The Signal, 1932-8-25, Page 1I fe.
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Club Sabecriptions
furnish Clubbing Haim
you money -If) your'
• rmiewals for Pipers, magszipee, etc.
For the'Personal Column
If you have • visitor, or if yeti •re going
e betidg, letilio Signal know
about - .1011r Makt the
gnarl deities' eolumn more Intereettug
to you augAirsivriein)ds.
Bird's Eye Centre
Seen in the Flesh
-- Taigas Celebration at (Sanford• ea
Oecendon se Viidt of Famous
Illowspaper Ken
TM town tented out en name on
illatardss to greet Oirdon Sinclair, The
Toronto Stars bans travelling re
porter, and "Thriar Prise, the clever
certomidat of tie Tomato Star Week-
ly. la esepaime te the invitation Co
knelt is the characters of Friee's
Bird's rye Gaiitre celebrities, a num-
ber of citizens "dapped up," and when,
ID conesmay tit 91/r. Sinclair, he
stepped off the C.11Ljt. train at nem
oo SaturdaY thewortooniat wait
greeted by • fairly repreemitatios
of the cradles. of I own genius.
Tho town bead, attired ID rube cos-
tumes, with Bandmaster "Seib" Huck
Ina is high boots and whiskers, blared
• sessdtal weicouse, and • number of
hay-wagoas, a• wal as ancient horse-
drawn earriages resurrected foe the
octagon from back yards aad odd
stables, were on hand for the earwig-
modatioa of visitors. The guests ot
honer were shown to a phaeton driven
by Mayor I.A0, effectively disguised ID
whiskers and other strange habil'.
meets. Pigskin Peers, old Archie
with hie "moose," and other Bird's
Eye Centre characters, boot, 011 MTS.-
baCk. ur In carriages, tociading as 00 -
dint omnibus, were in tbe procession
which proceeded down East street to
the Square, and thence to &Morn
where the "octal' reception to the
eaters was held_
Here .1. A. McLaren, prominent
Hums Old Boy of Toronto, acted as
traffic officer, while the village Ofikial•
busted timepiece in their various du-
ties. • Up key was suspended across
the roadies', and when the stage was
properly alt this was prisented to
Jimmy" Tree, with doe ceremony, by
His Weenie the Mayor.
Reeogliined among the Bird's Eye
Othere abaracters were H. B. 1Ic-
Crossett Nary Jetliner (the village po-
Hesse). Harry IdeCreath, 'Toots"
Views, Nev. MeNevhs, Harold Kalt-
Ham and Malay others, including serer -
who entered heartily lots the
MIs Naomi Webster is visiting !S
lathes is Taeouta....,...„
Dr. Messina, of St. lbosaaa-wellia
town last week for several days.
Miss Kate Watson has intilebild
from a week's elect be Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. ID. Cleveland. of
'Toronto,are rearming acquaintances
in town this week.
Mrs. W. L Horton and Miss Winal-
trod Ball are expected home next week
from their trip to ngland.
Mrs. Jamieson, Men avenue, bill.
turned from a visit to her sou, Dr.
Roy Jamieson, at Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs:Janie A. Campbell are
visiting in Toronto, where Mr. Close -
bell Is attending the druggists' con-
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Knox have re-
turned from a two weeks' beide,'
agent at Balsam Lake and other
points In Ontario.
Mr. and Xs* .Wilds have
returned to Detroit after a visit with
the former's permits, Mr. and Mrs.
T. R. Wallin
Miss Grace Redmond, of West Wa-
wanosh, was the guest of Mrs. John
A. Chisholm, Bruce street, over the
Mr. and Mrs. J. Wiggins and son,
Donald, and Mrs. Tait left the
(ThuredaY) afternoon to attend the
Canadian National 'exhibition.
Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Dunn, of Tor-
onto, and Professor V. L. and Mrs.
