The Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-02-06, Page 9Three "tweenles" were invested as Brownies when the 1st Kingsbridge Brownie Pack held a candlelight investiture ceremony January 31. From the left, gathered around the toad stool, , are Karen Hodges, Nicole Sberratt and Amy Jo Glenn. [Photo by Sharon Dietz] Lucknow Sendnel, Wednesday, February 6, 1985—Page 9 ssifieiI 528-2822 LUCKNOW DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE OPEN DATES AVAILABLE FRIDAY February 8, 15, 22 March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 SATURDAY February 2, 9, March 18, 30 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16 , Lions Family Night SATIIRDAY, FEBRUARY 23 Bernard O'Neil CALL THIS NUMBER BETWEEN 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. ONLY • 528.3532 Don't miss our. 2 for 1 sale February 13 and 20 • Phone 357-1* Cf KEEP YOUR MONEY! ' Of course you want to keep.moreof the money you work hard for. And you could—it you let H &R Block prepare your tax return. As a matter of fact. in a recent Survey, 2 out. of 3 H&R Block customers who got refunds believed they got bigger refunds than if they did theirown taxes. H &R Block helps you get every possible deduction, exemption and credit you're entitled to, Call your nea0- • est H&R Block office today. We could help • you keep more of yOutthard-earned money. PaYS to be prfp,red by •H&R BLOCK • THE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS 5t3 Campbell St., 328 Josephine St LUCKNOW Phone WINGHAM. Phone • 528-2338 • , 357-3006 Open 9-6 Wed -Fro • Open • 9 a.m -6 pm Weelcdays • 9 a m •1 p m Saturdays • Appointments Available • •TililliTHE PLAYING Mal for 24 hour movie information He has traveled from a gataxy.farbeyorhri our own. • He fs100,000 years ahead of us. • He has pdweis we.,ainnotcotritirchend. • d he i6. aboutto face theone force in thexiniverse he has yet to conquer:: •; •- Five "tenderfoots" Wereinvested as Guides when the .1st Kingsbridge Guide. Company held an investiture ceremony January 31. Fromthe left are Jodi Weaver,Amy Olson,Jennifer Tigert, Tammy Hogan and Lori Nicholson. • • • [hoto by Sharon Dietz] Attnd Presbyterial meeting W.M.S. ladies from here attended 'the Presbyterial meeting at the Wingham Presbyterian Church on Monday, January 28. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. • Clare Sparling and family of Walkerton in • the death of his mother. The funeral was on ,Wednesday • at the Tanner and Pearson /Funeral Chapel, Walkerton. • Roy and Bill Shaw of Stayner visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burt. , • Archie Bonnett of concession 10 • underwent surgery at' Victoria Hospital, London and is making favourable progress. Mr. and Mrs. Don Peterbaugh of Ripley and Bob .and Lloyd Bcinnett from here visited with their father at the hospital. Mrs.. Kurt Nielsen and Matthew of Peterborough spent, a few days with her KINLOUGH by May Boyle parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Bushell, • Mr. and Mrs. Rob Jamieson and family. of St. 'Jacobs visited with Mr. and Mrs. ; Ken MacDonald and family here. • • Mrs, Jim Bailey and children of Wing- • ham •visited with Mr. and Mrs. Tom McDonald. • Mr. and Mrs. Leonard. Stanley, Cathy , • and Terry were dinner guests on Sunday • with Marretta tiodgins in Lucknow. • Jim Stevens of Listowel visited with Mr. • and Mrs, Bill MacPherson of HOlyrood for • a few days. • • . 1• ,, • FRIDAY TO THURSDAY FEBRUARY 8th TO 14th • SHOW TIMES FRIDAY & SATURDAY 700 AND 9:00 P.M. SUNDAY TO THURSDAY at 8:00 P.M. ONLY *** COMING SOON *** BEVERLEY HILL COP - WATCH FOR • Pinecrest residents enjoy Western Day The residents at Pinecrest Manor Nurs- ing Home have enjoyed a variety of enter- tainment during the month of January. Allan Miller entertained on Western Day which was organized by the residents council. The Staff wore jeans and western shirts and exchanged their nursing caps for cowboy hats, Alian often entertains on special days for the residents. The residents' council served the staff pancakes and sausages this month, and was pleased to see the good, turnout for the council's monthly meeting; The residents' council acts on behalf of the residents and meets' on a monthly basis to discuss any problems and plan upcoming attivities. The ladies of the Lucknow Christian Reformed Church conducted their monthly bingo game with the residents and the Kinettes and Pathfinders mune for their • monthly visit. Members of the Pentecostal Church braved the stormy weather to lead a hymn sing and prayer and Rev. Warren McDoug- all of Lucknow United -Church served com- • munion to the residents. Birthdays this month were celebrated by • Bessie Steele, Annie MacKinnon, Sadie Johnston, Violet Coiling, Mabel Campbell, Ab Nethery and Clara Cleghorn. The residents wish to extend sympathy to the family ofJoe MacMillan, who will be dearly missed. They also want to welcome Bob Reid to their home. ADULT • 11 ACCOMPANIMENT $UUAI 011ittlINO0 theeittos Branch Ontar110 SWIA111041O Thenttes 'remit Ont. • •• • • it • PLAYING TILL THURS. Wed. & Thurs. 8 p.m. • • STARTS FRIDAY • • • • • Fri. & Sat. • 7 & 9 p.m. • Sun.-Thurs. 8 p.rn. • • • Remember: $2" 4: • TUESDAY, ratotentomo saws 114tetres Drench Ontario • • -0$P40.#0:0000~;i6M666100' • • • • It : I p41.1 . • • 6 II i••••• • reiito • • •••• • • • • • • aresao. 1 Horror • Thetetruto Stanch Ont. • • • • • 1 • •