The Signal, 1932-11-17, Page 4—Zbmiraitq, Movewher 1 . t h, 1932 2 DAYS'SALE OF MEN'S MADE -TO -MEASURE 50 In co-operation with one of the largest elothiug ,firms we are offering fine English worsteds and aerges—made the way you want then[, and we guarantee excellent fit and and workmanship. , You cannot afford to miss this opportunity. R. T .1;4ANSS.TIALD.AY A U.. ATURR�►Y�,... NOVEMBER 18th and 19th. W. C. P,idharn & Son Mena and Boys' W Prosperity Around the Corner! When in need of good Footwear for work or play Torn the Comer on East Street. Ido you want the service of the best Rubber Footwear made in Canada? Tures th,- corner on East Street, and buy the Goodrich Brand It will save you money in Comfort. Quality and Price Are you in need of Resol ing and Repairing of your Leather and- Rubber Foot- ANearwith a serviceable and neat job? Ytfra the-eorner on East Street. _ Oar ideals: Haaest Service First If you appreciate Quality, at a live and let live price. turn the corner on East Street, and let us convince you that we mean to serve you. This principle has been the source of our success in the past, and shalt be our guide in our dealings with the public in the future. tionir service.' East -Strut Footwear Y. s►:. o. rid 'w<'rS er. East Street, Goderich —Opposite Knox Church— WM. AHL, Prop. 1 Phone 57 DONNYBROOK -..res-- THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. ue.eas.. ez On other d Nle. °a«µ «e dr.,. ,vWIM. /}�wr -. ties. a. n1s , *shwa - rt.,>_ -a- t�.�,�G � 7•" lower right •rt wire-wlnwlaa sued.*, the ow• -es fie rya showing in the ��oy.,d historic P.dieoest LIZ. •Nd • *ea... d the hose sows whech roomed the roues of the Pocock The int Wits -wisely dY.4v in the window convention i. Mown in the lowe. WPM. The D.wrtaest, re•IAM 41st WNW SM. fee Me fere ewes better nee. foe .rtryo.s, COODelNlpe In every is 0.1 -es, to sties/Iota tits rf• o1 oaMo F Products, and hoe .11 Porn of the Province word none. M.t ted Wopesee ens • pronounced *occaeo .. , a , ew.••r DONNYBROOK, Nov. 15.—The regu- •taea1to.liag-af the W.M.S. of Doug.c ; brook el.urch, which was poi oned from last week, will be held on Thum day, November 17, in the basement of the church. The Young People's Society met oa Friday evening with the vice-president. !J. A. Thow{e•on. In charge. The speaker for the evening was I)r. W. V. John- ston of Lucknow. a former well-known ;wad--pepatar peeeldent• Mr. Warrelt Bamford prayed a violin selection. ac companlet by Miss E. Bamford. Mlas Jean Robinson gave a reading and the lesson was read by Donald Thompson. ' Miss Marjorie Campbell also gave a reading. The meeting was closed with the Md>{alit henellction. Mr. Sam Jefferson of Mildmay ,spent 1 the week -end at his home here. I- Mr. and Mrs. M. Murphy, Helen and ; Jim visited friends to London on /tun - Mr. and Mrs. Hinton of Toronto ;Meted at the home of Mr. G. Wallace' ::ffi Sdit'1aj".� }Ira. rlmntngham TTanttai them on their return- to- onto. oonto. • — Miss Irene Jefferttotunt the week- end visiting friends In Ttenmlller. I The merit of au action should al- i • y+� r'�'413iff• -0 itiAVti f 04 I. U 4t; Fey AUBURN The H.Y.P.I'. meeting will ile held In the Baptist church next Sunday evening, commencing at 7.30 oclock. A special missionary program will t* given. consisting of readings and mc.-; teal numbers, also a short pageant by some of the members of the society entitled, "Three Scenes in a Thedee' Girl's Life." Everybody is welcome. LEEBURN Slitnef. "who i. att••udlug Stratford Normal 'also, arcomp;rtii.d him and *pent the week -end among his friends here MAFEKING MAF KIN/:. NOV. 1.i. -Mr. and Mrs. Ernest all and children and Miss MaryIII, of Brantford. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. lym. J. Ihtll on Fri - :ay. tip Saturday Mr. and ,Mrs. Ball and blind'', aceompanlerl by Mr. Win. J. 11all' visited Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hell -at neardlne. They returned to ltrantf on i4unday evening. Bede Johnston of Stratford was homy t la TiiunKTsy until Ilunfiat 1.1:E:I4t ItN, Nor. 18.—Miss Phyllis 1 Horton visited her aunt, Mrs. A. T1cb- I borne of Goderich, last week from Thursday to Sunday. ways be judged ace►rdlag to the mo• We are glad to report that Mr. Iry- tive whleh achieved Its performance. I ing hunter is improving and able to be out again. 1 Miss Dorothy Llnklater, of the C'nl versity of Toronto. spent the week -end ; with her parents here. Mr. Reg. William* motored up from Toronto on the holiday, accompanied by his slater and Miss Ltnklater. He I visited his brother near Nile and called on friends in our burg on Saturday. —Sial AReett Freeman, who was help- ing Mrs. Glrvin near Nile last week. *pent Sunday at home. accompanied by for they mac lead to something ser -Mie" 1?. (:IrvIP• Miss Alleett_1e eek, Old Sores Soon Healed or Mone 1 Never think you have to put up with I old sores. You don't I And you shoald'nt, boos. at Mrs. Girvin's title week. �� t 'l ie young people's (M atrlog of the erald OH and'tbey'll heal over as nice held at•Leeburn church on the 25th, In- s* can be in no time. stead of the 19th Inst. If this soothing. healing, antiseptic The W.M.S. will hold their monthly oil doesn't gniekly clear thew up. says meeting -next week on Wednesday: at 1 Wiggle's Drug Store, get your money the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Free - back and see a doctor. men. CORNFIELD'S CORNFIELD'S } Goderich Days at CORNFIELD'S A store full of merchandise which we are offering -40, --the. !west prices. A few of the Great Bargains Ladies' Winter Coats -$12.95- Exceptionally Fine Winter Coats. $21.95 DRESSES FOR EVERY OCCASION $4.95 Millinery -leading fashions -$1.95. Skirts $2.49. Men's Winter OVERCOATS $1495 to $1995 Men's and Yo Men's Suits 2 -pair TROUSERS $ 15.95 Ma's Underwear, all -wool. $2.25 soil Flora -hoed Underwear... $1.49 snit Fine Ribbed Combioatioes..$l.49 set NS's Heavy Sweaters $2.95 A. CORNFIELD..+ M�'R �►� �a,!/` "�a Med �iis, ore � t�*t G.detriat� - RNFrE�_L)'s Mr. a►ol Mrs. J. D. Hutton. Mitt. Helen Iluebanan and Jack Jbhustou, of Stratford, spent Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Kilpatrick. Miss Grace Blake, of Arkon-. spent Armistice Day at her home here. Mr. Finlay Shackleton sad Miss Allt•e Shackleton .lent the Weet�4md with relatives at London. _- Mr. and Mrs. Ite'rt Reed wibirfanilly, of Whltechureh, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ander- son 011 Meas Maargaret Mallnugh of tmekaow 1n the guest of ler uteri•, Mot. lttetla1E Johnston. • • - BAYFIELD HAYFIELD, Nov. 16.--jlr, and lira. E. R, Weston and family 5tovag to Goderich last week. The dance which was given last Fri- day. November 11th, In the town hall was quite a success. Itiaendld music was provided by J. Lindsay, M. Pol- lock, J. atue, Geo. I{lttle and Mrs. J. Parker. Rev. red Mra. F. H. Paull are vislt- In� In Loado* [pia and are ■t- tetJlhg the *pedal servteea in St. li, Paul's Cathedral la observance of the centennial of the establishment of the Church of 1Cnglaud a London and the • seventy-fifth anniversary of the forma- tion of the j)locese,o Huron. Rev. Mr. /Wiener of London will eonduot the service n Trinity church on Sunday looming. - d11a1..Sittk _. v.a4itiftidl .filar. past week with her aunt, Mra. F. A. Edwards, returned toWaterloo on Suu- day. Mr. and Mrs. Stater std son Ken- neth visited IaK wee at 