The Signal, 1932-11-24, Page 8Dolls and Toys Sec our display of Dolls. Priced at 25c and up. r Have you selected your • Cliristikastarls • Yet? Cole's Book Store ti The Leading Men's Stott. Everything that's new in Men's Wear Hand Tailoring and Special Order to Your Measure • • • • PIANO BENCHES AT FA('1ORY PRI('EM Order one now fpr Christmas The Gederich Orris Co. Ltd., liaaderkb, Ont. C_mpbel1 Beauty Culture Shop On the Square at North Street Phan 534 Gedsrlek North Street United Church BAZA AR Saturday, November 26, 1932 E'a iey Work, Aprons, Home Baking, ('ar.•ly, Country Store, and Baby Table. .tfteruotnt Tea from 2.30 to 5.311. DINNER FROM 5.36 TO 7.39- 35 CENTS. vI.L VEi.COME: Chas. Black !boos 410 Goderich HAVE YOU A FUEL OIL FURNACE? A Fire Insurance Policy does not cover loss or damage caueel by smudge or smoke from an oil-hnruer, unless it actually sets fire to the premises. but your Polley con be extended to cover suet) damage. caused hy-unusnn1 or tufty operation, at a eost of 10k• per $IO0.00 for three years'. If interested please communi- eate with J. W. CRAIGIE --Court House Square- - TOWN OF GODERICH — TAXES The seeond instalment of the 1932 Taxes is now due and payable at the office of the Tax Collector. Avoid penalties by paying now. Owners and harborer. ,.f Dogs must also obtain their licenses ori prosecuted. J. H. ROBERTSON, Tax Collector. • v Cold '� � T§Tiire'fi - ALSO THIS WEEK'S . Timely Suggestions a ekt Toilet Articles' Medicines Gin Pills des Pepsodent Tooth Parte 39c A Squibb's Tooth Paste 25c and 39c Three Flowers Vanishing g Buckleya Bronchitis MixCream 50c D. & R. Cold and Vanishing Cream .... 35c Compana's Italian Balm 29c Hind's Honey and Almond Cram 50c 1-,,,,* Kraschen Salts 34c 69c Ipana Tooth Paste 39c Listerine 23c, 470, 89c Thomas' Electric Oil ..29c ture 75C Chase's Syrup Linseed and Turpsntiat .. 29c and 69c THE SIGNAL Light Sentences at Fall Assizes Grey Township Farmer Sent to Guelph Reformatory for Six Months 141`..,01.11 SHIM _,elf the supreme Court of Ontario for Iluron county were concluded at the court house on Friday last. The case of the Crown vs. Cummings was taken up before Judge Jeffrey and a jury on Thursday. J. Meldon Cum- mings, a farmer of (trey township, thirty-five yearn of age, was charged with„ajtempted rape, and pleaded not flttilty. Cummings. who Is a beeisiort lives w•Ith his mother and brother, and they employed as housemaid Odella Huston, also of Grey township, a girl of sixteen. Wats Huston alleged that Cummings made two attempts upon her and after the *wood one she left his employ. The case, which the presiding judge characterized as "extraordinary,” occu- pied ten boors. Cummlugs flatly de- nted the Incriminating evidence offered by witnesses for the Crown. After the courtroom had been cleared !lies Huston told t mtngs' actions. Her father gave ev erase eoneerning con- versatione between himself and Cum- mings with regard to the latter's eon - (Wet, sial Mn. Huston corroborated, so lar as her knowledge went, statements made by her husband. Alex. Tulek, who runs it shoe store and repair shop In Atwood, testified that Cummings had come into his shop and asked him ITulek 1 to testify at the trial as to the girl's reputation, of- fering a sum of money for this fa'v'or. The accused. when called to the wit- ness box• denied the statements of Odell' Huston, her father, and TuleY- Cummiugs while on the stand tended toward speech -making and explana- tions. but stuck to his story consistent- ; ly, although subjected to a severe cross- ' examinatbsn by Col. E. S. .Wigle, ('rown prosecutor. Mrs. ('umming., mother of the accused, and Roy Cummings, his broth - es: both testified and corroborated In- most points the story presented by the accused. Dr. John Kidd of Atwood was called o 1 5tfty'-[Tia-ttre'character of Cue GODERICH, ONT. Lend Osage 'Considered Orly Source of Wealth, Trade. the great adventure of today,t. once was considered a degrading oc- cupation. unfit tor "gentlefolk." The ambition of the tueresottle class of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries was to become landed proprietors. Thus Investment o‘thelr surplus funds almost ht) attal.J) ran 10.1anded estates to stieh they or their heirs eveotuall,w r'nlant retire anti. as one nlstortan puts It, "shpke the slime of trade from the!