The Signal, 1932-8-25, Page 23 --Thursday. August
Ilh•mo,. vatic attack. +aye tt la uuta
eerax.soao lits
nakrr of Wsekts Nowepapor
LaawsC :ax
Pubit/Med every Thursday morning.
Subscription price *2.00 per year, ie
Telephone 35 : Goderlch, Out.
W. H. Rosttt'reoN, Editor and Manager
Thursday, August =tit, 10;12
to charge lir, Hoover with resn
b(1 i ty.
"lie ma* not responsible for good
, times and he had nothing to do with
bail times, except to support a rid*
ion v high tariff policy which un -
against the niter
eats ot. uta country and iuterfered
>clth-world trade."
That Is a pretty large escegiion.
Authorities in economics with remark-
able unanimity pure the reepoosibillty
for the industrial depression to the
rutted States upon the tariff whish
• neacLstt..lit►,jreatetitt heleht under
President Hoover. When the Smoot-
: Hawley tariff bill was sent to Mr.
Hoover for his signature, he -as
warned In the moat direct manner,
by the leading economists of the
eoutry, that the enactment of the
measure remit lead, to disaster. Ws
own party -WWI tag ao means a unit
* -mr. flouter,
however, disregarding all advice ex-
cept that of the high tariff coterie,
signed- the hill—and the warning
came true. Even In the face of this
demonstration of the eonaequencea of
high tariff folly, Mr. Hoover gives no
sign of repentance, but, on the con-
trary, repeats the old, worn-out and
discredited protectionist ballyhoo. Why
should the Democratic party, along
with enlightened members of the Re-
publican party, not bold him respon-
sible before the electors of the United
States for the distressing nondttlons
that hare descended upon his coun-
try' Opponent. of high protection
would be lacking In sincerity it they
id not bring all the force !bey ear
muster against Mr. Hoover and the
party that has controlled the adaatsi.
,tratiou at Washington eontinuouely
it Juices that "the United Kingdom luta
d• Joined the Doatlulous in the awtar
welch should bring all nations back te>
ward sanity in their commercial de
The tapsriet-Trade Conference: was
brought to a Conclusion 011 Saturday,
and the delegates brought together
from all parts of the E''mplre hare dls-
,- versed. The ofibclat aenouw.•emeut of
the agreement between 4`Veda and
Se United KCogJo -may be brie
summarised as follows:
Canada obtains preferences In the
British market iu wheat, butter, chat•,
apples, pears, dried fruits, eggs, eon-
densed milk, tobacco, enter, tnatbes,
Ash, asbestos, alnc and lead. Restrk .1
dons against Canadian live cattle are j
to be modified, and special provision
is made for imports of Canadian baton
and ham to a maximum of Z,:aat,000
hundredweight per annum.
Canada gives new or increased tnarg- ,
ins of preference on T10 Items In the i
Canadian tariff. Many item, which
were subject to preferential rates are
1ri'arerred to the free list. These
changes are understood to be In the;
iron and steel. textile, chemical, glass
-and other schedules• but details •re
withheld until prementatlon to a epeeist
aeaston of Parliament to be held this +
Protection against United Kingdom
products to he given only those Indus-;
tries whteh have sound opportunity for
sne ens. t•nitrd Kingdom producers to
reeelre full opportunity of reasonable
competition In Canadian markets. ('an.I
Ada to appoint a Tariff Board, which
will review tariffs on request of the; r
United Kingdom. Existing surcharges ' a
on United Kingdom products to -be j ti
abolished a' AMM t e the Anauees of g
sista will
foes. 1920.
Mr. Rouserelt promisee-tiI >�
•ountry away from the polity of trade
estrlctkon that has resulted so dte-
tronsly. The lassie Is clear cut, and
tr elector. of the Republic ®ve a
teat opp,rtunity.
C permit.
