The Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-01-09, Page 9i - Lpcknow Sentinel, Wedneiday; January 9, 1985—Pane 9 Students come home for Christmas holidai *from page 5 Friday at I-Ijnover Hospital after a linger- ing illness. His mother, Gertrude Waslh, 'was a former resident of our village. Friends and relatives from here attended the funeral service at the MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Chapel on Sunday after- noon 'at Kincardine. . Mr. and Mrs. Don Bertrand and family of :Simcoe enjoyed holidays here with Winnifred, Bill and Brian Percy. Cathy Gillespie of . London, LeAnne' Haldenby of Western University, London and Eric Haldenby of Agriculture College, Ridgetown are enjoying the holiday at their respective homes. Members of the Ripley and District Lions Club called on senior citizens in our village on Saturday with seasons greetings and a nice Christmas cake for each home. This kind gesture is deeply appreciated. Mr. and ' Mrs. Bill Burt attended the Boder -Rowe wedding at Hanover on Saturday. Terry Burt was an usher. Mr. and Mrs. Wally Waechter and family.. of Formosa spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. .Fred Guest. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson had all of their 'family : with "them for Christmas.. Mrs. Allan Rhody and her, son, Matt and his chum, Charles Murray, had a scarey experience on Thursday while driving the family truck. Enroute home they struck an icy patch and the truck landed on its side. Fortunately node of the trio were injured. This is not the first accident on concession 10 in almost the, same area. Mr. and Mrs. Don Gillespie 'went to Orangeville on Saturday as they were . guests/at the Nicholson- Maloney wedding at the United Church there. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Nichol- ' son. Institute holds world affairs meeting The •World Affairs meeting of the Dun- gannon Women's Institute was held January 3 in the Dungannon United Church basement. President Ila Crozier welcomed six visitors and thirteen mem- bers and read a poem, A New Year • Meditation. The roll call was, A foreign country I'd like to Visit and why. Peg Purdon introduced guest Ruth Thompson of Lucknow who 'showed slides of her visit to Sierra Leone, Africa, where her sister was teaching at the time with the CUSO prograM. Sierra Leone has a strong English influence with the people there, which shows in the construction of their homes and official buildings. Houses are walled with "high fences to prevent thievery. There is no rain from November to May. Rainy -season is May to November." Bamboo scaffolding is lashed together to do construction work as high as 10 stories. A box like iron with hot charcoal inside is used for ironing clothes. Being near the equator, there are no sunsets like ours, but a 10 minute phase from daylight to total darkness. The slides and story with them were enjoyed by everyone. Myrtle Kerr thanked Ruth with an envelope. The minutes were read by secretary; Alma Black, followed by the correspond- ence. It was decided to give a donation to UNESCO - water for all. Ila announced the February meeting will be in the Dungan- non Church, and members are to bring a friend or pay a fine. Pennies for Friendship were collected. Ila thanked Olive Chisholm for hosting the meeting and the meeting closed with the singing of 0 Canada with Roberta Linskill at the piano. JANUARY 8 Elvis Presley was born in 1935, singing his first note. With practice, he really improved. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thompson and Heidi of Pinkerton, Rob Thompson of Fordwich and Mr. and Mrs. Ken MacDon- ald and family visited during the week with Mr. and Mrs. Tom McDonald here. Christmas Day dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ron. Gillespie and Davide were Mr. and Mrs. Doug Drennan and Mrs. Drennan Sr. of Kincardine; Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Drennan of Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. ' Orval Wilson, concession 14; Ron Wilson and Jackie McKinnon of Kincardine; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Page, Andrew, Karen and Matthew, concession 10 and Mr. and Mrs. Don Gillespie and Cathy. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lane and Blaine spent Christmas with Mrs. Frank Maulden and Keith. Mr. and Mrs. Ken MacDonald, Carl, Lisa and Heather went to Kitchener and enjoyed Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Yeandle. Ladies from here /attended the troussea tea on Saturday afternoon at Lucknow for Anne Hamilton, bride of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Tom McDonald of here and her sister, Mrs. Fred Bloomfield of Paisley had Christmas at Brucelea Haven, Walkerton with their father, Joseph Guest. Mr. and Mrs. Ken MacDonald and family of Kincardine and Mr. and 'Mrs. Eric Thacker, Tara, Lucas and Alicia . had Christmas dinner on Sunday with Mrs. Ronald Thacker, South Line. Mr. and Mrs. Millan Rhody, Matt, Brad, ' Dawne and Elaine had Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rhody and Boxing Day with Debbie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Saunders. Christmas visitors with Edna and May Boyle were Pearl Lloyd of London; Mr. and Mrs. John Scott and Elizabeth Fair of Ripley; Mary MacDonald of Lucknow and LUCKNOW DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE OPEN DATES AVAILABLE FRIDAY January 11, _18 February 1, 8, 15, 22 SATURDAY January 12• February 2, 9, 23 SATURDAY, JANUARY 19 Robbie Burne Night FRIDAY, JANUARY 25 Lucknow Co-op SATURDAY, JANUARY 26 Ken Hamilton and Jennifer Snow CALL THIS NUMBER BETWEEN 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. ONLY 521-3532 1,200. ZONE 3 NORTH LIONS Rpdio Bingo RADIO CKNX - WINGHAM Numbers drawn at 12.29 p.m. �` MONDAY TO FRIDAY CAMS: $2.00 EACH OR 3 FOR $5.00 AVAILABLE AT LUCKNOW AND AREA MERCHANTS Fieueeyde To Community Servlcc* i KINLOUGH - by May Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Lloyd of London called in evening. Mr and /Mrs. Leonard Stanley and family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Tony Bedford and family at Mississauga. Mr. and Mrs. ;Stephen Carter and Aaron of Orangeville visited with Mr. and. Mrs. Tom McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. John 'MacDonald took their infant daughter ' to Owen Sound hospital and they are staying with Brenda's. mother, Mrs. Hewitson, to be close to the hospital. • ' Archie Bonnett is a patient in Kincardine and District Hospital. We send get well wishes. Dr. and Mrs. Donald Hodgins, David, Janine and Michael of Ripley; Tony Lovsin of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. John Hodgins of Westford spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hodgins here. Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Don Bushell were Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Nielson and, Matthew of Peterborough; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Morningstar and Lindsay of Port Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. Brian Thompson, Brett and Allyson of Kincardine Township; Mr: and Mrs. Bruce Bushell and Rachel of here and Brenda (Bushell) Gibson of Japan. Mrs. Frank Maulden and Keith spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh. Lane. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Bill MacPher- son, Holyrood over the Christmas holiday were Mr: and Mrs. Dean Wilson, Stoney Creek. October. wedding , Graham - Synies A quiet wedding ceremony united in marriage Lorene (Lori) .Gwendolyn Symes and Robert William Graham of Hanover, on. Friday, October 12, 1984 at Walkerton. The bride is the daughter of Robert Symes of Lucknow and Gwen Symes of London. The groom is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Graham of, Williamsford, Ontario. Arlene '.DeCosta of .Shelburne, / sister of the groom, was maid of honour. Hans Anderson of Shelburne, friend of the groom, was best man. A reception was held in the couple's honour at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Symes of Goderich, on Saturday, October 13. Guests attending were from C'ampbellford, Peterborough, Toronto, Tecumseh,. Lucknow, London, Clinton and Shelburne. The newlyVveds are residing in Hanover. " Phone 357-1630 for 24 hour movie information Organized crime has never been this disorganized! et ADULT ACCOMPANIMENT rrr••w,•mwu • • • • • • • PLAYING FROM FRIDAY TO THURSDAY, JANUARY 11TH to 17TH SHOWTI MIES FRIDAY AND_ SATURDAY at 7:00 and 9:00 P.M. SUNDAY TO THURSDAY at 8:00 P.M. ONLY MICHAEL KEA1ON 10E PISCOPO MARILU `HENNER PETER BOYLE GRIFFIN DUNNE OM DELUISE RICHARD DIMITRI MAUREEN STAPLETON GLYNNIS O'CONNOR DICK BUTKUS DANNY DEVITO •. • • • • .• • •, • • • 0 •0 0 • • • e • • 1 • • • • • STARTS FRIDAY CUNT EAOOD') BURT FON • GOINON N • 324.7811 • • Playing till • Thursday • Wed.-Thurs. 8:00 p.m. e •••••••••••••••: • SHOWING Sun. thru e • Thurs. e 8:00 pm Fri. & Sat. • • 7 pm & 9 pm TUES. • • $2.00 e • • CUNT EISTWOOD BURP REYNOLDS • "Cru MEAT" .w r• -; JANE ALEXANDER IRENE CARA RIP TORN RICHARD ROUNDTREE NIGHT • • TONY L0%IANCO MADELINE KAHN ; . o .n,,v ~+ • • lm. r. 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