The Signal, 1932-11-24, Page 3ti
As Aerating Sarin
The Bigual is prepared to offer you bele
in your advertising problems with la7-
outa and copy that BELL. Pboua 35 and
our representative will call as you.
The Signal can give you a close price
on Counter Cheek Books. If your
supply is running low telephone 85.
• We have now on display a new
:7---- stock of Canadian -:and Britiek
made Christmas Csads.
New is am time ` ley Wil i e
Cards while our hack is complete.
We will gladly lay aide any
article until Cb?istma.
E. C. Robertson
Diamond Merchant and Jeweller
Pante 136 Goderiob
J. W. Craigie
Iaeraace aid Real Estate
Dominion, Provincial,
and Municipal Bonds
in blue, brown and grey
heathers or bleak.
iVifillsr price from 35e ta
-- __ - -$1-25
Special t.etilk_wssh ONLY
M. Robms
n'IGHTX-p'Ig'11 .- ! _t0, 47
Addresses on the
War Against Cancer
Ontario's 'Qhief Eilalth Omos
Tells Ooderich Audiences of
Great Modern Scourge
The seal of popular approval was
placed noon the lecture on "The War
plait Cancer," given sum, J W 6.
McCullough, chief health racer of On-
tario, at MacKay Hall Monday night.
Dr. McCullough spoke in a non-techni-
cal, interesting fashion, Interspersing
his talk with anecdotes, and so com-
pletely did be win the confidence of his
!Mteners that questions came with ease
In the open forum which followed the
In commencing the evening two mo-
tion picture films depleting the activi-
ties of body cells were shown upon the
screen. ['articular attention was
drawn to the division of the cell, a
process actually requiring twenty hours
to complete, at the end of which time
two esti* rzlat in place of the orlgtatl
Mayor Lee, acting as chairman, ex-
pressed his disappointment that there
was not a larger crowd present, but
was pleased with reports that the
afternoon session for women had been
well attended, the hall being filled to
Dr. A. C. Hunter, in introducing Di.
McCullqugh, spoke highly of the lat-
ter's ability and work. He has been
instrumental In establishing clinics for
.the treatment of disease, and recently
he has devoted his attention to eancer.
He has written the reports ofjhe eon -
mission appointed by the Go ernment
to study cancer.
Dr. McCullough, in opening his ad -
dream, commented upon his audience of
the afternoon. It was the largest au-
diem•e of women that had ever as-
sembled to bear him speak on cancer in
any town of this size. He expressed
pleasure that so many were In attend -
must guard against the early. signs of
cancer and come at an early date In or-
der for treatment to be successful."
Dr. McCullough gave figure* to show
that the death rate of cancer is Increas-
ing in Canada. In 1914, the rate was 09
per 100.000 population, two years ago
it'w as 89r -last year it wa•--93. TLC
same to true to all countries. Den-
mark has the highest rate, 145. The
reason submitted for this growing
death rate is that medical men are bet-
ter fitted for diagnosis and find more
cancer. The average age of man is In-
creasing and cancer L a. dimmed d old-
er people.
"There has never beet an era ` the
history of the world when people knew
so much about disease as they do to-
day," the speaker stated, suggesting
that people recognize diseases and have
them treated at once
Health Education for Children
Referring to the health education of
children, Dr. McCullough said one can-
not expect them all to be so apt as the
one of which Dr. Joseph Colt Blood -
good tells. He was dellverlag a lec-
eature on health, and, wishing to make
the polut that parents were not aware
how much their children were taught In
the primary schools about the rules of
health and preventive medktne, he sel-
ected a little girl about ten years old.
sitting to the front seat beside the
Mayor, and asked her to stand up and
tell the audience what she would do if
she stepped on a rusty nail. She at once
answered that she would wash her
foot 1n soap and warm water, bathe
the wound with alcohol, then go to a
doctor and ask him to give her a dose
of tetanus antitoxin. There was tre-
mendous applause, and Bloodgood was
immensely gratified at the result of his
experiment. Speaking to the Mayor
about the matter at a Queer the next
day, the latter said that the only COM -
meet among the audience wetlbat._,•1
was a "put-up job."
(By Penseur )
News dispatches from Nantes,
`?Rance, teNsw weft thee..i.seb..Raam'
ler, Edouard lierrtot, had a narrow
escape when the railway track over
which his special train was to pass
was dynamited at Ingrandes.