1)imcoe. Mrs. Ihehata returned hr with them to visit for a few days. Mr. Edgar Neelia f Toronto Spent a few days in the village this week. Mrs. T. araadss and three sous .pant lad week til Waterloo. Dramatic a play, "Lena Rivera," which was presented In the town hall on Tuesday evening by the 1 Gould Dramatle Company of Mitchell, i setter the ioabl es of the Rayfield . Agricultural Society, was splendid. The parts were well taken and the perform - 1 ante was much enjoyed by all. The Lindsay orehestrs amen Lindsay, (George Little, M. Pollock and Mrs. J. 'Parker—played between acts. Mr. Re- i hen sang a solo In excellent manner I and was accompaniedby Mins Mabel 1 ikvtehaaer. After play a number I remained to dant* for a short time. H weyi u i M t 1 e t here 0 x lRvert.-Th a m k 7 O w the ' the use of the bulkliag and grounds formerly used as the shooting range. The building being in need of repairs. Wan. were adopted for its renovation. Plane ale, were tuade for a bike in the near future. According to the Scout p;e.ge members must lewd a belping band to .ont.un• in need. and a survey of the village tool community was • made and Is to tw acted upon by each member a. 01,,►ortanttr` its prenentr&1 The meeting µ•as closed with tbe Mir gash Iteuedictton. The Akers of the Dungannon Itoy Scouts master. Rey. 1). A. McMillan; i not (elder, Jas. Million: assistant, More- ton Eedy : w•rG,e, Carman Haines: cor- respondent, Bert Whyard. pastor, Rev. F. W. ('reit, will have sits rip• Slid* C.neseisa Natae GODERICH Tt1WN$IITP, Nov. 14.— our plea.sot little erutntrytlde 1t some- what neglected, owing to tbe lack of a rorresl oodent to report the Interesting doing. of our beautiful hills and val- leys: God's own handiwork. So 1 tbought 1 might report just a few Items of mtereat. - -- Mr. Herb. Corbett o< Dundalk. pees( - dent (41 the Trustees" and Ratepayers' are: 'MOOT 4s440r1,tbin. :u-,rommisted by his wife sad m other. we. a speaker at the an- nual meeting of the Heron County Trust... and Ratepayers' Aasociatlou held recently at Clinton Collegiate In- stitute anoi'spent the week -end with his sister. Mrs. 1*.. S. Lockhart. GODERICH TOWNSHIP the (km -toes J•are. I. back to school G(►DERI('H TOWNSHIP, Nov. 14.— nal°. Miss Ruth E. Evans spent Retnem Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fuller are bran,* Day and the week -end at the rain - 'mending a few days µ1[b friends t< home of her parents, I►r. and Mrs'$t. Tlnr,was.r of f Crams, in Clinton. A numtwriends from Goderleb Mr. Sam McAllister of Detroit V spent a eery pleasant evening at the visiting with relatives In the ectal home of Mr. and Mrs. Val. Fisher. We understand her. Marsh Lowden muuMtttttlty. Laura ' snail 0f I)ashwobd. has rented the farm of Mrs. W. John - former teat -her of S.S. No. 6, spent lir W°°• now occupied by Mr. and Mn. V. -end I Fisher. Betty Newton, who has been under memhrance Day and the week visiting with friends and renewing ao daalntanees at Union. - 0 .1. Y. P. .A. Meedsg-The A.Y.I'.A. of Bayfield, Varna and Middleton Held Meir meeting In the Orange Hall here on Friday evening. having Blyth and !Clinton brapches as their guests. The meeting num called to order be the president, Carl Diehl. A diaeusdon on a lot -al A.Y.P.A. service *1141 a Deanery rally took place In which Rural Dean Y. H. Paull urged the forming of a Deanery A.Y.I'.A. Council. Rev. K. Me. Goon offered tit. Paul's eb•reb, Clio- 1 ton. for the Deanery rally. Delegates to the conference at Hamilton, Leslie and .tivtn Elliott, gave Interesting re - 1 ports. The Blyth Society took charge of the cdlfir-*tton period. Miss Mar- , garet Itobluaon gave an lntereatlite au- tvrunt of the life of the late John Mc - erne and melted his famous poem. "In , Flanders Fields." Rev. Yr. 1'ts-.x•k gave a splendid talk on Remembrance Day. bringing back some of the memor- I.