• ret," Gradually there came a change, bow• ever, as trade became inure sod more necessary in the scheme of things, as explorers upeued up ever greater and richer territory. As early u the Six- teenth century the efficiency of united curl and capital had become demon- strated end' the grganiaatices et such great companles as the Loma the East India , and 00 Hudson! Bay proved that foetunh- maid Do mads Is aetnethttlr_bfi19m_tand. -Those com- panies. panles. developed principally by the mercantile Names. anon became eta- pires to themseives-In which even royalty might participate without courting the faunal stigma attached to hills Similarity of Surnames in Old English Village Nurthauytt.atsldre. awn boast of • vil- lage In which one-third of the Inhabi- tants fosses• the snnie surname. This Is Hoz-at. which has a population of Just over 1,000. Nearly 300 of them hrive the surname of Drage. !luny vliliges and small towns Cas •tion surprhdug numbers of a few sue - thanes amongst their Inhabitants, but nowhere else la such a large percent-• age of people with the some name to be found. _ 1t Is dlflicuIt to d:acoter but* 11 a11. happened. Sunni time are-• compare- tively modern institution, for to the old days there were none. To distin- guish between tram 1\'llllams, One might be referred 40 as \\Milium, ltobert's son. and the other Willuun from Hand- ley. In course of time this was short- ened to %•illlam ito..•ratan and Wil- llaailikndtey. Cr. acaln, a mon might- beJptowu by his trade. John the smith. becoming John Sibith, re_-t_bML ges nate front Is a mystery. for there 1s no mention of Huge 1n the ofd records. -London Tit - Bite ming*. but His Lordship ruled out the evidence. He claimed that character evidence in such a case meant nothing, as the previous. character of the ac- cused might have been unquestioned, yet his guilt might be established. Odella Huston returned to the box to deny statements made by Cummings and his mother that the latter had slept with her on the nlghta accused Vias charged with having committed the offeuce. She also denied statements - made by Cummings that she had bad Improper relations with her friend, Janes Smith, in the kitchen of the Cummings home. James Smith, friend of the girl, also denied Cummings' accusations of im- proper relations with her. Counsel for the defence, Frank Don- nelly, addressed the jury for fifty -live .{aasinataa reviewing the facts of the ease. Crown prosecutor Wigle spoke.- for twenty-two minutes. His Lordship Justice Jeffrey analysed the evidence for nearly an hour. The jury retired and after some de- liberation returned a verdict of not guilty on the charge of attempted rape, but guilty of a leaser charge of inde- cent assault by reason of the youth of the girl and the mature age of the ac- cused. His Lordship imposed a sentence of six months in Guelph Reformatory. He scored Cummings for not telling the truth in the witness box, and pointed out that Miss Huston had made a mis- take in not crying out or complaining to the mother of the accused the next day. Youth Gets Suspended Senteeee Mervin Battram, seventeen -year-old youth of Parkhill, wan arraigned be- fore Mr. Justice Jeffrey on a yah -old charge of obstructing the course of juatiee by signing a false statement to Provincial Constable Whitesde. Gemmel for the defense, Frank Don- nelly, asked for leniency on account of the youth of the accused. Raying that he did not realize the aerlounness of the act and that, further, the officers did not fully explain the nature of the statement. Judge Jeffrey suspended 'sentence up- on the youth, wllp.j he mild, constd- erable reluctance. Cards Lander Campbell �1 si t �ec Wrestling cal Bo - -VICTORIA OPERA HOUSE, GODERICHAIL We• esday, Nov. 304 World's Olympic Boaceir ..Lefty Gwynne .r Fred Fairmaii WRESTLING -- x : Larry Labelle Jack Seabo 17b Iha. Two out of throe fall, IE'CIDRNTS AT THE FALL ASSIZES the alx persons brought up bet (tie urt on criminal crhargrs. 