The Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-09-25, Page 13Lacknow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 25, 1985—Page I• Wendy Ritchie, Ashfield Township and Kelly McBride, Kinloss Township, struggle to win arm wrestling in the top left photograph.. Above, Allison Ramsay listens to little friend Lindsay Raymond's impressions of the parade. Below, Wayne Gollan .of Luclmow finds a comfottable perch on an enormous pumpkin while watching log sawing competi- tions. Stilt ,walking. was another event for youngsters and Jay Clark, Holyrood, takes a. few tentative steps. The agricultural society provided hamburgers for sale cooked by chefs Lillian Irvin, 'tome Hackett and Frank Alton.. 1 • • • 4 • . •