The Signal, 1931-10-1, Page 7TRX SiGNAL
nansobse. somas at all MUM
gay se sight
PHONES: Store 120 Ems. 217
1111rWlhaillitt ••••
AU calla- "promptly attended to
day or night
Store 335 Residence 355w
Hamilton Street, Ooderich
Ladies' Roe kW Ilse wItli
Cuban Melo fee MN pr.
Wigs' dee kid gores 'Atli
Cuban beds fee UM pr
Os Ladies' else kid strap with
Cubes beets for
MI6 aed PM pr.
Ladies' patent strap with
Spanish heels fer 8213 pr.
-The Quality Is Geed -
nose 43w.
for Cement and
Gravel Contracts
Excellent Cement Forms and
Geed Gravel Cradles Madan
4,,— IN ritc, Tek-phanaaisife
Clinton 600r33.
R. R. No. 1, Goderich.
Residence at Porter's MM
iCounty and District
Charles 13. McDonald, a well-knowu
etired bumbles' man of Toronto, who
led recently In that city, was a native
f Hayfield.
The death of Timothy S. Cents, of
iva,pt the age of atzty.ege years,
Sid a lifelong residdilesdee---the
seed sway September 16th at her
tome on the Blue Water Highway.
he was in her fifty-eighth year.
Roes, the three-year-old *on of Mr.
nd Mos. Reg. Knight, trt the London
Dad north of Exeter. had his leg
woken while playing in the yard with
ils brother tine day laid week.
Bruseels ha* a tine. new rink which
as been erected by the F.astern Steel
roducts Co. of Prewton. It is 76 x 170
nd will have au lee space for skating
7 x 155 and a strip 14 x 155 for curi-
The barn on the farm of Cleorge
Turner. 1st conceaalon of Ore!. WIN
destroyed by Are Tuesday afternoon
d lain week. Threshing was In prog-
with the barn.
Dr. r. H. Larkin. who was critically
ill- la tkie-sileaforth hoopital for several
weeks: wait entliciently recovered lee
week to he 10 leave with Mrs.
Larkin and their son. Fred Ierkin. for
the latter's home at Windnor I united in marriage to Burton 0. Mac -
Exeter fall fair laid week was one itonald. only son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H.
of the moat Rums...tarot ever held In that Macdonald of Brum-elm. The eeremony
village. Exhibita were numerous and wail performed Ivy Rev. Mr. Chapman.
of exeeflent mutiny. and a good pro- Mr. and Mrs. Macdonald will reside
chute jnmp. kept the large crowd In- ilinivell biouralwe Pfaar7 I41 'APBs
of age. He war a railway mall clerk
ou the Toronto division for luaus
The marriage of Edna U., daughter
of Mr. •nd Mre. Harmon 0111 of Grand
Rend, to Harold NO11111111. won of the
late Thome* J. Noonan of London. waa
poirsautood at the Lambeth United
Villitili_plirso-milOcediteeday a-
vec*. Rev. llie-FfirrtilIlug 661clittIng.
Mr. and Mrs. Noonan will reside •t
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. William
September 23rd, their ditoghter, Joan
Isabella, was united in marriage to
Robert Kenneth Ross. also of Lucknow.
Rev. R. Ir. Irwin, • former minister in
Lueknow, was the officiating clergy-
man. Mr. and Mra. Ross will reside
In Lucknow.
The marriage of Sara Margaret.
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Bremner of Barrie. to Dr. Harold Rob -
Immo of Walkerton. moo of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Robinson of Emit Wawanowh„
took place at Barrie. Atter a motor
trip through Quebec Dr, tied Mrs;
Robinson will make their home in
At the United elitimh parsonage.
on Thursday hint Sadie J..
eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thom-
as Pierce of Morrie townetvip. was
The people of Wroxeter learned with 1h.er1"11. "" 1" farm."4"4-41rirariall
regret of the death of Mrs. W. M. Roh. formerly owned hr 3. E. Harnwell. on
Bison. mother of Mrs. .1. R. Wendt of September 17th. The eontenta. 'acted-
Wrteceter. who dies, resently at the tutleile oesontfo erne. a babe beet sad
home of her 10h Arthur SaflkatOon. some ebb -keno. also were deo/Toyed., They singed hiln with N great gas toreh and V11.1111141 behind lois (-Hrs.