11 wet ung men tweetylwo years under. • te ,s , of Undies. y was men- to Imprisonment all we tpletita of south 1 $ship .unties Jeffrey. Two ve were given euspen4ed see were distill/wed ,c t . No excuse 'scept aleknewe or could free a juryman from his Chas., 'quith, called on the grand jury, to be excused on the ground that be was manager of en apple eva- porator at Auburn and his business em- pioying twenty-two heads world have to be closed down If he erre not pre sent. The lodge ruled out his plea. • • • Tim (Irwin. of Ashfield, summoned to take 1 1 s place as • member of the grand eery, was not preaeetaln wart. J udge leri'lyy threatened to Issue a bench warrant It was later reviewed that the se had been lying in the poet oteee se Inrorret't ad- d rem. 1) Still Going Strong One by uue the great (airs of Eu- rope have passed away, hut Leipzig Is greater than ever It has been. 1t Is the world's one amoal international fair. it has been held since before the Twelfth century, and when there, Leipzig always germ ides more than a fair, for at Is a city of unusual In- terest and ever) tourist seeks out Auerbach's keller on GrImmalsehea- strasae, to do honor to the episode so -famous In Goetbe's -Faust." -- The city has one exhibition hall twice the size of the old Madison Stluure garden, and there are 80 other hails, During the fair week the whole city is given over to suitable festivi- ties, chiefly of the nature of pageants. The Napoleonic wars and the World war failed to interfere with the Leipzig fair. • BRIEFS' , The monthly 'meeting et the hoard of 'trade will be held at the town hall on Monday night nest, at $ o'clock. Keep in mind November 26th, the date oP the Dasur by the Women's As - socialise of North street United church. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Hospital Auxiliary wt] be held In the public library board room on Woodsy, November 23, at 4 p.m. A full attendance le requested. The Ooderich Community Welfare Bureau request the co-operation of citi- zens In providing wearable clothing for families on relief. Any articles of ap- parel lett at the town hall would be sip - Owing to the unfavorable weather coalitions that have been prevailing the recital announced last week to be given by pupils of H. A. Clark of Stratford on November 25th has been postponed until further notice. Mr. and Mrs. Arch. Horton, of Col- borne township, ancone the engage- ment of their daughter. Grace aOvelyn, to Mr. William Roderick Bogie, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. William Bogie of Colborne township near Loyal. The marriage is to -.takes piece qw In December. Ile dv .w.t' It• T;7 7" ".'" - . v }. t,:- 17.7 LOeT, inisAYZD,r Mum/ 1O8T.-THRE--xSAM•OLD BLIJ ne HE1TES. 'Vick out of lower side 0! left ear. Finder plasms pion OAR - LOW 2883. ' ENGINEERING I'OPJBEL & CAR L'-.CONBUTA'1N0 Vend Municipal >r neon, pinta' age. lane surveying, Melanie Temple Httlidtog, Godericb, Ont. Phone, 230. CARD OF !HANKS 'run FAMILY OF THD LTE MRS, ii WM. CLARK wish to thank the many friends aad neighbor for kind - Reams shown In their sad bereavement. They wish alto to *awes, their grati- tude for the floral tributes and for the kind words spoken by Rev. Mr. Craik. atm• PUBLEI NOTICE FIGHT CARD FOR WEDNESDAY Several good attractions are billed for Wednesday night. "November IIIc at the Opens House. - "Lefty" Gwynne, 'world's Olympic boxer, will oppose Fred Pairman in what ,hoed prove a sensational battle. in addition to the taxing bout, two wrestling bouts are slated, Larry La- belle opposing Jack Scabo. for the beat two out of three falls. Bob Williams will meet Scotty Melntyre for one fall in forty minutes. --Local fans are enthusiastic over this .card, since it brings a combination of wrestling and boxing on the one bill, and the new popular priced should bring out a good crowd of fans Wed- i nesday night.). KEN nen WOW WLNlmDt Qualify for better pay as garage me- chanics, battery, welding, electrical, barber and beauty (miters experts. Short training