1t will be otserred that details of
he Canadian concessions are
with -
. and it is therefore impoe.ible to: •Wirb four cartdldates offer
form_any definite emo luslun a• to their them -
importance. In any caw•. the rshte of+de the dereforing Wee Stare bye -eh -et
the pact can 1* determined orale lard a free -for -ail.
i Irl_._ • _ :- •
the experience of a voiles of yeara-
8o far u restrictions inc hob and orb, will cwt
Ion is
I►•mlll'rl g into singing about t..t� e
tretwen the various parts of the i4• —eet- --�yt
pine have been removed, the work Of
wit!' s regretful Ames beet at
the Conference to • to be
wtthoet reservation. 1be ando0e
arttteinn Is that, so far as gal. bs
-Meet!- at teseat, the we,�,�
has bees too great re
rf _ r, •p• oof�ifftld'°I�l"fpt• g
to he expected from a gatherinJ� i
flea days.
Ong Otitis are wondering with intl.
A» it tend{!
pietu"a in its gallery of fate-e�
which so mang he del •
�.t delegate*. lot- The people of Canada 'ire et
ably those of Canada and Austria/ iws•ome enthusiastic rarer the
were men who are accustomed to plats pee't a the expenditure of A,m,•
a great value spur ar/Meltl methods. tired. of millions MU the et. Law
in trade policy. Restttt+ might here waterway. lett the taxpayers tee
been much greater it the ('oufereneto t,nn1 the spending to the horde
had been dominated by men who be-
r ends there.
rence{ The world ie only a place of pll-
be- rrimage. hut• after all. there la a gnat
n of Ileal of riper In the Journey, if it I.
made with a eontentec! heart ---Henry
ti an Dyke.
Inge" is The Telegram to be emigre
• upon coming "back toward
Ile," or le tt merely having a 1
commented by Mimosa Mary mad Isobel
Anderson, who are holies-yieg witb re -
. 118.—Yr. and Mrs. Isere,' here and at Zion.
al- Ss►seI! and Was Vera Stew- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ''1Bamlord,
ere spending their Warren sad
Elaine hoed tu- e•b ' wit' f Bamford of West
San- hopes* w• ., Mc and Mrs. Thomas dolt were recent cWtors et the home 1
♦ada•ye, ut lir. VI'111 Plulay.
geld Yr ftftlg Steven* and daughter Mr. and lira. Thos Andrew/1' and
�. rd. vtatitrri Lir. Wlli Mr. and Mea. 8icbar�?ahnatos
• • •
The Canadian Geographies! Joe
nal for August has a well-illustra
article, "A Century of Goderieh,"
Victor Laatrlaton, dssuag with t�
history of the town and Its t
aspects. It Is r we 1 calcu-
lated to into the tourist seeking
pleasant conditions amidst an blatorle
setting. While we are is sympathy
with the town council's refusal to
spend money on 111 -considered *dver-
tiaiug,achemes, we are of opinion that
the Judicious distributlos of copies W
the Journal containing this artt
written by a former Godeeieit
would be ■ good Investment: and tuts
without reference to the fact that
Goderich is under deep obligation to
the writer for his interest, sustained.
over many years, in the wheals of Gad -
elide as shown by his annual dona-
tion of medals for the leading high
school entrance candidates. Godertc4
shou)d not be niggardly 1a sueh mat-
!'inla7 and • M Margaret on Sunday gueatI or 31r..aai Mss, _a. B tttothera
E` l[r• ami
rs. will eraster of at their cottage at Eiate!! on Sunday
Crowd. Yea; loin. ('amphett, of West- aftertasn,
ted field, and Yr_. (ler. i Gordon, of De -
by trot
(Wing/tam Advance-T1mos)
On Sunday, August I4th, Mr. J. A.
Morton attained his eighty-fourth
birthday, and with flftyilx years of
continuous terrier as a barrister in
Wlugham he ranks as the dean of the
leen! fraternity of Huron county.
Born In Lanarkshire, Scotland. be
came as a boy to Canada in 18112,
being a resident of Chinguacousy
township, Peel county. He studied
law In Brampton and Toronto, grad-
uating In ISYtl, and has been a rea-
d/at of W1ngham shoe that time.
Re has been active In mualclpal
week. erring one year as Reeve and
'• yor for two years. Flowers
we Yr. Morton's hobby sod many
to him for adriee in the hortl-
ulnarai field.
('owgratulation messages rPcrl-.,•
were many and The Advance -Times
■leo wishes hint many more years to
+pend among his flowers.
PT.. AVOURTINK. Aug. 23.—Rev.
Wilson of Toronto, who had
(halite of the aerein.* In Knox church.
Goderich, on Handal last, spent part
of last wast with relatives here.
of Mosvate is help`
in law. Mr. D. KeAJ-
arw" 1!!1r �Att . • est
J!f AaBaru, celled c1 rebinds
Ida uncle, Rev. Dr. Wilton. to .ioder.
ch on Sunday and 'pent the day with
llrre that trade-restriction.
tarrying the debt witch wnutd thus
tlstrictio n. are of-jp �atrd, aro they refuse (a
first a ueresary . evil, and that 1 thus... -
any opportunity to get red of them V
t./ tee welco • •
wed. Eic* the partial tui 1 It 1. rerher amusing to see nc
complishment, however, should hare paper. w-hh-h have been devoted to
splendid results In assuring Camellia
farmers and other prodsewrs of a pre.
ferret market for their products, and
hice,ing dm. removal et rostrtet
miter. Tho Toronto Telegram
re/ happened. (I-eorgei.-
the •4 the ear to ittreetetate.
tincture. be said briefly.
!eget "You ought to have been on the look -
loon), ont for this," wee the helpful ronalit:
l''Tou remember the guide warned yent
I there wits _fort in the road.--21t-
known they will afford worthwhile re-
lief to Canadian Goderich as a Fishin Resort
*loons whirl) anoPer re be tell I I
great tenet.% in the last week of the
Mg greatly diamitiefied ertth Mr. Ilene
'Nett's attitude,. which threatened to
wreck the negotiations. ; Throughout
the whole Conference, .Indeed—wIth
dominated by --,Mr. 414ildWine-tho •
exhibited wa. riot greatly different
by c. li. Kerr. In The Toronto Self lAugust 1:ith,
_A. fishing trip to be 100 per yell, Vse have been frequent. Today we
AneeescAftll 'mould combine congenial wiw one string that contained dve
immunity, beautiful scenery end lots twelve -Inch blaek base lice k
sta tient!". hungry to teh•
an offered halt You arrange the too
part of this trio, and we vrill under.'
take to supply the other two. God-
-Prieto. tbs town with the oetegewat•
front street. and the Maitland River
and seven pike, ail taken with dew
worma In a morning. Many other fish-
ermen had catches that nearly ap-
proached this 011P for size. one mirth
eillarly fortunite man haring Biz I it
from that which would I* expected 4 i enters IAke Hurou here, sup -lover 14 Incite's long. Tbese and other
ere], the /manliest of which measured
in neeothitione between countries; Pr All that the most faetidious could • good catches are not taken haphazard
without a common eireretenty, neerri ask for both as to twittiery and Mei. I anywhere along the I -leer. but are the
Britain. it would teem, bail to tileker i The river winds down through wooded' result of a careful selection of likely-
wIth Canada In shout the name than. ._,....
t blinks end falr fields, and at prat.- i looking /spots, earefully belted hooks
lief lee' Het wislirit' irtrtr- the tersely any season of the year, ex- ' And 4111111ent patlerice.
States or with France. With a differ -lean And something to hold hi. in
out atmosphere the result. might hare
n lit ricer and more conelnalve.
President Hoover. with an eye to
re -01(4.110n in Noremher next, -bee 1 .
nmiller, about seren or
tereet and, repay him for * long Jour- eight miles; from the month, and in
ttry. Here he will flrul tourlst tempi, this sleinity careful fishermen have
eabhm and hotels, and from this and matte splendid hattis. Wt. met one
former experiences we reeommen.1 a ; 111:411 who e01114., a dlatartee of shout
trip to Goderleh with enough time to, 120 mile. onee a week year *her
epeod to take adrantage of the fish year und who ha, never °nee nIP
liven national convention. he fid", HINI:tlittnotri iRnilre--'°g1, "Ltd pteieeeded to to pee. on to the viritort any infor-
atIons along Hite We found mo.t of the re.itients 011/1
beyond the a/slant/ion /I the Retiffb- "all' "bin' we ..statilished the Cltizeim Friendly
rate. the ,reneal of.
