The Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-11-27, Page 5Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 27, 1985—Page 5 McKim's 23 years in Guiding honored By James Friel Earlier this year Carroll McKim was happy to present her long time friend in Guiding, Bev Thompson; with the Certificate of Merit and a pin in recogni- tion of the 22 years of work ' Bev had contributed. Only a few months later, Carroll is" also the 'recipient of the certificate after her 23 years of "going the extra mile". She was district commissioner for an area encompassing Lucknow, Wingham and Teeswater and later graduated to a more challenging post. For three years, she was division commissioner for Goderich, Wingham, Clinton, Palmer- ston, Hanover and Walkerton and, all the smaller communities in between. "For the last five years my main job has been as area international co-ordin- ator"Jwhere she has made major strides in changing the availability of foreign experiences to the girls in the Guiding movement. "It used to be somebody elses girls went on the trips," she said. ;That was when the journeys were broader in scope 'with national or provincial trips organized. • Cancer Soeiety fundraising goal exceeds. A $90,000 fund raising campaign under- taken by the Huron County Cancer, Society this year exceeded its goal by more .than $5,000. . Campaign chairperson Murray Hunter, reported at the annual meeting that the final tally for the campaign amounted to $95,416.32. He noted that with an estimated popula- tion of 56,000,.this figure represents a per capita contribution of $1.70. ' As part of the Southwestern District; the Huron. County canvass helped the district raise $1,493,611. As well the Huron contribu- tion helped the Ontario division • raise $14,645,401. This years fund raising efforts in the coun- ty exceeded the 1984 total' by more than $2,000: Last year $93,708 was raised.' Wingham drew in the highest percentage of the 1985 figure, .with donations amounting to $24,635.57..Goderich was second ,with $24,535.29 and Exeter, third; with a to a1 of $19,964.35. The Clinton campaign raised $18,398.02 and the Seaforth drive broughtin $7,883.09. • ' The Cancer Society,'s year was also highlighted by the ,introduction of a new educational project- SUCCESS. Huron County was chosen as one of the pilot project areas, reported education chairperson•Mrs. Armstrong -Hayes. The basis of the. program :concentrates education programs on five types of 'cancer - lung, skin, uterine, breast and colorectal. Mrs. Armstrong -Hayes noted, "It is felt that the incident rate of these . types of cancer can be decreased proportionallyby change in lifestyles: This requires an expan- sion of how the volunteers have functioned previously and, to be •viable, an increase in the size "of the committee. Anyoneknowing someone with an interest in being, a volunteer should contact Me. We can put to use a real variety of talents in this project." Along with: education and promotion; the Cancer Society also worked to provide assistance to cancer patients. A new service this year, the Loan Cup- board, provided patients with air mat- tresses, . sheep skins and other items. Mastectomy.: patients were offered special counselling. Patient services chairperson Margaret Allan reported that 30 patients- received financial assistance with ostomy supplies, and. 18 volunteers tallied over 14,000 ill pro- viding this Service. • As well, transportation chairperson Russell Jervis reported that 48 patients' made use of the society's transportation ser- vices in. 1984-'85. The trips to cancer clinics and hospitals totalled 209 trips to London, six trips to Stratfordand 11 trips to the Wingham clinic. In his ren'iarks, Mr, Farnsworth, presi- dent, noted, "The past year -has been a most rewarding one and I think that the report speaks well of our staff and volunteers throughout the unit. "Once again our campaign 'objective has been surpassed and we really appreciate the many associations that assist, us on a Conti - ming basis. But among those groups are the individuals, caring and sharing people who through their efforts provide hope to the less fortunate." 