The Signal, 1931-10-1, Page 2r a - l --Thursday. AobMr lit. Mal Sb mai • rt THE SIGNAL - GODERICH, ONT. More Concerning "Mack Monday" Established ISM OODERICH : CANADA Member of Canadian Weakly News- papers A..oclat/on Published every Thursday laming. (♦ahecrl9tloo price 11100 per year a -r decal tY advnnce- ••'' • '"•`THE 5 G NAL PRINTING CO. LTD. T.Iepboae 35 ' Oodnde . Out- W. utW. H. 13obaelsoa. Bdltor ISM Manager Thursday. October lat, 1931 a4 Natre to govern tbem. They could not with advautage and con- venience be incorporated In the Canadian coostitullon as a prov- Ince. So far as day ode ata to- wards combination or federation their trend 1s Lotllard' the comet � Paper rads Severaltutton of a West Italian Denote Re- - tea." ferenoes in Its Back Film -- AL LZADa HI TIER SINGLE Fish tilled in River TAX MOVE1[ENT _ ember S. 1881) published recently Anncmecement comes from New York li�rlTl' . City of the death of James Roger in The Signal was reprinted In 'The Brown, president of the Manhattan tk•aturtb Expositor. and aroused se Single Tax flub. lir. Brown was a ouch Interest that The Expositor prominent figure In the xiugle tax turned back to Ha tiles and found In movement and visited Goderich last Its lame of tteptember 9, 1881, several year to gilt. addresser ander the au- t'rteeences to the pheuumenuu by N xrter erorrer spices of the Lions Club. His death has called forth a tribute from Joseph Dana Miller, editor of Land and Freedom, from which we take the following: "Oven those who differ. as single taunt will continue to differ, on the ili Mope of presentatlou of our phtloso- -wltt on review of a great work two when kelt towed 'rue acc'oose of "Black Mon _ ... 11:01101.1113. 1110111111. September has been splendid. Could we have a return engagestent' • • • Whoever has the job of writing the Thanksgiving proclamation this year must be beginning to wonder what be V going to put In It. • • • ^ The Attain Motor Coalpany of ONS* Britain has declared g 4t!Wod of 100 mat. nt_ Times are sohil4- over there bey everybody has to p a small car. • • • A New York proteasor says parsons who whistle lack moral stamina and are possessed of an interiority complex. Doss that explain why girls seldom whistle? • • • A general election In Great Britain ----- within the next few weeks is In pros- pect. But will It not imperil the auc- cemA of all that has been accompllabedwhile he mndee.tIV I1T1ii4aime4 ability tori by the t'teady- taillsR.lE*-11ght abower - within the laat..few Natal -.- writer. it seems to ns that his "Plain I of Alt* ,Miers and ashen -The dark- • • •Talk on Taxation." "The Farmer and new. still kept increacing till about four Windsor Is the sourer of a story that I the Single Tax." and "The i'yrumld- o'clock. when It was aa dark as mid - beer by the glans le coming coon.' Ing of Land Valais" were cinguler ex- -tight. it being quite imtxwcible to ace T{indaor seems to -.have a lot of thirsty • attunes of char wtatetnent and straight- a yard ahead. This continued until -ami imaginative --people. Premier hitting at vital trutha. They are. It just before six. when a alight Rhnwt'r seems to us. nlasterpleec of exposition. �of rain fell. and the whole sky became Henry says the ,tory is all nonsense. us were his talks ►nein,, statlrntN of • • • colleges- itutsry and Kiwania clubs. Reports as to the extent of Liquor He made friends of his amliencec. In consumption at Windsor during the tett way few single tax le•turere have cent Americam ,t( Legion clventlnn at been able to d.. and this rendered easy the prneess of ennrerclon. His the bonier nee' conflicting: hat wt tar- work will go on. for he plantoe1 the leo l n„i.,N1y has cleimeel that there a%ilc any In many nil apa'n mind. > It. interest ito the may Farmer *.e Furnished by the Ontario Department of Agrioniture The corn crop in Essex county is expected to reach a total of $,500,000 bushels. Acreage devoted tx corn thisOwenr wOwenat 100,00W, which Ss as . 4 rebid to the dart 1Le disks are lined with rubber, elitist - netts( Doke and givtug • better grit. They operate at a speed of fifty plucks per second. - - Ou easy hills the plucking can be ate!- IFs1re missies, -while on h ,.