The Signal, 1932-11-24, Page 1• saes+-rS o Balance of Year FREE— THE SIGNAL to Janitors lst, 1984, for the price of a year's subscription, $2.00. Subscribe now and ctthe paper for fourteen months for price of twelve mosths. "The Black Box of Silence." EIGHTY-FIFTH YEAR, NO. 47 Business Light • at Town Council Construction Camps in Northern Ontario Said to Be Pilled with )flan from the Cities 'The "depression" appears to have swept the town council into Its maw. At any rate, there has been a minimum of Mutates before the eouasll-Yate• recent meetings, and again last Friday night the meeting was a very brief one, ad- journment being reached at 8,26 o'clock. Ot course. members of the council may point to protracted . com- mittee meetings to prove that they are not to be counted In the ranks of the "unemployed." At the meeting on Friday night all the members were present except Coun- cillors Brown and Worsell. The tis collector reported receipts of $1,157.84 since his last previous re- port. Applications fur buildings permits. as follows. were referred to committee: A. T. Kattting, garage, Arthur street: W. J. Powell, re -roofing dwelling. Nel- son street; Mrs. W. B. Graham, re- roofing garage, Newgate street. A communication was received from Councillor Worsen acknowledging the council's expressfph of sympathy la the death of his mother -In-law, the late Mrs. Cornell. A communication from the Unem- ,yjosineut Wares -11 Committee of On- tario, asking the council to purchase a copy of their publication, was seat to the special committee. Gammillse Reports - The finance committee recommended that the sum of $100 be placed to the credit of the civic welfare committee, and also that the surplus of $60.74 from the Dominion Day celebration be turned over to the welfare committee as suggested by the Dominion Day e•om- mittee. Another recommendation was that a further sum of $250 be told to Alexandra hospital, which with 1600 passed to Manch, making a total of 3750, will be payment in full of me 101x1 grant and one-half of the grant The committee reported that the sem of 37,1100 had been Received from the Government as Its grknt on the Must of relief sewer work completed in May, 193'2- The amount was turned ewer to the Rank to retire loans to that amount, and the committee recom- mended that the engineer prepare a -i/.�: work and that the nee•eswry procedure be taken to issue and sell debentures to cover the balance of the cost of the work. The public works committee reported that the cost of Installing sewer con- nection for Jerry Healey on Huron road was 310.90, of which amount Mr. Healey had already deposited 310. "In conjunction with the relief committee," the report continued, "we have -cut down eight or ten trees on West street and we recommend that two or three trees on the south side of Britannia road between Keays street and McDon- ald street, one locust on Caledonia Ter- race in front of Dr. Taylor's and one tree on Napier street in front of Mr. $tUlb's be cut down; and that no more trees be cat down this year." The epeeist committee reported the formation of a "pubik welfare board" to handle relief matters for the coming winter, and an arrangement with Wong'. cafe. the Capital cafe and the ,- Yeses g&f` for relief meals at Age each, Hetet' to b3 mine! aciebrdingly. purchase of two police uniforms coats front W. C. Pridham & Son. at $7f.511 eark, was recommended. sa The cemetery and parks committee and the fire committee submitted rou- tine reports. HOCKNY inUITING (Imbed& to HMsa's Teal Ya tee In- termediate o-termediate O. U. A. There was a good tarneet of hockey pieties alit ditlitt wild Ifo the hall this this (Thursday) armies to diir cues pleas for an t$termediste O.U.A. entry from Goderich. Ned Sale was appointed chairman for the meeting, and at the ontset ales group expreessd themselves in favor it the tormatien of a team. Odh'ers ware appointed . as follows: Honorary ps'eeldenta, Judge Costello and G. L. Parsons; president, d D. Croft; eicsoresldeot, Frank Hibbert: secretary, Nad Sale; treasurer, Bert Osborne; executive committee, Rev. J. N. H. Mills, N. MlzIet. 