Ferguson. of Guelph. were recent
guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. *tied*.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Shields, of De-
troit, who .re guests this week at
Menesetting, were in town on Tues-
day. renewing acquaintances with a
Mee, Mr. E. Stewart.
Mr. G. L. Parsons has returned from
a business trip to Winnipeg. He re-
ports • definitely improved feeling In
anticipation of a good crop In the
Mime Ethel Stokes, of the towu
clerk's office, is away on holiday's,
which she is spending oo • motor trip
with her brother-in-law and dater, Al-
derman and Mrs. Donaldson of Strat-
Mr. J. Cuestas, bit. T. Bowler and
Mrs. Roger Bose have returned boos
from Great Britain. All three were
paseensers on the steamer Empress of
Britain, which *VW' st Quebec on
Thursday Ian.
11101 Isabelle Moffitt is
-111dtford amts 4U1141‘...11141.. CAWS.;
_ ly the most colortek_
After the "official" preatedings and
• greased pig chase pat on for the es-
tartalament of the crowd, the visitors
suasion them_ Ike1111113:11:11sAilliallariFIC
• '
* Stedelbauer, dealer_ u.011168 oil"OI1dthO ittabt ears, announces the opening of a new
to Toronto 00 red*, after • V41U4 of place of business on East street, near
the town hall, where be will have
ample room Mr the display of cars
and will also Carry a stock of aW)-
mobile accessories. The change is
made necessary by expanding business.
bitr •
Patriarchs Gather
is.Annil Meeting_
Cloadit's Pomo' ootosenuki
GM Iwamoto* as 83.
MEW* Fara
Twenty three members of Goderieh's
famous Eighty-year-old Club tuned
oat this (Thursday) afternoon for the
annual pithring at St. Patrick's Palk.
Mayor Lee addressed the gatimilibill
briely, and speeches were glean able
by member* of the Club.
Canoe Hill presided while 01100111
were choose for the coming year. It
was deckled that the president should
be chosen( from non-members, It being
considered that • younger man was
desirable for this onerous position.
Mr. H. It. Long was choose for the
office, and Mrs. G. W. Illseke whale
late husband was the founder of the
Club, was elected honorary president.
Mr. T. G. Connon was selected as sec-
retary -treasurer, and the esseutive
committee will include Rev. J. R. Tord,
Mr. James MacVicar, jr., and Mayor
Club members present at the meet-
ing (with their ages) were: R. 'Rus-
sell, 89; James MacVicar, 80; C. A.
Seeger, K.('.. 88; Robert (ark, 88;
Henry Mew, 86; W. M. Vrooman, 86;
John Robertson, 85; Canon Hill, 83;
Thos. Sturdy, 88; Wm. Lannan, 88;
C. Par•e11, 83; Rev. J. E. Ford, 82;
Geo. Hunt, 82; K. McKay, 81; J.
Breen, 81 Alexander Young, 81; Dun-
can McKay, 80, M. O'Reilly, 80; A.
Challencr. till; Wm. Bailie, 79; Joke
Sturdy, 80; Thos. Carroll sad 0.
Two lady octogenarians Mao were
present at the meeting. They were
Mrs. Oswald Sturdy and Mrs. Jona-
than Miller.
A more extended report of the gath-
ering will be given *eat week.
It is announced from Ottawa that
Thaakagiving Day will be celebrated
this year on Monday, October 10th.
The public schools will commence
the fall term on Iltureday, September
1st, Instead of es t*.dr- following
several week, with her signer. Mrs. W.
_weft _allowed to proceed W ilenese G. Park. wbere 1851 were MacEwan,enteland wUl be ammpanied
tang oy' her niece, 111•• Helen IlacEwan,
tabled at the hotel. who will spend a few days In the city.
The Toronto Star photographer was Mr. and Mrs. Albert Robertson and
An Oriental -looking footman, bearing
00 nand 10 take Ptettleea'fae his PIP! r' daughter Eunice, &leo their son-In-lan
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
a long epee, who rode behind the Mallet. all of Detroit, visited Mr.
