The Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-09-18, Page 19iesday, September 18, 1985 5 PLAZA it pTQWEL )1 -4405 [Sat. 9-5 Come and see our wide selection of NEW FALL YARNS and STXLES Classified Game. 8-2822 • NOTICE • •September foot care dinic has been cancelled By AB WYLDS The September foot care clinic has been cancelled. The next one will be on Thursday October 17 when Mrs. Joan. Eadie of the Ripley Holyrood 'road will be the nurse in, charge: The secretary taking down the 'names for appointments is Mrs. Ethel White of Huron Villa in Ripley. Remember the foot care clinic for this area will be on the, third Thursday of each month and it will be in the Ripley Huron Legion Hall. Wheel of Chance . Last Friday September 13 we received a note from Mrs. Barbara (Jelin) Gamble of the Sixth Concession east in Huron Twp. It is about a .new feature for the, Ripley fall fair on Saturday, Sept. 28 which is just next week. Here is the note. "The Ripley Agricultural Societyis featuring a Wheel of Chance, and would like to ask for donations such as cakes; tarts, squares, jars of jam and pickles: Bring the donation to the arena hall. Hope with your help we can make thisa• success and fun. Registration for skating Mrs. Marjorie Culbert is the secretary of the Ripley Figure Skating Club and sends along, this note re registration next week. The 1985-86 season for the Ripley Ibiron Figure Skating Club will begin with registration in the Huron Township hall on Thursday, Sept. 19, 1985 6: 00p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 21, 1985 10 a.m.:- 3:00 p.m.; Thursday, Sept. 26, 1985 6 :00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Members are asked to bring their registration numbers with them. There will be a skate exchange on these dates. The Canskate program offers two hours per week of ice time for boys and girls from three years of age with a professional who will help them learn to skate. A program for adults who wish to learn to skate or improve ' their skating will be provided if there is suf- • ficient,interest. The Club is planning an exciting season. Come skate with us in Ripley! • Brother passed away Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Mildred ( Redvers ) Johnsoh and Mrs. Zilla (Clarence) Hedley both of Ripley on the re- • • cent passing of their brother Wm. Lloyd Osborne. Family get together This is a letter from Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Bell of Mill Road in Etobicoke and of. Ripley Street in Ripley. Both Donald and his • wife Angela are known here. A family gathering on Septeniber 2, 1985, all descendants of the late Alexander • Bell and Effie Cameron, •tobk place at the Bradley School Community •Centre. Relatives travelled from Rexaul in North India, St. Thomas, Kincardine area, Lon- don, Chesley, •Cargill, Armow, Stratford, Toronto, • Pinkerton, Mississauga, Etobicoke, Walkerton and area. • Donald Bell welcomed the family and Gordon Bell said the Grace. A buffet dinner •was served. A Bruce County plaque was presented to / Gordon Bell and his wife Anne upon the oc- casion of their 'retirement and relocation •from London, Ontario to Abbatsford, British • 'Columbia. Gordon has served 35 years with the London Police Force. • Dr. Aletta Bell, founder and Senior Medical Superintendent of Duncan Hospital, Rexaiii, ,North India, gave an impressive and heart warming slide presentation on her medical missionary work in India. Dr. Aletta demonstrated the effectiveneSs of combined medical expertese and Chris- tianity in a country teeming with people sub- jected to poverty and disease. fillage 'of Lucknow• *ERS MEETING lage of Lucknow cordially invite all ratepayers of the to be held September 27, 1985 at 8:00 p.m. downstair assembly room of the Town Hall., vill be present to answerany questions concerning ',interested residents will attend to discuss YOUR vil- , • VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW B. M .'W HITCROFT, CLERK TREASURER. IESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION ion of Delegates tonvention/Annual Meeting ay,.Oct. 2, 1985 p:00 pm sardine Town Hall (Upstairs) ••• k delegate/alternate status, of a delegate selec- kstanding of the riding, campus, Youth it as of midnight. Aug. 19, 1983 or .such rovlded by their constitution, • the riding, campus or Youth Association �r January 1, 1983 and be eligible for Top priced beef In