The Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-04-17, Page 4Page 4—Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April. 17, 1985 Seniors, tenant families to get housing survey By Sharon Dietz A. survey to assess subsidized housing requirements in Lucknow will. be mailed to all seniors and tenant famili¢'s in the vil- lage. The purpose of the survey to be con- ducted by the Ontario. Housing Corporation is to determine whether a rent supplement program • is required in the village. Dave Cowan, regional housing . • analyst with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, met with . Licknow Village Council at the April •meeting to discuss the program' following a request by a local developer who indicated to council some of his tenants are being forced tomove out of town to. find cheaper accommodation they can afford. Cowan explained to council the survey. will determine whether people require rent geared to income housing in the case of seniors, whether the interest is . in rental housing to alleviate the responsibility of caring for a house. In this .example the senior can afford the rental accommodation but suitable rental accommodation is unav- ailable. ' Cowan said the survey would determine the need for rental accommodation in the village and whether. the ministry would recommend housing units be built in the village or present rental units would be taken over by the Ontario Housing Corpor- ation to be rented on a geared to income basis. "The ministry. does not li'ave programs to assist people in their own homes„” said Cowan, "but we may be able to provide housing for them." Lucknow clerk -treas- urer, Bertha. Whitcroft pointed out the Sepoy'Apaitments owned and operated by the Ontario Housing Corporation in the Village does not have a lengthy waiting list. Councillor Ab Murray, who chaired the meeting in the absence of Reeve George Joynt, said he knew of a recent example where a woman was unable to continue living in her own home and an apartment at the seniors' apartment building was available for almost immediately. ' Subsidized housing in the village could also be made available for single mothers, people on, welfare and others in need as well as seniors, said Murray who noted that presently the only subsidized housing available in Lucknoye is for senior citizens. We are obligated to look after our seniors but if you are making housing available there is more than just seniors requiring subsidized housing, •observed. councillor Herb Clark. "Gerrie Glenn (who owns the Glennhav- en Apartments. in Lucknow) probably has more trouble with tenant families than seniors (who must move because they cannot afford the rent)," observed clerk W hitcroft: ' "There, are people buying houses in town that should be condemned. People looking for cheap housing must live in these houses and (the houses deteriorate) Turn to page 15 Ashfield picks representative for Hydro committee By Alan Rivett Citizens from Ashfield Township who may be affected if Ontario Hydro decides to put power transmission lines through Huron County, met at Brookside Public School,to elect a representative to sit on the Foodland Hydro Committee. Ray Brown, an Ashfieldfarmer, was chosen to sit on the committee which was set up to keep corridors 'off prime farm land. Linda Culbert was chosen to be an alternate representative. Tony Mcguail, chairman of the foodland Hydro committee, said the Ashfield repres- entative's . function will be to bring concerns from Ashfield to the monthly committee meetings as well as making sure the discussion in •the meetings get back to Ashfield. Huron County planner Garry Davidson, also in attendance, said Hyrdo is consider- ing three other routes' through Huron county as well as the route from Bruce Nuclear Power Development (BNPD) to Essa near Barrie. The eastern route will take power from the BNPD through Seaforth and Exeter to London. The central route will run from BNPD through' W hite'church and east of Auburn to London. The western route will run from BNPD through the fifth and sixth ounces - Sion of Ashfield toward London. Mr.' Davidson says.the central route has already been ruled out from pre -evaluation studies which hydro has completed. He also saws there are a number of items to be considered when looking into the western and eastern routes as possible sites for a power corridor. In his discussions with. Hydro, Davidson says that building a, western route would mean sections of the line would have to cross the Maiti,nd and Bayfield Rivers resulting in ,extra costs. The eastern route disrupts more farm land as existing towers now on the fence lines would force Hydro. to locate the towers in the middle of fields, he says. The western route would disrupt less land as towers could be placed on the fence lines. Davidson says Hydro hopes to have a route study completed by mid June. This will, state the . best route . if . the power, corridor is to be buil' in Huron County. A RE -elect ELSTON A Vote For ELSTON IN HURON -BRUCE Is A Vote For.... EXPERIENCE P. ENTHUSIASM Ca' ENERGY CST EMPLOYMENT. Rt ENVIRONMENT Ca' EDUCATION 2' ELSTON /, ENERGY Two of the most important resources in Huron -Bruce are Energy and, Agriculture. A vote for Murray Elston is a vote for the development of the Bruce Energy Centre and its employment potential. A vote for Murray Elston is also a vote for long term affordable credit for farmers...an interest rate reduction, program to bring interest 'on the first 200 thousand dollars of existing debt down to eight percent...a six million dollar increase in tile loans up to 750/0 of the cost...a red meat stabilization program. A healthy agriculture means a healthy economy. , A vote for Murray Elston is a tote for progress and vitality in our two most important resources: Huron -Bruce NEEDS Murray Elston For election information call: WINGHAM 357-1964 or 357.3228 KINCARDINE 396-4453 PORT ELGIN 389.4224 or 389-4242 •Sponsored by The Provincial Huron -Bruce Liberal Association -Vern Inglis -Chief Financial Officer second study, to be completed by mid July, will state Hydra's preferred system. They will choose betgween the M3 line from Bruce to Essa or the Mi line from Bruce to London. ' At this point Hydro will know which arms will be affected by the, power lines and the owners will .be notified, says Davidson. Hydro will then allow 90 days for any objections and for a response from Ministry of the Environment.. Hearings over the proposed route could begin as early as the middle of November, says Davidson. A hearing board made up of a member of the ' Ontario ,Municipal Board and the Environmental Assessment Turn to page 15 f COUNCIL BRIEFS Road Tenders Road tenders for the Village of Iuclmow road program 1985 will be opened April 22. . Tenders will be received until 4.30 p.m. and the clerk is to arrange a 7 p. m. meeting for opening and awarding the tenders. Register Deed To Medical Centre The village solicitor George Brophy sent a letter to council saying the deed to the Lucknow Medical Centre has been regist- ered, transferring ownership of the centre from Lucknow to equal share among the municipalities of 'Ashfield, W est W awa- nosh, Kinloss and Lucknow. The clerk - treasurer, Bertha Whitcroft, told council she,, has received a copy of the Lucknow Medical Centre agreement signed by the reeves and clerks of the four'municipalities agreeing ' to share the capital' and main- tenance costs of the Lucknow .Medical Centre. W est Wawanosh Townshiphad refused to sign the cost sharing agreement until a copy of the deed indicating the four municipalities shared equally in the owner- ship, of the medical centre had been provided to their council. Special Policy Areas Herb Clark reported to council that the Bruce South Planning Department has decided to request that properties owned by Michael Snobelen, Treleaven's Feed Mill and Bob Lyons come under the control of the village and the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority in the village secondary plan for planning purposes, rather than going through the red tape to have the areas designated special policy areas in the secondary plan. Candidates meeting The Bruce County Federation of Agri- culture is sponsoring an all candidates meeting for Huron -Bruce and Grey -Bruce ridings. The meeting will be held Friday, April 1'6 at ' 8.30 p.fn. in the Chesley Community Centre. Candidates from Grey - Bruce are Ed Sargent, Liberal, Joanne Shaw, NDP, and Arlene Wright, PC. Candidates for Huron -Bruce are Murray Elston, Liberal, Norma Peterson, . NDP, and Mike Snobelen, PC.