Mayor in the carriage containing the Robertson's aunt. Mrs. A. Davidson.
guests a honor, was RtiPP°41ed 10 Ur Colborne street, over the week -end.
a masa of some Eastern land whom Mr. W. J. Donaldson, of Nelles
Gordon Sieclair had engaged as his Corners, spent the week -end with Mr.
Pervenal bodyguard. It turned out, and Mrs. C. H. Humber and Mrs. L
however, to be none other than Bill Donaldson. On him return he was se -
Bannister, • Goderich boy, Ingenious- eompanled by Jim. Donaldson and
ly dieguised their eon, Charles, who had been vialt-
The Lumbago" Ins here for a week.
At lieneeetung Park hotel about Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weston and
eighty men sat around the tables and Renton Weston motored up from De -
partook of luncheon. At the head erolt on Saturday and visited their
table were Mr. B. H. MeCreath, pre- mother, Mrs. John Weston, and their
adding, with Mears. letnelair and Few, brother. '11r. Alex. Weston, Goderleb
Mayor Lee; C. X. Robertson. strisfr tevraeltio, netnw2kNle 10Jaeul'IL mIsallacr ttrg
and other.. Sunday evening. Wed., Aug. 24 ..80 (14 83 65
Afte•r the chairman bad given a few Mrs. Charles Armstrong. of Cbleirgo.
words of welcome, he introduced bit. and her sister, Mr*. W. Mann, of CONTRACT AWARDEDFew.F.
Few. who proceeded to draw cartoons London. are spending the week At a meeting of the water and light
with Mrs. 0. W. Black, St. Patrick's commiesion held on Monday evening
tenders for the cleaning, scraping and
palating of the standpipe were under
ronsideration. There were four ten-
ders, ranging from 3110 to 5130. The
second highest tender came from St.
Marys; the others wail- from local
men. The contract was awarded to
Ed. Lynn of Goderich, the lowest ten-
derer, at 3110. The tenders are for
the work only, the commission to sup-
ply the paint.
A letter from the district Hydro
engineer outlined a plan for rebuild-
ing the primary lighting line. In town.
Under Grim plan, when completed, the
system will he In blocks, F40 that It
will be poesible to shut off one sec-
tion of the system completely with-
out Interfering with other seetione.
- -
Murray Sheardown, thirteen -year-
old son of Mr. Sam Shoardown, has
regained poasesusion of hie bicycle,
stolen from him five weeks ago, but
it root him 32 to redeem It. Con-
stable Robert Moore, of Locknow, was
riding fhe wheel .log a street in that
town on Wednesday of last week when
Murray's eyes fell on It in reogni-
Hon. The ofileer said he heti paid a
tramp 32 for H nearly three weeks be-
fore and he would not part with the
wheel until Murray put up the same
amount. Mr. Aheardown is attempt.
In' to recover the money and has lint
the matter In the hand, of an •ftor-
ney He CISIMP that the Lneknow of-
fleer was warned to he on the look-
out for • *totem bicycle immediately
after the theft, which took pare on
July 21st, from In front of the Chan-
theaque tent In Goderieh.
• Minvay-etteaded tbe heed tattoo at
Teets/re Tesseler 01toot wept and
*Serif 416 -'04bAbell91ety
spied the wheel Officer Moore was rid
lag. and thought It. looked familiar
Arresting the offieer, he took • dose
leek and imesedistely 144•010110.41 the
bicycle as hie own
With a temperature of 86 degrees,
Wednesday of this week created a
heat record for this year. Tuesday,
July 19th, was close -on its heels with
• temperature of 85. The temperatures
of the past week, with those of the
corresponding week of 1931, were as
1162 1981
Max. Min. Max. Mln.