•a of that nay fourteen years ago and , what it nwells to the world. The Clln- •ton branch looked after tbe social per- ' bad and under the leadership of Miss Cu 1more *eveyyl Interesting contests were given. offer which refreshments 1 were .erred. The meeting closed with , the% National Anthem.. The local A.Y. 1 P.A. service at which the officers will ' ie installed will be held In Trinity 1 church, November 27th, at 7 p.m. DUNGANNON - Mr. and Mr.. G. W. Harwood and at�Il r. NO' `;ri :.sand *pent s f is �ae� DUNGANNON, Nov. ills—Mr. Frank and spent the foo niy w Savage of Ridgeway spent the week- 1 Mrs. Harold Peter. end at the home of his parents, Mr. and air. and Mrs. Elwyn Anderson and Mrs. John Savage. family. and Miss Helen Davidson, of Mrs. Melvin Reed and children, Gir- London, spent Sunday at the home of vin and Doris, of Toronto, spent the , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davidson. week -end the guests of her motile?, Mr. and Mr.. John Longmire of • Mrs. Jas. GIrcin. Mr. and Mr.. Wm. Nickel and family and Mrs inndt. of Stratford. spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and, Mrs_ HeberEedy. Mr. and Mr.. Ray (carter of Toronto spent the weekend with the lady's father, Mr. Rich. Reed. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's institute will he held at the home of Mrs. Cecil Trehvren on [Thursday, November 24th, at 3 o'clock. Those In charge of the program are Mrs. J. .1. Ryan, Mrs. W. R. Soothers and Mrs. F. Ross. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Wiggins of Brant- ford spent the week -end at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. The W lggtus. 'Yomen'a Institti a --ice tecetved a communisation from Saskatchewan asking for contributions to help bring Christmas cheer t0 a school of fifty- five. Anyone wishing to contribute will kindly leave the demotion with the presldent, Mrs. Alton, or the sec- retary, Mrs. McDonald. The W.M.S. of the Presbyterian church held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mra. Fred Ross on Wednekslay At last week. The meet- ing was opened with devotional exer- cises. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Fitzgerald and Mrs. Stothers Gdderleh were guests at the bome of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Harwood on Sun- day. Mr. and Mr*. Jas. Adams atsI Mr and Mrs. R. T. Phillip*, of Goderich, were visitors at I'nlon cburch on San - day. Patriotic Conrert.—There was a Lair attendance at the Remembrance Day concert put on by the Y.P.S. on Friday evening in i"nion church, which was decorated with Union Jacks for the oc- casion. Mr. Roht. Davidwm acted as chairman in a very capable manner. The program opened with the singing of "O Canada." Other numbers were: Violin solo, Jas. Young; reading, "Can- adian Born," Everett Mcllwain ; guar - tette numbers, Meseta. Chas. Breckow, John SiP11. Jobe- tepewlte and Oarl Clarke of Gbderlch ; duet, "Men of Her - leek" Mrs. G. Orr and Mr. Jas. Young; whistling solo, Dora Harrison, accom- panied on the violin by Mr. Young; re- citation. citation, "in Flanders node." Jean Sowerby; nolo, "We'll Never Let the ()id Flag Fall,' Mary Harwood; cornet snivel, Robert Henry of Goderich; nouthorgan selections, Arnold Porter: accordeon Nolo., Fred Roes of Goder- ich; monthorgan and "eke" •elections, Ronald Pennington of Goderich. An address on "Rememhr*nee Day" was given by Rev. F. W. Craik on account led In prayer. Mrs. Davidson read a of Miss Delight Muteh of Goderich be - paper on "With the Bbila tin