•e- reenters theirs t the AM &.Milt Damage from the cora borer Ma year • Ore..l1M•1°rn hew the musty re-t: stmt«. are (064•41,014. The saving et - better appre- has beau only nominal, but peecau- listed when it IN oronaldered that an nous are being eonttnued. average speed for hand plucking is around six birds per hour. Bang's Disease Cashel No nka more valuable material could Heavy ACrop- correspondents. The 'ro be placed in the hands of farmers and dairymen at the present time poodeut wrote: than bulletin No. 150, new series, "Bo - "On Monday last a very remark- vine Infectious Abortion or Bangs Dis- able phectomamou occurred, which, so ease of Cattle," which is available far as we are aware, is without piece- without charge through the pcubllca- dent. About half -past oae the sky tions branch of the Department of Ag - turned a greenish hue, giving every- rieulture at Ottawa. thing o very remarkable appearance. !Amami- ooaccount of Bang's di. - It kept darkening until about halt -past ease in tattle are estimated ■1 about R p reept -of the totat value of live Medi, or $36,000,000 annually. Research work has established that tills disease can be eliminated by the application of stopple. _ praeHeSI-- and affective methods. Balloon 1l�pp�ittiPownen eom- plete information and facts necessary to an Intelligent understanding of the problem and for the eitminatton of in- fection from herds. Technical terms, scientific details and explanatlnne have been avoided In its preparation and only ,essential Information Is ',refloated in a way that is easily understood and prartieirt-tomes to the advantage of farm Aoeke gee- Oveeseaa ANIS NNW I orally. In his first ballads tot this season. Heretofore the cost of pedigreed Andrew Fulton. overawe. fruit repre- tilt Is fairly optlmiaik about the European. outlook for Ontario firuit. Apples of Bowl quality and red color are wanted at quite satisfactory prices. although owing to general busi- ness rendition• prices will be lower than a year ague. He advises chippers _him the meed of praise due him tor the distinguished converts be has made among college processors, econ- omists and basin's* earn.' -14 is too early to appraise his work, to the value of which we have received of late many anrprislug revelations. Eh was, as we said In a recent number of Land and Freedom, perhaps the ablest lecturer the movement has known. and we repeat this. keeping In mind both his limitations and_his rare excellences. -He wrote many pamphlet* ind many articlec for the new.papera. and. light the *are fa an the stores and houses. At Mu thee gee's. of people might be peen in front of the stores airmails diem/Meg the muter and teeing to Gad some satisfactory explan- ation of the strange event. Some wer' absolutely eertaln that the world's course had run : some talked of Mother Shipton: some Nuggested the a omet, lout the majority of them were of the opin- 10* that bush fires all around. and especially in Michigan, had a good deal to do with It, and they were fur- ther concinced that Puth was the ease crush around the water wagon. ° Mr. Brown was Morn In Mount For- • • • est, Ontario.. Ile wax the can of James Western Ontario farmers are coming a n tRntrorct Brown: He loyally and royally to the as,istanre of their dfat reseel fel Iow-comtrymcn in the Western l'ruviueew. A Lobo town- ship farmer has offeretl x fon of honey , towards the relief .shipmcut. That ought to Nwe'ten things sntuewhat for the folks nut West. • • a.."_. .---._.-__ -` Tlie poPttTa at" otlilETT 1 925. according to the tenant returns, and the *land of Montreal ham a total of 906,132, an increase of thirty-seven per cent. over the 1921 lgtirea:- -Thtc" a very lurid reel. and at nine met down to Its former darkness. and the air Ise•ante so tilled with smoke that one was almost stifled on going out into it. Next morning. 111.wever. the Ann Am- sttmel ills prvgt r pima And shone • o keep ill 111111.11I' with P. 11'. Holgettu, of this (list aml Is paying trxnsinrta- f fl h nothing had o cnrreel to Qerken head of the fruit branch. and himself, tion charges to dietrlhntlon pointe. The ; �ha order to take advantage of all °Ream I hulk of the cnpply of these birds (-comes j hie glare." tram over -.