The Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-04-17, Page 5Luclmow I Sentinel, Wednesday, April 17, 1985—Page 5
Birthdays celebrated in Whitechurch
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Emerson, Sharon
and Brenda of St.: Catharines spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emer-
son. •
Mr. and Mrs. Keet, Adrien, Francis,
Tena, Derek and baby Tereasa of Ingersol
visited Sunday with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Keet of the village.
• Mr. and Mrs. Steve Irwin and Cody of
Lucknow, aneMrs. Glover of Sarnia were
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
Milligan on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Falconer and Jackie
were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Alan Falconer, Tony, Tim and Amy.
Adrien, Francis, Tena and Derek Keet of
Ingersol were callers on Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Tiffin and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson.
Amy Falconer had a birthday party on
Sunday. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Steve
Irwin and Cody, Mr. and Mrs. 'Kevin
r•arconer and Jackie and grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Angus Falconer and Mr. and
Mrs. Wallace Milligan and Mrs. Glover.
Mrs. Gertrude Tiffin of Wingham held a
birthday party on Sunday evening for
Victor Emerson, celebrating his 92 birth-
day. Present, were ,• Mr.' and Mrs. Fred
Tiffin and Mr. and •Mrs. Bill Uuldriks.
Mrs. Dan Tiffin visited on Sunday with
Mr. - and Mrs, Bevin Tiffin, Dean and
McQuiilins celebrate 65th
by Valetta Emerson
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Emerson visited
Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Orland Irwin.
Mr° and Mrs. Carl McClenaghan spent
the weekend in London with Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Des Roches. While there they
called on Mr. and Mrs. Allan Maclntyre.
They went/ on to St. Thomas and visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Irwin McClenaghan and
helped celebrate birthdays.
Mrs. Dave Oberholtzer, . Jeffery and
Julie of Waterloo spent the weekend with
her mother, Mrs. Bill ,Rintoul.
George Gaunt of Woodstock visited on
Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Gaunt.
Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E.
W Beecroft were Ronald Beecroft; Shan-
non and Heather, Sharon Worth and
Stacey and Ken Sinnamon.
The 4-11 achievement night is Thursday;
April 18 in the Community Centre,
Teeswater. A bake sale is also being held
with .all beginning at 7.30 p.m.
Mrs. Mary Hackett was . in Deloraine,
Manitoba last week to attend the funeral of
relatives whose house . was completely
destroyed by fire and five people lost their;
Congratulations to Kim Letteau of
Teeswater and Mike McDonagh who were
married in Teeswater on Saturday.
Myrtle and Herb McQuillin's 65th wed-
ding anniversary was held at the Lrcknow
Legion on March 30. Between 300 and 400
people signed the 'guest book. Hundreds
of cards of congratulations` were received;
some of those were from Prime Minister
Brian Mulroney, MPP Murray Elston, MP
Murray Cardiff, Provincial liberal Leader
David Peterson and from the lieutenant
Governor, John . Aird. Paul P. Steckler
warden of the County of Huron, also gave
them each a pin with the Huron County
People attended the anniversary from
British Columbia, Jamestown, New York.
Betty ,(Miller) Hinschberger from KitcIeen-
er stayed' with Myrtle and Herb when She
worked in the bank. Herb said they had a
lot of girls stay with them when they went
to high school or worked and they paid a
dollar a week • from Sunday night until
Friday night. They also had a phone call
from Dick Turner from Cape Coral Island in
You Won't Be Hit By
Big Heavy Expenses
When You Sell
The Classified!
By Geraldine Schlosser
Florida. The Kountry Kats entertained to a
full house.
We are : sorry to hear that Mrs. Philip
Steer fell and broke her hip last Wednes-
day and is a patient at University Hospital,
A bridal shower was held on Sunday at
the Lucknow Legion for Debbie Hayes. A
few games were played and readings
given. A lovely lunch was served to about
forty guests. -
Dora and Omar Brooks returned home
on Monday after spending the winter
months in Florida.
Hugh and Diane Maclnnes spent two
weeks visiting with his mother and father,
Freda and Leonard Maclnnes. Also visiting
at their home is their son Mac and his wife
Anne and daughter Catherine.
Marilyn and Bill Meaden of London
spent Sunday with Marilyn's mother,
Annie Kilpatrick.
Turn to page 19
Whitechurch W .1.
Fifteen -ladies attended the pot luck
luncheon held in Whitechurch Community
Memorial Hall April 10 at 12 noon,
prepared by Mrs. Johnston Conn, Miss
Merle Wilson and Mrs. James Wilson.
,,The meeting followed with Mrs. John.