India," log unable to be present. The minding and Mot. McWhinney gave • reading of the National Anthem brought the from tbe study book. The meeting wu clotted by all repeating tint Lord's A nodal evening wail held at tbe house of Mr. and Mrs. Chu. Alton lest Wednesday evening under the auspices of the Women'. institute. A goodly number assemhled and the evening was spent In games and amusements, after which lunch was served. The evening wan heartily enjoyed by all present Mr.. Burton Roach Is ander the doc- tor's tare this week. We hope for a speedy recovery. Way and Dares—The play "Just a Stepchild." which has been reeeived with mush favor wherever It hen beep germ, will he prasanted in Dungannon by the eloderteh (state on Friday, No- vember nth Thia will it. the four- teenth presentation of this play, which mnftMient to tndleate Its merits. The production 1. under the •napless of the 1)unganvrn Agricnitnral Soeiety and ft is hoped there will be a largo turnout. not only to enjoy this play wbleh has entertained en many andie�nrisen, bat 10 iladst the Agrienitural Snl'lety 'la Its cert. Atter the play Therm will be a dance. for whir+ Plunkett'* Bluebird Orchestra has teen engagmd. Dtalgasesas Bay $esads+-79ba Dna- amass Roy Seoats•—liar Luise pa- t „Thursday evening last la the T.' ta,".'=3.4fet to Ray. D. A. McMillan In charge. Atter devotional e=arelsea a baatnesa se**Mn was woe and Aero Whyani repnrtM program to a elm*. Mrs. Robt David- son, Mrs. G. Harwood, Misses Mary McKinnon and Marlon Porter weed tl` rompaniata for the evening. ('wise Church Notes.—The Novel• her meeting of the W.Y.S. of ftntoa church was held on Wednesday after- noon at the home of Mei- Gordon Har- wood, with nine members present Some mewing was done. The devotional ex- erclaes were taken by the president. Men. J. R. Orr, who read • Thanksgiv- ing poem entitled, "Open the Door." The roll call wan remp►nded to with the text word "Peace." Mrs. Gordon Orr road two Interesting articles, "A Little Freneh Heroine," and "'Keep Sweet" The meeting woe brought to a close by the reciting of the Lord's Prayer In nnt*mk... A very tmpeeaslve communion perigee was held In Union church on Sunday. The addreno woo given by Evangelist T. B. Coombe, who to.* for hie text "'i'hla do in remembrance of me" (Coke 22 19). A mallquartette from Vletorla street ehurehGaderteh, efimprwd of Atmore. ('has. Breekow, John Snell. John Sproule and Cart (7arke, assisted 1n the wrote. by the rendering 0f a smlectIow, "Someone Wilt (tinter the Pearly (late*," whish was mach appra latnd. Mia Mary McKin- aaa of Oadarlch played the movement- At ove i.nt-At the elope of the smrvie. the admlalaterrd by lbs pastor, R... T. W. II ('rack.... The merle. will be hold as nanal In Union rhnreh nett Snnday at thin Mr. Maher hod given the patrol A pm Sunday school at 2 p.m. 1110 JT: -.HIM Cantierick Pluri hone 47 Now Pia) ing—KAY FRANCIS, in "STREETS OF WOMEN," and REN LYON, Is "COMPROMISED"—A DOUBLE BILL. --ALi, ABOAiti) FOR THE HAPPINESS WEEK SPEciAi.S - MONDAY, TUEMDAY AND WEDNESDAY— HAROLD LLOYD coffers a screaming travesty on a eerr•'n-mad aspirant to cioewn fame "MOVIE CRAZY" with Dorothy Cummings THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY— MAURICE OHEVALIE>i with JZ4JINIITL MacDO11IALD The wondrous voice of Jeannette and the peppy personality of Maurice will make you want to see it twice or more. "LOVE ME TONIGHT" with "Chuckling" Charlie Ruggles COMING--"BLONDIR -OF THE FO1a.Ii<'S•" —Matlsees Weds/sift sad DaturdaU at i pi. VIIIttOrtlEizteM Christmas Greeting Cards A Fal Line at Prices to Sail All Purses The Christmas Cars We tlfvlll 6e glad to show there to you The Sinal Pdoting Co. Godench