The Signal, 1932-8-25, Page 6.r:. rte•
$ --Thursday, August 25th, 1984
in clan and modern kitchen
enrtttuRdlUP You can get it
at the
Esgralar Diener and Sumer
Sunday Afternoon
Goderich, Out.
Shun exit - -.--1' 1I 'es Image
Gud's name hold n
1t In vain;
Be thoughtful and •-Jfgaggi. kilo'
hearted sod teas; -_
Look ever to Jesus, Hs will tare:
you through. pal•.
Ona areal will emedniee rat
Via..-�.,�,.•.�Tie-Leading Men's Store,
• • •
Everything that's • netw
in Men's Wear
fan77 Ault.
Special Order to rear
Measure--- —
Chas. Black
Phone 219 Goderich
When a man assumes a public true
he should Muskier himself as publi
property. -Thomas Jefferson.
-Thee, 0 l..a►MT_rhe ovens
of strength, help all wib are tem -
beyond their own powers of endur-
ance to seek Thee. In Thy presence
there Is power to overcome all evil.
Amen -
men -8, .la:,t, FOR SEPT. 4ti, 1932
Lessee Teple-Evib+ of Inleasperaare.
Lesson Passage• -Isaiah 5:11.11, 32-Z3.
t holden Text-Levttieue 11:9.
We read 1,n the preceding verses the
the great landlords added field to
held and house to (rouse, and drove
off all the small proprietors and then
thought they were going to have every-
thing their own way ; and they sow
their acres, and their acres will not
bring forth fruit. There Is where the
Lord had His hold upon these mighty
I people. After all, there 1s a myster-
t `on
is power that holds things in its
c I gipat grip. All history testifies to
(God's presence.
1 in verse eleven we read of luxury
coming after injustice. Bad men.
though they cannot calculate upon the
next harvest with any certainty, will
tat and drink es though they could.
We read here of the morning revel
continuing until the e'vening debar
We have a nice assort-
ment of Verandah and
Deck Chairs, different col-
ors and styles.
Let us supply your
needs so you may spend
your leisure time in com-
J. R. Wbeeler
Funeral Director and
Pi,rniture Dealer .
Hamilton Street, Gderic`
Store 336; Res.355w
morning t at they may w
strong drink ; that continue until night,
till wine inflame them." The strong
drink was made out ut honey and
• dates, the poisonous Egyptian beer, that
inflamed mea'" tiptoed. and killed any
I spark of divinity that was in them.
Beginning the day with Intoxication.
That was _en ancient habit: has It
continued -nod 1s now a modern one?
An offieer was commended to King
Alphonso as a man who could drink
much and retain what he drank. Said
the King. "That is an excellent qual-
city in a sponge. but not In a man."
Mahomet said. "In every grape there
dwellx a devil." The resultant con-
sequence of this indulgence of the
appetite is pointed nut in verse twelve.
We cnpnet he both animal and spirit-
ual. gross and refined, satisfying the
apts•tite of the body and gratifylt.g the
expirations of the • Soul. "And the
harp. and the viol. the tabret, and
pipe, and wine: are In their feasts:
but they regard not the work of the
is delicious
(Write 5sldm, rereads. ler seediest redrs) tis
Savings for 1hursday, Friday, Saturday
Targe pkg.
_ Writs, Telephone or flsla_.
Telagisees: Wench IIM3
Gatos NOM.
i• �e
No.. 1, Goderich.
Arisideaco at Porter's HIV
"My dear,"to minister's
wife, "theis a hats Mea at the mil-
linery sto-y'
"There you W agate," .kg.. inter-
rupted ; "always thinking ot the world-
ly things."
- "But. nip dear, you wrong me." she
said. "This hat le perfecta heavenly.,,
Never was It harder than this year to pick th.• ,sinner ot the Cauadlau National Exhibition Murattau for the swimming champhw-
ahip of the world. thlltherto the�greeter part of tip. , ourae has been In the cold and frequently choppy waters of Lake Ontario In front
of the Exhibition Grounds at O -onto, and swlmun r- unwed to such eundltloue often found it beyond endurance; but this year the
race,. will be over a course laid out entirely bete,-, the sea-wall and shore. This ensures smoother and warmer water. It also mans
that all the contestants will be in plata fight of r •- spectators during the entire race.
