The Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-03-27, Page 10Iacknow Sentinel, Wednesday, March 27, 1985—Page 10 Mrs. Eckenswiller attends aunt Nellie's birthday party Mrs. Weir Eckenswiller attended a birthday party on Saturday at the home of her sister, Annie Scott for their aunt, Nellie McKinnon. A welcome is extended to Mr. and Mrs. I. Spanwick and family to the village. They have moved to the home. where Mrs. G. Walsh lived. M. . and Mrs. Fred Page were dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. John Siecker at St. Helens on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Hedley of Walkerton visited on Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hedley, Karen and Garry. Mr. and Mrs. Midford .Wall and Edna and May Boyle visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott at Ripley. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson were dinner guests with Mrs. George Graham at Luckpow last Sunday. Pastor and Mrs. M. Christensen return- ed home from their holiday at Mississippi. Mrs. Frank Maulden accompanied the. Bruce South District Women's. Institute president, Mrs: William MacPherson on her visit to the Whitechurch W omen's Institutemeeting held at the home of Mrs. Russell McGuire. Dungannon institute dessert euchre There were 13 tables at the Dungannon Women's Institute dessert euchre. High pink card was Eileen Curran, high white card, Doris Fielder; . second high pink card, Florence Reid; second high white .card, Hazel Smith; most lone hands, Esther Dennis: Special draws were won by Pat Thomp- son, Bill Errington, Ruby McWhinney and Belle Mole. . Anniversary was won by Jean Plaetzer and Birthday by Mrs. Shetler. 4-H REPORT Stretch & Sew The fourth meeting of the Kingsbridge Stretch and Sew Club was held at the home Of Janet -Card. Each girl gave their answer for the roll call which was, Tell something you learned in meeting three about altering your pattern. They continued with sewing samples for their books, some of/ the other girls worked on their articles for their project Actioneers By Wendy Miltenburg The Port Albert Actioneers held their se- cond meeting on February 25th, at Jean McWhinney's at 7:00 p.rh. Roll call .which was to bring 3 garments from home and tell their fibre content; knit, and care instructions, was said. Each member chose a partner to help take their measurements and find out what pattern size they took. Topics discussed were how to take body measurements, determining your pattern size, choosing your pattern, fabric, and fabric preparation. Parts of a sewing machine were shown, also members were allowed to participate in some sewing. Dungannon UCW ladies: are busy quilting Donnybrook U.C.W. rust at the home of Ruth Hardy on Tuesday, March 12 with seven members present. The theme of the meeting was "Encourag- ing Individuality". Killeen Jefferson opened the meeting with the meditation, followed with two poems, Mardr, and How to be Happy . The dosing thought, Me, was followed by the business. More quilts are to be quilted on Monday and the dinner coming up in April was discussed. Lunch was served with Lois Chamney and Margaret Hildebrand assisting the hostess and a social time was enjoyed. 1 ' W innifred Percy is spending .time .with her friend, Pearl Scott in • London,,, who is recovering from surgery. We send our get well wishes. Mrs: Clarence Cerson of Bervie visited here on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Breckles and ,with Edna and .May Boyle. Kinlough A.C.W The Anglican ,Church Women met on •Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. I David Haldenby with 13 • ladies and four children present.' The president, Mrs. Delbert Hedley extended a welcome to all and also, read a story contributed by a ••former member, •Thelma Green, bringing out the thought of Spring, the new birth . and the Easter • resurrection. Agnes Hodgins read Bless Us' One Viand All. These articles- were deeply appreciated;.., Reverend Merelyn Letson then conduct- ed a Bible Study on various events in the Lord's - life, preceeding ' Easter. Bible portions were read in • keeping with the study on the wernan of Samaria, Martha, Mary and Lazarus and Mary's annointing KINLOUGH by May Boyle of the Lord with precious ointment before his crucifixion. The roll call was answered, with a woman of the Bible and tell something about her. The secretary treasurer, Kay Thacker read the minutes and communications which included invitations to two Easter Thankofferings by Kinloss and Bervie United Church Women, and a thank you note from Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lougheed for a money gift . towards the parish youth group. It was decided the April meeting would be held later in the month and take the form of a spring cleaning bee, in prepara- tion .for the confirmation service which will be on April 28. Kay Thacker invited the ladies to her home for the May meeting at which time Janet Goldspink will speak. Prayers were offered in unison and Agnes Hodgins gave a suitable reading to close the meeting.- Kinlough W .M .S. The Presbyterian W.M.S. met at Mrs. Frank Maulden's home on Wednesday afternoon with the president Mrs. Don Bushell opening the meeting with a poem, The Rosary of Life. Mrs. Glen Haldenby led the devotions, reading scriptures on faith and - naming Bible folks who lived by faith. She read a poem and ended with prayer. Mrs. Don Reid read the minutes and invitations to Kinloss and, Bervie Easter Thankoffering meetings. Plans for a eon- gregational pot luck supper in April were made. The regular offering . and the adopted daughter offering were received. Mrs. Tom McDonald presided for the study and they tried a Korean song. Nina gave the history of the Korean people and their culture. They are still oppressed. They have many religions, but christianity, Budism and Confuscianism are the most popular. • They divided into two groups for discussion and a quiz and poem by Nina on What is Faith? Art, music, dance, drama and folk tales were the ways they used to celebrate 100 years of their faith. Dry Spreader •4 & 6 Ton Uinta -Urea or Ammonium Nitrate •Can Add Red Clover To All Mixes Lucknow District Co-operative LUCKNOW - 5194953