required. Write for Free Liters t u re. Dominion Trade SdMels, Head OISoe: 79 Queen Street. Wet, Toronto. _Notice la hereby given that a Court Will he bete, pursuant to the Ontario Voters' Lista Art, by Has Honor the Judge of the County Court of the, County of Iluron, et the Court House, Qodericb, en Tuesday, the 6th day of Det . tuber, 1932, at nine o'clock In the forenbon, to hear and determine com- plaints of errors and omissions in the voters' list of the Mualcipellty of the Town of Goderich for the year 1932. Dated at Goderich toe 23rd clay of November, 1932 ' L. L. KNOX, Clerk of the Municipality of the Town 'of Goderich. __- ▪ NOME 1'0 416110:0 .111600E TO OARDITOES. Notice is hesayy gives that all rid - Otero of the estate of the late 'Mrs. Alex. Jebaston at Ooderich are re quired on or before the 3rd of Decem- ber, 1932, to deliver to the ulder- signed, executor of the saki estate, ea statement of their claims, with toil Pertkola es. And take notice that after aald date the executor will proceed to elistrlbute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto and that he wUl not be liable for the said assets to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not then have been re- ceived eceived by him. Accounts to be sent to HAYS 4 HAYS, Goderich, Solicitors for the Estate, or R. G. JOHNSTON, Executor, Goderich, Ont. MORTGAGE SALE MORTGAGE SALE OF FARM Pau - 14 I'EWrT. -_ I'nder and by virtue of the powers of sale contained la a certain mortgage, w.hlch %Ili be produced at time of rale, there will be offered for sale by public auction. on Saturday, December 10th, 1932, at the hour of 2 o'clock In the afternoon, at the premises, the follow- ing property: Part of the South Part of Lot Num- ber Eight, Lake Range Couteaelou, W I)., Township of Colborne. This la Lake Shore property with a 'large barn and uu house. TERMS -Twenty per cent. cash at the time of the sale and the balance in thirty days. Fur further particulars apply to HAYS & HAYS, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors ter the Mortgagees, or to T1108. GUNDRY & SON, Auctioneers, Goderich, Ont. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT CRANK P. OIBB8, Aoconatant 102 Oates oiRrea�j, ` VOTERS' LIST NOTICE• Stratford Phone 1588. Res. 133N. VOTERS' LiSTS; 1182 MtNtCt- PALiTY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE. •COI'NTY OF 1*I'RON. Notice is hereby given that 1 have complied with section 7 of The Voters' ' Nuts Act and that 1 1)ywa,posted up at my office in the 'township of Colborne the 14 !t dam of November, 1913, the Wt of ill persons entitled to rete Tn the said municipality at municipal elec- tions, anti that such list remains there for inspection. And i hereby call upon all voters to take Immediate proceedings to have any er rs or omissions corrected •e - being the 5th day of December, 1932 Dated this 10th day of November, 1932, W. SALT.OWS, And. Clerk. VOTERS' LIST NOTICE. • VOTERS' LISTS, 1I32, MUNICI- PALITY OF THE TOWN OF 410/3M - IOU. COUNTY OF HURON. -_ Notice is hereby given that i have complied with section 7 of The Voters' List* Act and that I have posted up at my once at the Town Hall, Goderteh, on the thirty-first day of October, 1982, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And 1 hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, the last day for appeal being the 21st day of November, 1932 Dated this 3rd day of November, 1932. L L KNOX, Clerk of the Town of Goderich, BORN ADELMANN.-in Detroit, on Thur.- ` day, November lOth, to Ne. and Mrs. Jos. Adelmann, a daughter. WATSON.-At itlyth. on Wednesday. November 10th, 1932. to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. N. Watson, a daughter. Maritime Rale The captain of a vessel, upon en- tering a harbor must first obtain a harbor pilot, then pass quarantine in- spection, and then enter at the cus- toms house and present his certificate of registry. 