The Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-04-03, Page 7J Classic Cooks The seventh meeting of the Kai rhea Classic Cooks was held on Friday, March 29 at the home of Joanne de Boer. Members discussed plans for Achieve- Ment Day which will 'be held at the Iuclmow Legion. They read over the program for Achievement Day and ..discus- sed advertising for the bake sale. (Save . your pennies folks, delicious goodies com- ing!). Following this discussion they judged each group member's baking. An experiment was conducted by three group members on egg whites. Everyone also had some of the cake and tea biscuits which they had judged. Stretch &Sew The fifth meeting of the Kingsbridge Stretch' and Sew Club was held at the home of Delores' Van Osch on March 26. All members present answered the mll call, show the sampleyou did of a suitable seam finish for your garment and describe it. The leaders then, showed the girls how to do a ribbing sample. Each member made a Jibbing . sample and displayed it in their books. Calf club The first meeting of the Dungannon 4-H Calf club for this season was held Sunday, . March 31 at the home, of Bob McNeil. Election of officers resulted .in' the following: president, Craig McNeil; vice- president, Darren Connelly;', secretary, Shannon McNeil; press reporter, I.acknow Sentinel, Andrew Glenn; Goderich Signal- , Star, _ Lisa Feagan; youth council, Darren Connelly, Craig McNeil and Greg Feagan. Meetings are to be held once each month with the next meeting the third Tuesday in May. Anyone .interested in joining the calf club can contact the leaders, Bob McNeil; Glen McNeil or Ross Eedy. Shoot party A successful Shoot Party was held in St. Helens Hall on Monday evening, March . 25. Eight tables were in play. High man was Bob Jefferson; second high man, John Andrew; high lady, Frances Murray; second high lady, Shirley Hackett; lucky card holder, John Lyons; most shoots, Michael Taylor. Next card party will be April 8. Bruce budget... from page 5. • The ,county library department which had asked for. a 9.9 per cent increase event- ually settled for th, four per cent increase offered by the county.' The budget for the year was set at $442,000. The library board has been seeking additional funding for the past several years in order to offset a decrease in provincial funding to county library systems. In a recorded vote, four of the 31 members of county council voted against the budget.' Alex Lamont of Saugeen township voted against the 'budget saying he was against the overall increase in taxies. "I think there'sother ways we could have cut' expenditures," he said. He questioned why some departments got a 61 per cent increase while others had. to settle for three or four per cent. He said the cuts in the budget "could have started right here with ourselves in general administration." - Lamont, •.who is also chairman: of the library board, said he had hoped to get more money for the 'county library system, but the library board can "live with the four per cent increase." In 1984 all the libraries in the county were forced to close for one week in order to cut costs. • Another councillor, Dirk Botrna of Chesley, voted against the budget saying "something's wrong somewhere." He said Chesley tried to keep its budget down to a four or five per cent increase. 0 Luclmow Sentinel, Wednesday, April, 3. 1985—Page 7 l®/ Ontario , ELECTION PROD TION Of which all persons are asked to take notice and to govern themselves accordingly. In obedience to Her Majesty's writs of election, directed by me to the Returning O cer in each electoral district, for the purpose of electing persons to represent the voters in' the Legislative Assembly of Ontario; public notice is hereby given cf the following in each electoral district. REVISION Eligible electors (voters), missed during the current enumeration, who wish to have their names added to the 'preliminary voters: list, must contact their Returning Officer and, ask about the procedure before the` list is finalized. The Phone Number of the. Returning Officer for. your Electoral District is available from Directory Assistance. THE OFFICIAL NOMINATION OF CANDIDATES CLOSES in the Returning Office of each Electoral District, Thursday, April 18th, 2 p.m. I/ ADVANCE .POLLS THURSDAY, SATURDAY, MONDAY, APRIL 25th, 27th and 29th VOTING HOURS 11 a.m. until 8 p.m. r THURSDAY, MAY 2nd,1985 ELECTION DAY, VOtING HOURS 9 a.m. until 8 p.m. * ONE HOUR EARLIER IN THE ELECTORAL DISTRICTS OF KENORA AND RAINY RIVER ELECTION RESULTS At a time to be posted locally, the official tabufation'of results will be made by the Returning Officers, in their'offices, uing the statements from each polling place. GOD • SAVE -TH-E QUEEN Giu1en under, my hand, at Toronto. Ontario Warren R. Bailie, CHIEF ELECTION OFFICER Elections Ontario P2/$3 KEEPING YOU INFORMED Published by the Office of the Chief Election Officer of Ontario .l 1,,