Thurs., Alt --111-.-.77 so 85 61
Fri., Aug, 19 54 88 61
Sat.. Aug. 29 ....72 53 80 60
Sun., Aug. 21 ....78 55 79 55
Mon., Aug. 21 05 74 51
1. deer et tie
( it
mese ef
hoods of ao StisP
aria**. The IV*
Me lientaibeh* el
widesomas that 1.
people are over
Titus Gods!**
her share to Ontario'.
cent over eighty year*.
stands fourth in the
regard, Prince Edw
Scotia and New B
teeedeace over her.
The followteg is
The Toronto Globe
goat 18th, with
Canada as a Mad fa
the evening *
"Among the le
Canada 8.88 per cent
age of sixty, but no
408 have reached e
Tbere are 49,171 bet
eighty-four; 19,129 betw
an eighty-nine; 401
ty and ninety-foar; 1,8711
Ave and ninety-nine, aid
century mark. It is
which preserves its
and reasonably heal
It Is more commends
age pensions have
assure old folk in need
In their last yeara."
in crayon of mome of the well-known
Bird's Nye Centre characters. When
completed the eartoorte were presented
to Maim of the guests, and one delete
(Continued on page 8)
street, and ere. Tates, Wee street.
Mrs. Armstrong and Mrs. Mann were
well known in Goderich In former
years, as the Misses Weston.
Toronto Nor's giolwtereting nmorter. who 'dammeds soberly,
at Meametung Park Motet00 flaturstay 'afternoon
v 04.
"”I • ' '"-
ting of
held to -
r eighty
ring its
) placed
at 4,491,
of the
of age.
Well over
of .116 per
• Province
ion In this
having mi-
ay, An -
virtues of
to vend
people is
passed the
than 74, -
or over.
eighty and
Pen nine -
'e'en nine -
over the
ly land
o a happy
age; and
I thet old
ovided to
brat want
It is a common fault
that it will sometimes
a bog or mud hole seed
be required to
day last, however, the
the other toot, as It
horse fell into • poad
outfit was used to rescue
Is a small one, about
used at the Baeehler as
Ing the logs. A derrick
move the entreat from
the worse for Ha
By, the water was not
ls whoa the nail is
motor car
es,itself in
horse will
t. On Te-
e was On
whet a
Met ems
for was
wad to
Displaylat great sentence of mine,
seven-year-4nd Donald Carrick, St. An-
1oua injury on nifty ill* by. bon,'
Ing to the car which had struck him
down. As he crossed St. Andrew's
street a car which was proceeding
slowly along_ the street ran into him
and Donald fell 'between EW bumper
and the front of the car. He hung
on desperately until the esr was
brought to a standstill. The driver
had not seen the lad, and wap unaware
of the latter's plight until It was
um Sixty -Third
Sr. and Mrs. Ohm. Beater Were
Illm•ned August 18th, 1809-A
Greed Old Couple et
Thursday last, August 18tht waii Er
sixty-third anniversary of tietal..
risme of Mr. Charles Seeger, LC, aid
Mrs. Seeger, and the occasion was
quietly observed at their *warner home
coo Lighthouse street.
Mr. and Saeger were married
at Burford, Ont., on August 18th, 1809,
the officiating clergyman hake the
bride's father, Rev. James Padfield,
rector of Trinity church, Burford.
For the first year of their wedded life
they lived at Sarnia .01 In 1870 they
came to Goderil. Mr. Seeger was
called to the bar in 1867, •t the age
01 tweaty-three, and la now possibly
the oldest barrister in the Province.
He la a King's Counsel, and to the
author of several well-kaown works on
legal procedure. in 1902 he was ap-
pointed clerk of the peace and Crown
attorney for the county of Huron, of-
fices which be held until his retire-
ment from active work Ave years ago.
Their an, Hight Rev. C. A. Seager,
Bishop of Huron, was with Mr. and
Yrs. Seeger on the anniveraary, and
a number of friends called to offer
their felicitation.. They were the re-
cipients 0100 of congratulatory mese
sages from out of town and of gifts
from flatmate friends.