41elson H111. Capt. FA. Robinson; physician, Dr. 3. M. Graham. , The executive coaireptee was in- vested with authority Fl Wirt a man- ager and, upon approval of the team, to engage him. The question of ralaing feeds for the tease's equipment wu prought up, and Mr. Harry (Lrlff suggested enaeging a troupe of minstrel show players who had presented an excel rat rogreer at Clinton. The group fatoed the sug- gestion and detailed Mt. )riff to se- cure further Information with a view to.engaging them. Tbenancing of the club. it was Vitiated ail: will require about $75. Tbere Is nq deficit hanging over from last year. In the event et more,meeey being re- quired than this programa will bring in, It was suggeettd that's t euchre and dance be held. This matter was held In abeyance. Dlscuawion ensued regarding the sel- ection of.a coach, and it was decided to try to Import one from el8tratford. e The team that piaye� for Goderich 1 1 h d f thelateWilliam CI t phased 1.st year L (nnse-t with ithesxreption long GODERICH, ONTARIO, THU' .DAY NOVEMBER 24, 1082,, If you haven't reed the first instal- ments, read the synopsis!' and follow this )tripping story weekly in The Signal. Collegians in . PERSONAL, tIENTION 1Goderich Lady Protesting Mood Mr. uud Mrs. Frank t(tukes Sall from I Seriously Injured Montreal on the 8.8, Anoula on No- vember 20, for London, England, where Gley • wild tt regime this` re stdeset i4,110.•••• ".+.. •.•u : • _ rears= porarily. ( Mrs. A. Thompson Hai Back Jiro - Mr. Jack Herald Is fere from Tor- ken in Car Accident on High - onto on a visit to his politer, Mrs. EI- wayNear Toronto len Herald, and leaved In a few days eightgtl' Room, They Vliet- ting Too Much Attention in Comparison with Gymnasium (Ity 0. C. 1. Reporter `- Tr executive of the Litersry Society met on Wednesday of this week to dis- cuss several points of business. The arse item dbeussed was the condition of the stage in the assembly hall. It is a disgrace to the school. New scenery is badly needed and also new furniture. Every time a "Lit" meet- ing 1s held tuntture has to be bor- rowed for the plays that are put on. The curtains aha need renovating. A committee wee appointed to inquire In- to the coat of these Improvements. The Society was caked for money to help In the payment of the hundred dol- lars' worth of pictures ordered from We recent art exhibit. The Society had nothing whatever to do with the order - Ing of the pictures. and.-lt unwillingly that $1t was voted towards this fund. The remalning$$1 Is to be taken from the commencement funds. for Sault Ste. Marie, t., where he lies -e- position. its. aa. McArthu of Windsor, has been spending a ew days this week with his mot Mrs. Wm. Mt Arthur, end utjws_ relatives here, after attending a reunion of:the 43rd Bat- tery at Toronto. Mrs. A. G. McDonald has rets home after spending two weeks t Wingham, where she visited ber sister, Mrs. Andrew McDougall and her Mrs- William Young. The letter, o is in ber ninety-seven* year, k wonderfully well and smart, wished to be remembered to all r friends in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest -Clark, of Ituron, Mich., were in town thea for the funeral 0 the ibrmer'a mo the late Mrs. William Clark, and e ere 1•rniesi made a welcome -call a Signal once, where he put In several years at the printing trade while 1 To date, a total of over $3 00110 has teens. He has been for quite a been spent au redeoratton and furnish - but of years a resident of Port Huron, Ing the teachers' room. This includes hot fs still keenly lntereeted In his the mat of redecorating. $7.i, the cost home town and in the doings of s of a rug. $100 and new chairs and a eompenlona of bygone days. table and other extras. The teachers now want n chesterfield in place of the enrich which, they declare. 1s not gaol epough for them, but they generously offer the same couch to the Society for see on the stage. - The student members present felt • rued a aunt, wb cep and be Port week they whit tube vera n his num old hl OBITUARY MRS. WILLIAM CLARK A fortner-esteemM [Patient et erich, In the'pereon of Mrs. ('lark, wi- i . . Mrs. A. Thompson, mother 01 Mew ('11t. McManus, was seriously Tnjured on Thursday last while driving with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hill and their daughter Ireee to Toronto, where she intended to visit her son. Mr. ('heater Thompeon. On the Dundas highway about twenty miles this side of Toron- to the car skidded and went over the end of a culvert, landing on its side. Mrs. Thompson was the only one 0 the car's occupants who was injured. She'waa taken to the Toronto General Hospital, where it was found that her backbone was broken and she also had a broken rib. The spinal eord is not injured, and the doctors hold out every hope. of reeevery ; but In the meantime five -patient is soffertnr- considerable pain as well as discomfort, ak she has been- plowed -in a -coat:."