It Isn't so many months ago that
President Deemer was shot while at-
tending a public function. The prem -
ler of Japan was shot last spring. In
a recent visit to Ireland the Prince of
Willi w4s guarded by an army of 12,-
000 men. The lite of Hon. J. H. Thom-
as was plotted against durlag his visit
to the opening of the Welland Canal.
The lite of Benito Mussolini etas fre-
quently been the object of- attack by
those who do not fewer bis policies.
King Alfonso was threatened before be
made his graceful descent from the
throne of Spain. Every presidential
election In Mexico is nothing more
than the appointing of an omctal tar-
get for gunmen. And so on down the
list, public men become the victims of
their enemies, unscrupulous men, and
The Prince of Wales can't go over to
Sweden and have a visit without wild
rumors of an engagement being circu-
lated. A duke or duchess cannot go to
a social function in England without a
press photographer on the job. Men
who are In the limelight are watched
closely by the mass.
All of which leads me to thank my
lucky stars that I was born without a
"Duke" or "Count" tacked on the front
of my name, and that i am just a
humble reporter going my rounds from
de/ to day.
ft "T1i ids tlddlo�
sepal Into thinking
that f wouldn't want the salary of a
premier or other political "big shot,"
but even if the soles are a bit thin I'd
rather be standing in my own shoes
and not take any risks, thank you.
Causes of Cancer
Dirty teeth are common causes of
cancer of the Hp or mouth, the speaker
explained. "Men who smoke a great
deal are susceptible to cancer. Wo-
men, though they have taken to smok-
ing, will not be troubled to the same
ante In the evening despite the sits- extent, because they keep their teeth
agreeable weather. clean.
"Can Cleaver Be Conquered?" Skin cancer 1s rare among beautiful
"('an cancer be conquered?." the women, because they take care of their
speaker asked. He stated that some- skin. They carry mirrors and get atter
times he despaired and he expressed re- the first little blemish."
sentment toward the attitude of po11ti- "What is cancer?' the speaker quer-
clans. "The cost of sickness in Can- led. He referred to the cells, shown
ads Is enormous," he said. "It costs 1n the motion pictures, In • state of
$311,000,000 annually. That is a large division. "There are literally millions
bill to be paid by the men and rf.nten of these cells in the body. If a reit
of Canada. A great deal more should were magnified 500 times, it would ap-
t* spent, not in the cure, but In the pear labout the size ofiving a innhead. A
prevention of disease." cell
Referring to the rapid strides being moves, absorbs food and excretes mat -
McCullough referred to the fact that
the death rate from tuberculosis has
been cut In two. Diphtheria, a dle-
eaae of children, has been similarly
combatted, there having been in 1896,
the year of discovery of antltoxln, 1200
deaths, or 57% per 100,000 population.
Last year there were only 225 deaths,
or 6% per 100,000 population.
Agent for Tip Top Tailors
Phone 384 Goderich
Tie Arming
ad I>isara ce Agency
-Twenty years ago," the speaker
went on, "the typhoid death rate was
60. Today, It is difficult to find typhoid
Real Estate cases for study by medical students
Al is the result of preventive work. What
has been done in these diseases, we
hope may also be done In cancer.
An Enenne s Pretties
"Cancer presents an enormous prob-
lem and It is increasing- The problem
is so Important that the Provincial
Government appointed a commission to
go abroad end study the disease. It
was the only commission of its kind to
Ie sent out of any country of the world
Hw« and Leta ia Gedsriri sad Farms
bar Sala
Largs aaaber listed f4 &owe from.
120 acres, large bank Barn, 1% -story
Hoose, large Orchard, Spring Creek,
only 8 miles from Goderich. Price
and the death rate is only 23 . This
,LION, Strictly cash. ye, kt c{ er, A ;similar communion
cue In aesac
ctpally clay loam, no waste, very few never1 i
stones or foul weeds. About 120 acres
now under cultivation, more bank
about 80 acres'timnered•
I% -story House In fine condition.
fine water.
ted about 12 miles from Town of
atlienccb, County of Huron, Ontario.
Mrs to school, targe
Terms --$900.00 down, cash; balance
m terms very easy if required. Taxers
No for 19e2 1c full. no back taxes.
Immediate pus'
No exchange accepted.
interestedIf write
RiAL Minn
$le, re i'2Pl00 per
's"Soil pea- was appointedM huger), fiat Tt`
Druce. only $22.00 acre. 8011 went outside the State. It cost
the State $80,000, while the comm ss on
here cost only $8,000.
