The Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-03-20, Page 6618a - The Farm Edition, Week of Mardi 20, 1985 !teal Estate Ltd. Reattor 120 Jackson St., Neil Kirstine Tony Schonstrom John Schonstrom BilIZettel OFFICE 881-2551 Walkerton 366-2320 364-1905 881-2606 881-2906 WE CAN MEET YOUR. NEEDS If You Are Thinking of BUYING or SELLING Call Our Office or One Of The Above Agents Specializing in: AGRICULTURAL, RESIDENTIAL & RECREATIONAL Multiple Listing Service I 11 411 1/11jR4 - 'il":41441611 Olo Q900 cam- Bowap-- • PRIME -COATING FOR Agricultural Buildings *STOPS RUST *NEUTRALIZES RUST Adds 10 years to life of steel buildings Paint can be applied over this product at a later date with no priming OTHER SERVICES • Home insulation *Sandblasting •Air Hammering •Airlegs Spray Painting *Metal Roof Coating W. Adamson LUCKNOW CONTRACTING LIMITED 528-2113 Selecting alfalfa variety ... from page 8a ering stage three to four days latei than Flemish varieties and are less responsive to temperature, causing a Slower regrowth. Despite these characteristics that limit yearly forage yields, they are beneficial in maintain- ing stand longevity. Medium maturities go into fall dormancy sooner in September than early varieties, switching from top growth .produciion to storing food reserves in the root. The lower crown placement of these varieties provides better protection from freezing winter temp- eratures. Growers generally can expect 'medium maturity varieties to give three to four years of high quality forage production. Although definite genetic differences exist between early and 'medium maturity alfalfas, growers shouldn't overlook the importance of intensively managing eadi one, stresses Sagriff. Without proper harvest schedules, timeliness of cutting, fertilization, (especially potash), ,and adherance to critical fall harvest dates, the characteristic difference will have little effect on the productivity of forage programs. What does the creditor expect? from page 16a Commercial cattle: 300 charolais ari.ssed yearling heifers; medium quality, weighing 750 lbs., market date September 85 at 80 cents per lb. - 200,000; present value 300 x 750 x 82 cents - 184,500. - The banks are asking in some cases for 'Verification of numbers and value on conunercial livestock farms. This Means paying • someone to • Certify that they have •counted a given number of each type and size of livestock on your farm as well as a value thereon. This could be costly. Until youare asked for such a verification would it not be More revealing 'to include the above detail rather • than just saying "livestock - $184,500"? The banker would then know why your livestock were worth more or less per animal or pound than normal and when you expect each group ready for market. With this kind of information, the creditor can then help a farmer plant and schedule repayment dates' .and borrowinglimits. Buildings They should each be described as to dimension, construction material inside and out, age, condition and useful life. They should be thoroughly described as to stabling, if relevant, as well as the age, condition, etc. of all equipment attached to the buildings, i.e. gutter cleaners and venti- lation equipment. Pictures of. the inside 'and outside attached to the description would be big a Big "asset" to any presentation. Kew estate firms have cameras with wide angle lenses that take excellent pictures of the inside of buildings. Farmers good weed control doesn't COST i When it comes to making decisions on crop c --,rays what product?; tank mixes?, crop injury, iming, etc.?? it PAYS to deal with someone who SPECIALIZES in the business. • Aart 411 Greta De Vo RR 1 Bluevalle, Ontario • 335-3093 More than the "PRICE IS RIGHT" at AGRE FARMS Certified by CACA • Machinery. ,The name, make, model and even year of machinery or equipment can have widely different values due to use, abuse, age, repairs and options. Again, in order to justify . the value you have given an asset, some description should be provided along with a word or two on useful life or adequacy for - your future operation. With such a descrip- tion the creditor can at least intelligently talk to the local machinery dealer rather, than just slashing your value because it is above anything he has seen lately for the samernake and modet Again; if you aye a ,camera buff, ,pictures of your major pieces of -equipment may add .the finishing touches' to your credit application. The business person must justify values. Each item of equipment and machinery should include the make, model, age and condition, i.6.1 John Deere 4430, 135 H.P. bought in 19--, completely rebuilt motor including cam shaft at 4,400 hours, present hours 4,670, /new deep tread Firestone rear tires this spring costing $2,500, duals and extra fuel tank and cab, excellent shape and • quite adequate for 5 years. The detail demanded by creditors in the future for a line of credit will startle many a • farmer. ,HoWever, we as farmers are not as good customers as we used to be. land inflation in the recent past covered up many a mistake of both the farmer and the creditor. Falling land values Coupled with low net 'farm incomes and harassment of creditors by farm groups have all contributed to the need to •improve our presentation. • turn to page 19a STARLINE Star-trac Ring Drive Silo Unloaders Roller Mills and Rotaspreaders Conveyors And Feeders JM Equipment Market Wagons PAT' Silo Unloaders Stable Cleaners Conveyors And Feeders PARTS AND SERVICE FOR - Bauman Mfg. Co. Chain and Hog Pens Beatty Parts Brims Feed Carts ' Belt Lacing Belts and Bearings GILCHRIST FARM SUPPLY R R. 5, LUCKNOW ONTARIO NOG. 2110 519-395-2851