^ On learning of the atctdent Mrs. Me - Manus went to Toronto to be with her mother. Mr. 1i111 said he w•aa driving at a moderate speed. about twenty-five miles an hour,. but am he swerved ellghtly to avoid a motor truck the car suddenly went out of his control on the slippery pavement, and he hardly knew what happened In the next few sec'ondk. The wiedehield of the car was broken, a front fender was bent and the tpp-.i w.ewbat sutaahed- The_car__datci. left in Toronto for repairs. ?HR SIGNAL PRINTING 00.. LIMPPRD, Ptabllebere TWO FIRE ALARMS Brigade called Out Twice m One Night Liberals Eager • for Hae a for Election Test The Goderleh fire department, after a Vfir Esfrtar-drTt tettdttr, «mpea �_ _ .. .., ...._ action Tuesday night when two calls came 1n for the services of the squad. The first call came about 0.80 pm. to the house owned by Mr. Earl West- brook and occupied by Mr. John Ball - Ile at the corner of Cambria road and Anileees street. The fire, which had its origin in the oil -burner, was extin- guished in a short time by the use of chemieala, No serious damage was About 1 o'clock Wednesday morning the alarm was sent In that the borne of Mr- A. Lebo on Elgin avenue was on fire. When the squad arrived, the flames had made great headway, hay - Ing *Dread from the cellar to the roof. The tire, whkh obviously had its origin In the !cellist', pissed up through the wail, and the firemen had dlfllculty in extinguishing it. Two hour: were con- sumed before it was under control. Mr. Lebo was in Toronto at the time and no estimate of the 1"sa has been made. The damage to the furn- ishings is moltfy from smoke and ea- ter, the fire Itself having done compare tively little damage. Fire in Township Today Fire broke out 1n the shed on the property belonging to, Irvine Oke, next to Maitland cemetery, today (Thurs- day) at noon. The lox -al fire depart- ment was called. but the property be- ing in the township the brigade did not go out. The willing help of neigh - bore and spectators, however, helped get the the under control before any acetum ttenrege weir e----_ atroag y shout this and mentioned that ow o am ar , =KM_ REOPENS BUTCHER SHOP the gym, t�iilch retinal -4 Ise Tnterlor away �a tsdndaj »sartttng of Niek IWrnaldea, tottner manager, AdoitKibler Inas taken o.vr the tont. of a barn, needed fixing, and locker Harps, where she had been living the who has lett town. 'jute players are 'cher shay formerly conducted by Mr. . 4' 1 : 1 pavements; t responsible w having s. ,+ Jraele Rw pets for the intermediate, class In the " e only e r �ecatser t was the our years alto last) V ° down Cambria road to the hospital to near future. student's talent that earned the money. Clark bad been bedfast 4he last three visit her niece, on Monday night, -- -- I Perhaps, when the teachers have a years. She 1s survived by three sons aliieped and suffered a 'serious break in NOMINATIONS TOMORROW chesterfield suite, a few soft cushions ; and two daughters :•Oherles Clark, of its* paw had boon walking on the and. possibly, a radio, the gym may he I Clovis, California ; stn A., of God- road, considering the :pavements too Those sagehoplitiea which hold made to look and feel more like a gvm erich; Ernest, of Post Huron; Mrs. slippery. She is in Alexandra hospital early elections are having their nom- and lees like a barn. Myron Matthews and Anna Clark, 'nation meetings on Friday of this Satiety also of Port Huron: by a brother. receiving medical attention. week. These include Ashfcld, West Literary y Meetth Rev. Father Lowry while walking The but "Ili." muting of the full John Crosier, of Wal .The remains down North street Monday night W awanoldl. sed Goderich townships. term at the 0.