The Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-05-15, Page 12Page 14—Luclmow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 15, 1985
100 ACRES all workable, KINLOSS, farrowing barn, stable cleaner, implement shed,
beef barn.
211 LEVEL ACRES, .4 bedroom brick, 41. acres hardwood'bush, $150,000.00.
RIPIEY, business and living quarters, brick, insulated, electric heat, 24,900.
FARROW TO FINISH. 190 flat workable acres, 4 bedroom home, paved drive.
50 ACRE FARM, modern hog 'barn, paved road, $35,000.
ON THE LAKE mobile home with addition, plus guest house, 3 mi. from ILdmow.
KINLOSS TWP. 131 ac. beef farm, upright and trench silo, large barn; 3 bdr. home, drilled
well, 4th concession.
RIPLEY .3 bdr., 7 year old bungalow, only $39,900:00.
INCOME PROPERTY LUCKNOW, 3 apartments, Main Street, 2 two Bedroom and 1.
three bedroom. Asking $45,000. Mortgage available.
4 BDR.. cNnent home, large attached garage, make good workshop, paved drive,.
4 BDR. 'brick, hot water heating, paved drive, small barn,, large lot.
4 BDR brick, fireplace, 3 baths, swimming pool, paved drive, double lot.
6 LOTS in' Lucknow.
For further information on these and other properties please call
395-2880 528-3821
395-2483 '
o7,-. •
FAMILY "--";-'
Box Assortments $15.95T0 $26.95
Separate Pieces $1.75 TO $5.79
These are family fireworks which may be let off on your own property
under most local bylaws. We have the largest selection In the area of
family displays and Individual fireworks. (Fireworks will NOT be sold to
persons under 18 years of age.)
In Accordance With Area By -Laws
524-6901 GODERICH
/Thursday May 16 Saturday May 18
Reg. 2.79 m
1 .9
Wendy &
Buffalo Yarn
of Prints
1 .99.
Yarn & Craft
Pattern Books
25 O% OFF
Bertrum Bushell
.Bertram Bushell, a resident of Kinloss
Township, died on Tuesday, April 30, 1985.
at Kincardine and District Hospital. He
was 70 years of age,,.
Born on February 16, 1915 in Kincardine
Township. Mr. Bushell was a retired
farmer. He was the son of the late Thomas
Bi}shell and the late, Sara Sittler. He was
' married to the late Gladys ,McArthur and
was a member ' of the United Church in
Bettie. '
Mr. Bushell is survived by his children,
Gloria Bushell of British Columbia and
Wayne Bushell of Kinloss Township; three
grandchildren and one great 'grandchild.
He is also survived by his brothers, Elmer
and. Ezra of Greenock Township.
The funeral service was held on May 4,
1985 at 2 p.m. at the, MacKenzie and
McCreath Funeral Home in Kincardine.
Rev. Derwyn Docken officiated. Burial was
at Kincardine Cemetery. •
Resident returns from Calgary
'By Jennifer Dalton
W e would like to welcome Rev. Bob
Faris back to camp. Kintail where he is the
camp director and minister over the
Father Mike Dalton M.B.E. spent his
83 birthdayj,yvith relatives at Kingsbridge.
They also celebrated Mass on Saturday
evening and Sunday morning. '
Edith Simpson has just returned from`
Calgary where she visited with her family.
The weather has been ' wonderful in
Ashfield Township. Farmers have been
busy with their spring planting.
Pat Howard is a patient in Goderich
hospital. W e wish you a speedy recovery,
Brian Simpson is home from university
for the summer months.
Marcella Courtney, Jessie and Ken
Chester, Marg Chester and Mamie
Dickout were Mother's Day guests ' with,
Mike and Joan Courtney and boys.
Korea discussed at meetings
Unit 1
Unit 1 of the Lucknow U.C.W. met at the
home of Mrs. Ross Shiells on Tuesday,
May 7. President Mrs. Sheills opened the
meeting with ' the call to worship. The 'roll
call, a bible verse concerning the family,
was answered by ,17 members and two
• Mrs. Allan Gibson explained Meals on
Wheels and. asked for volunteers and
financial support to get it underway.
Mrs. Shiells read the scripture and gave
the meditation on the theme, The Family.
She stressed' that besides being members
of our own family,we are also members of
of God's family throughout the world and
we should take these responsibilities
seriously. Elizabeth Robinson led in
Mrs. Frank Ritchie presented a chapter
from the study book. She compared family
life in Korea to that .of Canada and had
some interesting and amusing facts and
some pictures.
