The Signal, 1932-8-25, Page 44s 11.11 ost 4 --Thursday, August 151b, 1822 THE SIGNAL Better Clediag Values THAN EVER IN MADE -TO -MEASURE CLOTHING FALL Rilaffititi ARE IN Fine English Worsteds, to Your Measure $22.50 Wvtnvite your -inspection New FALL HATS are i SOD -taws add RM' w aar— Tels#is.e 57 - Gsdericb t PORTER'S COLBORNE TOWNSHIP COLBORNE TOWNSHIP, Aug. 34. _Miss Bessie Crawford spent the week -cod at her home at Londesboro. Miss Amelia McllwaIn *peat Sun- day at the home of Geo. Feagau at VOL Mr, Brock Andrews has returned h,,.tj.�t!-Y�M. in Walkervllle after vWt- t is uncle, Hr. Wm. itche wets. -_Mr. and Mrs. Mores of Toronto spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. John Walters. Mr. Frank Mlle, Mrs. Aldln Allmn and Mr. W. Johns, of Watrons, Mask., motored to Megan' Falls on &tab. Mr. awd a:.M�b erich and Mf Jolt Yah of Chi- cago visited with Mrs. John Treble on Sunday. Mrs. !lona Agdew and daughters, of Cleveland, •re visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Walters, Miss Eunice Young, of Goderich, and 1 Miss Helen Renner, of Detroit, are visiting their friend, Miss Winnie Marsh, this week. Miss Amelia Hetherington of God- ertch is vlstttag at Carlow store this Mr. aid Mrs, dee La Rocgoe have returned Ndm their vacation, which they epsat at Montreal. `Rev. G. T. Watts of Goderieb will preach In Carlow United church on Sunday, August 28, at 3 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wilson are to Bosseau this week attending the fun- eral of Mr. Wilson's sister, Mrs. Dixon. Miss Jean Houston of Auburn is Visiting with her friends, Miss Nellie Clark. this week. Mr. Wm. Johns returned home on Tuesday sod was accompanied by Mr. Peter Fisher, ar., who will visit his spa at Watrons, Sask. aloe% Chth.-At the *'I tiit meeting this week Mr. 8laSib. to er of a travelling school to Nor ere Outarto, gave a talk on h1•,work sty, demonstrating with moving 1 tare Iwo. 1t was quite Inteteatise dad everyone was well pleased with the evening's entertainment. Dent target the big celebration tne emu members ore staging on iabor Day - 'lite �4 tests, for which prises will he atFae�gjt are open to everyone. ilushand-"You know, dear, I'm SIR perfect.perfect."Wife-"Oh. yes, I know, but I was tat aware that you did." 1+ t...1 i int Carlow Store ,News a store-, on a hill) • We try #o please And always will. Franklin alMLwsis 1 —WILKIE GLOV&PHIT Arch -Corrective SHOES' —F'OR MEN AND WOMEN -- MADE IN WIDTHS AAAA TO E —SOLDAT— W. HERN'S SHOE STORE FOOTWEAR, TOOT APPLIANCE. AND RIEMED1 Goderich - ,Ontario Paul Vinton Won Boll Ways XXX 3CICX 3CXX XX=X XXXXXXX Venus Specials i c'tF Wase -made Fudge . - - 39c Lady Caramels _ _ _ _ • _. -_ 39c Sugar Almonds i . Cream Bon Bons, crystalised---- t _ 9+: Peanut Brittle --- .- We have been /tyquesasd by die pawns bf candy department to eepset these speciOs We tdank4i¢tIr._ . SLI. (AX-aNDitillatinitAtt Business Men's Lunches and Meals served at all hours. Our Up-to-date Soda Fountain is at your service at all hours. VENUS CANDIES CANDIES AND ICE CREAM West Side of Square Goderich, Ontario t/In/\afYXXX XXX XXX XXXI1oAXXX=XXX KINGSBRIDGE Ry H..I VING £ING t AUL VI141$ had wade the rash a.tatesseh t he was oot depend- ent es the Wane his father had left hlm--that he would be able to make his own Selig. He made this state- ment at &pal* and Gifford Briggs ayd sem 11 a ieugked at him. { 1 w} could jou do nowt •aktd dam. '9a ear..lnt Mead •na butterr "1 can drive • machine," said Paid. "and I'm gabby loud at 'mecbaatw generally; 1 o * repair almost any •olR of car -If the trouble isn't serious." "Poor!" cried Gifford, "you are • fair amateur, 1'l1 admit; but u a pro- fesalonal!