('.i. was held en Friday; brought to tea' �* dipped in front of MacKay Hall and Very little haltbeen heard as to possi- November 18 and was attended by a re- oral took place o* Tuesday afternoon fractured . wrist- The reverend Willies. but the nomination proceedings r„rd crowd 0 about two hundred stn- —hie -some T-deeensed'a son, Mr. tomorrow will tell the tale. dents and visitors. The silver collet- W. A. Clark, Trafalgar street. The hWrit is sishakenoauand tion taken at the door amounted to serviees were conducted byRev. F. W. his Wrist p still ()religions him a greet f��deal o[ pain. r , , ilii BIteSI ,Ler 5� �i ..fjerfar oti RTfC tlFi'ff�pe� �l'�ed-vrgA is . !ice• rclool l i on' e was given suspended sentence by Judge president of the Literary Society, had her while In Goderich. The pellbear- Intlotl at Cent achaol, tell nus the Ire Jeffrey last week for passing cheques1cherge of the meeting. ers were William Mitchell, Myron Mat- witb no funds in the bank, was re-ar- The school orchestra, recently re- thews, William and Ernest Clark. All rested ea a similar charge on a war- ernited under the leadersbtp of Jean the members of the family were here rant issued from Mount Forest. MacDonald, played popular music as for the funeral, with the exception of an opening for the meeting, and al- he failed to identity showed his cum ("MARGE OF ASSAULT though having had only a few prac- Fraser, of Port Huron, aecompankd tient gave a very creditable perform the relatives from that city. " • • I Hamid Marney, R. Sfeddart Harold and showers were needed for the nth- i last five year" wltb per daughter,_ . Mrs- 1 - bk ter a Nam- John Boyle at the eoroer of Victoria lett. of whom we are so justly proud. Myron Matthews. Der seed, whose Limbs Il►ak, Dau MacKay, p. Nairn, Jacby 1 and Wolfe streets and will open up on All the 1 1d mew Jan (roster. was teachers' room was taken from the � born In the township of McKillop.. Ohre for n t commence cut fundspartof w k•h After her mama she nd her bels• are two new prospe a and quests u share of the public patronage. Elwood Robimmos, •Beveial junior play- least, should he event on something hand, the late William Clark, took up. quench is atfirkl, while walking LAST NIGHT'S EUCHRE This 1 1 fair. 1 died f I C April. Mrs. money for redecorating the , maiden name as a Le. Woods, ltud Sturdy', (1 o. Allison. G.y he first 0 the week ale is au tat with a stock of meats. Carpenter and Reg Netcombe Thenany alta, some Hr is au experienced butcher and re Ml. Wand m h at rte e[ them vory grave oonae- erwware reported me being good pros- that would benefit the student body their reeidenee in Goderieh Mr.Clark M on Monday end struck his head. He went on to school and complained of not being able to see properly. Teets of var- ious articles placed before him which the soy in California, and Mr. Donald !plaint had ground., and he was re- moved to his home. There he was taken with a vomiting spell. His con- dition le now improved. but the lad Is MRS. J. Y. EL.WOOD being kept under close observation. Mrs. Marlon W. Elwood. who passed I Mr. J. C. Stewart, Trafalgar street, i -away on Thursday morning last at while on his way Tuesday morning to Cornwall, Ont., et the age of ninety-- the organ factory, where he le em - three years, was for many years a ployed, slipped on the road and aid - well -known resident of Goderiseh. She fered two broken ribs and painful in- wae born here, a daughter of the late juries to hia shoulder. James Watson, and her husband, the late John Y. Elwood, eldest son of POPPY MALE SUCCESSFUL Arehdeaeon Elwood, was loeal registrar While not prepared to state the act - of the Surrogate Court. Er. Elwood ual amount raised IL_the Legion's died many years ago, and MRer her poppy fund campaign, Mr. A. Ii. Jane family grew up Mrs. Elwood lived for states that the proceeds from the sate many years with her son, Judge Iind' of poppies exceed those of last year. say Elwood, stns, Seek., and with Considering the axial/in conditions, her daughter, 'Mrs. McLaren, at Ot- this is very gratifying. taws. Latterly sae 1Hd-"fieed at Corn- wall, where she was under the care of FIRST OF THE SEASON her nephew, Dr. C. J. Hamilton. She About twenty local nimrods should - enjoyed good health until about a year (red their rifles Wednesday afternoon ago, when the Inirmlttes of age began and set out in guest of the subgenus to make themselves severely felt