""Ibe commission was fortunate lu
having Its members well chosen. It was
composed of the editor of an import.
ant newspaper. the professor of path-
ology at Queen's University, the pro-
fessor of physics at the University of
Toronto, a man who is classed as one
of the six great scientists in the world,
the president of the University of Tor-
onto, and the Minister of Health."
Dr. McCullough modestly remarked
upon his holding the post of secretary
of the commission, and as such it was
his duty to arrange the visite In the
various countries. arrange for trans-
portation and pay the bills. He earned
the reputaflen among his colleagbes, he
said, of being of Scottish origin and
possessing the quality of closeness that
is always associated with the Scotch.
"I don't know why that applies to the
Scotch," he remarked, "they are just
On this trip, clinics In Canada,
United States, Great Britain, France,
Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Norway
and Sweden were visited. Some mem-
bers of the party went to Scotland,
while others returned atter this trip to
visit the Belgian clinks for further
"At all of these clinics," Dr. McCul-
lough continued, "we learned that there
is no better clinic work In the world
being done on cancer than In our own
country, but facilities here are sadly
taetfng. Where most of the clinic's in
the Md country have R to 10 grams of
radium, the tardst hospital in Ontario
has lees than ane gram. Other farill-
ties for treatment are Inadequate here.
Bedroom Saes at
reduced prices
Also many odd pieces at
from 1011, to 80% discount.
Congolenm Rugs included
ht this lot.
Come early and make your
J. R. Wheeler
Award Asia and
.. -
tens stew*,Argot.:......, .._
1'IlOaMI: atom IN; Ili. few
nucleus of a ce , • es
about twenty hours, the new cells go-
ing to form some definite organ of the
body. Wound cells divide to close up
a wound.
"A cancer cell is a cell gone wild.
Instead of dividing once, the cancer
cell divides and redivides and does not
go to the various parts of the body but
forme a lamp.
"Cancer spreads by Increasing in size
and going out of the normal cells with
finger-like tendrils. They also spread
through the blood vessels.
"Cancer Is at first a local disease and
when it is local it can always be cored
If recognized early.
"There is no exact cause alone for
cancer, but there ate some tbAMM predis-
posing a cancerous condition. Age has
considerable to do with 1t, as cancer
rarely found to the young.
there is a preponderance of old people,
the death rate from cancer is higher.
Is Net Csetaelets
"Cancer is not contagious, It Is not
lieredttary and It is not dee 4e• -
particular form of diet.
"Chronic Irritation such as that pro.
diced by the stem of a pipe or a cigar,
or a jagged tooth, will produce cancer.
The rate of cancer of the month here Is
three; in Ceylon, parts of India, and
the Pbllippines the rate is 52. This is
doe to the chewing of the betelnut
which causes a red sputum and a red-
dening of the lips."
"Cancer from chronic irritationt me. _
not show for a long pe of
Causer of the lower lip is common in
men, rare In women. Cancer of the up-
per lip is rare in both sexes.
"The tar that is handled by men em-
ployed in road-bulldifg will cause can-
cer about fifteen years hence unless
some preventive is discovered." Dr. Me-
Four films illastll ideal cases
andre n mune than of the atom -other
and corw waren+�snd showed
pas intestines than of any the negligible 4 .the radium
part," the specter asserted. "These ecce range.
organs are irritated three times a day, rMr. J. P. Husfe • vote al
and wherever there is constant Milts -thanks to Dr. ss and Mr.
tin of the skin or organa cancer re-(Jeo. W. Scatter Mh seconding lir.
salts." Hnme's motion, was )lewd to note
°cer Iia d to the optimism in regard to the cure of
cancer, and telt tial 18. audience
rawer,There are a great many men
Foresters Have
Social Evening
Delightful Program in MacKay
Hall— Jany in Attendance
frau Outside Lodges
The members of the Canadian Or-
der of Foresters held • euchre and so-
cial evening in MacKay Hall Thursday
night. Members of the local lodge and
their wives were in attendance, along
with members from Benmiller, Kincar-
dine, Auburn, Clinton, Bayfield, Exe-
i can go about my own business,
look after my own affairs, and not be
bothered with what my politician
friends are going to think about it, or
what kind of story the press will make
of it. If 1 were to go to Sweden, there
would be only a few friends to raise
querulous eyebrows. 1 can board a
train and feel that my life Is not worth
going to the expense of dynamiting. 1
can attend a public function with the
confidence that 1 am _Dot of sufficient
importance to be a target for any gun-
Yes, sit, I'm quite ttsfed to be just
plain "Mister" and live in my humble,
everyday fashion and not have to wor-
ry about assassins every step I take.