Mrs. Shiells presided for the business.
Friendship and visiting convener, Mrs.
Peter Cook, reported that eight members
of our unit visited Pinecrest Manor on April
29 to entertain 'the residents with music
and fellowship.
' Mrs. Shiells dosed with the thought for
the day on contentment and the benedic-
tion.. A successful hobby sale was held.
Lunch and a social time was also enjoyed.
Unit 2
Unit 2 of Lucknow U.C.W. met at the
home of Mrs. Eldon Bradley,on Tuesday,
May 7 with 12 members present. Mrs. Glen
Walden opened with a .poem.
Mrs. Bradley was the chairlady ' and
opened with a hymn. Mrs. Jardine read the
scripture and Mrs. Bradley presented the
meditation on. the life of Dorcas, followed
with prayer by Mrs. Tom Hackett. Mrs.
Lawrence MacLeod read a poem, What is a
Mother? The roll call was answered by the
name of a woman of the Bible and one of
her characteristics.
Mrs. William Campbell read two Moth-
er's Day poems, An Adored Mother, and
These are the Things. Mrs. Glen Walden
gave an interesting mission study of the
identity of the Korean women in Canada.
From May 20 to June 13, 10 women from
the United Church of Canada ' will be
visiting Korea.
The minutes were read and approved.
Unit 2 is to visit Pinecrest in the month of
June. Mrs. William Campbell gave the
treasurer's report and there were no
birthday's in May to add to our birthday
bank. . The offering was taken and
dedicated by Mrs. Walden.
Mrs. Allan Gibson reported for Meals on
W heels and said they needed some money
from each unit to buy supplies.
Mrs. Walden closed with a poem,
F riends are like Flowers, and all repeated
the benediction. Mrs. Walden acted as the
auctioneer for our hobby sale which netted
$38.75. The committee served refresh-
ments and a social time was enjoyed.
Unit 3
Mrs. Charles McDonald welcomed the
members of Unit 3 of Lucknow U. C. W .. in
the church parlor. ' She read a poem,.
Mother's Love and conducted the business
portion. ,
Name a mother in the Bible, was the roll
call and ' 17 members answered. The
birthday box was passed and we sang.
Happy Birthday to Mrs. Raynard and Mrs.
Kirkland. Mrs. Clarence Greer will be the
new Friendship secretary_
Mrs. Stuart MacGillivray asked for two
aprons for patients at Pinecrest and. Mrs.
. Vernon Hunter and Mrs. Earl Wightman,
offered to make one each. Mrs. Alex"
Hackett gave a stewardship paper on how
the ethnic groups across Canada help their
own people within the United Church.
Mission groups. '
Mrs. Allan Gibson reported on the
receipts from the food booth held at a
recent auction sale. Also, she explained the
Meals on Wheels program to start May 14
and asked for drivers and donations.
Mrs.. Harvey Webster convened the•
program on Mothers, and gave a paper on
Mothers of History and the Bible. Mrs.
Ivan Conley and Mrs./Nelson Raynard gave
readings on Mother's Love. Mrs.. Gibson
gave the study book on ,a ' Korean girl's
experience as a 12 year old immigrant to
Vancouver, Canada -in 1955. A good
discussion followed on various ethnic
groups melding into our customs.
The scripture was read by Mrs. Charles
McDonald. Mrs. Harvey Webster played a
piano solo and closed with prayer. Mrs.
Vernon ;Hunter was the auctioneer for a
successful bake and hobby sale from which
a donation was made to Meals on Wheels.
La.inch and a social time was enjoyed.
Unit 4
Unit 4 of Lucknow United Church
Women met on Tuesday, May/7 with an
attendance of 22 .members and one visitor.
The committee in charge included Mrs.
Harold Greer, Mrs.. Phillip 'MacMillan,
Mrs. Jim Boyle and Margaret Black.
The theme for the program was Mother
and Family, with Mrs. Greer presiding and
opening With a poem. Mrs. 'Black read the
scripture and Mrs. MacMillan gave a
Mother's prayer.
Guest soloist was Mrs. ,Mary Lee of
Wingham,• who sang two very pleasing
numbers, He Touched Me and It Took a
Miracle. She was accompanied by Mrs:
Gordon Cayley on the piano.
Mrs. Jim Boyle gave a paper on What
Makes a Mother's Day.
Mrs. Bob Campbell presided for the
business. The roll call was answered with a
donation to the blanket fund.
Reports were given by treasurer, Mrs.
Ken Cameron; citiztenship, Mrs. Stuart
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