. Walden presided for the business. The minutes were read and approved. The offering was taken and dedicated. "Happy Birthday" was sung to Mrs. Howard, Barger, who has a birthday in December. Following the convener reports, . Mrs. Walden closed with a' reading "There will your heart be", followed with' an Advent prayer. Unit 3 'The Christmas meeting of Unit 3 was held in the church parlour. Mrs. 'Vernon Hunter greeted the members and thanked the committee in charge for their lovely was answered by 16 members and a guest, naming their favourite carol. Mrs, Andrew Ritchie gave the treasur- er's report and the birthday bank , was passed and "Happy Birthday" was sung to Mrs. N. Raynard, Mrs. Harvey Webster read the minutes and a 'note from our absent leader Mrs. Charles McDonald, thanking the members for their co-opera- tion these past two years and wishing all a blessed Christmas. Also read was a letter from a Lucknow couple Robert and Barbara MacMillan, who are teaching for CUSO in Papua, New Guinea: They a large garden at the school and selling the extra produce to a local market. Their house is modern with all conveniences and most of their furniture made by the boys in their carpentry class. Mrs. ,Alex 'Hackett read of the ministry work under the Mission and Service Branch by a husband and wife team in northern B.C. M'rs. Clarence Greer gave her report of 'cards sent and visits made and 'asked on behalf of the Friendship committee ' for / members to visit church members . in hospital or who are homebound during the holiday season. A discussion was held with respect to changing the three afternoon units to two. Most members were in favor of keeping the three units. Mrs. Hunter said a dessert' would be .served.by the executive and the new units would be formed •at the annual UCW . meeting. There' are a number of church history books still for sale. Mrs. James Arnold took charge ,of the program and read a poem "The way home". She said the theme was, "The Gift and The Givers". Two Christmas carols were sung. Mrs. John Pritchard readthe story of the , Three Wise Men, from Matthew 12 and. Mrs. Aug. Letnoine gave. the meditation, the worship and offering of gifts of the Wise Men. She also, read the legend of the robin and the Christ child. , Mrs. ' Toni Broome favoured with some lovely accordian numbers, Mrs. Pritchard gave two readings. "Christmas r Beatitud- es", .and "Christmas is coming in out of the cold". 'Several carols were sung. Mrs. Arnold read a poem, "The. Mystery of Santa" and sheclosed with prayer. While lunch was served, Mrs.. Hunter conducted an oral contest :on Christmas symbols. Unit 4 Unit 4 of Lucknow UCW met for their Christmas meeting on Nov. 26 with an attendance of 22 members and one visitor.. The theme fo the devotions was Immanuel, God's Love with us: Mrs. Alex Andrew chaired the program and gave the Call to worship. Scripture verses were read by Mrs. Orville Elliott, Mrs. Bill Graham and Mrs, Bryce' Elliott, interspersed with, ,carol singing. 'Mrs. Andrew closed devo- tions with prayer.. Pleasing piano solos were given by Mrs: Graham and Heather Priestap. Mrs. Orville Elliott gave a reading, "Prayer at Christmas" and., Mrs. Bryce Elliott read "Christmas Beatitudes". . The topic, "Christmas in Korea" was given by Mrs. Graham,' describing Christ mas as observed by the Korean people. Mrs.: Graham . rendered a ' piano) ' solo, • t N•gh:" ending with all singing the first verse: Mrs. Bryce Elliott', assistant leader, took . charge of the business, opening with. a short Christmas reading. . A special collection was taken to pur- chase a Poinsettia for the residents at Pinecrest Manor. The rollcall was answer- ed with .a Christmas thought. . Officers were appointed for 1986-87: secretary, Mrs. Jim Boyle; treasurer, Mrs. Ken Cameron; pianist, . Mrs. Gordon Cayley; press reporter, Mrs. Cam Thomp- son; supply, Mrs. Charlie Davies; citizen- ship and social action, Mrs. Stuart Collyer; stewardship, Mrs. Bill Hunter; community friendship, Mrs. Cliff Crawford. The treasurer and committee conveners gave reports. The meeting was closed with hymn 51 and prayer.