The Signal, 1932-8-25, Page 3-5
Anything to SsU ?
Use The Signal's classified ad. oolueons
if you have anything to sell ; if you
have a house to rent ; if you want help;
if you have lost or found anything.
Picnic Supplies
Read the advertisements in The Signal
every Week and choose your camping
and picnic supplies from the merchants
Who advertise
AUGUST 25, 1982
EIGHTY -1'11111 YEAR, NO. 84
Goderich Dairy Milk is Safe,
Clean, and rich in Botterfat.
PUN 451 Handhee %vet
J. Bowman was able to report the
first bird in the pigeon flight for young
birds held at the week -end by the Gad-
orich Homing Pigeon Association. The
birds were released at Wiudsor in the
morning and the first one was reported
rt 1_12.4;u0,...._Aeriving fifteen minutes
later, P. Johnston• Mad dean second.
The first eight birds were reported as
172 P Johnston 1.27
236 J. W. MacViear 3 43
178 .1. W. MacYleer 4.40
Several pod insei101101 01,
Phone 292 P. 0. Bei 428
The 0. F. Carey Co.
Fire, Accident and Motor Car
Agent ler
The Mutual Life of Canada
001ce:—Masonic Temple, West
Street, Goderich.
Teiephone 230 Manager
Dealer in
Fire, Amitiest, Automobile aid
Dace, next to Bank of Commerce
Phone 58 Ooderich
AT HOTEL 811.1158RT
Guests at Hotel Sunset dueing-tbe
past week were: Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
Morris, Fort William: Mr&
Singleton and daughter, Detroit; H.
June*, Detroit; Misses Helen and E.
Silverthorne, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs.
Louts Payue, Toledo; Mrs. Ed-
ward Graham, jr., Pasadena, Cal.;
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Livingston, De-
troit ; Mr. aed Mrs. J. Glenn Hill and
daughters, liellefoutaine, 0.; V. M.
Langsett, B. H. Sharman and M. 0.
Dedlek, Chicago; Wm. .1. Mitchell,
Guelph ; Mr. Did Mrs. Frank Harri-
son and daughter and Miss Agnes•Ed:
ington, Cleveland; Mr. and Mrs. W.
A. White, Mrs. MeRitchie and Miss
Irene MeRitehle, Windsor; W. E.
Baker, Detroit; I. H. Franklin and
Mrs. F. H. MeGehn, Cleveland; Mimes
Helene Terry and Harriet Gridley, De -
Vaughan, Was J. Dupont ass
Misses Cullen, Detroit ; R. Attester,
London ; Mrs. W. R. Turnbull, Brant-
ford: Mrs. Cleo. S. Bakst sad --Mrs.
Prederick L. Cony, jr.. Detroit; Mrs.
Joseph Ruddy and Hiss Roddy. Brant-
ft -
8 §-MO Ice
We are prepkred to fill all
orders with pure Lake Huron
Ice. Goverment - tested and
harvested under the super-
vision of the Board of Health.
Prompt service and reasonable
Phone 13go
Departmental Examinations att C. I.
The fellenteg are the reruns of the 1032 Upper School examinations of God -
',rich Col:A[1**e institute; "5" indicates "credit:: or mere pas- 1, 2 and 8,
Swat-, see. and third -elate honors; "t" intituryr"0:641111Per bee' "14.6•16:
Eases of Candidates 1°- t
flaky, Aldon E.
Knight, Edna A. (tette° 0
Stotll, Irene. Ai.*
A happy event took piaee at Om
meeting, on Tuesday of last week, et
the W.M.S. auxiliary of Knox chnrelt,
held at the hotne of Mrs. Archie Hor-
ton, Leeburn, when the president, Mrs.
11. J. Walter, presentell Mrs. C. A.
Nairn with a life-membershiP certi-
ficate in recognition of the valued ser-
vice which she and her family have
rendered. Mrs. Nairn, who was com-
pletely taken by surprise, expressed
her appreciation of the honor in a
happy manner. A splendid paper,
prepared W RIX lInedenald.
