The Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-06-05, Page 10Page 10—Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 5, 1985 go cIassiti 1 3Ggthun 7ijeatre PHONE ux1ca Playing from Friday to. Thursday, June 7th to 13th. SHOW TIMES: Friday and Saturday at 7:00 and 9:00 p.m. SUNDAY - TUESDAY AT8:00 P.M. ONLY ADULT sE E1CCOg9�dPllt+lEK;') "'MASK' IS SUPERB .e. -Gene Spike!, 'A'r T}i '000,100,010457 Sonu'timcs the mrwt unlikclt wwt,lc hi,,unu' hcrix'� • - —. ■ %1UU Y.... `—■■1 • • •: •• • • • 1 • • • • • • •' • • • • • • • • •, • • • • L C K • • ,• • • 0 • -••••••••i••••••s•••eoesio'••.••••i••s•••••••' ••••,•••••`eSeei••••••ssees:•o.e'••.i••••i•ei.i • STARTING: FRIDAY, JUNE 7th OPEN 7 NIGHTS A WEEK They set him up, but they made one mistake. They forgot they were dealing with Rambo. FIRST BLOOD PART I1 PlNIAIl�ONr 'I I A 1Release +9ns 7<.s,u aic,rxes All *PM Reservee TOM SEL RUNA =MICHAEL CRICHTON Box Office - Opens 8:30prm. VIOLENCE Theatre's Branch Ont. ADULT ACCOMPANIMENT • • • • • • •�. 66 4 Irl -PANAV/5/ON' • • • STARTS,FRIDAY,/JUNE 7 • GODERICH • 52481 .71 • • • • • • • • • • • • s • • • • • • • • • • .• • 1 • Fri. & Sat. 7 & 9 Sun.-Thurs. 8 They call themselves "The Goonies:' The secret caves. The old lighthouse. The lost map. The treacherous traps. The hidden treasure. And Sloth... Matinees Sat: & Sun. 2:00 p.m. Wed. & Thurs. LAST 2 DAYS FOR A VIEW TO A KILL • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •. Roger Moore • 1 • as , James Bond PARENTAL • GUIDANCE . • • • REMEMBER • $4.00 TUESDAYS Movie Line 524-7811 ••i•••••••••••••••••••••••• ® PARENTAL • • GUIDANCE • 9•••••®•55®•s• VIOLENCE t:aefrn Branch One. • • • • • • • • • Fourteen ladies at meeting Mr. and Mrs: Don Gillespie' and Mr: and Mrs. Ron Gillespie were guests at the Smith - Stryker wedding at the Clinton Dutch Reformed Church and also the reception at Hensall. - Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Rae Haldenby:.in'the sudden death of her father, Ivan Parker of CargilL The funeral was on Saturday. Mrs. Frank Maulden, Mrs. Arthur Phillips, Edna and May Boyle were guests on Wednesday afternoon of Mr. and Mrs. • • Don Robertson of Purple Grove. . The Holyrood Women's Institute program • planning committee met on Tuesday even- ing at the Thome, of Edna and . May Boyle. Fourteen ladies were present. The 1985-86 • season has the promise , of . some . good meetings. ahead. ' . . Mrs. Marjorie' Thompson of Ripley, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Nicholson of Milia :ton visited 'on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson. Reverend and Mrs. George Gerratt of Weston visited on Saturday with Edna and 'May Boyle. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott of Ripley, visited on Sunday. KINLOUGH hi May Boyle Mr. and Mrs: Allan Nicholson and family of 'Wallaceburg spent the weekend here with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson. Agnes Hodgins visited in Preston with her brother and his wife, :N1And Mrs. Bill Mc- Cue. Mr. and Mrs. Linten Sittler of Culross and Hugh Wharton of Blyth visited Saturday evening with Mrs. Marretta Hodgins. Mrs. David Fawthrop and twin daughters . arrived home during the