The Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-09-18, Page 20103y.ear old visitor to Ripley • from page 20 - brought along William Dowle at 1031/2 years - address for them .Apt. 52, 444 Chester Avenue, Birmingham, Mich.., 48009. She drives thecar and he walks quite spry. He owned a shoe store and sold the same brand of shoes he was wearing here. Back years ago these shoes cost $15 dollars. Today the. pair which he was wearing cost $185. ddilars. _ ,• Visited with Fran Sunday Last Sunday Mrs. Beth Findlay and Reg Moore of Hanover drove over to Walkerton to visit Fran Wylds in the Bruce County Hospital there. Beth MacTavish, Grace Murray and Fran Wylds were clerks in Reg Moore's, grocery store in Ripley - now Lynn Nicholson's grocery store. Diamond Jubilee medals ' This year, 1985, marks the 60th anniver- • sary of the Canadian Legion, It was founded in 1925: .Last Tuesday evening at the Regular' Legion meeting in the Legion hall in Ripley, the chairman of the committee here presented Diamond Jubilee medals to Don McLay, Bill MoCreathaand Bob/Love in appreciation. of their work. Soon home from hospital , Mrs. Nancy Fitzgerald of the Fourth Con- cession east underwent major surgery in a Windsor Hospital on Thursday last' week. Her sister Shirley Dame of the 12th-conces- sion was down and she expects Nancy to be able to return home this next week. Wayne and Nancy Fitzgerald were treasurers for the, Ripley Agricultural Society. This posi- tion is now tilled by Sheila MacDonald. We wish Nancy well in the coming week. Secretary Don MacTavish reports a large attendance at the September meeting of the Ripley Agricultural Society - 27 members on Sept, 9. Present were Bill and Bertha Scott, Gary Courtney, Bob Scott, Morley Scott, Ron and. Dianne Brooks, Nina Wyld, •Bob Forster, Perrin Lowry, Bob Thompson, Dan Reid, Gordon Patterson, Grant McDonald, Keith van ;der Hoek, John and Barb. Gamble, Sheila MacDonald, Mari. MacDonald, Barb Messenger, Wilma and Cecil Sutton, Jack and Linda Campbell, Don and Anna Mac- Tavish and Bev Cuyler. Here are the highlights- of the meeting. Achievement night will be in the Complex on November. 1st with a turkey dinner. Tickets will be for sale. New jumps are to be built for the light horse show. Barb Gamble is to sell cakes on a cake tree. Now Bertha Scott has five entries in thee. Ripley -fall fair Queen competition. An error in the prize list - Class 3 Eggs should have read - One flat - 212 dozen white and brown eggs. This is a new class. Next Monday evening Sept. 23 is work night in the Ripley Complex and on the grounds. The Ripley HHuron fall fair goes on. Friday and Saturday, Sept. 27 and 28. Hostess welcomes I S members The • Afternoon Group of . Knox Presbyterian Church. Ripley met on Sept. 10 in Huron Villa. Hazel MacDonald was hostess for this meeting and welcomed the 15 members present. Bette, MacLeod• read the scripture Colossians Chapter 3, verses 16 to. 25. She also reminded members they should read theijr Bibles every day to bring them closer to our Lord. Adelene Hackett had the topic taken from Chapter 4 of the. Study Book "Koreaand Its Powers", telling of the many hardsips this little country had suffered through the years. Also the Korean War of 1950 between north and south Korea was outlined: Mrs. Nugent presented WMS memberships to Ella MacPherson and Mrs. Orland McLeod. She gave some information about these memberships.. ' Mrs. Nugent and Mrs. MacDonald gave a report of the board executive meeting they attended in..Belgrave. The Annual Bazaar will be held on Nov. 9. Gladys Huston gave the courtesy remarks and lunch was serried. As Effie Southerland was unableto attend, Mrs. tte id,Mrs. Jim Tout assisted by Mrs. Hackett and Mrs. MacDonald. " Upcoming rallydiscussed • At' the September meeting of Wingham Voice for Life, the upcoming rally . in Toronto was discussed. Most of our active ' members will be going to Toronto,on Sept. 21, to join ad all -Ontario rally ;irr front of the Legislature (Queen's Park). 