Miss Ma Gordon The
i.tild made a reference to the occasion,
w:terea_ Revd by.____
subject was China, and Mrs. Macdon-
China. A pretty duet wa• sung by The results of the Upper School examinations have been very gratifying In -
Mrs. H. C. Dunlop and Mrs. K. Revell. deed. The number of candidates was 5s. the timber of papers written was
Mrs. Walker conducted the business 266, and the honors obtained were: 12 firsts, 5o seconds. 10 thirds ; while SR
of the meeting, and wan appointed necured credit or pegs standlne. In all 142.7 per cent. of the vipers were succest,
fully written.
The official statements from the Department of Education have been mailed
to indnidual students.
J. P. HlrilE, Principal.
Oa Sundry, Auguet 14, there peered
pereou a Mrs. /fury Ann Jewell, wi-
dow of the late 1Villhim A. Walters.
Walter* suffered a brokea hip at
the result of * fall hill( December and
two -week's previous to her death con -
ted a cold from which she did not
recover. She was lu her eighty seventh
year auti was boru in Devonshire,
Eugland. With her parents she came
to Cauadit wheu but two years of age
and wveutY Years ago was married to
William A. Walters, who predeceased
her twOWIlf-f41411111. She nue a devoted
Member ViCteria street l'inted
church. She is survived by three sons
mad four daughters: William, of Co/ -
borne, with whom she lived; Charles.
of Goderich; Benjamin, of Meadow
lin, of Colborne; Blanch, Mrs. Ed-
ward Currell, of Sanford; Mary,. Mrs..
Duncan Aeliton, of Meadow Lake,
Sask.; Florence, Mrs. Albert Maskeli.
of Straeeburg, Seek. Two sisters and
two brothers alto survive: Mrs. Rich-
ard Allin and Mra Williams Allin of
Goderich. Thos. Jewell of Colborne
and William Jewell of Goderich.
There are twenty•four grandchildren,
twenty-nine great grandchildren and
two great -great grandchildren. Tbe
funeral was held on Wednesday from
the liomJ of her son-in-law, Mr. Ed-
ward Currell, Sanford, with inter-
ment in Colborne cemetery. Rec. A.
E. Mann, of Bluevale officiated in the
absence ef the pastor. Rev. F. W.I.
Craik. The pallbearers were 111S
grandsons, Maitland Ailin. William
Walter., George Carrell, George- AM -
mer, Irvine Oke end Lorne Rodger..
Those from out id town W 110 attended
the funeral were: 11r. and Mrs.
George Palmer, ef Fenelon Falls; Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. IN'alters, London: Mrs.
Whitmore and Mr. Townseod. Sea -
0• 000000,40000
8• 000004-4-0-4-4100
• 0 0 0
Otway Hayden and Geo.
Totes. et 1...ondon, were in town on a
brief vialt on Monday. Mr. Heyde,
iufornied The Signal that his father,
Mr. Henry Hayden of London, well
known,. in Goderich and vielnity, had
made a splendid recovery from his ill-
ness of last year.
[ Are you property protected by
Hsanniesi street or nese MI
A Savings- -Account
A FETY—Hundrede of millions of
dollars* Werth of conservatively
valued bank assets ensure the
*afety of your deposits.
state of business or the
money market, your deposits
are at your "immediate"
disposal, dollar for dollar.
ALUE increases throufh the
half -yearly compounding of
interest. Ask our local branch
for a table of typical increases,
entitled "How Money Grows,
through a service which receives
throughout the Dominion, day in
and day out, thousands of Savings
deposits, large and small, and
which aims at giving every
depositor courteous and careful attention.
0 0 0 0 0 forth. The numerous floral tribute..
O 0 0 0 0 testified to the high esteem in nhb-h
0 0 11 0 deceased was held.
0 0 0 0 --
O ..0 0 0 0 Mrs. William ]illllan, of Celborne.