Though both Mr. and Mrs. Seager
are well advanced in their eighties,
they are wonderfully bright and alert,
physically .01 mentally, and retain a
splendelly youthful outlook on life.
They are Goderich's "grand old
couple," and the people among whom
they have lived for so mans years
wish them still more years of health
pad ealeffort and mutual companion -
ingesting of the Colborne
my=on Wednesday
Kent was £9-
10 succeed the
. Aapit nothing as been decided re-
garding the holding of the annual De-
tio 1)a in Godertek. Nue atter
year oca .TJl?lTSTltt
eadrat-p-art-Tn Sponsoring the annual
pilgrimage to Maitland cemetery,
where the various lodges participating
he the procession decorated the graves
of departed members. This year, how-
ever, the members of Court Goderich
are quite willing that some other or-
ganisation should take the inlitative,
and are not making arrangements for
the occasion. •
Rev. L. H. and Mrs. Kali:detach and
children, of Elmira, were visitors in
Goderich 00 Friday lest. -• ----
Mr. J. A. Vanstone, of Chicago, is
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. Tabb.
Mr. Peter Timber, of Colborne town-
ship, left oat Tuesday for Watrous,
Hrs. Wm. Chedgle and Melville spent
hi Owen Sound and
'less Bertha Down, of Toronto, Is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.
M. Down.
Mr. and Mrs. Watson Stratton, of
Toronto, were week -end visitors in
Mr. Herbert Dawson, of Toronto, la
holidaying it the home of her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Heru.
Mimi Grace Strang has returned
home after *pending seeeral weeks
with friends at Loon Lake.
Mr. Wm. Chisholm, of Calgary, Al-
berta, has been visiting Ills relatives
ID town and vicinity.
Mrs. Rohl J. Lunn, of Windsor, is
visiting In town, the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Alex. Smith.
Mr. John McGraw and Miss Mary
Clark spent the week -end at London
visiting with relatives of Mr. McGraw.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee's Smith, of
Grosse Point, Mich.. were week -end
guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Brown-
Sliss Birdie Hays and Mr. Hector
Hays left on Saturday by motor on a
visit to Mrs. W. H. Miner at Chaay,
Mrs. Duruin Phillips', of St. Helens,
was ) week -end visitor at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. W.
Mr. and Mrs. Flarry (1. Buchanan, of
Montreal. visited their relatives In
town last week. They were on a mos
toriug trip.
Mr. Albun Fiun, of Detroit, spent
the ee..k-entl at .the home of hie par -
elite. Sir. and Mrs. Patrick Finn,
Brock street. .
Mies Ina Williams and Mr. Regin-
ald William& of Toronto, are visitors
this week with relatives In Ooderich
and vielnity.
Mrs. Fred Lecky, of London, and
Miss Florence Macdonald, of Toronto6
spent the weekeed a I 014hems oa
thouse street.
a week with her friend, Mrs. J. Beat-
'', of the Square
Itemise et the curtest elk. in the lb-
sence of Mr. Hector Hays, who Is
away on his vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Leonard, of El-
mira, and the former'm parents, Mr.
and Mn. Leonard, sr., of Clinton, were
Sunday visitors In town.
MI.. Olive Jeffereon, nurse -in -train- ticipate. In all, more than Deur bun -
Ing at Woodstock General hospital. dred people attonded. The Oddfellows
visited this week with her friend Mine lodges of Hensel!, Seaforth, Exeter,
Clinton, Brucefield and Goderich, com-
prising district No. 8, were well repre-
sented, and Rebekah§ from Mitchell,
New Hamburg, Milverton, Stratford.
(71Inton, Seaforth and Goderich were
pretend. There were also a number of
visitors from other Oddfellows lodges
In Western Ontario, including Grand
Interest Revived
Bank Robbery
Revolver Found in River at Wing -
ham Identified by Brussels
A revolver found by a 700n( boy
while diving In the river near Whir
ham has been identified as the me
stolen from the Bank of Nova Scotia
at Brussels in October, 1980, whoa
tbat bank wad robbed of nearly 56,000.