T� [nett ■ event, scheduled for Wednesday, August
Over two hundred men and women will comp t� for the $40.000 prise money.
31st, le a fifteen -mile grind, and because of ehet • Iwuged conditions a new recordshoutdre Sbe c� now u[ Toron[u, but formerly
The seven men shown above should all finish within the money.
of Pott Colborne. who has been a colorful figure in previous years. No. 2 ---George Young. Toronto, winner last year and also winner of
the femme, Cptelln• Island swim in which he wit- the only contestant to finish; No. 3 -Warren Anderson, a powerful fellow from
Sydney, N.8.; No. 4-GIann1 Gambi, holder o many 'Italian records and winner of the thNo.ele n'sta s v1tattoof awlon, la whist r;.t.
:- George lam, Memphis, rpm., who.yw,�d„_a.-,gond showing in former yea^"
garded as a strong contender; No. 7-11arvkt.Nehou of Fort Dodge, Iowa, winner t 1830, and record -bolder for the fi
Lord, neither consider the operation of a poisoq like 'Rat for beverage par -
his hands. Therefore my people are poses. The etgttteentI amendment
gone into captivity." Men go in cap- was not adopted because we suddenly
tivity when they go into sin. Charas- began to sympathise with the drunk -
ter is freedom; pureness is liberty; to ard's wife or the drunkard's child, or
have few wants 1s to be rich; to be even with the poor loot drunkard him
master of yourself is to be conqueror self.
11thween the info aside
teachime of
ng 6 of
of the world.
What a lurid picture is seen to verse scientific tempennc. in the public
fourteen. Mark the ruin, note the acbools of America.'rslateit tdts nn -
havoc: "Therefore hell bath enlarged intelligent and tamer.• .
herself, and opened her mouth without the use of alcoholic .1: ni for beverage
meagre: and their glory and their purposes. Those wi.• • aunnt do with -
multitude, and their pomp, and he that out alcohol are 'alt „bntl addicts. lost
reloiceth, shall descend Into lt." How as those who censor .1.. without mor -
graphic the, suggestion that sin is so phlue are morphie addicts; both
multiplying on the surface of the earth alike need our bell .end deserve our
that all the under -world taut enlarge compassion. -Mary Ilarrla Armor.
Itself tolaccommodate the thronging -- MNNV�
[. gat the.Dra014
ad of Ua- WVK
esss,sq; '' and drink *WOO dames _ ..
ROuK, -
`and. /i-cumaa i on . _MIK .0 rl� ofl': 'TIT TAPE
hosts shall be exalted In judgment, and wtfl-rill-irtttr"her ftrknct, Mise
shall be senctificrl gate[ Jefferson. I gay, of Hanover, visited friends here
The W.M.8. held its regular meeting on Sunday.
on Thursday at the home of Mrs. C. Ile. and Mrs. W. M. Connell and
Jefferson. Mrx Norman Thompson I family have returned from a two
LUCKNOW, Aug -l3. -Mrs. A. R -
Finlayson has returned borne after a
week's visit with relatives In Palmer-
Mra. Muldrew and daughter Beth, of
Belleville, who have been visiting the
former's brother, Mr. J. R. McNab,
have gone to Seaforth to visit friends.
Mae K. McGregor sed Mr. Il. D.
McGregor spent Sunday with relatives
in Ktntall.
Mrs. It. H. Thompson, Helen and
Willlard have returped home after
visiting relatives In Toronto.
Miss Helen Thompson 1s spending
a few days with friends In Holyrood.
Mrs. E. N. Hodgins and .daughter
ys have returned home from p
through the Western Provinces.
Krs. Thea. Pate of Blyth visited
at the home of Mrs. D.