She macrotolagus, which Ie nothtpg more outlived all her children, Judge Lindsay nor less than the common jackrabbit. Elwood and Mee McLaren, already The parties selected as their happy mentioned; Mrs. Dudley Helmets and hnneng grounds the neighborhood of John Elwood. Among her nearest re- Carlow and returned with a fair bag. datives surviving are Crown Attorney D. E. Holmes, of town, a grandams; '- ammo WARNED Mrs. O. F. Carey.alf town. a aloe*: Dr. At the meeting of the town council C. 3: IiageOMy, eye Cornwall, a nephew, last Friday night, In dteruselon of re - and Mrs- ne H. HWU, of town. a grad- lief matters, it w* stated that one der niece. She was a devoted mgtlber of recently three strangers were seen on the Church of England 514 ifs her Hamilton street welching "a little younger years in Gnderteh7M'!e active money to get something to eat." In the work of Rt. Thoagh'they worked the genre separ- The remains were lama ately, Hwy evidently travelled together Cornwall by • train, miff • • -ft wee said that among ahem they to St. George's chnreh, Ohara AMMO. gathered between $7 and $R. Citizens tui service was cMdmeNd W'Be►. J. are warned againwt giving money to N. H. Mille and Rev. Canoe Hill. tit- transiesta itelief matters are now in ting tribute was paid t%thememory of charge of a central committee and meal a woman who had doserrdl her part tickets are issued at the town ball. In through a long and mete 11te. The In- this. way provfakm la made for those ferment was to the irJwood family plot who are actually in need and there will Itt Maitland cetaetery, the pallbearers he 9. oppnrtnnity for *trifler' to Im- being Masers, R. G. Reynolds, John pose on the goodwill of citizens. Galt, E. H. Hill and Mayor C. C. Lee. Dr. and Mn. Hamilton accompanied the body from Cornwall. Joseph Rhine, from near Seaforth, was arraigned on a charge of assault upon William Beaton, a Seatorth but- eher. Ile pleaded not guilty. The Crown prosecutor suggested the charge be reduced to common assault, admit- ting some provocation. Rhine struck Beaton over the head, but the attend- ing physician stated the Injuries were not serious beyond a laceration of the skin on the skull. To this charge of common assault Rhine lileaded guilty. ma Lord- pointed nut the danger of hitting a man on the head, no matter what the provocation might be. Rhine was bound over to keep the oqa bond off500- DONATIONS FOR RELiEP The Community Welfare Committee commences its relief work with the backing eforded by several substan- tial donations. The town council has voted $100 to the fund, and the Domin- ion Day celebration surplus of 369.74 also has been turned over to the com- mittee. Donations of 325 each have been nude by the Ahmeek Chapter, I. O.D.E., and the Maple Leaf Chapter of the same Order. The proceeds of the euchre and dance held last night by the societies of St. Peter's church go to the same object, and the fire brigade also 1s putting on a cam algn for re- lief purposes. - At the meeting of the committee on Monday night Mr. 31. Douglas Drown was appointed chairman of the -7W0--. fare Committee., PIIS FOR MOTOR OARS Nation Camps Waled Councillor Turner said he had been asked by several workingmen If there was any possibility of men being sent to construction camps to the North this winter. The clerk in reply stated that he un- derstood some camps were being opened. but that they were being filled up with men from the dties. He had been in eommunkatlon with the Strat- ford Dace and had been Informed that the camp/ were full, but some further word was expected. Oounellior Turner also spoke of the condition of the Honor . Roll to the council chamber. He thought ft should be taken down and given a good clean- ing. The clerk aatd 1t was not long since It had been cleaned, but with the soft mal they were ussing in the furnace. It did not take long to become swilled again. The business being concluded, coun- efl adjourned. RKIL-OKI At the Presbyterian manse, on Mon- day last, the marriage was gst.tly solemeleed of Marton Rome Otto, dangh- leer of Me. and Mrs. Richard Oke. Ged- ar'b!t township, sad WRIlate Robert Dail, ens of the late Devitt Ned Mrs. IMO, of Goderich. The erase ey was performed by Rev. D. J. Lane. PROMOTION 141110001111143111 DOT Mr. Leg. O. Pridham, on of Mr. and re. W. C. }wham of town, wbo bee with the Metnal Life 1.osraac. 