The "mat". were brortght wrox44.6.r _11._t_lira r One. as Mr. Bre- His mother even could not do tlie Job as well as they did theirs.
Thursday, October 1st, 1931-T
whit, love been visiting here, returned
with Mr. Barker on Friday, while
Misses Tena and Ellen ars staying for
a holiday.
Mrs. Allan Turner and son Richard
Luckeow were Ostlers at the home
of Mr. aud Mr*. Maloolui Roes recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Latillaw and
Luella and Miss Ellen Henderson spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Stewart of Kinker.
Mr. Melville Beecroft left last week
to resume lila studiem at Western Cul -
leaver this Tuewday ter another rent
water were visitors on Sunday at the
home of Ids sister, Mrs. Orval Tien.
Dr. and Mrs. Holston and son Ar-
thur of Toronto and him aister, Mrs.
Walter McBrien of Toronto. spent
Saturday with their sister. Mrs. J. B.
Morrbson, and also visited with friends
in Clinton.
Rally Day was observed in the
United church here on Sunday •od tlos
regular rally service WW1 rarrled out.
the Sunday school coming up together
Into the chuteh and taking the servire.
Mr. sold Mrs. Jos. Boyle. Mary and
Johu *pent Sunday at the home of Mr.
and •Mrs. Michael Cumming, whose
[biotic church at St- Augustine In the
Mrs. •101111 Martin. Willi has been in
Torouto tor SOW tittle. is visiting at
the home of her brother. Mr. Welling-
ton Dow.
1118 ROLE
"I hear that you ailed in this hist
aml reepecto her husband, hut still
always has a feeling she might have
done better.
The home nevoopaper does not have
to ring the door-IwIl. Someone In
waiting for h. Before the evening Is
over. everyone in the household has
read It. and given a personal audienee,
If and when they choose, to the sales-
men who speak throup its advertls-
Ina columns.
Now is the time to put in your winter Coal. The Anthra-
cite Coal that we handle is from the Hazelbrook Mines. This
COal is guaranteed to be free from slate and clinkers. This
Coal costs twenty-five cents (25c) a ton more than other Coal,
but we are selling it at the sante price
EGG l $16.50 per ton less $1.00 per
CHESTPIUT I ton for cash on delivery
$12.2.5050 :La ou deuvery.
Prices aubpact to 51.00 eft for cask
Fier Harallware,-Pits and Heating. try us. in• guaranis. satisfactims
-CHAS.X. LEE, at the Harbor
—PHONES—Store 22. Hoes. 112 -
SCOTS LOYALTY You can always tell a aunkey by his
Frenchman : -Were 1 toot a French- I lack Of ht)r*.
WWI. I should went to be • 24(vtoo-
man I should waut to be ane."
Africa has given treasure huntem
the world no less than 66 diamonds
that weigh over 100 certifs.
_ Ilia stiller last week In hie notes on the holiday trip lie took In
Pao:more, of !Stamp Heights. forgot to mention that -the tint'
to tab MOITOU picking plant at Ottumwa, Iowa, Inopired -the other Will" to it
allight la mak Tbe result was as follows:
There was a little piggy. riot more than two years old,
Who went into the Packing House. as bold. as bold, as bold.
He went Into the Packing House a pretty black and tan,
He came from out the Packing House, pure white, and aplck and spout.
----knottier little piggy went through the si•lfsame door.
He wished to learn whateer he eould about the packfiitlioffE—
They gave to hltp a nice hot bath •nd allures:I his face end neck.