F and igrs: H. 1'. Hogan sad fate -
God that is holy
I to righteousness. Then shall the lambs
I feed after their manner, and the waste
plaees of the fat ones shall the strung- and 51 -Sea Elaine Itamtord
erg eat." (Verses 1[117). We have seen presidedweeks' vacation at Thessalon. At the evening service Rev. Mr. An -
how the great owners proceeded In jl and Marjorie t'! ,nl�t►c chapter
`he olt picthe I Miss Marion McNaughton of Orange ( thony had as his aubjeet, "The Wed -
their ■cqufsitios of land more and based on the rills la visiting with )1 r. and Mrs.! ding at Lana of Galilee." The min-
more until they excluded the small study hook. MI-- Irene Robinson sang r Cameron MacDonald. Inter, Rev. R. M. [:ale, took charge
1 proprietors, but now the time has come a nolo. After the meeting lunch wan Master Jack McLaren of irlint, I of the devotional exercises and Rev. l;.'
that the lambs shall feed as they nw•d served aid a not ia1 hour spent. Mich Is visiting at the (tome of Mr. Peddle
There will be no meeting of the
and Mrs. White and two sone, James
and Arthur, Mra. Atkinson, Mimes
Maud and Ann Turner, Helen Oar-
negle and Nora Napier, of Lowden;
Mlsees Eva Hartlelb and Margaret
McGeorge, of Stratford; Mrs. Marg-
aret Ferguson, of Bayfield, and Mr.
and Mra, T. B. Mullen, of Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. White have been summer
visitors here for a number of years
and their many friends loin in extend
ing congratulations.
Mr. and Mrs. Nolton Parker. Mrs.
Gray awl sou Jack. of Atwood, Mr.
Merton Livingston and MW Margaret
Parker, of Listowel, were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Parker on Sunda.
Aaolversary Serviges.-Annl1Sraarg
services were a It.�ad �. Kellogg's Asthma, large .99e
United charas as 7
James Aathsar. 46. Tames lith:Corby a sues
cltarrtt, preached la the woral�-
eboosing as his subject "!til . -
R� Young garlittr "-Zeis Erich T"Taa - - ,.,/.. .Bwat}en
To■ slue is oar
refits each week
We give a list of
Drug Store items at
reduced prices.
'ihe list for this
Aegast esti to September Znd
nvaltine, small regular 50c
for...._._....... _ ......._......__- 39c
Medium. regular 75e for 57c
large, regular 51 25, for -98e
Special Kotex --Kleenex Offer
2 -pit. Kotex, 1 pkg. Kleenex,
value $l.13, for 79c
Italian Balm, regular 85c.
for ..- 29e
Sal Hepatica, regular 35c,
for ......... 29c
Eno's Fruit Salt, large-.... 98e
...... 45c
Junket Tablets, 2 pkg". for 25c
Parawax. 2 pks for _. 25c
ed the anthem,".'rales Re t e ■ .
by (loaned. Mr. Earnest Rehn sang' I' PI CoiIi — Wil ffrP�
"The Ninety and Nine." A trio, "1
Heard the Voice of Jesus Say," was
sung by Mrs. R. Scotchmer and Misses
Dorothy Scotehmer and Gladys Gale.
Snow Flake 2 pkg. 1 Jc
Capitol 5 -string
medium weight
Keri s the best Vs. lb. tin 25c
Musttard Ib. tin 49c
No. 9 stuffed 23c
No. 20 plain 23c
and Mrs. W. W. Hill. 'eddl of thePresbyterian church
read the Scripture lesson. The choir '
sang, "Like as a Hart." A solo was
I rendered by Mr. Rehr, "The Stranger
of Galilee." A male quartette, "Stand I
Still, my Soul," wax pang by Ernest l
Rehn, Harold Scotehmer, Chas. Wil-
combe and 11. M. Gale. There were
splendid congregations at both ser -
and Mrs. A. Welch of Tor- %lees. on ;Monday evening a sacred
onto spent taut week at the latter's concert Was given In the church by
home in the village. the Yokefellows' Band of Stratford.
Mr. ural Mrx. A. Attwood, Jimmy, The varlet Autbers. given were well
old and Mary Attwood of Detroit rendered, consisting of solos, duets.
are holidaying at the home of the
quartettes, inetramprrtal numbers -van*
former's mother, Mra. E. Attwood. readings.
