The Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-04-03, Page 13Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 3, 1985—Page 13 Infant girl Ls baptized in grandmother's christening dress • On Sunday at Chalmers Presbyterian Church communion service was held with •- Rev. William Henderson of Lucknow in charge. Nicole Lee, daughter of Mr. and • Mrs. Barry Elliott, was christened in her great, great grandmother's dress which is over 120 years old on the Elliott side of the house. Karen Elliott and Brian Ross pined or thechurch. Present for dinner after4he christening • were Mr. and Mrs. David Elliott, London and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Elliott, Jeffery, ' Leslie and Matthew, Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Falconer and Mr. and • Mrs. Angus Falconer attended a shower on Sunday for Mike Montgomery and his bride. Brian Falconer , and friends, of . Sarnia visited on Sunday with Cassie Mowbray. Nina Olsen passed away recently in livOnia, Michigan. She was well known in this comrilimity which sends sympathy to • relatives and friends. This community was sorry to learn on Tuesday that Velina McAllister of. Tees- • water, the former Velma Stewart, had,, • passed away. She grew up on the side mad • north of Langside cemetery. She was, a friend to all and ever ready to help. The community extends sympathy to her NOTICE Village of Lucknow Regular Garbage Collection Good Friday April 5,1985 Bertha Whitcroft Oerk-Treastirer. Raise Your Own Flock Also ask for the price for °Roosters •Dekalb Pullets [Brown Eggs] 'Turkeys Orders must be placed by April 12th. Delivery date May 16th. Orders must be in quantities of 25. Lucknow District Co-op LUCKNOW 529-7953 husband Lome and family, to sister Mrs. Dave Moffat and Mr. Moffat and brother, Donald. and wife and family. • We are happy to report that Doris W ilkens returned home from W ingham hospital where she had been with a chest condition. . We are sorry to report that Mrs. Wesley Tiffin had the misfortune to break her ankle. She is wished a speedy • recovery from this comniunity. • • • This community extends 'sympathy t� Mrs. George Taylor • and family of Wingham on the sudden passing last week of George, with a stroke: • Simon de Boer and "Benjamin • were Thursday evening callerilin ,Mr. and Mrs.. Bili tildriks "alid Mr. and Mrs: Victor • Emerson. Mr. and Mrs. Dan McInnes Of Blyth 'were Saturday callers. on Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson. • - • Mr. and Mrs. Bill, Wilkens, • Kimberley and Robbie of Atwood were , callers on Sunday on his mother, Doris Wilkens. • The community was shocked to -learn, Sunday morning that Elmer Huffman of Lucan had passed away from a severe heart attack. This -community ,extends sincerest sympathy to his wife, Florence and •girls, Susan and Beverley. When Elmer • came home from the war he . bought Victor Enierson's• farm where he and his bride farmed for some' time. Later he sold the farm and moved to Lucan where they have lived ever since. He secured a permanent position at Westminster Hospital where he had steady work. • On Saturday evening Mr. and' Mrs, Carl McClenaghan attended a party at Teeswat- er for Sandra Howe. . Mr. and -Mrs. George Webster arrived 'horrie last week after a two week visit with their .daughter, Mrs. Don Vincent, • Mr. Vincent and family of Riverview, New Brunswick.. The community extends. a warm- Wel- come tothe new folks • residing in the former Alex Craig home. • It was learned on Wednesday that Mac Inglis of Ridgetown had passed away. Mac was well known here in this area where he grew to.yourig manhood and was the main thresher for the community. He had such a large route that it was hard to get completed before snow fall. The commun- ity extends sympathy to brother Tom of West Wawanosh, 'brother Rodney and family of Earkon and. John of B.C. and s' ter, Pauline and family of Whitechl.rch. WHITECHURCH by Valetta Emerson , Mr. and Mrs. Bill Purdon and Beatrice McQuillin spent a few days last week with Barbara Carey in Kitchener. Whitechurch W .M.S. The March meeting of Chalmers W .M.S was held on March 20 at the home of Mrs. Lamb with Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Lamb as leaders in tharge of the program. • The call to worship was on Easter. Mrs. • A. Falconer gave a reading, Sterling as Silver. Mrs. Rintoul led in prayer. The meditation was thoughts on the theme, The Cross of Calvary and the • Empty Tomb, was read jointly by Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Iamb. The offering was received and dedicated by Mrs. Archie on. • roll call, Name a Parable, was answe by eight. Mrs. introduced the guest speak- er, Mrs. bert Bregman of R. 3, Teeswater, Maitland !Presbyterial presid- Turn to page 20 Fashion Collection • 0 F Dresses Junior - Ratite - Missy Suits Petite- Regular Comonlinating Sportswear AWAIT YOUR VIEWING AT Corte's tableslilitar Lucknow 528-3533