And then they turned him 'round and 'round and hung him orr a rack
---Huns hint on sleek fbey did, and looked 11114_51:er and sier.
- •"T'ntti they- conid--not find- a spot they had sot wren before.-
I'hey washed his face and cleaned him up from snout to curly tj11,
Ailli (heti they sent him ... nd the room ninon n ..... oral!.
Breakfast, lunch, nursery suppers,
bedtime snacks. Always easy to digest.
No trouble to serve. Few foods are SO
convenient and
tor interment. therton's insuranie policy of 22.S01.1 had' While there he hung._ns npun. he tonirrit-sterreerrintit Vintt.
The inspeetor. his eagle eye, said "Piggy. you're -all right."
A pretty Reptemlier wedding took
pinee In St. :Innocs* ehurch. fleaforth. bee" re""wed. They sent him to another floor where lie oas neatly dressed 7:
Death ef Gilbert Nair
Tuesday morning. September 15th. 'rimy (lit Apar.• (rota sides. fat pieces from ids chest.
as -hen Mary Alter.. tinngliter of Iltomaa The death_of Gilbert '.1air
•Ile ulnae Nellie 11/1111iV sausage Weal. lila fesi %VITO 1411 1.11/ V41111:
Plleeeii. became the bride or John J. erk'h towlifikIR. on SenleMber I ro- eisoireet part. about him swere-hia-shoulilers sod Lis Woos
Ni I f T •k s In Rev Father moved owe of the old riisIdents of the'
Goetz offieinted district. Mr. Mair was born in Seed -
After a lingering Illness. Mi... Ida land elighty-five years ago litid at ail
Tt•bbutt of Clinton passes' away ' party age settled with, his parents in
This little pig uas (111 ek ne.11 %14.: rkie
bacon hatl lace stripe of lean, the balance went gm lard..
This first prize pig WW1 not too blg 111 311011111:1,1:$
-For Muillintn-sten•-for _nse and you- that'- why poer_piggy .1451
it • T 401 titt tn only - ;led -later on the Huron two-.
the bite Christot t
brother. Chili,. Tebbint of Alberta. alittet went of Clinton. His Wife dled
came I for the funeral. eleven years ago and he Is nurvived
CollinKon & Glopsher, who (operate by one son. George. of the Huron
a flax mill at Blytli. have now in barns , road. •
they have yet harvested. They esti- At a well -attended gathering held
mato; there will he at least slx months' In the United church. Ithievele. 1111 Fri-
4.1111111.TIoent in manufacturing this flax ! day e, ening. two young tnen. W1111011
Thornton and Norman Barnaril. were
Into green tow. .
Tile marriage oflirelitabel Johnnton,
daughter of Sirs. Omar Westell of Kin -
(lenitive anti the late Duncan W. Camp-
- belt of Whigham. to John Ferguson 44
Myth. was solemnised at Blyth by
Martin Young Farrow. retired. mail 'pointed C.N.R. "went.
her 21.t. was a son of the late Thotoax Miss Beth Alton: of Liwknow• lo°k
Farrow of rtrii5x5.1P. M.r. for Fest part in the girls' lionseliold science
Huron. Deetsased was sixty-five years Judging competition at the Western
'Iri&ytheinifikat's way
in Nees We&
Hand Tailoring and
Special Order to Your
cream —Ingo we
presented with rertificaOs5 from the
Roynl Humane Society for SNAillit the
Ilfe of William ill tile Malt -
land River at Bluevale. On the same
skin_ a farewell prenentation wan
made to Mr. and 511fir-latiiiik-Mairtern
tataliy_ w no are rrowiling to Park,
hill. where Mr. Masters has been ap-
Fair. Iondon. and took third prize in
hoose fitruisliings. She also won fourth
Unnecessarily! I timer In nutrition. but as it WAN poe-
slide to win only 011e Writ. it was
Chas. Black
She Sebes So
Genuisheilard Stove Coal
- Fee Coal
Pocobontas (2 by 4 egg)
I can supply your wants in
any of the above fuel. Prompt
service and reationable prices
passed on to the next highest girl.