0 0 0 0 was removed to Alexandra hospital on
a a -e --41-4 Thursday last, suffering from a double
2II-0 d 0 fracture of the left leg, the result of
($"++ 0 0 a fall. Mrs. Malian was visiting at
20 0 0 0 the home of Mr. James Reid, Tees-
0 0 0 0 water, and on Wednesday evening fell
0 0 0 0 0 down the atairway of the Reid home.
0 She alae suffers& abeasteas and rises.
1 1 bruises.
O 0 0 —
0 0 •
O 0 u The talent of success i doing n'
0 yds mad de vr1'li.
ever Loa do.—Longfellow.
t to represent the auxiliary at the an-
nual meeting of Huron Presbyterial
at hayfield In September. Mrs. Red-
ditt presided. After the meeting the
hostess served afternoon tea on the
lewn and was twisted by several of
the Ueebtirii ladies. A vote of thanks
was tendered to Mra. Ilorton for her
gracious hospitality.
Fourth Candidate ST. HELENS
in South Huron
4 J. W. Craigie
Insurance and Real Estate
Um want to save on
Candi or
and Mutdcipal Bonds
"On th• Broadway of
The Armstrong Real Estate
and Insurance Agency
Mem« mussi Lots in Cadent& and Farms
for Sale
Laws," number listed te cinema from.
—SEE OR warns—
EON 0•61.16
W. W. Cooper of Nippon Pre-
sents Himself as an "Indepen-
dent Farmer Nationalist"
Now is the time to Buil
Anyone who contemplates any build-
ing operations should take advantage of the
low costs now prevailing. Perhaps never
again in a lifetime will prices of all building
suyplies, and building costs generally, be so
low as they are at the present time.
We shall be glad to furnish plans and
Goderkh Plat* *Mill
Road sad Nelson Streit. Phone 88g
1 --
. Reierve Fund - 30 Million Dollars
• ST. HELENS, Aug. 22.—Mr. John
• mr. and Mrs.. Cluis. Moffat, of
Durham, and Miss Myra Mill., nurse,
of Detroit, were rii0i0ra with their re
latires at the hone of Mr. Cairns
Mr. and Mrs. Archie lieKenney and
ehildren, Helen, Leidie and Kenneth,
of Sarnia, were guests last week at the
.Rev. T. C. Wilkinsou and Mrs. Wil -
left last filivers'itty-46st, a motor
trip to Toronto and Port Hope. lir.
and Mrs. Wilkinson id Blyth sts at
the manse until their return.
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, Of Bruce -
field, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Metcalf and
daughter, Miss Mary. of London, were
viaitors with the ladies' sister, Mrs.
Robinson. Miss C. .1.dinaton returned
with them to Briteeiield for a visit of
• few weeks.
lin* Dorothy 310 loaald WAS holi-
daying at Winghaw last week, the
guest of her aunt, Mr- John Deyell.
the South Huron bye-electIon. W. W.
Cooper, of rair Field Farm, Kippen,
presents himself as an "Independent
National candidate." In an announce-
ment to the electorate he describes the
Liberal convention_at Henget' as "an
illegal bum convention, permeated,
packed and dominated by Free MA -
"I am rimmed In MIS bre-electIod,'-
he continues, "as an Independent farm-
er Nationalist fourth candidate and will
see to it that legislation goes in the Mr. and Mrs. orge Mowbray,
best interests of my country, and fay- Irene, Kenny and cioirlie, of New
ors 130 clique, clan, clown or onion in
!hie eountry. 1t has got to be • farm-
er that represents Huron South in the
House of Common') The farmer has
taken a rotten ueal, in the matter of
prices at the hands of big interefits
for the lee few years. Pike. don't
cover the costs! of production. No pro-
fits at all. I anbmit for the approval
of the people of the riding of Hurd))
South that a candidate to rightly re-
present us should be • farmer, Rhonid
we with agricultural eyes. The repre-
sentative ithoold have the farmers'
viewpoint. Nothing hut • farmer ean
have the farming point of view. This
riding ha. for twenty-five years OT
more been repreeented by the agricul-
tural McMillan') They have given ef-
ficient management to the riding, from
mit that when land and land pro -
duets prime are good all matters in
that to have the wheals of Intinstry go
tonne' In thla eonntry the farmer must
be permitted to turn them loom Cap-
ital must not agnee141 indnetry too
hard. eiee It (vases to he indnatrious
and prednetion ease off. but. alas.