Currie presiding over the opening exer-
'Thank you cards were read from those
receiving. shutin boxes. The Sunshine and
Cheer committee gave a report. Reports
were received from standing -committee
conveners, Mrs. Tom Day, 'Mrs. John
Currie, Mrs. Don Ross, Mrs. R. Fisher,
Mrs. James Wilson and Mrs. William
Roll. callwas answered by payment of
fees. The report of the nominating com-
mitee was given by Mrs. Tom Day.. The
results were past president, Mrs. Agnes
Farrier; president, Mrs. John A. Currie;
vice-president, Mrs. George Fisher; sec-
retary -treasurer, Mrs. Agnes Farrier;
assistant secretary, Mrs. Alan Falconer;
public' relations officer, Mrs... Don Ross;
district director, Miss Merle Wilson; and
branch directors, Mrs. Elgin Johnston,
Mrs. Alan Falconer, Mrs. Fred Tiffin;
pianists, Mrs.- 'Don Ross and Mrs. Jean
Tiffin; program committee, Mrs. Don
The Man
To See Is
co ur ty
Ross, Mrs. Lome Dumin and Mrs. Agnes
Farrier; auditors, Mrs. Dave Gibb and
Mrs. Alan Falconer; sunshine and cheer,
Mrs. Bill Rintoul, Mrs.° John Gaunt and
Mrs. Fred Tiffin.
The nominating committee is Mrs. Tom
Day and Mrs. Victor Emerson. The curator
clippers are Mrs. Emerson and Miss Merle
Wilson. The delegate to cpnvention is Mrs.
Agnes Farrier. The officers were installed
by Mrs. Rena Fisher.
The district director's report was given
by Miss Merle Wilson who told of the
ladies coming from England to visit our
county for two weeks in September.
Plans were made for a June bus trip. It
was decided to have a dessert euchre
Monday April 29 at 1.30 p.m. The 4-H
achievement night is to be held in
Teeswater Thursday, April 18 at 7.30 p.m.
There will also be a bake sale.
The standing committee conveners are:
Agriculture and Canadian Industries, Mrs.
James Wilson; Citizenship and World
Affairs, Mrs. William Rintoul; Education
and Cultural/Affairs, Miss Merle Wilson;
Resolutions, Mrs. Dan Tiffin; Family and
Consumer Affairs, Mrs. Tom Day; Curator,
Mrs. John Currie; assistant curator, Mrs.
Alan Falconer and public relations, Mrs.
Don Ross..
-4 GOOD BUILDING LOTS, 2 close to downtown. CaII for particulars.
DUNGANNON, 4 bedroom brick,.Immaculete, attached garage, extra lot.
NEW LISTING, RIPLEY, 3. bedroom spilt level, 9 yrs. old, immaculate throughout, fire
place, paved drive, attached garage, shown by appointment only.
REDUCED, 2 bedroom, home, one level, new kitchen, corner lot, lower level has self
contained 1 bedroom apt.; ask to see this home, Ideal !retirement home.
NEW LISTING Lucknow Immaculate 3 bedroom home, kitchen, Ilvingrooni,
diningroom, family room, attached garage, as new.
RIPLEY, 3 bdr. aluminum siding, immaculately maintained on double lot. Asking 532,500.
LUCKNOW, 3 bedroom, 2 storey brick home, double garage, a well maintained older
home. Inquire for further particulars.
KINGSBRIDGE, hwy. 21; 5 bdr. home on acreage with recently constructed workshop.
KINLQUGH 4 bdr. home on approx. 2 acres, priced reduced.
CUSTOM BUILT 4 bdr. home hwy. location Lucknow area. For further particulars in-
80 SOW farrowing operation, above average 4 bedroom home with recent renovations,
a profitable business can be purchased lock stock and barrel.
/ NEW LISTING 179 acres West Wawanosh, 4 bedroom home with new addition, frame
barn, all seeded down, priced to sell, immediate possession.
97 ACRES Huron Twp., cash crop acreage well drained. -
DAIRY FARM can be purchased as an ongoing business with cows, quota; excellent
buildings, well drained land. Enquire for further .information.
WEST WAWANOSH 200 acres, brick home, beef -hog barn, pit upright silo, Imple-
ment shed, productive Harrlston loam soli.
240 ACRES ASHFIELD TWP. level productive cash crop soli, comfortable 3 bdr.
home, Implement shed. •
For further Information on these properties, please call
WARREN ZINN, 528-3710 ALVIN ROBB, 395-3174 TERRY ZINN, 529-7350
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April 26, 27, 28, 1985
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