•as. Hone. T. L. Kennedy re- from R.O.P. breeder* In the several f Reports from itlyth. mt nestle and eeuth unmounted that the banks are I'nnlner.. I Jamestown were ofo the same tenor. but oda tw,perating with. the dart- ____` enrre*pntlrhnt lidded. WESTFIELD - ---t In the matter of rilipment of Eastern Canada will have au In- crease of from twenty to thirty per cent. in its apple crop over last year, while a decrease of twenty-two per cent. Is indicated for British Columbia. The total crop this year le expected to amount to 3.000,000 barrels, as com- pared with 3,44 .000 barrels last year, and 3.200,000 barrels for the five-year The ryapathl of the co+fonattl is ea- teoded to the bereaved family and friends. Mer son, Mr. Thos. Rodger, of Newcastle, was home tor the femoral. Dr. std Mrs. Victor Johastou and children. of Lurknow, visited on Sun- day at the huusyt the former's stater, llira, J. t. CaapbiaL Mr. Wm. McDowell was • visitor to Ooderkh on Monday. Mr. J. L. Stone'huut• and his sister, Mrs. Nixon. were at lagrrsull nue day last week attending the funeral of a relative. Mr. Rath. Mt. W. F.:'smpi.eit 1tar•es uu 'routs-" day atomism for Toe/mato. where he will attend the 1'ultel Church Mlralouary Congress to be held at Massey Hall. Mr. ('amplell will return home Friday night. Anniversary serviees will be held In the Westfield United ehure•b on Suaday, (Molter 4111. at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. Rev. Ii- McTavish of Exeter will be the speaker for both afternoon and evening aervlcee. Special music will be given by the choir. glen. Me Brien, of Whitechurch. la visiting her daughter, Mrs. Percy Vin- cent. lin- B. H. Taylor of Blyth JP the average. Present indications are that guest of her daughter. Hca. Albert apples wilt run average or better lu' size and weather eeondtttons have-issu such that color should be Walsh. this week. - ----- Mr. and Mrs, R, yloceat, Mrs; d - Rodger and his moth*. Vire. W. Rodger. leave as Tbnr54U for Pedigreed Cedierels Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent will The quality of the male bird Is mor? attend the Mlastoaary Congress *t important for stomas in breeding potrl- Ma..el Hall. try for production than any other single factor. This la ■ principle which has been ai' epted for many years. and each succeeding year in pedigree breed - Ing work shows more conclusively that It Is sound. it is largely througb the mate bird that the benefits of high power blood liars developed through aprcialiawl breeding are pawed along male birds has been such as to place them beyond the teach of the average farmer. TqliHringemenbt with breed- ers this year, however. a supply of cnekere4s 1.1 teeny flne,qualite is being made available at a rust not to exeed V. per bird. The FvelerAI Deperfinent of Agriculture Is ,i'.umllg one-thinl came h' New York In lSwt end sono ••prone rain fell. 1t was more lye than - after'beesnie a citizen. He knew Hen- rain. Next morning the ,nrfaew of the Canadian -grown apple, to Great Brit- ry •George and Tom L. Johnston. and nearly all the Parry Maitland River was strewn with dead aiin anti are prepared 1, make ndvs:wee Ash. Since then not a, eagle living fish ' to $hh' 1ppers e* the high' of n max immu movement. He son' one of the .Old leaders o1 the has been -slew) in the etre'am.' r.f 71•50 per barrel or 50 ,vols per Guard ami, had charge of the speakers From Brussels rano• the following: }"hamper mm 'MI of apdele• •tttppeel on - bureau in the clomps -Mtn of Henry "On Monday afternoon. on account of der the Government guarantee. This age•the great smoke that came from the advance arrangement applies only hi Ge'o for the mayoralty in 1�71i. ease of carload shipment. despatched The work of the Manhattan Single west. It became "' dark that the lightsease the Government representative in Great Britain. Tax CIA *111 go on. It remains kiln _the places of hnmtness lied to 1* monument to 81s high emteavnrs. He lighted and at 4 o'clock k tt was as dark Iclllt up an otogrnis•tktl whose watt h- as any night could be and remained word bas bee* eneet&re °greet. Ile aur- that way until actual night. About rounded himself with men who coo- 4 p.m. a light abower of rani fell and wended him worti as Winton the whole with it ashes and dust. to that -- of the moot worthwhile activity being thing was covered with a atrong lie. 1s about one-tenth of the populationtarried on. beginning with his •frie*d I the' whole Dominion.