411L sone Fears. to a Ideriii pod- •i%er ie i -' TNi7i& dei : NAV ilig t�g3r edier it Me W are. wife sad ace will t. aria Mw ,W. C. Prl& flinistmea. New Meeedule Gees iwte Effect Dteebs- ber 16th Next Toronto, Nov. 73.—Revised registra- tion fees for motor vehicles In Ontario were approved by order-in-eouncil and announced tonight by Hon. Leopold Ma- csnlay, Minister of Highways. The re- vised fees will come into effect Decem- ber 15 In conjunction with the hum- ane* of. the 19101 tlr cos@ plates. Passenger and commercial ran and Olio -purpose vehicles are affected by the achedale es Moped, which Is as follows: Lear eyltnders, $7. Six cylinders, up to and Including 2R bore/mower, 312, Rix cylinders, over 2R horsepower, Slit 1lgbt eylladets, tui, to and Melodies 25 horsepower, 4415 . Twelve S'�tster'* cyll* M• i10, / sea Ln theidMitil M "it Is =3i� it lot t." Mel >tt. tt)vMlgb More t*6 MR sae' etdlt•ey - fader dire eetNtithg t0 westght and prices That belief le eewtartw to by the ummi seterers." ane. Mies Hetherington, in a short speech. thanked those responsible for her posi- tion and also those who assisted ber by, taking part in the meeting. She also announced that the form wtnlnng the final debate of the term was to be pre- sented with ■ picture donated by a member of the staff. The form will keep the picture for one year, and it will go in succeeding years to the form winning in the debating meted. The debate for the meeting was: "Resolved, that Western influence has done more good than harm in China." The affirmative was upheld by Mar- garet Meiean and Margaret Mason, re- mteateasee6 fess I V ; their oppon encs, Wilma Treleaven and Marion Knell, represented form IIi A. The judger were Mise Dale, Miss Park and Rev. G. T. Watts. Mr. Watts, in an- nouncing the decision, commended the debaters on the ease of their delivery, and also on the preparation that had obviously been put into their addresses. Although the judges had not reached their derision without some argument., it was decided that the negative side bad won. The debate was followed by a de- lightful selection on the piano, played by Ruth Curwen. A letter from Mika Shepley, a form- er teacher, was read In whieh she ex- pressed her appreciation of her election as honorary president 0 the Society, and wiahed the Society success in its meetings. H. Greene and Alma Howell sang a duet In the chorus, "Down by the Old Mill Streapm," the other member being Jim Rsddltt and Mary Houston, Mur- ray Hetherington and Marjorie Mae_ fie, Ralph Shaw and Annie Machin non, all dreamed in picturesque old- fashioned costumes. The boys of the choral/ then sang the chorus of '?town by the Old bill Stream" in harmony, as an encore. The chores rendered '.o other selection, "In the Sweet Long Ago." The accompanist was Jean Pelee. Th. ever -popular journal was then read by Eileen O'Brien. The edltresa, M her opening speech, deplored the Auntie of the Journal from Its humor dos ehdrartH' to that of a serious pro - deletion. She very obligingly gave than° who desired to do 'n a chance to leave the room during the reading at the Inures!. No one, however, took ad- vantage et Ode generous offer. The mere saeetlsa iag a wheel dance hrgttht thtnhlsr us applaud from the sadtesee, mao7 of wbea have not !firm ap hefts that there may he cos for t ,r1stmaa The set*ytad flap e/iaye! 1w0 mMM ceder Iia Matelbete et "fin Isle.MJ Mil -OKI'. • ' 1 Jobe Oral& elarInet ; nay thvmwaa dariset: Beth Orem& trumpet The last item on the pretp'am was isit�s..ffri.�. Railway Question Receiving Wnah Attention at Capital—Confer- ence Agreements Passed (Sty Our Own Correspondent) Uttawa, Nov. 22.