The weapon had been sought by pollee
Wesel:listing the rubbery, and is re-
garded as one of the missing links in
the chain of evidence which, in tbree
successive trials, failed to convict. At
each trial the jury disagreed.
Besides the revolver, a large num-
ber of coppers, believed to be part of
the bank loot, have been recovered
from the river. About 350 of the
money stole} was in coppers, and It ts
thought that the bandits tweed them
away after dl.covering their compara-
tively small value.
Diecovery of the unexpected "cop-
per location" has made the river at
this point a popular place for awls
Identification of the revolver was
made by Mr. F. M. Wilmot, manager
of the lirwmels beak. It is now la
the poser:salon of Provincial Constable
A. Whiteside, who hlnta at the possi-
bility of a fourth trial, if the new eel.
dance is considered sufficient to war-
rant such action. The locatioc of the
discovery coincides with the police
theory that the bandits Bed to Tees -
water after the robbery.
Allan MacConnell, of Woodstock,
was acquitted of a charge of criminal
negligence •t Belgrave on Wednesday.
The came was heard by Maiderate
Reid at a preliminary hearing, and
was an echo of the automobile accident
'at Berlins on August flUi in which
MacConnell's fattier, John MacConneU
of Toronto, was Instantly killed. •
email son of the accused Ls still in
hospital with a fractured Bub as •
result of the accident. At the corm-
er's Inquest tbe finding was that Mae-
°Moen had been driving at & greater
conditioavillpito road
aa datobuseL, -
to the enlOznientof the mead annual
plenic of the I.O.O.F.. district No. 8.
held at Bayfield ma Wednesday after-
noon. The outing was in charge of
D.D.G.M. Hudson, of Henaall, and We
committee, and the Rebekah lodges in
the district also were Invited to par -
Laura Johnston, Newgate street.
brought to his attention ty bystanders.
-- -
No bones were broken, but the lad bad AT THE WATERFRONT I Mre. Wm. Driver and Misses Annie
Driver, Dolores Lalthwalte and Edna
some bruises and lacerations The tug W. L. Forret? HMI (11'4AgP
Driver had a pleasant motor trip lam
"Bob" Henry, of the Signal staff,
received 'severe bruises and a shaking
up in • peculiar accident at tie hate
bor on 'Tueeday. Flailing for some
reason to see ti chaln stretched across
the south pier to stop motor traffic,
be ran against It whit.. dolls ma
motorcycle. The chain took him across
the cheat and arms and travelled we
emerge <severely -Ineerating imiga„„,44.11..
The Impact hurled him backward off
his machine and he rendered
conscious for a time. Ile had beim
down at the beach and was returning
home when the accident occurred. The
machine was travelling slowly at the
time or more merlon. Injury would
certainly have resulted.
The funeral of the late Wilbert Mi-
lian was held on Thurelay of last
week from the home of his brother,
Mr. Edwin Million, Colborne tameable.,
and was largely attended. All mem-
ber. of the family. with the exception
of Mrs. John Millian. of Toronto, a
half -Meter, were proont. • large
number of friends also attended, from
Flint, Pontiac, Detroit, Teefewater, fees -
forth and Lueknow. Melly beautiful
floral tribute.' were received hy the
bereaved fatally aa an evidence of the
high eeteem in which .1...eased was
held. both In Goderich and vicinity and
In Detroit. Rev. W. T. Bunt, pastor of
the Baptist church, was in charge of
the funeral servieee. The Interment
was In Maitland eemetery The pall-
bearers were Menne.. Floyd Carter,
Albert Naegle, Joseph Armstroag, Al -
din Alli, Maitland Allen sad Alfred
7 -The pulpit of Knox church will he
°templet at both Referee nest finnday
by Rev. R. C. MeDermki. the forme,
minister of the (laurel. now of Tor
Rev. Geo T. Watts, pa.dor of North
street United (lamb, will preach al
both services on Sunder neat At
11 a m his eubject will he "Testing
Vetoes." end et 7 pm he will preach
on "Janie and the Crowd'." Monday
orehool at awre
fierviemAn yinnoyia strait Milted.
s,r4terriore 01.01, 1012000r."041'40.00.410.