-PIN bet you eve hundred you could net get • Job off your ows bat as • ebalgffeur add 1:rep it three months." "Done," said Paul. And thereafter for sometime hie place -at -the dub was - vacant. Soon after Paul's dlsppearasee from his accustomed haunts a young man presented himself before Mrs Iticlutrd Charteris of Beacon street, Boston. and applied for the post of chauffeur to that lady's establshment, which. he uw4erstood, h cd become va- cant. Sirs. (.atarlerls looked him over and questioned him, Mr. Charteris did the same as did their daughters, Pen- elope and Barbara. Ile was asked for a rec,.mmendetiou from his last em- ployer and presented a most laudatory one. Paul bad written It himself and eltin.d Ills owe. unme to 11. The name he gave to his employers was one which he had chn».-n after much wor- ried cognition -It was John -Snooks. "Dear met what an awful name," cried Mrs. (Martens "We generale call our chataftkur hy his last name; but Snooks[ -•sever' Suppose .we_call., yen Harrlseas' Barbara, the younger of the Char, teras girls, regarded t'uul with • sus- plctous loots. "Father," paid +he. "do you know anything of thl+ 1':1111 Vinton from Kieibetlt tIiDOE, Aug. N. -Rev. Father O'Neil, from Iowa, joined his brother Tom from Winnipeg W visiting among his friends here last week. He ergs accom•ponied by Mr. Dan Wins- low of Iowa and Mr. ,john-HcDoni2d of Detroit. .: Mrs. Martha O'Neil is this week visiting her Mso ends in Jackson. Senator and Mrs. Donnelly and Mrs. Clancy, of Cargill, and Mrs. Meagher, of ('hepstowe, visited their sister, whom this person profe.ees to bring • Mrs. Thos. Garvey, last Thursday. recommendation?' F. Mr. arl Warner of Detroit visited "Oh, yes.",Aeplr.vl Slr. Charteris. "1 at Mr. Ed. Foley's over the week -end. know of blip. Ile's old Hard Pine Miss Elizabeth ea O'Connor arrived Vinton's s, He Inherited heaps of home from Detroit on Saturday for money." a two weeks' holiday. "1 rather think I've heard of him," Miss Helena Foley, who has been said Barbara lie's a dissipated attending summer school In Detroit, Is holidaying here. Mr. Robert (Tare and Mr. and Mrs. Case and daughters, of Detroit, are making a two weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clare end family.wen Mr. Joe Quinn of Toronto Is rene- InR old sequaintances here at prest Mr. and Mrs. M. J. $$$000wier and son -3M' a sed Mos Blot of Godeekti; vletfid among friend There on Sun - dal• ._.,t,.,,,.. •f" 7f111a,1WilrlrRe a fPa1'Detre* 1" at tier home here for • while. -- - M1ss Nellie Meagher, of Chepetowe, is spending a while at Mr. /host CARLOW CARLOW, Aug. 2a. -•.11r. and Mrs. Allan Wilson left on Sunday to attend t}e funeral of the former'* sister, Mrs. Dtcksou, at Roseau. Mrs. 1)Ickson's death occurred on Sunday. Mrs. Amus, of Parkhill, mother of Mrs. Thomas Wilson, passed away es Friday last. Mira, Wilson had been at ner morners Monalde for tne past walk or ten days. The people of Carlow and vicinity extend henrttett sympathy to the fam- ily of the late Herbert F. Morris, oar highly -esteemed township clerk. Rev. G. T. Watta, of Goderich, will be in charge of the joint service in Smith's Hill Dulled church next Sun- day afternoon at 3 o'clock, In which the congegittien ot,tBenaxltWr t$siesif church a so will join. • Farmers In this vicinity are busy this week with their harvesting. Threshing 1s In full swing and all ma- chine* in the community have been