week. Mr. Dan Nicholson who -has spent the past two months with Mr. and Mrs. Don Gillespie went on Saturday to the home .of Mr: and Mrs. Jim Hunter. • Visitors with . Mr. and Mrs. Tom McDonald .were, Mrs.' Bert Thompson of • .Culross, Mrs. Barry Burchell and Stephanie of Wingharn, Mr. Jack W'hytock, who at- tended the Presbyterian Service on Sunday, • and also Judy McDonald of Oran,geville. We are sorry Mrs. Weir Eckenswiller is a patient in Kincardine hospital. Zambia: addresses meeting "Faith and Action was the theme of the afternoon devotions led by Mrs. Horace Ait- chison, Mr's. Harry Bateman and Mrs. Gor- don Wall of 'Wingham, when Maitland Presbyterial -met inLucknow Presbyterian Church. The evening worship; led. by Mrs.. Wm. Beirnes, Mts. Howard Baker and Mrs. Jas. Smith of •Molesworth focused on "Faith and Assurance". Mrs. Robt. Arbuckle introduced Grace Richardson; who spoke of her work as a teacher in the Sakeji Boarding School in Zambia, where children of missionaries are • .prepared for higher education. She,spoke on the school'^s motto II Timothy 3;14 "But -eon tinue thou"; and illustrated her: talk on the school program with slides of activities.. On behalt of the Presbyterial, Mrs. Doug (rPherson presented. an honorary iernbership to Mrs. Jno. Stokes, Belmore. Special music at both sessions was provid- HAPPY ANNIVERSARY June 6th 15 Years is a long time When you are young! LUCKNOW DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE OPEN DATES. AVAILABLE FRIDAY June 7, 14 July 12, 26 SATURDAY, JUNE 8 Paul Calhoun and Mary Ann Ritchie SATURDAY, JUNE 15 Harold and Jessie France FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY June 21, 22, 23 Kinsmen Summerfest SATURDAY, JUNE 29 Phylis Hickey and Robert Hanson CALL THIS NUMBER BETWEEN 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. ONLY 528-3532 ed by Mrs. Frank Hawthorne, Mrs. Wm. Henderson, and Mrs. Ronald Forster sing- ing trios ,accompanied by Mrs. Bruce Raynard, all of•Lucknow: A short "In Memoriam" service was con- ducted by Mrs. • Jas.' Patterson of Gorrie. /Prayers were -offered by Mrs. Joe Boron, Kincardine, Mrs. Elmer Jeffray, Belmore, Mrs. Ross Cumming, Ripley, and Mrs. Larry Welch,/Bluevale. Mrs. Gerald Gibson, Brussels, Mrs' Jno. MacDonald, Teeswater; Mrs. Evan Keith, South Kinloss and Mrs. Glenn Haldenby, Kinlough reported with enthusiasm on the sessions of the Hamilton and London Synodical. Other reports were given by Mrs: Gordon Wall and Mrs. Harry Bateman both of Wingham, and Mrs. Ewan MacLean of Ashfield, Mrs. Elmer Jeffray• invited the Presbyterial to meet in Belmore in 1986. RENE & AGNES DELBERGUE (Lucknow) and MAGNUS& BETTY VOISIN (Formosa) are pleased to announce the forthcoming MARRIAGE of their children VICKI & STEVEN Wedding to take place FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1985 at 3 p.m. ST. AUGUSTINE ROMAN CATHOLIC Open reception will be held. in Lucknow LUCKNOW KIN SUMMERFEST '85 June 21-22-23 MEN'S :& LADIES' SLOWPITCH TOURNAMENT Friday 9-1 Monte Carlo Night Saturday 1-6:30 Summerfest Gardens Open Free Movies for the Kids Garage Sale At Arena Beef Barbecue at 5:30 p.m. Free Dance 9:30-1:00 STAR SPINNERS Monte Carlo Licence No. 993861 /I/