'Tlhe tt►enre of the rally is Justice for the Un- born. We are also writing to the Prenuer of Ontario and to the Attorney -General to re-. mind them that we oppose not only free- standing • (Morgentaler-style) abortion "clinics", but all abortions, wherever they. are performed. • ' . 'lire rally and the letter -writing project •were announced in the parish bulletins of various local, churches. The following biblical.text was included, as abortion is a violation of', God's law,, and an unnatural act: Dnes a woman forget her baby; or fail •to cherish the child of her womb? • Yet even if these forget, • I will never forgetyou. See,. I have carved you on the palms of my hands. (Isaiah 49: 15-16) • Campaign Life, the political arm of the Canadian pro-life movement, is planning a nation-wide television campaign and will also put out a pamphlet, to be sent to every household in the •country: Both the pam- phlet and the television announcement will explain abortion and its Consequences. The Pro -Life movement is very active on ttie county level as well. The Goderich chapter is sponsoring a `Mobile Informa- '. tion Unit", vhich Will travel throughout the region, supplyinginformation about abortion and inviting questions from in- terested citizens. • • Voice for Life will sponsor an education booth . at the Teeswater Fair, it has also undertaken extensive T.V. ads fir this fall and the,coming winter. • ' Shower yields lovely gifts. INTAIL A shower was held for Bonnie Sinnett on Sept. 12 at , St. Joseph's Kingsbridge School.. Shereceived many lovely gifts. Congratulations to Ben and Mary Ann Van .Diepenbeek on the birth of their son Michael James. Kaye MacDonald, formerly of Ashfield Township passed away Sept. 10. Sympathy is expressed to the family: . Justin Murray was visiting 'Ray Dalton on Saturday and Sunday. ' Playschooi , is starting Sept. 24. Playschool times are'going to be 9:30 a.m.. to 11:30 a.m. at St. Jospeh's Kingsbridge School. Any children two to five years old are.welcortre. Contact Cathy Cook 529-7818: Steve and Sally Elliott were up for the weekend at their farm at Kihtail. • The first Kingsbridge Beavers and Cubs will soon be starting another. year. Boys ages 5 to 7 . can become Beavers. Their. leader's are Max Riegling and Phil Mc- Cann: Boys ages' 8 to 10' can become Cubs and their leaders are Tom Hogan and Lawrence Hogan: Anyboys interested in joining these clubs are welcome to come out to registration night Sept. 18 from 7:30 to 8:30 p.nr. at the Ashfield Township•Hall. Lucknow Sentinel; Wednesday, Se CANINE VISION CANAD WaIk-a-DOg-a- Sunday, October 6, 1985 "Walk Your Best Friend for Those Wh "Walk your best friend for those who need one" are invited toparticipate in the 1985 first ever N a-thon, a special fundraising event for Canine V national training facility for dog guides and Canadians, located in. Oakville, Ontario. The 10-ki take place on Sunday, October 6th, starting at Pledge sheets can be picked up at Bain's Grocet Supply, Agnew Jewellery or phone the WALK .h 3148. CLETUS D First Choice 529-7 REAL ESTATE FOR SYLVIA JOHNSTON ANi4 RUTH Friday, September 27th at 6:30 LOCATION 521 and 523 Stauffer Street, Lu AUCTIONEER NOTE- • This is an excellent lot with both apartments rented on month' tenancy clause. Income of approximately $412.00 per month. Hh OPEN HOUSE 5:30 until auction time or by appointment only. • Call 529=7420 REAL ESTATE DUPLEX consists of one unit with two bedrooms, kitchen, )ivi sitting room, bathroom: Second Unit consists of twa bedrooms, sitting room, both units are heated by forced air furnance. Tai Located close to downtown. LEGAL'DESCRIPTION South half of block 'F', Plan 20, Tow4 of Lucknow, Bruce Coil AA downpaymentof 10 per cent, is due the day of the auction. The dosing within thirty days of auction date. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS FORWFORMATION CALL529-7420 AUCTIONEER- SALES MANAGER: • COI Age: ropole R� ally Announcements auction day take oi1•.''•+t nce .over printed• ad.