T. 4'. 42aree, o R. 1.
Dredging Company, arrived from Kin-
week to Totsermory and Georgian Bay
sardine on Monday evening. The tug Pointe.
lett early on Tuesday morning to bring Misses Mary and Martina Hussey
back the two 'cows, which have been
used In dredging operations, now com
pleted, In the Kincardine harbor chan-
The American freighter Morris' 14.
Tremaine (('apt. Wm. Burne) cleared
for Buffalo on Monday with a cargo
a Anterienee.wheat teem- tha Gadget-
Ich elevator. " '
VIeltore to the harbor at the week.
end were the yachts Minn, of Port
Huron. Sandra, of Detroit, and On -
away. of Buffalo.
The freighter D. B. panne arrieed
on Wednesday evening from the bead
of the Laken with • cargo of wheat
for tbe Western Canada Flour Mille.
spent the past week visiting friends
at Toronto and Mildmay and also paid Master Rev. A. C. Cummor, of Lon-
a visit to the Martyrs' Shrine at don, who gave a short address', and
If Id la nd. D.D.G.M. Harlow, of Mitt•hell. A pro -
the Royal Alexandra hospital, FAlmon- 11.D.0.11. Souter, of Clinton. A soft.-
gram of sport. was conducted by Peet
Mho' Frencex Welsh, of the staff of
ton, Alta., is a visitor at the home of ball game was played between Huron
her sister, Mrs. P7 -W. Currie, Beane- Ledge, No. 62, Ooderlch, and a picked
------.1es19r-fr0. the disteleC--- --
Mrs. Cameron MacKenzie, of
her -
T51/9170, is visiting at tbrother-in-law, Mr. James MacVlear. DR. WILMOIT AT IRO.%
he of
Her eon, Mr. T. L. MeeKenste, and Tww Able genkens by rr"dnent Pm"
from Toronto on Saturday, returning Rev. JAMP0 Wilson, DD., of Tor -
Divine et Toronto
Mete Rutherford drove up with her
Col. C. C. Crable, who has been Presbyterian church on Sunday a
otito, occupied the pulpit of Knox
to the city the following day.
apending some time at Hotel fenneet, and gave two thought-provoking- wr-
ites returned to his house in Toronto. sons. • -
Col. crept, is an uncle of Mayor C. C. Dr. 'Wilson took as th-eluoject of hie
TAPP, proprietor of the hotel. morning discourse the incideut re-
late.. and Mr.. J. E. 'Andrews and corded in St. John 18:19, of Jesus'
!fr. and Mee J. F. Oray arrived last sPpeerence before the high priest and
week from Cleveland on a Omit t, of Peter's denial of hie Lord. The
their relatives at the Benmiller Nura preacher declared that it was not only
eries. Mr. and Mr.. Gray have re the kind of men produced by religion
turned to Celeveand, hot Mr. awl but the effect that was_krodused that
IMonrug.erAsntdaryews are remaining for a was the test. The religion of thercal
of Glory stood pre-eminently above
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. H. Jaycox and them all. Pilate eonld find no fault in
son, Jack, of Wichita, Kansas, visited Ilim or in Ilk doctrine; the weakness
firiaryco"xv'enraalundt,aYM%et8.C.L. Moore, E
1.weekwithMarsst. was in the dieciples of the Lord. He
was unable to point to one of Ills fol.
street. Mr. Jayeox hia. charge of the lowers; all had forsaken Him, end
bureau of identification at Wiehita here the high priest found the weak
and I. the author of a recent hook ,pot on which he placed his judg-
on "Single PIngerprinte." ment.