There's a sense of iecuxl-Ip_keing a
Easy Treish asst rase
"Cancer sae to be secceasflslly
treated mplaced in • clinic with
other carts so that they may be • ti-
died. We tempi that wady ail eases
geumi tea 1.M Iso ga4sw). That Js
ten late linea` Mee a femme.
Ig8llfi 3 e t '�
tst'r ears faW
The wAr dewy 1a iem&
fag le a dale Is Ni tneetbs, even
Odd a
sn of ander of the skin. Pesple
ter, Brucedeld and London. Mr. Per-
cy E. Perrin, C.O.F. organiser, acted as
chairman for the evening.
The early part of the evening was
spent In playing euchre, and prizes
were given as follows: Ladies' first,
a basket of groceriR donated by C.U.
F., won by Mrs. A. Barker; ladies'
consulatloe, vase donated by C.O.F..
won by Mrs. Greenslade; gents' first,
basket of groceries donated by C.O.F.,
won by Mr. Robert Hoggartb; gents'
consolation, cigars donated by C.O.F.,
wan by Mr. John Ferrite]; oldest lady
In assembly, a bread board donated by
A. Barker, won by Mrs. Hamilton Fae-
gen ; oldest man, pocketknife donated
by A. Barker, won by Mr. Hamilton
Faegan ; ladles mystery, salt and pep-
pers donated by C.O.F., won by Mrs.
Geo. McLeod; gents' mystery, scarf
donated by Organiser P. E. Perrin, won
by Mr. William Lee; man and woman
coming greatest distance. a bag of flour
donated by W. F. H. Prlee, won by Mr.
and Mrs. Greenslade; youngest girl,
salt and peppers donated by A. Barker, -
won by Mise Bond; youngest boy, knife
and chain donated At A. Barker, wen_
by Jackie Box of London.
A moat eujuyable entertainment was
arranged and a variety of numbers was
presenter. Selections were played by
Ernest Breckenridge and his orchestra.
Albert Barker and Percy Perrin amused 1.. Overholt - R. Good
the audience with interspersed skits, . Third Game
the former posing as a colored gentle- Harry- Johnston --4'. McManus ....486
man. Miss Eva Gooding, a clever artist R. Good—Percy Johnston 445
from London, did a clever tap dance
number which received the enthusiastic
applause of the audience. Carleton
IIaIr accompanied on the piano, giving
a piano solo Immediately afterward.
Master Jackie Box of London, who
is only six years of age, sang a vocal
solo and then dM a tap number Witt
won the approval of the gathering.
Mr. H. C. Witmer delighted the au-
dience with a piano solo, atter which
Miss Gooding very cleverly executed
the sailors hornpipe, and, in response
to a request, "The Irish Washerwo-
High-grade, stylish and moot up-to-
date glasses, rimmed or rimless. Your
choice of shell, white or pink gold-
filled, with lenses complete, only $8.50.
Invisible bifocals wltb choice of frame
complete, only $12.00. Yellow gold -
lilted, with flat spberkal ieusea, oniy
64 -da. T:bese.» clads a thorough
examination by our well-known spec-
ialist, Mr. Hugheon. Over twenty years
coming to Ooderich. You get the very
beet optical work to be obtained and at
these extra low prices. Two days on-
ly, Thursday and Friday. December 8
and 9. Come early. SMITH'S ART
STORE, Goderleh.
William Martin, twenty-two years of
age, who was arrested a short time
ago on a charge of forgery, received a
sentence of from three to six months
when be appeared before Magistrate
Reid Saturday osralae. Martin, a
transient, had slimed the name of R.