—This week the two e,euts of chief significance at the capi- tal occurred outside the House of Com- a mons. The first was the tremendously enthusiastic and genuine reception ac- corded Mackenzie King and Mitchell F. Hepburn as the Federal and Provincial leaders of the party, at the Ontario Liberal Association annual held here on Friday and Saturday—as Hon. Pe- ' ter Heenan put it succinctly, "right at the seat of the iron heel." The de - 1 *onstrations accorded Mr. King and Mr. Hepburn left no room for doubt that the rauk and file of the Liberal :piety are just dieting. at the bit to en- ter either a Federal or Provlyciphleo- t obi i With their present leaders at the helm. The second event of far-reaching Im- portance was the appearance of E. W. Beatty, K.C., Canadian Pacific Rall - way president, before the Senate mil - 1 way committee under Ht. Hon. George P. Graham, one-time Liberal Minister of Railways and Cauals, as . chairman, to utter the strongest possible protest agalnst pity action by Parliament to Implement the recommendation of the Duff Commission ou the railway sitna- tltua•-roiling fer-the•tatublistrmeat of an arbitral tribunal of three to render compulsory co-operation between the C.P.It. and the Canadian National ala, nuralone in heir own TfTer eats, but in the best interests of the whole Dominion. Mr. Beatty didn't mince words in making his company's position clear. To make co-operation compulsory; Mr. Beatty declared, would be to leave the C.P.R. shareholders "holding the pug" in risking loos of re- venue without having fail, control of Oddtellows' Hall was the scene of a their own affairs- successful ffairs.su cessful euchre and dance Wednes- Favors VolenthePee-bperatleo day night, the various organizations of ..At the same t1a -]Lr, Beatty said be Rt. Peters church holding the affair for the benefit of the civic relief fund. The attendance -was good considering the unfavorable weather and the net proceeds are estimated at about 340. The winner of the prizes were: Gents' first lir. Murray; sante'. eouse>- latlon, Mr. John Redmond; ladles' first, Mrs. J. Boyle; ladles' consolation, Mrs. M. Tobin. Dancing followed the cards, favored a Targe aeasure of voluntary co-operation between the C.P.R. and the C.N.R. as to joint management of the two roads, without amalgamation of the physical equipment, oyer.. -long perlod.ot years, from ten to -fifteen years -anyway. -He- admitted that the C.Y.R. had suffered in carrying on com- petition with the C.N.R. ltt. Hon. Arthur Meigben, Govern - r ;IN s gl ly sui•ee'as ul committee t a per urea a recomit - and was enjoyed by all present. (Continued on page 6) The Old Sheppardton-.€hurch in the play. entitled "The Care -an," he which the enterprising rtepbew and niece of a bachelor and spbuder, re- spectively, break down an old toad be tweets the families, and rid these mea- tiest of file habit of faking all sorts a m.dIelnea, tlwvongh the admintstratlon of a wonderful new medicine "RNA - en's Sthmnia.t for Rtaie Stomach," that tures out to be water.. The part rat the irascible old uncle, Aegmttms Babbitt, was ably taken by Joe Tay- lor: that of the stmelly disagreeabie upbeat/4 *ant was takes by *bsnitrst Ione. Doug. Middleton peeved MGN M Rant Maynard. Aagestas' nib phone and Thelma Allen were Dade A tetiees. e! Rest's t ed Mier i Ample gayer the hitt of Clara, a &WA of Danes. Tho motto/ Amid with the NIMdeg of "Oad Save the Mag" • CHURCH NOTES Services at North Street 'lotted church on Sunday nest will be con- ducted by the pests& Sermon sub- jects: Morning. " Bread." con- tinuing the aeries the Lord's Pray- er : evening. "lin ty s Quest." Services In Vlrteih street United church on Sundae eset ert11 be in charge of Rev. P. W. Chili. The sub- ject at the mortktg3i/k'rvlee, at 11 &clerk, will be 'The)sl.l'pae�nw�t to the Cell ;" at T p.m., -He rby Day with the _Master." Serttess in the Rapist church next Reads" will be 1n *Sane of the Iliy. W. T. Bunt. AIMe school will be MN at 110 a.m., with clamor fee all. AIibe 11'.m. Omme *Melee a Mr Runt -N the ssbjset► "(o Evelyn HIV, 1IP. sMl11!' M t IOW Or webfoot will be "TM. Dittos 'lest of alio," The ordlmawN at belleverd il.Mleme will he slWwtdMl et the Sue et the .veMeeg dere es. New The old ,Methtxltat church that once graced my old home town of Shep- pardton seems to be still upon the map of the county of Huron. A pil- grim from New York City, a native 0 Goderich, having read in his old home town paper the account of the sale of the old church, and having a boyhood recollection of the old church, built in 1850, was anxious to see, before re- turning to New York, what Mr. Fry was making out of the [material of the old church building. So he got a frlewl to drive him and his wite out to Mr. Pry's mid ou-ttfsletttrn ratted -et —MI Old Curiosity Shop and told me that Mr. Fry was doing wonders with the old