11 a foreign vessel, the captain presents his certificate to the consul of his country and receives a receipt which he gives to the cus- toms officers. Then 1t Is necs-.sary to pay tonnage tax. In leaving : the captain must have clearer • pa- pers to show that he has t all taxes, •nd must Indicate the -mfrs to which he Is going. - Maio Her Nami Farrows Sophie Potoc•ka was born In Con • atantlnople shout 17(14; and died to Ber- lin in 1822. She wua the wife of • Polish count, Stanislaw Felix Potocki, Her parents were (!reek, and as • . child sold her for 1,600 plasters, or 1$375, to the French •abassador ,at Constantinople. who adopted her. 81* [harried the connt de Witt, who three years later divorced her at the request % Potocki and on the receipt of 2,000, - golden. In 1700 she married Pe •nes famous for her beauty nab - ' roughens( Ru+ • . • The judicial 44nity d the judge 1. not marred by Peen tritest** Mg • the value M varlOna hie pommel^ alma proprietor otannuelk aseeiNr _ asked, "I serer beard of meeker. Is It anything like billiards?" Very stir aware the 'win to a haven't rainy," "Rot 1 have a me In year hones for London Answers. Aspir•tieas to s small Indiana village a be had been Invited to join tie boys' se- cret stat Blab. After attending the first meeting the lad (4 sot seem at all Interested dad the 2seiese Motor Is - mitred whet tie trotile visa '1 wet to Is tram** and diet etcb leas New M ilia* let's as out" ' the aspiring Mike swim 1. Mies libel Parrott. of Threats, t• visiting fTMeds In tows. ' kat`-"'lOtn t11Rje what are �e ams el Small Asr-- T ILr; tan ars the aloe we might le have Nee esti DIED CLARK. -At Port Iluron, Mich., on Sunday, November 20. Janet Crosier, widow of the iite William Clark of Goderich. aged 77 years. IN MEMORIAM PATON.-In toeing memory of my dear wife, Emma Wallace, who de- parted this life, November 22, 1930. Thou art not idle in thy holy sphere, Thy spirit binds been- to loving task's, And strength to perfect what it dreamed of here is an the crown or glory that 11 asks. -SORROWING HUSBAND, WANTED WANTED. -A GENERAL SERVANT. Apply at SIGNAL OFFICE. WANTED.-ILA1D FOR GENERAL housework. Apply at SiGNAL OFFICE. FOR SALT OR RENT HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT. - "At a bargain. Easy terms. THOS. YOUNG, South street. TO RENT. -HEATED APARTMENT. Modern In detail. Possession every any time after November hat- 84Y$ & HAYS. Barrietera,.L4plerlsp.. ROUSE FOR SALE OR MONT.-SOD 211D brick bomae on Trafalgar street; all modern conveniences. Wired for electric stove. Apply at SiGNAL OF- PIOE. TO i.ET.-PARTLY FUftNISITY/D APARTMENT; living -room, dining alcove and kitchenette. Furnace - bested and electricity. Apply PARK ROVER. RENT.—RiX-ROOMED APART- 1TO MENT on Hoath street. Modern em- cee; garage. Also can imply Ind board. .1 E. HARNWELL, g, V • street. `-!lkbR.--A SWAM/ QWISAAO 5'.1 r, b good rondition. Also 24 Of pipe. Want to buy a good, • �'; safe, but meat be cheap. Ap- '1 .err, •'t' AL OFFICE. sp . . ,Vf c • OOBRY STOCK AND '17XT . s Will either sell or test d dwelling in connection. Rest reastifiabta JAR. H. PIPE, t'or- Victoria fed Nelson streets, God - F0R RALR.-A STUDiABAKER COA0H light els, Al shay,, new tires; mut be seen to be appreci- ated. Will consider ModelFord in trade. WEN P. 0. 1'h07f 775, or see LEO RAK>1R. WARM, OOMTORTABLII FLAT FOR rent, oe St Vincent street All roovaaleseea-garage, garden, lawn, and slndona verandah. Formerly part late Mtge Doyle re.Mesee. N. W. ROWELL. Phone 211 or 1. (,ARM TOR SALbs.-TORTY AORiN mom or lar. The property of the Res R.: Q Nandi. the W. attested at Akita 21'sst the eel aft' ee seethere =Mr_ .. � f 1. hsiaeea . (111 feet"7r,stir beet Sr water: l'weelkahop, geed trait trate. Ideal leeetion. dem to Whoole sed Absreaea Per further ger !twists apply se Aleve mi tea sr to AUCTION 'SAIE AUCTION SALE. iN THS MATTER' OF THE ESTATE OF THE LATE MART McMAHON. In pursuance of an order made by Ills Honor Thomas Moore Costello, the foilowlag property will be sold by pub- lfe.aatten. on - SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28th, 1932 at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the premises, Bennett street, Ooderich: Lot Fourteen (14), Concession "C," in the Town of Goderich, containing ten (10) acres. This property