pressed Into service. The weather this wrek 'has been ider' fcr this work. ' township of Colborne nbourns the death this week of Mr. J^^h Gal- lagher of Ouderlch, a former r 'Meet 01 the township. Mr. Gallagher war one of the early ploaeers. having hafts born In Colborne eighty-nine years ago' He [noted to Ooderlch two years ago.' A further reference to the dseasasd may be found on another s_ot this week's Signal. School will open on Thnndq. Sep- tember 1st. with Miss Webster, of St. onto. is speeding holidays with het Helens. In charge at No. 1 school. m youth, I s3Mstand: not over bright Do you thlak • rccomtaesdatlon tram him Is of see wattle," - -- - Paul tried sot to glare at Barbara while she wettraduelas W character. Was that really his repvtatlost He did net be1Mfl It. The girt was just sptetnl; eflidelltly one of these people 11:60•118"01 . R jl eit.anithsly it Peg caa tual Al the family Vked "Harri•oa."-- Hunt/wasted meta ealllltg hlinu,ex,c,Pe Barbara. And for some reaaMr,'p" (fa - he could not comprehend himself, Bar- bara arbans was the owe person he laid hlm- PARAMOUNT PARAMOUNT, Aug. 24.- -Quite • number from here attended the funer- al of Mr. Dan Maclunes at White. church on Sunday. Our sympathy is extended to Mrs. Gordon Jamieson le the loss of her father. Mr. and Mrs. I. Worrell. Detroit. visited at Mr. J. Hasslltoa's recently. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Boom, Wing - ham, Mr. Jack MacDonald, Khmer - dine, and. Mr. Mae 'Campbell, Kit- chener, were recent titters at Wm. R. Ma rtin's. LEEBURN --T LEEBL'RIN, Aug. 21.-�[as. 8matk, oc Tsroutet -esprit-the-welcomed at.. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Clutton. Mrs. G. Clutton, of Stratford, Wit/ the guest of her sinters and brother here. She lett 011 Sundae by motor to spend a couple of days with het brother In Ashleld. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Linklater had for their guests on Sunday Mr: Blatch- ford Mrs. Ltakiater's father, from hisser; Mt dad Mrs. Weeds (Mrs. Woods- bslglt a deter al Mini Ldnk- taler), their 4adhMr, M. Pearl Waa -and Miss Ida Blatchford, an- other sister, from Detroit. Miss Blanche Shaw, of New York, is spending brother Millais °& a rwith bee - ERI brother bete. OD Edna M. Campbell Beauty Culture Shop PERMANENT WAVES –Os th•Square et North derma - Mee INS (jSdsr11� mow oe sefiiT brims tunnies Harvest Festiyal a�.rr Hall, NA Tuesday afteeween ass ',mom August �Oh Supper - Admission 24ic SUPPER A LA CARTE THE ------ AUBURN Mimi rat Horton, , R.N.,t. HEAT FOLKS Miss Orate Hutton, R.N., from Wer ton. 1. holidaying In oar burg. (larvh Nets. -The August meeting AUBURN, Aug. 21. --Mrs. George of the W.M.S. was held on Thursday, Marshall of Vancouver, formerly of August Pith, at the home of Mrs. Win. Auburn, called on friends here over Ruston, • former member, who reside• the week -end. on /flocks street, Goderich. There Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Straughan and was a good •ttend•nce. Miss Belle fatally have returned home from ■ Shaw led the devotional exercises. touring trip around Galt and that vicinity. Mrs. Coed, of Toronto. visited her father, Mr. A. McKenete, over the week -end and returned to Toronto on Tuesday morning with Mr. and Mrs. Walker. who had been visiting here 1br the -past -three -weeks. --- Mrs. Gay Durham, of St. George, daughter who la doing mission work In and Mrs. Harry Fremlln, of Clinton, I India. After the conclusion of the visited with their parents, Mr. and meeting a dainty lunch was served ID Mrs. John Ferguson, and other rel*- the dining room. The Society are very grateful to Miss Jessie Linklater, wbo conveyed the ladies to the meeting and home again with her cars... As Flower Sunday was observed on Sunday. the church was made beautiful with low- ers. A fine address was given by the pastor. Rev. W. G. Shaw, who has re - tire+. On their return home they were accompanied by their easter, Miss May Ferguson. Murray and Vera Taylor, Helen and Stewart Ferguson and Ar [told Phillips. Rev. Dr. Jame. Wilson of Toronto called on his brother, Mr. John Wil- son, sr.. on Saturday last. 1 turned from holidays. Miss Woods, of Miss Martha Adams is visiting re- I Exeter, rendered a beaetltul solo and Mies Aileen Freeman gave a due reci- tation. There was a good attendance. among those present.. being Mr. R. Williams and sister lar trout Toronto; Miss Jessie Llakiatsr, .wise teaches at Ottawa ; Mrs. [slat, from Wirer - ton, and Miss *sorbs tlhaw, Nati New Tis t. . Mrs. James Hamilton of Goderich spoke a few words ua •n article she had read In The New Outlook written by the moderator, Rev. Dr. Oliver. Miss Fdie Horton read the chapter In shorter Lorin from the study book. Mrs. G. H. Clutton of Stratford read defter- she bed received fres- Ices latives at Kitchener. Misses Bernice Lawson. Margaret Ferguson, Dorothy Craig, Mary Doble, Mary Asquith, with Mrs. Gordon Tay- lor as chaperone, are spending a week at Sunset Beach and enjoying it very much In spite of the inconvenience of rainy weather. Mr. ;,ugly ofyth is remodelling tats • I sees s baAeeak , owes" by Mr. Tattles Howatt this week. ][Ids Welsh of Edmonton, Mrs, Owe- d& -of.Abidex)cb MM M.Sm 1St.. Weep wbtted friends here _ e week. This week U threshing week in this mask Illi LISTEN MY Q$N.OREI ANC YOU SHALL. MAR Of THC MANN W IO ORDERS R ENOUGH FOR a VeA f':, yl Pat the Hast Folks to work and dis- miss winter worries. Your wisdom will be proved in the war'th of your home. Every lump of this coal is a treasure of cheer. Com- fort abounds when the Heat Polka are near. Lift the v.f1 of cold and discomfort by ring this pintos - pure coal. It costa no more. CAM? TER ai loessw Garvey'*. self out to please. vicinity. Mr. Earl Ratthby's and Mr. Dr. and Mrs. Kasper, Misses Eliza- For two months Paul stuck to Isle Fred Platser's machines •re doing the beth and Elaine O'Connor. with their job. "One month more," he meditated. work. parents. Mr. and Mrs. ICJ. O'Connor, Mrs. Kruse of Galt le the guest of visited the Martyrs' Shrine yesterday and enjoyed a most pleasant and In- teresting trip. Mr. and Mra. J. C. Dalton, Mia. Mar- ian and Mr. Alfred D.lton visited In Dublin o[t Sunday. Mr. Hugh Benninger, of Dublin. Is this week a visitor with Mr. Alfred Dalton. +t! Alteration -Sale I and all merchandise is offered at a SLASHING REDUCTION New Fall Arrivals in Ladies Dresses Fashion for Fall is all wrapped up in Roughs --Tailored Roughs, Crepey Roughs as CassadeL...and Willow Roughs with Satin faces; Jericho Serges in waffled, honeycombed and diagonal types. ,.,.., : ►. - - Style---Ultra-Smart Styles featuring the cape model, the suit and the dress with molded lines; buttons play an important part; leading colors are black, brown, burgundy and navy. The Latest in Fall Millinery The smart Boaten or Sailor with the softening veil,. - the small close -fitting hat, all made in fine felts trimmed in the newest fashions and in the shades; reasonablyneed at - 2.49 leading fallp ,.,. osis .1 � - .q?, 7.1,- 'U.. stirs :- to -moi ... •„w,. `4i+:`. whore INR In irsilsd w Asp" Wed Siris of &lure, Galericb "and then I'm going to stage • dra- matic climax to my little adventure." He pictured himself disclosing hitt real Identity before the whole family and demanding .,f Rarbarn-who would, of course, tw o.erwhelrn.d with astonish- ment -her antbority for the asper- sions spensions she had cast upon his character. And then? Why then, having con- vinced Bath ire of his worthiness, he would approach the yonng lady from another angl.- Then one day when. teeau.e of thinking ton much of Barbara, he had been guilty of some little dereliction, Barbara said to him coldly: "Your training with that rather disreputable Mr. Vinton has. evidently, not fitted you -for-the posttlon of chauffeur &1 a family such as oars." - Paul lost Ills head and began as ea- ergetic defense of his "late employer."' "Really." said Barbars, "1 had no Idea that Mr. Vinton wee such • para- gon Your able defense of him would lead one to believe, almost. [bat you were Mr. Vinton himself." Patti looked at her with • slut and an expression en his face that was a confession. Barbara broke Into • peal of laugh- ter. "Oh, you guileless youth," said she. "1 have known whn ynn were all along. \\-hes you applied for the position of chauffeur 1 caw •t once what that you were no professional. And that little 'recommend' you pre- sented wee a trill* too flattering. 1 • uspe•ted some mystery and made my attack upon Mr. Vlntons character as • chance shot The way yon looked at me confirmed my suspicions. L wrote to my enrtsln. Tom Perbertnn, in New York, °eking him It he knew one Paul Vinton. 11e replied that he knew y0tt well. belonged to your cluh and had heard about ('Is het you made. The mystery was `*leered np. Rut 1 de• termined to mite yon ,snits earn your five hundred -4t wns4au.li fun. if you really want Le itay on another month i think 1 can QOM, your •ecrt Plat ebnut !het mutt Ir(nger." 9 do want to stay on" replied Paul. Paid won his Ave ilundrod and alont two months later pnt the money Into a wedding present for his bride - whose name ves Berbera. her deter, Mrs. Ed. Lawson. Mrs, Melvin Jewell, of ('oltorne, visited at the home of her father on Tuesday of this week. SperiaL-With evere 25c worth of achool supples you buy at Rolllnson's store, you will receive a 25c alae tube of Colgatex tooth paste free. The .ap- ply 1a limited: get yours now. This offer Is not open to merchants. Children's Dar. -The regular month- ly meeting of the Women's institute, held In the Foresters' Hall. was pre- sided over by the vice-president, Mrs. Charles Stranghan. it wax the occa Ston of the anneal children's day. The following program was. rendered by the children of the eommnnity : Solo, ikmald Yonnghlutt; recitation. Fern Lawlor; solo. Ruth Mtraughan; reel - teflon. Doris McKnight: Nolo, Helen Ferguson; monologue, Edna Graeey ; duet, Zeta and Mary Munro; recita- tion, Delbert Ewing; Instrumental, Ila Craig; recitation, Lenore Pleetser; deet, Margaret and Dorothy Farrow; solo, Eleanor Sprung; reouthorgan sel- ection. Hugh and Jack Kerr; 11010, B1111e Craig: reelt.tlon, Georgia Stranghan ; solo, Jack Weir; recta.r tion. Isabel Rollinson: Nolo, Bob Mee ellnehey ; instrumental, Boh Mellveen ; solo. Betty A.gnfth. At the close of the program Ice crvww and lunch were served by the hostesses, Mrs. O. Star - df, Mrs. H. Armstrong, Mrs. O. Tay- lor--,-Ws. ay- IoF Ws. R. 11. Growth .f RegSaL Laagwage The English jangling. Is growing coMtgntly. The lateet edition of Web stet'• New International dictionary in- cludes over 01000 words. Thirty -els Pam o volume are devoted.