The Signal, 1932-8-25, Page 7sdielffati wr.t.sws. Bropheyj��Bros. j��j�j1�d�. Ua IltEiCTOES ♦t+� EMBAIAlfEER lasted rave soros.ear sr .M Mem .. • p ONUS : Stolle 120 S!M, *1 11aR1411R• w ~ J. R. Wheeler and attended W .. or night £ tANce scams PHONES Sore 11115 Residence 11115wHamilton Street, Ooderleh 11County and District I The death of Sarah A. Beavers, wife 1 through the window, and with assist - Ipt luchar4 J. Selves, oocurrett August anee brought the are under coutrol. } tlt\•'at her home un the a of bound- Miss Alice Bell, the tueushlp of 1 are of taborue. - Tuckersmlth near Hensel!, passed i} 'ix etewtrt. of Reefetth, Awl stet DMet the agew sial• ed J ntor teacher aa ty-two years. She had been In poor THE COCISHUTT--- Mit MDT SHOP Wire Fencing Gu nSombre Repairs for Cockahutt, Frost & Wood Farm Im- plements and Machinery. Telephone 598 *King** Street Goderich Monumental Works GOOC&1CH, ONTARIO Best Materials Latest Designs Expert Workmanship All Work Guaranteed Reeeeneble Prices R. A. SPOTTON P.0. Sas ISI Geaer eb. Oat. has u engaged as u health for some time and a foe days a tar' $1 two tichljul staff, at before her death was taken to Vic - Robert salary' of='i,tf00. toric huepltai, Ikon, whet'e an op - Robert Venus, a young 1i tU[th boy, eratloa was Perfumed. Deceased was aril forty [cot through a holy at the the third daughter of the late Yr. and theboth mill on :Saturday and broke Mrs. Robert Bell, pioneer residents of the bones of both legs lu two places. Tuckeramlth, and is survival by her Bishop Sealer brig accepted the re brother, Wnllam of Tnckersmith, with sienationbeen rector Be'. J. F. Meyers, who whom rhe lived, and thorn asters has boonof St. Thomas' An IlD Chisholm and Mrs. McLeod, of Olean cbord!reb, Seatorth, the tart two Calgary, and Mrs. Thomas Welsh, of years, Hensall. John Galbraith has sold his business I a ceremony performed In recently of West Street ELECTRIC SHOP Ws CARRY A COMPLUS OF • ElectricalAppliances, etc, Llacl k *Wins o/ allbinds mWedded la Wales at W1ngDato Jack McKay. For forty-four years, with the exception at Swansea. Wafer. Miss Marguerite a feu mouths'!madness Interval, he has carried Cunnlagham. daughter of Mr. and on his buslnegr In the game tonstand. Yrs. John Cunningham of Belgrave, Wilson Alderson, of Crediton East Out.: was united in marriage to Lloyd died soddenly Sunday morning after • Huston, floe or Mrs. kiloton and the hemorrhage. He war seventy tier late R. W Hinton of Grand Valley, years of age and a successful farmer. His wife and • grown-up family sur- vive. Tuesday afternoon of last week are. broke out In the barn on the premises of Henry Murr, Bluevale. The sea- son's crop of hay and moat of the wheat crop were destroyed, as well as °titer articles to the barn.. The funeral took place at Brussels last week of Frank M. Smith, who lied at Mitchell on Sunday. the 14th, to his sixty-third year. Deceased was a native of Auburn and resided for some years In Morris township. Early Tuesday morning of last week the tarn on the 4th eoiieysalo° of Grey owned by Robert MacKay and oper- ated by Ell Crawford was destroyed by fire. A ronstderabie amount of bay and peas stored In the mow were burned. Yr. and Mrs. Hillary Horton of Exe- ter announce the engagement of their daughter, Hlldred Lauretta, to Ed- mund Thomas Bdworthy, only son of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Edworthy, Ont.; the marriage to take quietly at the end of this month. A quiet wedding took place at the Hernial] United church psoraonage m Saturday evening, August 13th, when Bertha t(oldan of Hensall be- came W$r vssCB WHITE(1f1UROdH. Aug. 23. -Mr. and Mrs. Shaw aid daughter Shirley of Toronto spent a day last week with her mother, Mrs. Mat'4 regur. Mhw Susan (!areirk returned to Amheratbarg with per slider, Mrs. Fred Clark, and will visit her *looter, Mrs. Windsor of Detroit, also. Maar Ethel Shaer of Hamilton 1s wishing utile went. 