priees don't flee, oven though entmly
"Yon will hear anti see more of me.
villf) 'tanner -Alarm 10,,,,yed0 &wig j heat Vrer inn ;ewe qie ..:orwwwwwwe n •
the abort time at my disposal In Mir Allem lona Reran 4. Or411111,411111 with
Hamburg, were recent visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Colin McDonald.
The Septeniber mewing of the Wo-
men'. Institute will Is. held on Thurs-
day, September 1st, st 2.30 o'clock,
at the home of 0i-- Greta Webb.
Roll call—"Hot Supeer Mabee." Sub-
jeet—"Closer Co-op, r don between
Home and School." in charge of Mrs.
Wallace Miller. Hoste-ses, Mrs. Lorne
Durnin and Mies Ant0c Derain. Visit-
ors always welcome.
Mr. aod Mrs. Mold Dereli and iglu
Gertrude, of Wingliani. and Mr. and
ilra. George Swan, invite and Miss
Jean McAuley. of Aglice76, were recent
11 hie Margaret E ThAs. who grad-
uated in AprIl at Ow Goelps hempitall,
Is home with her pnresta, Mr. and
Mrs. FA. Thom, for a holiday. We ex-
tend congratulations oisin her SWeePIIN.
Ilemean and Mnrray. Mies R4.00110
Murray, R N.. of Itedtoni
WPrO twits laat wee) at the home of
Mrs. Grant. of Toronto le a 'tenor
Miss Knohh and Miss Mackey, of
London, were week end v WW1 at the
home of lir John Wch.tar.
— of
The dawn of Friday, August 26th, ushers in the fifty-fourth
consecutive Canadian National Exhibition. From the impres-
sive opening and up to midnight of Sept. 10, hundreds of
thousanda of happy visitors will cast away dull care and enjoy -
in full measure the varied and inspiring programme of the
world's largest annual exposition.
Each day something different. On Opening Day the women's world
championship Marathon goyim. Saturday, Warriors' Day— features
the largest veteran'o parade and re -union held in Canada with
military and naval tattoo in the evening, combining the first preeen-
tation of the romantic pageant "The Triumph" with 1500 performers
on 1000 foot stage, pyrotechnic display, scarlet -coated Dragoons on
steeds that perform to music, and a marvellous, entrancing tableaux.
Spare the time for many a day at the Exhibition this year.
PA.. Ans. 26 Opeming Day Ceremonies—
Women's Marathon Swim.
Sat, Aug. 27—Warriors' Day — Mammoth
Veteran's Parade—Naval and Mili-
tary Tattoo Firat showing of
grandstand pageant "The Triumph."
Exhibition 2000 -Voice Chorus.
Mon., Aug. 29—Young Canada's Day.
Tues., Aug. 90—Highways •nd Auto-
motive Day.
Wad., Aug. 91 --Retail Merchantar and
Service Clubs' Day, 7th Marathon
Swim for world championship.
Thurs., Sept 1 — Music, Radio and
Fri.. Sept. 2—Preas Day.
and Floral Day.
Mon., Sept. 5 - Labor Day.
Aviation Day. Exhibition Chorus.
Wed., Sept. 7—Agriculturists' Day.
Thurs.,Sept8—Tr•nsportation and
Commercial Travellers' Day.
Pri., Sept 9 -Live Stock Review Day.
Sat, Sept 10 Citikens' and Publie
Utilities Day- Exhibition Chorua
Excursions on all transportation lines.