the Eight --""-'-'11. dentonotrate for onr (tern estlefaetion 1 'nation they had retarding finhing
Amendment. with !State controf 4 .1. the I and for yours that there are *4441 AA ' h011etl, and von sin he welt ielvlitett to
„Senor jtroblere...r.,...._ee4 ......-reguards agitiugi+gond_ /eh in 'the sea es peer were ' tontine' people en form. through which,
a renirii -to tiii. "aajoop ‘veteih, Tit,. . eilleifE--- Ietirsillffitt IW Tr/Leber TSTralic -Hee" *butte Yrm may ,rree
edry- eit,meht-:.,wiliich witi, jodh„„t t j, Tierefie-iiie harbor etut rIver mouth 'wired So pun it clinic op to elte,_
. throw It. Purport to Mr. ibstver is being generated by ennerete Anil mede at meet time. We were. .•
lerel. There were h
not teeth. the; tit. a rho F:iifitefnth
,Am P men!. and It looks at present
4A 'title liganr ntlestion 'mold not
toe a. prominent in the rampaign as It
r,peorni.,.! to he when there n -s. more
teettieTillifw +PM -11 well lee MI a ad
Dome rifle eamprilvior. ire.
110. firer follow,. fortmona somas
NOR tryie tot form, good )(slay. absent from ItennifIler tinny op to Meg.
tomorrow. A nel hack termin the third hien. hut the man swim takes the
enn catch quantities of 0:Or/ter/liner.; dropped A ilne In et a (Insert different
117 large perch on those day. wdeso under hrelge.. on die 41Pep
they are ermine, and with the Ram.; side of bends, and at this roots of trig
bait retnrn emptr-hentle4 eererAl dAys. elm. that were almont rindermined.
If yeti are 'pending aprerel der. here end we were rewenfed on me.t neve-
ft, Iettee fete tho of,grunr Attributive wen. not le144--44.4yRIA. atel tbs. ter:
t, we vent gusts of 11 r. and It Is treesratary that he who coo-,
• pate RH l -M,,_ wands welt sa,ould have at some time ,
Miss Vsb Little of -Lanes spent the obeyed. --'koro.
w�;ad With her cousin, Anna Ir. - 1
via. 1
worse golf did gee ever see a
It -
RIM 01. Anderson ?sternad test! g player than IY• - i
a visit to - radon on Wednesday, at, ea� �'fiv Mr, - u...
d7 nR yeses."
The time is here again tele( your Boys and Girls prepared
for the fall term at school.
They will need s'ood strong serviceable shoes - the kind
t will stand a severe trot in any weather.
At our store you will find the most complete stock of this
of Footwear at lower prioeeibsn we bas been able to offer
-for years.
We invite you to tall and Inepep�_ atocjt, also ase int
window display.
Mutual Shoe Store prices are admitted by ell to be the
lowerst offered for Footwear of quality.
. y.
The Sun Oil Companyjimited is ite only major
-oil company marketing 'Only one grade of gasoline.
Thom kno seconcterade BLUE SUNOCO.
BLUE SUNOCO is a- high-poWered,t knockless
motor fuel. It has an anti.6iock rating of 72 Octane
and this_ is obtainet-without the addition of
_expensive non -petroleum agents.
BLUE SUNOCO sells at regular gas price. One
tankful will prove there is no better motor fuel value.
Don't accept a second grade insist on BLUE
rmer.o. malting enpital of the "hard 1
i greater was the ennitetse-of Moth and
Geed All Summer
time.- preratling under tbe Itepuble ,., PlahIng at the month sod In the hilt. sli in All, we tint more till 0111 thee
j ordinary meaner* that mined nnr belt. 1
ean Adminiatratton. and it la not un 1 earlY reach** of the firer ha,. horn Mrelt elf 1.011 haVP And In A limn time.
likely that the remtilt of the election gond all snmneer and Is still good, . For a really re.tfill fishing holfday,
*HI turn " 11". 4..».. 4 e*""la° !both rock and black. hot rsoestly ws re...Ito/rend Goderleh and the Wait
Catehego are ntede np largely of bass.; with vonmists risings a Pir011tthhAllr
sowapapar, dlarnardag thie Pilot in the I &keret in fair rennbera and tit good lowd smile?