'ii4 the hots* ._1f Mrs A. Fox. Mr.and Mrs. Rased Iteld of Brant- ford are 'letting with hay mother, Mrs. A. Reid. Miss Bernice of Wlugham and Miss Isabel super are spending a few days this weak st the home pf Mr. and Mrs. Robert 1'urdon. Mr. and Kra. Fred Thompson of Toroate spent. IM week -end at the home of her dater, Mrs. Jae Titan. Mrs. DowePll and tate sees of Tim- mins spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Holt. Mc(7enajban, sad lett for Toronto on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Hawthorne, who have been visiting with his slater, Mrs. Joe Holmes, returned to their home at Brantford last Thursday. Mr. and Yrs. Calvert Falconer and children, trent Sinner went Incweek- THE FARM Notes.m Comments o0 Agricultural Topics and Comments on Agricultural 5- Preliminary estimate of the yield per aere or various crops over the Produce t& aa. follow;I�: Wheat, 30.1 bushels; tall -.tie• 17.2 jiuehels: hay and hlef`* [til r per serer' '•4 •Ind. fa, tuns per acre, first cutting, 1.79. • • • Pre.peets are repotted to ha -el ceptlouslly goal for a large pear crop In Outeri°. The trees came through the winter with very little injury and weather conditions have been excellent for the development of the fruit. Niagara district looks for a yield double that of last year and Burlington also expects to top last year's figures. Taken as a whole, the production for the Province should be far In excess of 1931. It is interest- ing to note that weather conditions have not been so favorable in Nova Scotia, where the crop will be about two-thirds of that of last year, while Brltleh Cotlmabla... VIII _IMHOF have ■ crop_about equal to that of 1931. • • T— end Oat. Oa their return to Canada Mr. with Mr. •nd • Yrs. Jas. Falconer. Current Leap Report_ _._. and Mrs. Hinton will reside at Tor- Misses Marjorie alta AINe Little of Hxryelting operations have been onto. London virlted over the week -end with A Blyth Wedding• Mr. and Mrs. Lester Falconer of Cul• delayed by catchy weather in both At the home of the bride. on Au- saris rsEern and Eastern Ontario. Pae - gust 10th, Miss Annie Taylor of Blytb 1_ tures In Western Ontario and part jg{•-visa #[rs. Ren. SuuhAl -d of CRIttfll Ontario are reported ea - was united In marriage to Rev. Dr. children spent a day Ina week at the cellent. The condition of cattle Chea. E. Ashdown, Presbyterian min- home of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Wellwood. end the milk flow hi shoes normal Inter, late of I'rinre Edward Island. Mr and Mrs. J. L lteecroft and for the time of year. In Eastern tial interest to farmers who Include oats, peas and vetches for ensilage in their general crop pla° : Oats, peas and vetches In the dough stage produce a high yield of goo, quality ensilage and cutting at this rtarnels to be recommended over earl- ier or later cuttings. It Is not advisable to allow the oats, pees end vetch crop to wilt more than two or three hours before eusllUtg. Adding wistar-.to oata. peal led ,)etches deaq-set Improve the quality of ensilage. w "" Oats, was and vetches put Into the a le witbeet euttI j eel_ produce en- silage which Is mouldy and not at for teed. The length of time In storage ap- pear» to have no adverse effect on oats - peas -vetch ensilage. Lots kept In sep- arate test silos through periods