Mr. and Mrs. J. McClutcbie of Tor-
onto are guests at Mrs. Percy Wes-
ton'" while holidaying In the village.
Mrs. Fleming of ltervle and Miss
Ethel Drehman of London spent a
few days with their father, H. Dreh-
man, returning home on Wednesday.
Dr. G. C. e.aKing 81. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Schnell of De -
East, Hamilton. Ont., bas been tor' • trott are visiting the latter's modus
considerable time coadnctlog a clinic Mrs. 11. Peck.
for the treatment of arthritis, nenrl- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Metcalf and Migp
tis, rheumatism and kindred aliments A. Thompson' of Pittshurg are guests
similar to that of lits college class- with the former's parents, Dr. and
mate and asxss Late. Dr. Locke of Wil- Mrs. W. F. Metcalf.
Ilamaburg, and the fame of his clinic Mr. and Mrs. A. Carty and Junior
r is growing rapidly due to its surcesa. Carty and Mr. and Mrs. Ohs*. Scho-
field of Detroit vldted friends In the
mage nu Saturday.
Mrs. Strang and two children. who
spent the past two months as guests
with the former's brother, Mr. Oeo.
Little, returned to Windsor on Mon-
Mr. and Mrs. Lan McRae of Strsth-
my are holidaying with Mrs. M. Fras-
Miss Jean M. Woods, who spent the
past two weeks at her home, returned
to Toronto on Sunday with Mrs. E. P.
Lewis and Miss Dora McMahon. who
were week -end gnemtx with Mrs. N. W.
Mimeo Alma McKay ■rad Lola El-
liott spent sooday in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Parsons, of
Trimmest. Sonar Africa, an rivets
with Dr. and Mrs. A. 8. Atklnann.
Mr. and Mrx. Geo. Phoenix, Mr. and
Mrs. R. Phoenix and two daughters. of
Saginaw, M1eh., are oeenpying Pnm
R Inn
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Knight and
tittle Ronald, of Toronto, 'pent the
Week -end with Mr and Mrs F G.m-
elnlwrdt. Mr and Mee Norval aem-
otobaedt..Perla a.nd Helen. ot.)ktrdaMW.
Mien.. wan elan gneut. fur a few
daea„retavd•g °I.;11.4.:".7•,..---r-41K,
at Wed?41a4/1 .
:.^. :�rerir wr... 1.;11:-• -.'Wier:
don. eelearatnl their twenty ftb an-
sIreraary at fie rammer home of Mr.
end Mrs. A. 1). Barr Is Bayfl.ld on
Anesat 9fe1. Them pes•eat weep Mr.
to do when every tittle flock -master
had his patch of grass for his little Y.P.S. on Frldi' night.
Mack. The landlords shall get back Mr. MacKay, who has been visiting
again all their pastoral lands: Pales- Ids friend, Mr. Willie c'raig, has re-
tia shall yet he the land of the people. turned home.
I la tt it; the great Landlord;holdthe earth
hat I Nellie motored 10 s,ndonhy and Mhos on Sunday. 1 Mama ofFGoderirh the 1 guestof
U the Lord's, and we hold rightly what
we hold as lfi gift.
Miss Della l lrwasn has returned', Miss Gladys [:ale.
spending acv- i Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Raker. Mrs. J.
Then the prophet coatfmreo his de- to her home here after'pen
nanclation of those who are "mighty eral weeks at the home of Mr. Sturdy MacGregor
`to drink wine, and men of strength at Auburn.
Ito mingle strong drink." They who are Mise Edna Plowman ix visiting her
!endowed with etrenftth hut use it I aunt. Mra. Mone 4f DnnrTannon'
I wrongfully am as They "tar fttttW1 - - -
- 1 iniquity with curds of vanity and sin.
to It were with a cart rope." Here
we see men harnessing themselves to
sin, and dragging the black chariot
after them with madness. (Manta they Al thriL i 1E* Snt en tl '��
were, but they have fallen: mighty
Throughmen, hut they have lost their standing.