C. Hays to a cheque for $2 which he
passed at • West street bakery, In reg
turn for food and cigarettes. The re-
cipient of the cheque betaine suspi-
cious and phoned Mr. Hays, confirm -
Ing the suspicions. The police were
notified, and Martin was picked up at
the town hall. When arrested Martin
claimed that 1t was his first offence,
and lnvestlgstlou substantiated his
Scores in Monday night's five -pin
games at E. Drennan's bowling alleys
were as follows:
First Game
Peril Johnston --Harry Johuston..439
M. Sanderson—T. Drennan 430
W. Proctor—D. Graham 420
W. Johnston—R.
Tom Bowman—L. Overholt 318
1). Graham—W. Johnston
W. Proctor—M. Sanxteran'
Lorne Ashton—l'. McManus
Harry Johnston—T'. Bowman
T. Drennan -1'. Johnston
Albert Taylor—Lorne Ashton
Tom Bowman—D. Graham
T. Drennan—L. Overholt
W. Johnston—W. Proctor ,. 307
Fourth Gan*
Percy Johnston—Albert Taylor ....424
C. McManus—Harry Johnston 382
Real Estate aid Imam
—PrvaertM .old. Haled end rade saeor/--
Pb Ant nsekdk, RgegIary, MA -
dad aid Slsimtr Lamare
Beek -keeping sad Aslitt-g
awe: Ilami15a SL Mom 2N
W, Proctor—R. Geed
L. Overholt—D. Graham
T. Drennan—W. Johnston
L. Ashton—T. Bowman
Fifth Game
Harry Johnston—Tin. Drennan ...481
R. Good—Lorne Ashton 466
T. BowsssA.c� 1ohaatmt... 443
main in that class. -----•-
three rays, Alpha, Beta and Gamma
rays. The Gamma rays are the ones
eeeential to the cure of Cancer, as tbey
pass through the skin and get at the
diseased tissue, travelling at a rate of
1816,000 miles per second.
X-rays were discovered In 1895 by a
German professor, Wilhelm Conrad
Roentgen, and are equally useful in
treatment and in diagnosis.
Radium is pecured from the Belgian
Congo In Africa, but there are indica-
tions that the Eldorado Mines will
produce radium from Great Bear Lake
In Northwestern Canada by the end of
the year.
Te Establish Clime
In view of what the commiaslon saw,
Dr. McCullough stated that the Gov-
ernment would carry out the recom-
mendations In the report and establish
clinks in Toronto. Kingston and Lon-
,thepe centres becanae
there are medical c8' �hb'f!' alb
medical students would be given an op-
portunity to study the, disease.
"There are 10,900 cancer cases in
Ontario and 3,000 doctors," the lectur-
er pointed out, "therefore the average
doctor does not see much of the dis-
ease." He urged families to consult
their family doctor as being the kee
man. upon him the future of most pa -
[lents dependa. r
"Get the opinion of your family doc-
tor and get a decided opinion. If be
can't give you a decided °Pinto/, get
another doctor in coaroltation unto
you do get something definite. Cancer
of the mouth, lips agtne spreads
rapidly and the cichange
diked W°portlenatele
having It gtteeded
Care are re-
dHay Goodingin
dance solo and tap and displayeel m- l._ McManus—D. Graham
usual ability for one of his age. A. Taylor—W. Johnston
Mr. Breckenridge gave a saxophone
solo and the program was fittingly
rounded off with an interpretation In
tap of the beating of drums by Miss
Gooding, who was dressed In a mile
tary costume. Miss Gooding displayed
exceptional talent and the audience
was enthusiastic over her numbers.
That she 1a indeed accompllahed she
proved when she rendered a piano solo
in excellent manner at tic ("antiunionof this highly interesting program.
Mr. Percy Perrin acted as master of
ce remoo les.
Lunch was served, and the announce-
ment was made that the ('.(2.1'. will
hold the first dance In 1933 In the Odd -
fellows' Hall on January 2. This will
be an Invitation affair.
would not loot o0
cancer as mach a
with animating sores on their lips side dreadful dlaeaap is the tutors.
Irritation that may develop Into Mayor Lee spoke brlefi7 concerning
cancer if not attended to. the Eldorado Mines, from which rad -
"Black or bine bract moles on the rum will soon be pmdaeerl.
skin with increasing heirloom' about DT. McCullough drew ■ttentl.t to
than should be removed as precancer the fact that pamphlet" on cancer are
nus conditions. tuned by the Department of Health
"Unhealing sores, lamps and bleed- few et charges. An open forum eaanee ,
Inge all presage cancer. Look oat for
particular latsr.att being abown in the
them," the speaker warned. "We shoal. nature, coat and properties of radium
have the greatest optimism for the As • result of an enquiry by one of
coring of ranter, but we cannot 1t the ladies If th6 auditors as to wheth-
people delay six or eight ascend be- er warniaare spot •ret to men aalng
fore dolts anything. tar 00 roadsgu lir. Me(7.ilaugh said It
"There are titres forms of treatment.there were not there thank' be. He
"artery, radium, surd X-ray. 1Hraes- farther added that be would see. to it
l.r things are beton donor by tie gar- that these men received Information en
won. Ranieri work In Canada is done the matter.