con- sist* of a solid brick house, with orchard. _. TERMS OF THE SALE -4 -Ten pee cent of purchase price at the time of the sale and the balance within thirty days. The property wIH be sold subject to a reserved bid. HAYS & HAYS, Goderieh; Ont., Solici- tors for the Executors herein. T. Gf1NDRY & SON, Aoctloae4fs, God- 0111- ADVERTISEMENT od- Ont ADVERTISEMENT OF BALL Under and by virtue of the powers contained In a certain mortgege, wbk•h will be produced at the time of ale, there will be offered for sale by public auction on Saturday, the 26th day of November, 1984, at the hour of L30 o'clock 1e the afternoon, at the prem- ises, by George IL Elilott, auctioneer, the following property, namely s All and eingnler those certain par- cels or treeta of land and premises sit- uate, lying and being In the Township of Stanley, In the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, and being com- posed of Lots .umbers st:, eleven, eight and nine (d, 7, 11 sod 6), Range "3," and Lots number* seven; eight nine asd eleven (7, 8, 9, and I1), Rays "0," and Lot number Oman (11), Range "n," Lot number Ewes (11), Raagf "E." Lot number Emir (4), and the east part of Lot number Five (5), Realm "H," formerly in the Vil- lage of Rayfield •ad sow in the said Toweahty of 8Yn1ey TERMS -Ten per cent. of the Dee- dless asoeey to be paid down at the tltelo ale: legatee* ta._6s Mid is eoodt- emelt- i a 'wt:'deeerleth �� �oltdten 1011, ; l/ta M' le atio'gs 11.111004.. ton, flatarb. Asedee.w. Dated at .oe4ertaa the 4ti day of iseteaber. ♦D. 1981 AUCTIONEERING MAS Gi'NDRY, OODERICH. _LVE STOCK AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER Telephone No. 119. Ira attended- to anywhere and every effort made to give satisfaction. Farmers' sale notes discounted. MEDICAL tilt. F. J. H. FORSTER, EYE, EAR, NO8E, THROAT Late House Surgeon New York Opb- thalmk and Aural Hospital, aalstaat at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital, London, Hag. 53 Waterloo 8t S, Stratford. Tele phone 287. At lfotel Bedford, Goderich, from 7 o'clock on the evening of third Monday of each month CLU the following Tues- day •1 1 p.m DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER j WiWiiat(Ut i$ AND DRUOLESS .HLRAPIST Ooderich, Phone 341. Equipped with electro -magnetic bathe. Electronic electric treatments and chiropractic. Chronic, organic and nervous diseases. Lady in atteodaaes. Office hours 2 to 5, and 7 to 6 p.m., excepting Monday and Thursday sad by appointment A. N. ATKiNSON Rcafdence and office --Corner of South street and Britannia road. MUSIC RAYMOND FLEMR. INQ PLAYER. A.T.0-M., Organist and Choirmaster of North Street United Church, an- nounces that he 1s prepared to accept pupils in piano, organ, thew. gag vocal. Terms on appiJe118L -± dance and studio, Newgate St-aattl MR. H. N. LIVENS, Pi'PiL OF THE Royal Conservatory, I.dpdg, Osr- many. Teacher of piano, organ, vocal, and barmony- Terma on application. BRDDORD HOTEL or KNOX CHURCH. 1.6GAL nuDLOY Ili. HOLMES,Daniato ONbs—HaB.ntee street, *-dWee-1ea Anse 27. iiOUGLII R. NAIRN. D Barrister and Solicitor. Office --North street. Ooderich. Telepboae tilt R. R. DARROW, BARRISTER, ETC. lineceseor to J. L Sllloraa. ' PaoneOfliss-The Seem, 0e4wItt1. FRANK DONNRLLY,-B. A. — Barrister. 80leitor, Etc. Office -Hamilton Street, Goderich. Phone 283. DAYS & HAYS, it Barristers and Solicitors R. C. Rays, K.C, and R C. Hays, B.t Hamilton street, Oodorlch '•leehose S4 - - VRNRST M. LEE, Barrister and Solicitor Snn Life Building. A(aelaide and Vic- toria streets, Toronto 2. TMephom Elgin 5801. INSURANCE LOANS, RTC VetILLOP MUTUAL FiRE INSUR- ANCE 00. -Earle and belated tows property insured. (Akers -- Jobs Resnewete, Pres.. arsdharjera ; Jame*°7.11 Oooely, 1ler P.0. ; D. F. Me0reeev. Soafortb P.O. Dlreet.rs--A. Brodtest, ILE No, L Seaford ; James Shol4tee. Wanes: Wm. Knox, LoMntare; Robert Tatar. RaHeelt ; Geo. NeOartsep. Tea Ne. 1. Seatortb• 'u:WM s` ' ' a- :Ilta : lamest ltl eastarta ; Jana Y Soa6r 4I. Metgot tide wee of tee els. Make paymemte me at 1. Rehm bask CWss t 4CaMrlkw (sutra (3)11711611r• Itelya Owed. r1