of Plluee, seven and nine nooths, respect- ively, at the Central Experfinentai Farm, Ottawa, gave excellent ensil- age, the length or time In storage apparently having no adverse effect on the material. • • • ' Census Farm Figures Figures released by the Bureau o1 Statistics In cuunectlon with tine cen- sus taken last year show. that the number of farms In Ontario has de creased from 193,0.13 In 1921 -to 192,- 174 in 1931, a difference of 5,779 farms. The number of Ontario farms by acre eoutent Is given as follows: 1 to 10 tierce, 15,984: 11 to 50 acres, 30,605: 51 tit"IO0' acres. 58,1120; 101 to 200 acres, 58,295: 201 to 299 acres, 9,451; 300 acres. and over, 9,260. Another report shows the number Thursday August hath, 1932-T EAVESTROUGHING Let us Welt ever that leaky Eavastreugh and make it as geed as new. De It today. PHONE 127 OR WRITE P. 0. BOX 131 We are headquarters and Repairer s. rss. nimb- le( -time Paymeuts if desired - JOHN PiNDER St. David's St. Dederick The bride was attended by her niece, children. also her parents, Mr. and Ontario, on the other hated, the Pas - Miss Harriet Taylor of Ottawa, and Mrs. Andrew, Kirk.' and Francis of automobiles on Canadian farms to Pas- tures very poor and the cattle have increased from 157,000 1n 1921 to another niece, Mrs.E. Mason of God- Creighton. spent Saturday at Surat- and atilt flow are suffering setord- 321,:1(N) in 19(31. Ontario has by tar 'ugly. South Simeon reports practic- the largest number of cars, 12.3,710. 11 Lane o er c ally all early potatoes harvested and has also 14,reie fur trucks. Other are residing In Blyth. lug with his sant r*• ° sold from the dlstrlet. One farwet I farm maehluery is 1%teda' follows: Drowning Grana Kiuloas. and Master Norman Nell- north rat Alliston dug over 2,04N► bags Tractors 111,INN1. Rasudlor engines 45, - at Bdtati wood la visiting with his uncle, air• fourteen acres. He reports the Nal. tinders 1_4.04(0, threshing um - daughter of Mr. sod Mrs. H. L. Me demand ouch greater thou was ex - from chines x,40N1, cream separators 127.- BerniceMles Amelia Leaver, 1%1111 has spent I peeled, truckers taking their supply so . milking machines 4.(NN), »Ilan 35,- Pher4on, Port Huron, was drowned two weeps with her parents. their i hall erleh, played the wedding march. The turd. ceremony was performed by Rev. D. Master &teUlson Fakvnee .le visit- J.f God 1 h Theha p) couple M Geo. Tim of the fast right from the field In at Grand Bend lata Thursday after- noon last. A chum, Mary McKay, also to inndon on Yolda'. of Port Huron. was rescued just as Miss Verna Purdon spent boat week she toeame exhausted In ■ttrmpting with her grandparent-. air. and Mrs. Nathaniel Holt of Igo -t Wawanosh. Mise Helen Kurt, of Halt is visiting witte her grandniMttee, --Mese- Ja+ lir. and Mre. fetes leaver, returned r storms caused many thousand dollars worth of damage to peaches. pears, 4rupee. plums and apples. A tobacco crop of 211,1NNI,INN) pounds is expected ►u Norfolk and harvesting operation to aid her drowning eompantou. The girls were spending a week's vacation art ()'rend - Bend. -Tile take was quite. rough that afternoon and Vernice Boyle was pulled under by the undertow, I Mr*. Malcolm Green of North Bay The body was not recovered until I le „hitting with bet intents, Mr. and Monday, when It .wilt found floating Mrs.Frank Henry. on the surface near the spot where Mr. Wilfred Jaeque- motored from► she had disappeared. Copper Cliff to speltd his holidays with 71N), ele•tric motors 14,600. A hotel of 82,294 farms In Ontario have gas or electric light. 41,:W1► have radia 103,- 932 have telephone, 20.134 water piped in the kltehen end 12.179 piped in the bat latent'. are now lu full awing. The blue. beiFi cedtf lit Mitskoka salt Pare,- • - - Sound districts haw not been up to expectations. _rte -•',•a �cr Mmihr'OSU s++Iw•ters wy --: --- Ylar The unemployment situation ,-bac the bride of Peter Melvin Molr, proved a t,aru to unprincipled pro- of the London rad. The ee emon) his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Jacques.I looters selling mushroom spawn, says was performed by Rev. Arthur 1410- COURRIE'S CORNERS I Mr. and Mrs. Stt•n,lrt .McBurney !the Bureau of Plant Industry, U.S. ;- rnd daughters spent stolidity' with her the ttf Agriculture. In a warn• dais. Yr. and Mrs. Moir will reside - on the I.o°don road. I ClOt'RRIE'S CORNERS, Aug. 22—: sister, Mrs. Davison •f i{ensall. ung just Issued. Promoters describe' On Sunda) morning. August 14th, She* threshing ix the order of the Mise Patterson of E.Imonton spent emoir4srw w grou+g ase new and „ex-' nth \I Gib*on Gil - neighbors of Miss Sarah Dodds, Wroe- I day around here at present. the weeki•nd w eter, found her lying dead near her Welt Mary Alton and Miss Vera temple. borne. where she lived alone. She had Little spent last week vtMting friends Mr. Gipson GUleepi.• ,scut to Gooier - been in poor health with heart I et Mafek4ng. Leh on Sunday to brio:. home Mr. 11(11 trouble, ra ubl d It is conjectured that aur- ( mime. Jean Nelson and Anna Mae I (:nest, who had been in the hospital Ing the night she felt another attack 1 Parrish spent a ,-pry pleasant ;1 (a7 I there after an operati..0 for appendl- (dila coming on and wan attempting to make her way to a neighbor's. A quiet wedding took piece reamer at the. MAUS enroll' assess. > ford, when Elva Jean, only daughtR sit Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hemingway, u0( Grey township, became the bride et George Verve? of- Itilrtb,. son of Mr and Mrs. -Helmet Turvey -of Bloevale Rev. W. Stanley Owen d- ictated. Mr. and Mrs. Turvey will re- side at Myth. After ■ year of 111 health, William John Mitchell, of Howlck township died August 10th In his seventy-eighth year. Deceased was the first white -Coal and Wood Genuine Hard Stove Coal Chestnut Coal Pea Coal Coke Pocahontas (2 by 4 egg) I can supply your wants in any of the above fuel Prompt service and reasonable prices. L FLICK Telephone 178j Goderich THE SIGNAL'S Clubbing List The Signal and The Toroot �t� Globe rite Signal and The Toronto Daily Star 7.50 The Rignal and The London 8.60 Advertfaet -The Signet and The Landon 850 Free Press The Signal and The Toronto Mall and Empire 6.50 The Signal and The Farmers' Sun 8.25 The Signal and The Family Herald and Weekly Star . 8.00 The Signal and Saturday Night 6.50 The Signet and The New Outlook 3.90 The Signal and Western 275 Home Monthly The Signal and Canadian Rowes and Oariema 465 The Signal and The Catholic 8T5 Record The Signal and Mciesn's 8.75 Magazine The Signal and Montreal Witness renewal 8.85 new 2.80 The Signal end World Wide .- - . renewal 4.15 . .... sew 8.85 The Signal and 'LJe Toronto Star Weekly --1115 Tha,jtlllrtal and The Cana-�D • Clubbing Rates With Otter Pett- odie•sla May Be fled on Application with a group of other girls at Camp Mr. and Mrs. Join critic Janet and 11 Mea. last week. D&wsoa and Ilt•tt►t ('rasa..gr.,..spent Mrs Ewart Jamieson suffered a.vaey 11th . and 13re;- WIlt Thom sent Injury last Saturday.. .wllah diAtsMslera. e suddenly felt faint and fell across o! �'. ■ bneket Into which she had just Mrs. Matthew Tesler or Manitoba drained the water off boiled potatoes. le visiting svith h. r sister, Miss "Marla Ontario Farm organizations show III. etlafamrd some tinders, •beatdee EsapbeU- —�••-- ✓� Lana .Annum., { .]Stan-Dtitar_3JaTehie la spending this iai•erai burns. tette 1' at the trondt• oY '". 1 Figures reveal -t her father. air. John Cowan. at pre.- week at fort Albert Mi.* Lavine year forty-two Outii`T(o llITmrrie -co• .fc ..i...orrt°braclug CK.[NNI metnha•rs eat. : J11111.1.. who we- there last week, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson and ',turned to her home qn Monday. Id an average yearly buelueea -per family were the Susi+ of Mr. aal r. eine and Mr-. Jas. Macintosh and meuds•r 11f VAT. Tila does not by Mrs. Foster Moffat at Holyrood on I I IlttlSundc daughter. ••f LanguWt, spent ' any mean. represent all of'the cm)- Sunday. F.warl end Mr e 1 ay at the hums of Dia aster, etre. i operative effort In the Province. It i C and . Ab. lick/ellen.does tend to show, however, that plotted business requiring only a -mat, capital 10ye'nneut and comparatively little experience, with almost certain pro'pec•ts for larger profits because of the alleged scarcity and high prices of mushrooms. These claims are for the most part misleading. soy» the Bureau, advising anyone who pro- poses to grow mnshrnoma to finer - 041111111Y Investigate marketefandltiOAI and the risks of the business. • • We are well equipped to serve you with any special floral offer- ing you may have to mlud, from a single bouquet to the more elaborate decorative bar►et. GEO. STEWART BRUCE STREET Phone 105 Goderlch, Ont. PURE CRYSTAL A phone call brings it delivered to your door Geo. Johnston �r Sons PHONE 499w Kwptoa St. Godertch Western Fair Leadoa - Ontario September 12 to 17, 1932 Experience teaches es all Profit by the szp.rieace of some of Ontario's finest farmers and shrewdest busiwees mew. Seo the resells of their sed.a.oers exhibited at Western Ontario's Own Exhibition. Wonderful Grandstand Attractions and a Snappy Midway Horse Show — Dog Show �_ _. .. __ ___ _ •� 00 : $ 4QAIMe, uS L N, 3AURbERS. Pel p!•-- Eatrie, [`bee •grist First • Mr. ,errge Mr. John Pnrd.ni and Mr. and Mrs. child born In the township of Turn- I Jamtenon attembel the funeral of thefanners are uniting fu their effort* trerry. He berme a sneeeeatul farmer I lair Yr. Dan Mc]nale of Whiterilnrch i N'w. 1'urdon and alabel spent Friday to keep in Mashies''. Tau• sixteen mil- ' with air. and Mrs. Andrew Stein of lion and a half dollar. worth of bud- land trai- and for several years was a eouncillor on Sunday. of Turnberry township. Ile Is sur -1 _ 1 Paramount. ares conducted by those tneluded-lea - rlrs M his wife and one daughter. Mr. and Mrs. .I,o.-k Henderson and i„(pe, above figure repieseente sale* of Mrs. T. Meehan. live stock. I i! WESTFIELD children of Par:.rseumt spent Sunday wiwl, dairy products, port with relatives ben- try pruetpete, fruit and vegetables, ben- WESTFIELD, Ang. 2L -Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cornelias end Mar and seed ami grain and mte't'tlaueune pan - air*. Thomas Rodger are visiting the Mrs. Amos Cornelius spent Sunday at duets and the purchaee for reeele to ormer'a father, Mr. John Rodger, and the home of Mr. Frank Kelly of St. menthes+ of such •rides as machin• [her friends. i Anguatine. cry.-fee41. fertllliera. twine amt warty Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook visitedI Mr..Ja'. Rasa ..f Holyrawf spent a toether things• n Sunday with the latter's stater, i day lea week with hiu sister, • • • airs. Wes. Kechnle of near Blyth. i Catharine Rosa, and at the home of &u.pran Pine Shoot Moth 111 be sorry til' hiss brother, Mr. R .1. Ross. the tur'pean pine ,hoot moth was Tutsiay V la Silvester l.awreoce, of Clinton. I passed away on Sunday in his seven ty-eighth year. He was for some years an employee of the Doherty 1 Piano & Organ Co., and later a rural o stall -carrier. He is survived by his I wife, two sons. Fred and Harry, both l o of Hamilton, and two daughters, Mrs. 1 E. Sutor of Cayuga and Miss Olive, teacher at. Port ArthR[..__- The wedding was gatettrse(e[at Ht the Presbyterian msanew•WinMam, l on Saturday morning last. of Mary l, Ruth Ulla. only daughter of Mr. and 1 Mrs. W. C. Armstrong of Wingltam, 1 to Nelson J. Hueston, eon of Mr. and Mrs. R. .1. !Weston of Gerrie. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Ken- neth MacLean. Mr. and Mrs. Hue - 'don will reside at Gorier. Henry Sehllbe, of Hay township, had his bands badly burned one even- ing recently when be erttngniehed a Her man! hear that Mrs.Jaiieg very poor health.----- - Mies Dorothy Vincent of Relgrave spent a few days last week with titer eonein, Miss Jean McDowell. Mb's Gladys McDowell returned home last week after epending several weeks with Toronto and Michigan ?deride. Mr. and Mre. Melvin Taylor .and family spent Sunday with Belmore friends. Master F1w1n and Ml's Margaret Wightman vlatt, (last week with their fire which threatened to destroy his `grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Mather+, home. A, lamp was upset In the ch1141- I of f.neknow. ren's bedroom and Mt. 14ehlllse, hearing a salter aaster new weak.. sllie Hicks of Toronto o r.ntorIs the children'' cries. rushhd upstairs.I pe threw the pieces of the burning -lamp W. Snell. vii.--- imported into Canada 111 recent years '1WPRl� 4rRIt�a1f5�1T terms -_man species ohne . grown In tit elmntry. St'ote1i, pititr` rel pine. Jack pine, and mugho pine are particularly susceptible to attack. Every owner of ornamental pine trees, . pine ptantatiuns or natural pine for- ests. especially in Southern Ontario, tw urgently requested to co-operai+ fu s1 attempt et An early eradication of Oilspeat. _Cut off the defeated shoots and :buds fat). fait. A valuable aervlee will be rendered by reporting any 7l1 Dominion to the ominion Entomolo- gh,t, De-jrrtrtnirnt of Agriculture. Ot- tawa. No postage la required on let- ters sent to the above address, and le rapidly beenmtltx--a -_„jalidls . ..I iia -skew- ra. Lodger: "Yes. 1 often latndlady: --4often had what T' Lodger: "i:ettc•' board ebiewhere.'\ FRESH BUTTER DAiLY "I've decided t.. make our own butter, dear. The Iambi" batter 1a ao onset Isfactory," +:nit_ Mrs. Young - bride. ::That 11017..,.,t� esu Elat't►y,_"How'er` you going to make III"' "Oh, i bought n churn fad have ordered motile hutrermtlk to be left regularly. Won't it he Moo to have really trent, butter:- Capper's Week- ly. = -- -- ------ -' County Rates for 1932 EQUALIZED VALU'ATiON OF THE MtjNi IPALITiFM OF THE ('OI NT\ OF HI RON. THE 8E1F.R:U COI NT\RATES FOR 1932 it'll`" MI'Ni('IPATiITY P}' 1'nptll Acre- 11)qual'd Paine Township. tion 19:11 age ('.i y Purp,»e. Aahtleld 2030 01191 Colborne 1242 34:4:1 Galerlch 14.'42 5210)1 Grey 2205 64702 Hay 25113 31t i R4tMyrick 30Kr.1c 03171 liotlett . er, +.., 1+1412 33 -11 Sfc1lllop Awes :.2111 Mntrle 17411 3,1223 Minnie) 1794 45200 Rtrplen 2045 5(1379 Toekersmlth 1793 407112 Tnrnherry 1450 86720 Ilsborne 1723 42701n E Wswanneh 1159 41741 W. Waw'Anosh 1410 41725 Town* ('lin(nn 134,4 1:.alpri ..—...,nas►e•." • .. 9175 ,.....forth ... r 9(k5 eInghta41a.__ 2090 _._..., hiss. Fcetet 11. resell 1103 1(18.1 .ww11�1 684 3 20410411141 133*1)40 2I S3S43 300709*) 23241334) 344/44045 2720530 2503700 2.377313 2.•4,414)50 2 142,1 N) 14103090. 7.._ 54117 51 2443330 . ' mat 415 1672)440 51334 04 14144140 5494 157', Genera: Highway Co. Rate • Rate 3% milia 1 t4a mills 3 9333 31 3310090 BARO 341 2411* 41 7043 43 3273 77 19.324 *2 4310 14 w.(42 22 37*9 ::1 119241 .^,0 3112 141 8947 71 3k.14 4 . 03:14. 41 44194 73 . S702 1) 373.1 *321 44 3301 31 9922 417 4252 514 R274 79 33441 30 730470 ' MI 18 1602250 Wit • 119111199"'—` -' Mit' Iff . -- 2407 M 31(13 00 2:110 2,5 2320 011 THE DEPRESSION- IS OVER AND MASSEY- HARRIS have moved King Edward Hotel \ full Ise• •.f -.l s -k will I..' Repairing and tuning up to the old stand Block, Kingston Street ed - Prompt service gnnoiutee,l your epi aa. ' 7 a . dpeeisiq' float.* will be sold at floaprtees possible for doh WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF BUNSEN OIL BURNERS installed In your present Stoves, no matter how old. They will hent your home, bake goer biscuits, or no wile. At 20% to Meta lets fuel emit. Equipped with or without electrle starters Lowest prices on the market. - A CALL WILL BE APP'IRECiATED Ilf.SLEMENTS &SON. Phone 140 ROLE; AGENTS Goderteh • . • - • 6aaifage Oats. Peas sad Vettbes • The following excerpts from the aa -1 ltlmt report of the 11rmlploa Field 1 be :i►t Tilt : iaPULATION, A11/D 1 •v. 11 _ ,ways 1 1411, s :asci t$, 133' 144 ‘101,; _'2,1 35,4 -,env fl- oft `M' • ' 00 1441 XS • 14432 01.4. 141'+4 114 11:54 21 7'9 W 251* :;1+ 1".2 2i T 13,7(4 2`1 y,. 1 vet .; • Total >1 13990 fee 9'2:43 05 131413 117 ♦ 11*542 :r3 Excess Fat Melts Under Truk ent that Creates $.,m0. folks are naturally fat, but rlu•re s a int of people who put • on pend% of;unhealthy fat ier•ener they tos%er't got enough energy le move 1151:* 101 41141111 to keep it off.' 21.,151.17r,I I. It'+ not imine.+ In mural cages brat T)e4:t1) 041 1 1 » utndlti fl I1F4tI lit ubntl by einggf.11 - t au^ +tl sent of the Internal esRtina thr7itrr, !..,wets, snit Tddnry'•- T -r- Trrntt. 142910 29 p0140115 and harmful •$4s flint 11111 14l' 3 an vigor. nmldtion, and kers, art Into 141 +5 r4 the hl°ntl -the whole generlll tom rat !*350 34 the h.wly Is towered and /at legit 143110 OA 1',biros 1141:7 4'4 I1 'fl -,i •r.1• of ovetstoft men and ee 10101 2.4 men fin.: In Krn.cbew Sells n ls•rfeet• - 444(3 RS if '°f". .nae, and beupo,•Idl merits of 11333 50 redo, iur )4he'41. .XIlt',...1li.'li. da11j.. 11n.d' eeofiiirll_a hj . 3445 10 ealta_.1. 4p. t• °restos 1 Ti m pr.ip•rtr .-s err Ray. eget tics van 'i?rr' hettng of r ( Jou. it `a41.t.l said I ,sit • v. �s• - •ere . 1822 11011 x,. 11214 ' 2527 Sar 71• M1 r 89143 P 1771.64 SISNM9 12 Coal - Hardware - Pluinbing Sometimes it is wise to be a "Doubting Thomas." This irno time for blind "buy- ing buying by habit." Today we must test. things for ourselves to' melte sure that every penny we spend brings the biggest possi- ble value. your -COAL; PLUMBIJQ, When }"nit get �'0fbt' vlrJe+h HEATING and TINSMITHING from CHAS. C. LEE, you get the biggest possible value. Chas. C. Lee The Hardware Store at the Harbor Phones --Store, 22—House, 112 --Hotel Sunset, 643. -lile/c,:lt 4332 410 .2014 i0 $111117 M •-.ill' -jumping co of Vortrs^ with energy, Inw(es.1 o1 moping Around -sad tttlletlsn Wow. '+ s mdtler K coafse--Natir46 anemia to that. '.,4r . - A DOT.LAR'S WORTH _ .. - -.. _ (:lip Iii' coupon rind mail it a',It'll for n •ie o ^e!.,' 1ri,,l ,nb,rriplinn to 41 i' THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE I1/4:0NITOR f Published by Twe Cu{{atafoin *-freer dr•.r,M/w• noes'• • Boston. 11ra•saehulettl, V 8. A. , In It ren end and the d•Ilr (rand neve of the anr1' f -an f”1.0.1 .111. 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