The Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-11-06, Page 8Page 8—Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 6, 1985 , d ,,, "The Iiigh Notes" perform in high. interest harrimonv'for you everyday at Standard Trust, And for a limited time a S25 Cash Bonus, Interest. ani a as onus.. rmsbetter Your money• e o Trust. at 'WITH OUR NEW DAILY INTEREST ACCOUNT • •.\take your savings sing with.the new Standard . Trust Daily. Interest Sayings/Chequing Account. High dail}' interest on all your money. Savings'and chequing. Free chequing on balances overS COO. And much more. • • , UPTO.81/2% ON THE ENTIRE 'BALANCE. Here's how to hartnoni e on high interest. The higher -our balance. the higher yourinterest rate - on every dollar. Calculated on the daily. balance,. and credited at; month end. here's how it works. Maintain this daily dosing halance: up to Sinn you cant 3. t oat altyvur money Sillll to Sinus. von earn 514 " t on all your rnuu v S inouit) SIn•itno .:you earn "'/t 1 on ,ill your money SIn,INul to 5:rl,mli vop earn ''/: t uti all cottr moon. Silt•INIII to SIIIntloII 1pitt earn 8 '„ tan all ..your mnn1V' S100to and over • you earn 81/1".i.1 on all your moor\; This makes your money sing a sweet song. _4 SWITCH TO STANDARD TRUST TODAY AND GET'$25 CASH Hut if you still think your Bank, Trust Company , or Credit Union is giving you a great deal on,your account right now, we'll make it even easier to sing along with Standard Trust. We'll give yon a S25 Cash Bonus for transferring.. your account, with a halance of S 1O0O.or•more. firm am' other financial institution to Standard • Trust. Right. there, on -the -spot!' Limit cine per Tamil} —.- SENIORS. GET A SPECIAL SHOW At'Standard Trust, seniors 60 or over receive free chequing, no charges when payingutjlity hills, no cominissions.on travellers cheques and a 2i'%!. reduction on. safe deposit boxes: CONVENIENT HOURS GET YOU INTO THE ACT ANYTIME • With convenient hours to suit your schedule, Standard Trust is open to serve you. when you ' want to be served. Were open late on Fridays. and we offer personal service on Saturdays. too. TANDARD TRUST 138 The tititti►re, P.4). Box 295 Godcrieh, Ont. N7A'32.2 Tel: 524-7311, 237 Josephine Si.. P.O. liox 854) Wingham, Ont, NOG 2W0 •�. . Tel :357-2022 ' Opon: Mon. ,to'Thurs. l=S; Fr1. 9.4; Sal. 44 YOUR SAVINGS SHOULD B BE SINGING AT STANDARD TRUST Right now, yoti could get a S25 Cash Bonus'for joining the performance. Along with highinterest on every dollar. Every daV. Plus'the personal service customers expect from Standard Trust, 6 days a week. Call, or come in, to vourStandard Trust Branch • today. W'e'll show you how tq get alt.your money into the. act- daily: +Rates quilted on it per ;tnnum.hasis..suhject to change without notice Member -Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Thinking of the futility of war Dear Editor: As Remembrance Day comes around again, 'we should all be reminded of the horror and futility of war. As a young boy I lived on the fourth ,of Kinloss in the home where Grant Gilchrist and his wife now reside. My, boyhood idol, Alex MacDiarmid, lived across the road. But like so many young men in those days, Alex lost his life in the First World War. His sister, Florence, now Mrs. Golden, 15056 White St:, Allen Park, Mich. 4.8101 has written a touching story of the tragic death of her brother. This appeared in "Tales from the Grey Ox", a reference copy of which is in most local school libraries and in 'the Lucknow . Public Library. I would appreciate it if you could publish Florence's "Wartime. Memories" in your November 6 issue. • May all of us do our best ib try to lessen " the, tensions and misunderstandings be- tween nations so young men like Alex MacDiarmid may no longer lose their lives. in war. Sincerely, Harvey A. MacDougall. Editor's note: Florence Golden's recollec- tions of her .brother's death appears. on page 9. - , End trend to polarization Dear Editor, , We are writing to express our concerns about the increasing trend . -towards. polarization of women's organizations into supposedly pro-famiry and anti -family fac- tions. We are aware that' REAL. Women of Canada are mounting an organized cam- paign -to portray all feminist ,organizations as.anti-family.' We believe this to be a' total misrepresentation . of the organized move- ment for equality for women in Canada. Without exception, groups like ours which considerthemselves part. of the Canadian women's movement and define,thernselves as feminist, stand firmly committed to two 'principles: choice and equality. We believe that neither principle can exist in- dependently of the other. • The right to choose—to marry or't o remain single, to..become a parent or to remain childless, to work inside or outside paid labor force—is the cornerstone of the Cana- dian women's movement upon Which all demands for equality are based. • Discrimination against women in Canada lakes many forms. The women's nmvement in Canada •has focussed its energies on achieving equality for all women. 1 . It has worked hard to obtain legislation of • direct concern to women as workers such as affirmative action, equal pay for work of equal value and sexual harassment. But; it has worked equally 'hard to obtain legislation of benefit to women as mothers on reproductive hazards in the. workplace, parental leave, child .care; funding for assaulted women, effective enforcement of support orders and family law reform: The women's movement in Canada over the past 20 years has continued tel grow and to receive increasingly popular support only because it truly reflects 'the opinions and concerns of the vast Majority)of Canadian women regardless of. age, economic or marital status. As feminists, board members of Women Today reject any insinuations that there is any conflict between women's rights and human rights. We will continue to work towards a future that contains the possibility • of choicer, equality and peace for all Canadians, 'Yours sincerely, Debbie Selkirk, president Women Today.