material. He advised me to gs., right out and see ?or myself. So I broke one Sabbath morning las June and went out Ns view the bsauttee of Menesetung Park and see Mr. Fry's cottages on the banks of Lake Huron, As 1 neared the lake bank 1 beheld a building.that was a cross between a chapel and a bunagolw. The aiding oe the "new" building bad graced the old church at Sheppardton—the same old skiing remembered fromdays wham we boys who thought we were too big end important to go into the Suegey Ilishool would hang around outolliati the chureb until the small boys and the "gut*y-goody" boys came oat,'We world erereword mulesup on Ile old skiing, writing our name and beneath It our best girl's name, then crossing out the corresponding letters to see if it came out odd or even. If odd, she would not marry us; if even, elle would. Rome of the bolder bad boys wrote letters and drew ptctersh on the same old siding. As I neared the building I noticed the old windowg through which the bad boys used to Slake faces at the good little boys In Rtmday school. These Tete performances of the fang, long ego,- bat t seem to be a boy` again as these scenes pass before tnl eyes. But Waal all Is vanity and Iskatton of spWrit. The prcaeher dlseliveered that frosting the windows prof ebt.d the had toy° from looking In to see If their best girl' were thefts **bout going In themselves', and the result was melte copper° on the eollertton plate. it al- so stopped the gond teen and women, the boys and the girls from looking oat through the windows to 'me who was going op or down tine boundary road wkile the mermen wail !Ming preached. rwylisthe premises' a Inaiap,- . I so. the same old f,,ront ad ea tem windows as pas there fa day° of _"?� 1MlM w4. t' * OM* to the glib et the old dlairrii Mer. Try has $seed together le enth drel sale on lobe east .Me, .Irh tees he morning the shine Into a terse rereptiee roes or hall. Directly opposite, on the west side, the other three windows are placed together in similar style, giving light from the western skies, and as the sun sets It will reflect its beautiful rays upon these windows and soothe to rest those who are fortunate enough to see through these windows th famed sunsets on Lake Huron. When -the evening shades gather and the sun has sunk below the waters . of Lake Huron, a large stone fireplace will warm and light the room. A Gothic window frttp the church porch Is os the north- of the building, where the lights" may reflect TflAir A! fp south end is the otbt - w, at the entrance deer!tiju. - a stranger visiting da wleh to see what L have bing, take the Blue Water HtsLtWay north after creasing the lialtlabd Alter and pesai-ag through thb village a ealttord. At floe bottom ot•the h111 as ybu leave the village, cast year esWs heavenward and you . will tee the old Dunlop tomb, when the two famous Ituron pioneers, Dr. and Capt. Dunlop, are buried. As you reach the top of thelllll turn to your left and you will arrive at Meneeetung Park, and s few hundred yards up the lake you will find Mr. Fry's home cot- tage and the one built from the old church, whkii?i the years roll on may become a shrine to which Heron old boys and girls may make pilgrimage. G. H. GREEN. P.O. (August. two months later).— Aa 1 motored out with a Huron Old Roy from Huffalo, Mr. York, to Mene- eetung Park. to let him see the Mu11d- Ing made from the old church. as we reached the eroasrcada end from there dewed the building. we found It corru- pted. But alas! there had been a change sinew last i saw It. tb.' trnat- leg et the old windows had gone and the old siding hed a .',oat 0 frost phut, blotting out all those crossword posaler and aweethearts' names of long ago, Now • word to my old 'chore ttaeb- er, David E. Mefimnell, now of (`apo Town, Routh Afrka, who read the se- rvant of the sale of the old church at Sheppardton and wrote a letter to a Goderich paper. 1 thank him for his kindly words to one of his aid paptln, which awaken pleaaaat ,*merles et the three years 1 went to wheel to him, fl day In he future I may to elide about the 'sof the old RMrpyardtea 1♦1, I ;Oda add too Mr. 1YMsrs et on til 000)4 •=x. old trnstees. io.egb 't'lgert, lellri2U b the soak, in hY mtawNttb last, R1 1• he oMeet Helm satire i* tLb tsalteel sorties. •(1', >))• O. m 1