-te new wor 1Hve ?'raise 7ltmertk ire• pow.. >strr t :G.r.RVGii-jar,„,, She: Dad dU' be us messed to Mer TM alit•. • - Ref "pine RIC "Not It Wee he NIMIRIt �e likes poetry. then?' es. Rut the Last frl.nud to throw out WAN an mason Wsytly tR1 IRISH TRIPLES AT WINGHAM Seven Goderich teams took part In the Irt.h triples .tournament of the Wingham lawn bowling club nn Mon- day evening. T. Pritchett'''. trio brought home the third prise, three rugs. and J. R. Wheeler'x rank took the fourth prize, bed linen. The Onderlch players were F. Toole, H. McNee end .1. R. Wheeler (sktpl, F. ('rslgle, W. Powell end R. Johnston (aklp), O. Olnn. Geo. MacVicar and H. J. Fish- er (sklpt. J. Bisset. 1'. Motet and R. ltlseet (skip!. J. Newcombe, L. Yonne and T. Taylor (skip). 1. D. Eastman. C. (Irllnthe and .1 R. Swat field 0.k1p1. Dr. Hall. J. W. Mae \'Mar and T. Pritchard (Akio). J. Johnston and E. Prklham carried off premier honors et howling on Fri- day evening teat. (M. Olrin and Bob Bla.et were second prise winners. J. R'orwda and F. Hunt were first mire winners in Monday erenlnR• Seotch doubles bowling tournament. Mecond plate wag won hy F. Don- nelly and T. McDermott. In the lolly brawler.' jitney tnnrna 'ruant raw Trreedue "vention Mrs. W. C. Patton won nod place with the larg- . et. , teotl.M oe t't4 : !far. 1r.Vlisiolgt was winner of aillese4 {`Inas. Mi. Ors.ah•k. third, and Mrs. Jerry,•4lsarth. A strong mind In a strong toady la a short Ant fall desrrlptltm of a happ;t *tate In Ode weell-Lelks. PROFITS IN- NATURAL -AS- Conetandy increaaag demand, for natural gas tbrosgboer the territory served by the pipe lines of the Dominion Natural Gas Co. t.rsbeidary of Citi.' Service in Western Ontario make the offering of the iapire Gee ! Oil Syn- dicate most attractive. As is well known, many fortunes have been trade in natural gas Why not investigate this syndicate's possibilities) We have 566 acrea under Meat. moistly in Haldiaaand County, adjoining produciag wells. •so' ready te develop. Syndicate seeking additional capital to finance immediate drill- Empire Gua & Oil Syndicates, Terser Mg . Waste for particular today. Please raj s.• 611 d....is a row sand Empire Gas & Oil Syndicale 14-24 Toronto St ( Suite 20 Toronto, Ontario me wad.. -we. Name Address 1111111Q111XX3C300:X XXX MBINIIIMCXXXX CX111111f1l111 S SONO FAPITAL----THEATRE Coderich Aft UND ysToiC S J{OSST[!1 MRS NOW PLAYING`-- Jerk Roehanaw in "MAN OF MAYFAIR" MONDAY. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY- GRETA GARBO Thee moat dlseumeed per•onalky on the screen today Milted her first Morel soccer appearance with Eric VM Stroheim In her latest aneema 't'ha-eiotic Garbo and the colorful "Yea" ere enough In themssiVes to guarantee the entertainment offered by " AS YOU DESIRE ME " 1 1 1 haddentslly Gsr4to grew platinum for this outatanding *teen suttees ---SOUND NEWS AND OTHER NOVELTY REEL$— THI'RSi)AY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY - AGAIN WE OFFER A POPULAR DOUBLE HILL I Second ehnw matte at 5 1(1 p m Edea Ferber's Epic of womanhood •ft "SO BIG It's a woman's whole existence --her hod! flML:lettl--the secret places of her heart BARBARA STANWYCK Rai hronght It to vivid• thrilling life. with DMCRtn MO ORI.. RI:TTS DAV'IN and GEORG5 RRENT • DOUGLASS FAIRBANKS Jr. pot pVORAk. P'RANCRR DKr and LIEF TRACY shy res the im►.iCiwn no the werhi's higg•et sticker gates-iA)V1a Last Alt 1t in that stakes lite a Mewl of raanherrie. (b1 I14 -4O5 R. RR/1WN Ie 'THE TENitrtRPYIOT" Maftxwr•. w«Ine.4av .tial Referee, .t 1 pm "Love is a Rack