the weekly livestock report from the Toronto -Stockyards Allan Coiling of Ripley mentioned for shipping top priced beef animals during the week. Donated gazebo to Ripley On Wednesday evening of last week Sept. 11, 1985 gathered in Gore Park were, Ray. Fuller, Ron Nicholson, Bill Robinson,‚ Wayne Watson, Doug 'Coultes, John MacKay, Charles and Dale Liddle of the Ripley and District Lions Club and for the village of Ripley Clerk Bill M'cCreath, Reeve Bill Tranter,.,. councillors Tom Culbert, Dianne Flemisch, and Martin Phelan., - On this first of the cold evenings of last week the ribbon cutting ceremony was per- formed by President Dale. Liddle of the Lions and Reeve Bill Tranter of the Council. • The picnic shelter built by the Lions is now officially open - "Use it and do not abuse" should be the motto for the public. • Just two nights before the above opening four young folks about 7 or 8 years perhaps were up on the railing pounding at the short wooden braces from the pillars to the roof plates when we drove home here. Seeing that we were watching they got down and. Went to the teeter totters. This brings to mine my grandmother's saying, namely "The Devil makes work.for idle hands". So she always saw that mine were not idle out on the Sixth concession fami. Visited with Fran and Ab -- Last Saturday afternoon Elmer and Gladys Wylds, their daughter Mrs. Diane Robinson and sons Shane and Nathan of Kin- cardine visited in. the County of Bruce • General Hospital, Walkerton with /Ab and Fran Wylds, Also with Mrs. Pearl Mac- Donald and other patients from Kincardine. Corn cob sheller displayed On a nice evening a week or so ago, two• neighbour ladies Mrs. Clara Shiells and Mrs: Gladys Arnold from the west end of Ripley took a walk up street. They had been looking at the antiques in Albert Verheye's window. One painted, all shiny black with gold lettering got their attention. They were wondering what it was used for. . It was mounted on a wooden plank which , in turn was held up at each end by a pair of wooden legs at each end. At one end of the bench was a metal plate with a crank handle which could be Seen but nothing else. Ab Wylds was headed for the George McLean alleyway to the post office. The ladies asked me about it and I went back for a close look it. •• • My guess was that it was a mounting for a „small grindstone with the stone missing, Last Thursday morning we went into the store to ask Albert Verheye and he said that' it was a 'corn cob sheller but he had no cobs and had never seen it wdrking. Ab Wylds comes home here and `gets two cobs from those which Jerry Huber brought in last fall from cleaning out his combine. Albert Verheye sticks o'ne of the cobs into the device at the back of the plate and gives the' handle a few turns and there is the cob all shelled. Albert had the machine all painted black except the raised lettering on the front of the circular plate. They were done in gold paint and read "J.P. Smith, June 22, 1869" 103 year old visitor Albert Verheye had a registration book at his _store. People going through the store wrote down their name, age and address. He isquite pleased with one entry - actually two people - Marion fluff 80 years and she • Turn to page 21 Tea, dessert precede meeting TheSeptember meeting of the Lucknow W.I. was held in the assembly rooms at the town hall, A delicious dessert and tea was served. After the Opening Ode president Mrs. • Ruth Bogues read a poem on "Autimui". Minutes of .the last meeting and the treasurer's report were given by Jean Whitby. Delegates to the area convention on Oct. 24 and 25 in Owen Sound are Grace Gibson and alternate Mabel Whitby. Final ar- rangements were made to entertain the ladies coming from England. It was decid- ed to entertain neighbouring institutes at the October meeting. Ruth Bogues gave a report of the F.W.I. COnvention ,M London which she and Jean Whitby attended. Grace Taylor took the chair fo'r the pr.( - gram. 0 Canada was sung and Grace rea a poem on Indian Summer. She -also gav •?. the motto "Do not spend all your time polishing the tools instead of hoeing in the . • garden. An excha,nge of plants and bulbs 'was held. Grace read some interesting readings on grandchildren. Two films were shown •on Cape Breton Is. aryl • Shipyard at Collingwood. The meeting closed with the Queen, • • • 1 v 11 21 • ti 11 bt st at S( v. M is or P1 • to •Sc ar w(