as well as he any esuntry of rte world.
was dierevered by a Palish 11tatlso--est 't yen r aiattenager
4.6.60, bum". 1l$1g>��♦�
Imat Friday Ex -Warden Willoughby
of Brant sold nine pigs weighing 1870
-l8v,.Jn...Cbesley et $3.10 per cwt., net-
ting him $,17.97. In one of the Melt
of the Great War he sold ten hogs, av-
eraging a little heavier than the ones
he delivered lak Friday, for ab
While the latter ce wayebeermally
high, the present-day low prices show
how the collapse of the live stock mar-
ket has contributed In bringing about
the hard times. High taxation has al-
so had its share in fording many farm-
ers lato Makregtejt.Chesley Fpter-
prts�.i ti
*wig 411llhiiedashv
'bedded peswgU' belts weetrsfi ben►
ter radiant la produced. Medina is ase nsrtrattet. It emits
The five winning teams each reelved
a pair of ducks.
Next Monday night players will have
their choice of Ave pins or ten pins.
The 0. F. Carey Co.
Fire, Accident and Motor Car
Office:—Masonle Tempie, Wert
Street, Goderich.
Telephone 230 Manager
ii s, h
We make a specialty of Floral
Offerings for all occasions, Par-
articularly for funeral purposes.
from the simplimt spray to
magnificent wreath. Detiv
promptly sal ea short node& -•
Phase 1$6 Gederieh. cot.
Several good saertgages for
Accounts Collected
WEBTiriEI,l), Nov. 22. --Mr. Fred J.
Cook shipped a ear of apples to Coeb-
raps reeently.
We are pleased of be able to report
that Mie Mary Rodger, who under-
went as operation last Friday in Ood-
erich hospital for appendicitis, is im-
proving as well as eon be expected.
Miss Annie Blair, R.N., et Hamilton,
spent a couple of days last week under
the parental roof.
A Christmas tree and concert will he
held in the Sunday school room 6b
Tuesday night, December 20th.
8. 8. No. A will hold their concert
Thursday afternoon, December 22nd.
The young people of Westfield United
church held their first meeting for the
fall tend on Friday eight. Tho topic
was taken by Mr. etlIgarlia Scott of Au -
herd and was appreciated. The
tmsineaa part of Mlle leseting lncinded
the election of Pikers. which remittal
•a fellows: Predd ret, Mr. Donglas
Campbell : chrMtiah•jehlowe tip secre-
tary, Mr. Norman M well; • misalon-
ary, Mks Madeline Aaldes ; ('brldtan
cltlsenrhip, MYn was Walsh; library
and serial, Orseme McDowell; seere-
Lary-trweurer. MIM Wihnt red Camp-
bell ; additional gellabeve of ezernttve,
Mias Evelyn McDowell and Thomas
Jardine. The T.P.B• will sheet *gala
on November 10th. This meeting will
be a 7a11,y ssrvhii. -
Pfneifindlt-,-e rat ..t. -re
►' I
yea the eodontary rte cask Allen'. or dli`ilktra! Intsiert : tad
)fatter-"Tots,didsir, Met con for -
endeavor ae ITtd iethee than be ex.
L" peso thy sat —William Penn.
Geo. Williams
Dealer 1e
Fire, Ardis* Automobile and
General Spwance Agent
Oils. next to Ent et
Peens 53
We guarantee a 50% fuel saving
your furnace or hot water plant.
Thermostatic control. Thirty
days' tree trial.
Put a Buren Oil Burner In
your range or heater. Guaran-
teed 5 years. Priced from 527.50
Layton Street - Gedericb
Rubbers! Rubbers! Rubbers!
When it's Rubber P Telt want, the
1. the choice you can make with safety and confidence. It
is • complete line; the quality of material and the work-
manship are thoroughly reliable; in style it embraces the
newest, up-to-date fashion ideas. Thew qualities alone
should make Dominion your choice. Dominion leads In
QUALITY, FIT and STYLE, and our prices are right.
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Window Glass I
A shipment of WINDOW GLASS, in all sizes,' ..
received. We have also a splendid assortment of WINDOW'
FRAMES and STORM SASH for your winter protection.
Come in and let us demonstrateth. value of
Bracco Roof Coating -
which adds years to the life of all roofs.