The Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-11-13, Page 11 BEV AI,I. ROUND COMMUNITY,. NEWSPAPER IN CANADA • • (Circulation Class. under 220()) . C.C;N.A. Better Newspaper Competition 1965. • • Concerns identified By James Friel • members on council.' The members of the acclaimed council of Lucknow agree that the major projects to occupy their attention for the,,riext three year term are the. sewers and . the .arena. ' "The rest is everyday business," said new reeve Herb Clark. "The sewers' are number one and the arena is going to be under a lot of discussion too. I think the Lions Club has taken a good step there and 1 want to ' co-operate with them as much as possible. •"Other than that, we're well underway (with the sewers) with the present council.. I hope by this summer we can call for • tenders." The' new reeve said he hopes to circulate a questionnaire at the beginning of December to find out residents' \opinions on the extent of the. sewer project. • "If people indicate sewers should be in the whole town; as council wants, .thenthis. is what we're going to fight for." • Clark is' also happy to see the two new "It's a step , in the right direction, " he said. "There 'aren't enough young people a on council, I don't know if it's been a lackii of interest or what. These are the guys who are going to have to run the town in the. fu,ture: At the' end of. my 'term in three years 1 .hope to see a couple more young guys' get on council." • Ab Murray says both the sewers and the arena'have to be looked at with. the seivers as the . "number one priority". ,He alSo mentioned that council is looking at the railway property to zone industrial... "It's .not industrial yet but, we could use another small. industry in town." "We'll be trying to get everything in line aftei the old reeve is gone, he's been reeve .for 28 years." ' • • Ab also feels the new councillors can add to village projects.. • "1 think we're•kinda lucky to get Geotge (Anderson). He's •an independent busin- essman' and he might haVe alot of . •• • • wfurn to page 12 Word on arenafunding The arena board has received word from' the • Ministry " of Recreation and rourism that 'monies have beep.. set: aside in the .form Cif grants' for Capital costs projects. -Applitations ' will be received in two or three weeks and, this is the program. that could assist' ,in financing the •Lucknow and District Sports Complex.project. This is the first capital grant'program to open up since 1982 at which time programs became non-existent. Other small programs are expected in the near future but there is no firm commitment, as yet. • • The fund, raising committee feels • there has 'been some negative attitude regarding the 'complex issue due to the fact there is no firm financial commit- ment from the government, according , to Recreation Director Bill Hunter. ,"Ministry policies have changed since yester year and funds are likely not to be on a dollar for dollar basis, but based on need and sincerity. With our fund, raising about to get into full swing it gives the ministry notice we are sincere' in our efforts to get our financial house in order." • . As to the -need the arena board is ' • • aware of the fact major repair's are necessary on the present . facility, therefore endorsed the efforts of the committees involved in .planning for a new facility. These committees and area councils are quite aware of . the financially depressed times, but it is felt that if a positiveattitude is not taken in area projects it will have.. long range adverse effects on the community. "A• Ra -.010;404.! kM AViit Construction Is progressing on the bridge over the east fork of the Lucknow River with • Owen King -doing the work. The south half of the structuie is receiving work.to correct a . problem with deterioration. [James Friel photo] • Stuart tollyers. Irvine Eedy, Jack •Fisher, Robert MacKenzie, Ed Pyette and Jean Whltby stand at , attention during 'Monday's Remembrance Day setVice. Students from Brookslde and Lticknow Public SchoOls joined the LUCIMOW School Concert Band, legionnaires, dignitaries and others for the clear but cool service. flames Friel photo) No declaration • By Stephanie Levesque No trusteetwith the Huron County board of education has publicly indicated ari • interest in seeking the chairman's seat. John Jewitt of Londesboro, representing McKillop and Hullett Townships and Sea - forth, has said he will seek the vice -chair- man's position. Jewitt made his announce- ment at the November 4 board meeting. Current board chairman Eugene Frayne of RR 3, Goderich, acclaimed for another three year term, said he will not stand fora' third year as chairnian. It has been a tradition with the school board to allow the chairman to serve two years. • , •The riresent vice-chaitman, Art Clarke of Winghani, gave no indidation of his inten- tion. Clarke is ' facing an election in his area. The only trustees acclaimed besides Frayne,. are Dennis Rau of RR 2; Zurich, for the Catholic schciol supporters south of Highway 8; Bea Dawson of Exeter and Osborne Township, Dr. JOhn Goddard for Hensall and Hay Township and •Donald McDonald for Brussels and Grey TOwn- ship. Blyth trustee John Elliott said' if he, is re-elected he wi•uld again like to represent , the school board on the Ontario Public School Trustees' Association, the proVin- cial body of trustees. •