4 Girls participating- in the program have visited Mexico and Switzerland and Carroll is currently organizing an excursion to Britain. • She downplays her work. "It's team effort, I just co-ordinate it all," she said. She feels that part of the reason she . received her .award was for the two years she spent as a nurse on a medical teamin the Honduras. - "It's something I'd like to do again. Not this year; but maybe ;another in the future." Hei<'tate husband's mother, Mrs. A. E. McKim first planted the idea for Carroll, to become a leader in Guiding. "She started me in guiding the first day 1 moved•to Lucknow," she recalled. At the same time Mrs. McKim also got Bev into :.the organization. • Her daughters were also members of the Girl Guides but have since concen- trated op other matters, one' at university in Waterloo and the other,is married and working in Wiarton. "My one regret is that Jack isn't here to share the award with me because ha was so supportive of me in Guiding," - she said. PROPERTY ASSESSMENT and your 1986 Municipal and School Taxes Regional Offices located throughoutOntarioiare responsible for assessing all real property for the purposes of municipal and school taxation. The resulting Assessment Rolls are delivered to municipalities which use them to set their mill rates and compute municipal propertyta5cbills. The amount of property tax you pay on your home or business depends on the assessed value and the mill rate set by your municipality.The assessed value multiplied by the mill rate will determine your 1986 'property taxes. Open House Sessions Open Houses are your opportunity to - fully understand your assessment and to evaluate its equity. Open Houses are held in every munici-,: • pality at convenient times•and locations, -to provide you with.the, opportunity to discuss your assessment with staff of the Regional Assessment Office: • An assessor will be pleased to explain the basis of your property assessment and is authorized to.amend any information as may be necessary prior tothe delivery of the Assessment Roll to your municipality: If you have any questions but are unable to attend the Open House, please contact your Regional' Assessment Office at the address or telephone number shown • below. Assessment Notice Property -owners and tenants will receive an Assessment Notice only if information . regarding their property or assessment was changed during the past year, if the assessment was appealed last year, or. if the property has been reassessed under section 63 of theAssessment Act. If you . receive an Assessment Notice, it may reflect changes you have requested in your school support designation, in the amount of your assessed value, or other recorded information on last year's.Notice. • Appeal Procedure • • If, after attending your local Open House, you -are still' dissatisfied with your assess- ment, you have a right to appeal it to the Assessment Review Board. The.Assess- ment Review Board conducts informal hearings and is responsible for determining whether the assessment under appeal is fair and equitable.. with the assessments.of similar properties inthe Vicinity or • neighbourhood-, and may alter your assess- ment accordingly. . Appeal Deadline The final date for appealing your assess- ment is January 7, 1986. Your appeal must be forwarded, either on a Notice of Appeal Form or as a letter, to the Regional •Registrar of the Assessment Review Board on or before January 7, 19136, noting your property address, Roll Number. and the reason for the appeal. To assist you in this regard, Notice of Appeal forms and the address of the Regional Registrar of the Assessment Review Board are available at Open Houses, your Regional Assessment Office, or your municipal office. Schedule oeOpen Houses . • Village ' of Lucknow Dec: 5, 1:00-8:00 p.m., Municipal Office Township of Kinloss Dec. 5, 1:00-8:00 p.m., Lucknow Municipal. Office Township of Ashfield Dec. 5 & 6, 1:00 p.m. -8:00 p.m., Township Hall, Con. 9 Dec. 6, 1:00 p.m. -8:00 p.m., Municipal Office, East Wawanosh Dec. 6, 1:00 p.m. -8.00 p.m., Municipal Office, Bluevale Dec, 9, 1:00 p.m: -8:00 p.m., Municipal Office, Con, 8 • Township of East Wawanosh • Township of Turnberry Township of West Wawanosh Ontario Ministry HURON, PERTH REGIONAL OFFICE Of 57 Napier Street, Box 190 GODERICH, Ontario N7A 3Z2 Revenue ° (519) 524-7326, 1-800.265-5192 BRUCE, GREY REGIONAL OFFICE 345 Eighth Street East, Box 670 OWEN SOUND, Ontario N4K 5R4 (519) 371-1121, 1.800-265-3187