Glrl. from all over tile PrOVilleP com-
peted and Ntiew-Aitow-is-155-be-ccuteral-
nlated upon her success. Mimi Alton
was high girl at the Huron enmity
competition held at Clinton in July and
was again high girl from Huron enmity
st London. and she le the winner of
the MO Aeluvlar5hIp given by the Huron
mounts commit and will therefore take
the three months' court* at Macdon-
ald Institute. Gnelph. eommencing in
January Miss Margsret Durnin. who
wee one of the (loony tenni with Was
Ron at Toronto. won fifth prise In nu -
Nearly Nervous
Choice Quality Groceries,
Fruits, Vegetables, Lard,
Batter, Eggs, Meat, Flour,
Shortening, etc.
qte ttivlq yon to call in and in -
'pert our clean w holrwnfC stock
Frigidaire-equipped for
your protection
Silverwood's Ice Cream
— PHONE 146
ZI you know ber ...this poor
woman who w•kes up, hog
Hoer many young women are -
female weakness has robbed them
of strength and health? stork im Sander to "lilt with another
Ifthey would only try Lydia E. ,LsIster.' Mrfr Peppier. .
Pinitham•s Vegetable Compound. ' Mrs. (Rev.) Mumleil and two eitild-
It strengthens by its tonic action . .. . rep, of Detroit are limiting with her
brings soothing.comforting relief. ^ bristlier. ill.. F. MelK. Paterson.
Get • bottle ef the liquid from . Mrs- A. neld-As.--r Lucknow
your druggist today. Or try it in with her Ibutiglifer. Mrs. Fialtottr.
the artr_coavesirt tablet Iona, " Mr. and Mrs. Boy Patton of Lyman
WHITIX.'111;RCH. Sept. 2i. --Quite
a number from here attended Lucknow
fair on Friday.
-Meanrs. Willie Nixon. Charien Lever
and Gordon McGee apent two days In
London during fair week.
Ur John SmalL Who had not been
In these parVI for over fifty gears.
came from his home In North Ray lent
week and rlultNI with his sinter. Mra.
Lila ena 'Alfred took""11111t-to
The Mercury Process %--.the marvel
of modern science—.prOduces pure
motor oil of outstanding durabilitY.
In this spacious plant, as high
as I" T2-stOtrinlilding,touir '
-Ann the Mercury Process,
-""'"itiere is produced enouet
oil to lubricate continually
five million motor cars.
Most motor oils are good in some re-
spects, but usually they are weak in
others. Some have low consumption,
but probably high carbon. Others low
carbon, but possibly poor mileage and
heavy sludge deposits.
The NEW Sunoco Motor Oils
are good in all respects because
they are pure oils of outstand-
ing durability.
Sparr, s
e044/2,..4 F;;MI.r. and N1rs. .101in Crnig and Mr.
Merge And 311s4 bin McOttold spent
visiling friend. and relative. at
Tlinuiesflisl. also Mt. George Falermer.
who "Pent bolt week -with Tendon
friends. t'eturnell boom with .„Hr. Joe
Tbe moor friends. of Nit... .Tenn Fol.
coney tirfringlinin are elegised to henr
of her improvement after her reeent
visited with Mini Cnthnrine mid
with Kinforil bleed. late week.
Mr. George Roos he.atteedina Nod.
Irwin renege In Witighttrn.
I 1Rer. Mr. Moore will preset, in (1,151 -
merit ehnreb ne*t ihunlay In the In.
In the Celled church are Withdlarn.
.311Ikawn Tenn And Filen licture-rson
esetabeliela nuel e- Mr. Nelson Mi t'n rt n roc
,411et retetives here Uri week WM.
. Bray and her son Vance. of Calgary.
West Street
Electrical Appliances,
Fixtures, etc.
Electric Wiring of all
Estisates gives ea applkali,