Nine D'Arcy Sullivan, laughter "People do not point to Chriet, but
Gertrude and .on Robert and bit. . to the people of the (lurch, when they
Emma Williams, of Bay City, Mich., meek an easy way of evading the
are visitors this week at the home of claims of our Meese" Lord," declared
hire. R. Henderson. Meet street. Mina the preecher. "The duty of all 1. to
Dorothy Henderson, who has been live a life demonstrating Christlike
'spending a portion of the slimmer va- printiplea. The Church of Chriet is
cation In Bay City, accompanied them on trial today. le It lowing It. grip
to her home on Wednesday. and power? Are the members' 1111 1*
Rey. 1.. P. Lowry, parish priest of set or • liability' Are we forgetting
St. Peter'', church, le expected home the Lord of ninry,
in ti few day' from his visit to De. "Three essentials of our religion ere
lend. Rev. Philip Poenek, who has loyalty, .keeping the Sabbeth holy
most ably onape.rhoemied the affairs and reverenee In the eanetnery. These
of the pariah In Father Lowry's' ab. kept Israel whole, Ant when she forget
Renee. Is to leave shortly for Rome, .he went to piens. Theme thinge ton
are at the foundation's of the Britt*
Emblre. If mho forget. them 1aka
not tOP enrollee' if effe Tele Onr 'ro-
ttenest life depends, upon the ehnrcie
Mier enema n len we harre.ermsiteed
tee Ise falthiet. w44111%11:ftg. wry*
t4IffflitTIiAt the everting service Dr. Wilms
gave a *perching Marone% based an
the questins, "What think y. 01Christ,"
Wilma Sutherland. of G.C.L. Takes
Sixteen First -clams Honors in
Sixteen Subjeets
The principal and staff of Goderich
Collegiate institute are elated over
the fine standing of the school In the
Departmental examinations of this
year, •ne particularly In the remark-
able achievement of William Suther-
land, capping • fine record of succese
throughout his Collegiate course. The
young man, who 1. *till only in hie
eighteenth year, made a clean sweep
In his examinations this year, taking
sixteen first -else* honors in the six-
teen subjects' on which he wrote. Prin.
ctpel Hume believes this Is a record
for the Province. "Bill" was chief
editor of the 1982 G.C.I. Journal, a
post that took a good deal of his time
during several weeks preceding the.
With eleven firsts, one second and
one third in the thirteen subjects on
which he wrote, James ['Sutherland,
brother of "Bill," also bad outstand-
ing seureena. The brothers .are re -
garde(' a. certain winners of *event)
'chola rehire.
The fifty-eight upper sebrsol ranfit.
dates of the OCT took 42 firsts, 50
peened. and 40 thirties, end were sue.' where he will continue his theological
eeesful In over eighty two per cent. git
of the 11011Prm written The results, Mee J. V. Winston and three
are gives in detail on page ft of this reu have returned to their home, 52
111 tereRnt mad. Toronta.,After spend-
- WOW& ikeiaillisilfaiiteLPIlitilidotlifseAl A „cm. emig-a, „tut.
11flere 11 0 0 season .11440rt. "An enter neon enterer* et the 1 salve ty at ihnosetillie, 11-47.,6 lfra Win -
levironing Loc.:" 7 pm sermon MA of Toronto Gib fail. end their friends sten wee delighted with (hes fmrronnd-
Wet, "When It Is Orostn ' Iles A. confidestly expect them to len high Ines end they alt received nine% tone -
E Mann. of ItInevale. .111 be the honor* to the whole's -tic earners which At from the fresh and invtgorsting sir
preseher ennday welionl at 10 9.11. they have an Militantly begun from Ink. Her. •
•SurAt.' . ittit; .1.1'.
4 ..,
• *4:-ItAt: