The Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-05-08, Page 4Page 4—Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 8, 1985 A Lucknow group home operating. for 15 years By Alan l>llvett Fred sits on a couch in the living room, .the television humming with the sound of Midday Magazine. ,Beside him lies Hector, a big brown tomcat, who is fast asleep. He's later joined by Joe, who sits down to enjoy the program. Bill takes up residence in his favorite. lawn chair at the front of the house while Jim takes his afternoon nap. All the elderly gentlemen live in a resid- ential home in Lucknow and are cared for by Betty O'Donnell. Betty has been running a group home for elderly men for the past '15 years. Two of the,four men, ranging in age from 60 to 78, have lived at her home since it started on September 15', ,1970. The fourth, Bill, took up residence in August of 1978. All of the men originally were residents of the Blue water Centre in Goderich. While working as a cook at the Pine - crest ' ine-crest' Nursing. Home in Lucknow, Mrs. O'Donnell heard there was a need for small group homes in. the community which would be subsidized and administrated by the Ontario Ministry of Health. "I said to my husband, "We 'have a couple of empty bedrooms, so why not try a• group home. Once I told them at the nursing home they/ came right over. I had. to meet certain expectations and had to get. .a licence for a residential home," she says. The "expectations" that were required was to provide a good home and meals as well as making sure the men keep active. Tories dumbfounded... from page 1 change. The organization in this riding did - as, well as we could." Mr. Peter said he wasn't sure how much Frank Miller's presence influenced the Snobelen campaign. "Mike made it clear he wasn't supporting all the government policies and that's the way it should be," he said. Another Election In 18 Months Grey -Bruce MP Dr. ,Gary Gurbin, who said Thursday's results would make things tougher for. the Tories in Ottawa, predicted another provincial election in 18 months. When asked if he would run again, Mr./ Snobelen said "you never know what I might do", adding that he would return to his position as chairman of the Bruce County Board of Education. Jim Bradley, a Snobelen backer who became a leading orator for the Tories here in the weeks leading to the election, told the crowd Mr. Snobelen would be back. "If any of you think Mike Snobelen is politically dead, you better get another idea in your head," said the Ashfield Township farmer. "Mike will be back and we'll rise again. ; Maybe people have spoken and we can take notice and pull up our socks." Mr. Bradley provided some humor at the Tory gathering Thursday night while being jokingly chided by PC Association presid- ent Barb Flsher for wearing a red/tie. Mrs. Fisher took the tie and then presented Mr. Bradley with a pair of red striped boxer shorts. "I was going to wear this tie to a liberal funeral this weekend but I guess there's nothing wrong with looking good in your own casket," joked Mr.., Bradley. NDP vote increases... from page 1 government on the riding and province, Mrs. Peterson said "a minority govern- ment tends to be more accountable• to the people". She said she didn't know how it would affect Mr. Elston's role at Queen's Park, saying she disagrees with a Tory theme that you have to sit on the goverment side of the Legislature to be an effective MLA. The Kincardine resident says she has an interest in running provincially again. Mrs. Peterson ran in last fall's federal election for the NDP in the Grey -Bruce riding, and she will seek a second term on town council in the municipal election this fall. Despite coming out third, Mrs. Peterson' _said she has learned a lot during the past month. "Even if, you lose, it's an educational experience. You meet so many people, you benefit personally from the experience." Lucknow news correction I wish to apologize /for my error in last week's news. Wilfred and Florence McQuillan celebrated their fiftieth wed- ding anniversary, not their 65th as stated in last week's paper. Enjoy luxury beachfront condominiums for rent at Marco Island on your FLORIDA vacation Located on 3% mile crescent beach, with panoramic view of the Gulf of Mexico, each 2 -bedroom apartment is magnificently fur- nished, fully equipped. Two tennis courts„1 swimming pool, poolside self-service bar facilities. Enjoy Marco's restaurants, unique shops, championship golf, nightly entertainment, water sports. a PHONE Toll -Free 1 -800 - SEA WINDS 4.5 BEACH RESORT 890 S. Collier Blvd. MARCO ISLAND, FLORIDA 33937 f. Please send information/rates 237-4155 NAME ,I In Florida I ADDRESS \....813-642-6262 Gay, STATE, ZIP �. ' b q r m J . Operating the nursing home has been a fairly enjoyable experience. The men have never been unkind or nasty or even moody, says Betty. She describes the men who live in her home as "people who have had a problem in their life and needed help''. They each have a certain household duty which they perform such 'as clearing the table or helping to sweep the floor. Each his a hobby which keeps them busy through the day. One resident, Joe, has been collecting multi -coloured stones since he arrived and has built a fence which surrounds most of the back yard without the use of mortar to hold stones in place. He says he's stopped FEATURE REPORT r building the structure because it's getting too high. He also enjoys mowing the lawn and going to the, library, as he is an avid reader of history and geography books. Bill, one of the more talkative residents, chats about everything from, tv's Jack W ebster ("he sure is a real Scotchman") to Don. Messer's Jubilee ("They sure don't make TV like that these days" ).. Turn to page 5 Betty O'Donnell has been running a residential home for the elderly for the past 15 years. Here, Mrs. O'Donnell 'stands with three of her four residents, Joe; Fred and Bill. The fourth resident, Jim, was napping at the time of the photo. (Photo by Alan Rivett) SELECTED BRANDS IMPORTED Quality Wallcoverings (6,(er /r / CANADIAN SA TINESQUE PeStaVER SUPPL ININ> QFiofeau update MULTIPLE CHOICE `y��•�« JAbf, SAVE 20 ES. Special discounts on all in stock wall coverings Prices in effect until May 15, 1985 CARPETING CUSIIIONFLOR AND LINOLEUM A 4,411, terra,' '., 1'"kl DMAPr.RIFS FINLAY DECORATORS WALL PAPFR ANC) C I PA'. "' p,,,,,,, ,;r )41.