What a pitiful thought that we may By N'i11Ha LeRue
be great In sin, great in wickedncsa, 1 th of 409
Pickles m.& w. Sweet
large 371/207 21c
Aylmer Tomato
Rideau / Ib. pkg.
Patterson's pantry shelf tin
Beans Clark's med. size 3 tins 25c
Uses New Plan
prise mintetera of perdition. leaders
and eaptains In hosts of darkness: bet-
ter 1* the least in the kingdom of
heaven. That Is honor; that is bleeped
lrimortalfty.-(Condensecd from the
People'a Bible.)
Temperance Fallen arcle» be states, U largely
There was a day when pwnple might. f the cause of arthritis as welt as other
to a certain extent. be excused for Ir painful aliments and by their correc-
tion the joints Looe regain their nor-
mal function
At his ellti. almost every day can
he seen pat lents from far and wide.
Some of them are cripples that have
been on crutches for months or years.
Two recently from Troy. N.Y., dis-
abled for }•ear• from joint affections.
were treated at Dr. Leach's clinic and
returned to mutts homes greatly re-
lieved after only a week's treatment.
A dentist's daughter who had been
a helpless ertpi e'far Year' hen 11"n
so improved M • few weeks that she
taw drives her obit automobile and
even attempts a 'me of tennis
The 'runlet. awoke daily by many
and every one reports program'- Truly.
a wonderful tiring for thane sufering'
A snrprising feature of it .is -how
simple and en -v it •roma to tb• dor
tor. These t, rriMi tam eon* to the
neer. some even carried 1a and
placed on his tahlla.'l7e doetor gnlekly
ezamin.' there eallmatea their general
verse order of their velop lent. Thome o,xltinn, msl,irc wbatever testi he
1Ind developed air tact kWh lstitld., melba rf?e•ew+Ct''I.-gtaid'3e vranstte side to
,00tjlpee. Tete[ de4iojled-the tnhibl- I same. them test they can be greatly
I .✓tsra../ stele. result..r
kw" It lsai othin abl tem! int t in R1 t r'rt vio•,.r1,0 de'vs,
Ab. aarely nofhteg site. Mt near
thing mourn• :god Items.
Rad the advertisemeata and pat- I
ronlse the home merchants.
making, buying or drinking alcoholic
liquors because of the erroneous and
almoxt universal belief that such
liquors were to be used, though not
abutted. They were thought 'to be
he �1Rs� if need in small quantities,
n?rainy r y believed and taught them
to be etllcaeMus in dleestse of many
kinds. Liquor was kept in almost
every home and for al-
most ail Ill.. But that day Is past
The verdict of the twentieth-eeatnry
'science Ie that alcohol land It makes
no different* whether taken in wine,
beer or 'stronger drinks) 1a a narcotic
poison with the same power to create
a progressive appetite for itself that
other dregs have. and it 1x to be
handled with the same eery. it to
one of the most dangerous drugs be-
tsranee it is a doable polaon-both nar-
cotic and irritant, and b.e.nse it to
not only a powerful protoplasmic prole
on, hnt berates It has a special affin-
ity for the brain centre. In the In
(Iruschen Salts,
large . . . 69c
3 Red hand Nipples.._._.... 25e
Colgate's Tooth Paste and Cake
Cashmere Bouquet Soap for 25c
Pound Can Violet Talcum 23c
Jane's Baby Talcum 25e
Bay Drugs at the Drugstore
larder N. C. Dunlop
E. R. Wigle J. A. Campbell
Daring Vacation
boasts heists, when taught the nature
of alcohol, the eaters of the lumen
brain. and the leets of aleohol ort
tbp brain, .bold talent. two sale of
s•. iratti .y. _ob.r:i,: .,--'' ,_-.._ .raw-•- .. - esei rgesg-'a - r
:>. •• ;..,
REICENDEn Kellogg's Corsi Flakes dur-
ueing your holiday. Mob 1, energy. And
as zany so digest, tbey leave yea feeling
ems' sari Ilse. Kellogg's are sold by
grocers sad nerved by betula and res'
temente wherever you travel. Delicious
‘....140. any wok Owl* Ila• .
lane& ` - e
:i•tAlu vy.t:_