-Nnida''hi l Robert Sehalkenbach dowel to RD.ThP little rain that was caught wasgylfq unfit for ume, while fences and ^^"' Seoatbott.too mach to cities.. _ ..�� you melt who were later attracted elllnp-AI look In a had state. The • • •• by his perwmu.lity and hie unselfish Is nein -morning the Ash In the river hovers over bora for the 'ante. And he emMbltahel were. dead by the thoueandt- The :1n air of expee•tanry p do weber. that wase lite pride of I } veru Ino at prc•t•ett and -wit the wheat market and strong hopes are interested visitors from . very country re filial with deed fish." entertained that higher prices will soon the world.- the pools aSls are tl delle 1P nese wap evi- bring back tame activity -in the trade- ••A great leader has fallen. Hls�(lrntly not as serious au In abhor parts Better prleec for wheat would mean worth will for recognizedin the clearer ,of the eoanty. neverthele.s It merited nlollg well and fall wheat lo nicely better towline ms throughout the country, vislun that death brings when misun- the following mention: •'1 )u Monday lip in many !e, ti, ell A R Weekly Crep Report Silo filling has been the order of on Monday. were brought to the home - Fred Wong MI ROW Mae itltgiirrs it1 t0)�- ICE CREAM DRINKS la CO�i DRINKSS LIGHT LUNCHES -TRY- Crick's Resttaow Bole Dealer far ilii l.'a Chuckles (�GGlMM TELEPHONE 145 Wog Sae d Square, Gold* OTICE Poultry Shipments reoeived on Tuesdays and Fridays. Beg Shipments received on week -day - Open Saturday nights until - --r--- 10 o'clock. -WE PAY CASH - Eggs •MgTsdjed� while yon Qw{ajit.. muthoLLArro & JERVIS Warehouse: Last St., Goderich Telephone 110 u._. -.- WEST I'I}:1.I'. Sept :".1. --Ire. Mat- theers. of near Lueknow, Is the guest of her daughter, )Ira. End 1r'ightman. Mrs. Barkley. of 1 V1111 1014. le visit -L - Ing at the home of her daughter. Mrs. W. A. t'amplwll. His many friend. are merry to hear Of the Illneee of Mr. Lorne Stonehouse and wish for him a speedy recovery. _ - The remaine of the tate Mrs. John Rodger. who pacset away at Clinton the day In the last fortnight. named- of her husband, Mr. John Rodger, the tag to reports received from represses- fnneral taking place at 2.11D o'clock oa tatttrea- The corn crop was reported Tuesday. Rev. I►r. Mortlmorc had the best in years and exeeptb.nally well ,•harge of the funeral aerriee and matured in all districts. Pleat° dig- ment was made In the Westfield rem. - ging and Isnekwhe•rt harvet'tinR hate I tory. Mr. Rodger had been in poor being of high quality ami henry yield'- a happy reteace to all her suffering. Foot.wearin Distinctive Styl� Our customers will appreciate the many distinctive style features which characterize the smart Shoes we are showing this season. Tiwy will take their place in the front rank of the Hater a tyle -� -parade. The predominating •tyles arc black and brown kid leathers in Pumps , and Ties sit!, • variety of beetle, mostly the medium Cuban for street -' wear. The selection is so extensive for men, women and children that ere __-ass sure we Can Used please lR qu�y'..$Jr � peals 11 yoo'U only let to try. GEO. MACVICAR- THE - PR CAL . GNOE WAR NORTH SIDE OF SQUARE GODERICH ale, 'wen In pt„grees. the former leaf 4aeaith 1..r year. and the end came as Heavy rains were extremely beneficial not only in freechet6lg nit pasture* but In making it po.sihle tea carry on with tall plowing. New seedingc are eomifg derstanliuR. and carinae anlm,ntitles ' great deal of demonstrating once more that wheat' nftentmm the ehn,ogohere Iseame AO the g,cond erns of awl rimer has been hoer pmw.el awn/." ImpregnAtel with *make that far soy top the kingpin of Canadian commerce. Peal hours the mon mos erompletrly ole • Pavel and fair yields reported. THIS TOPSI-TL Rt 1 WORLD e-iireel. About four o'clock the lamps 1 1 fettle Rapt ';'--"414- 4 Toned() Mall and Empire) had to be lighted In the shop* and I Hon. Thomas 1.. leg eery has an - 1. London rubber brokers were Com- dwellings and a person could t•arcell 'room sol that aumber a Kennedy ! with weuting upon the "give-away" prices he distinguished a few feet off on the• sn- ot raw ruiner, which goe.'s foto tires street. Next morning. however. the Western I'rgcinee-a and I►omininn au - ma which rapidly to transport food ' machinery wac all right again and Old ; thoritie s the It st R'teptern cattle at tr *tuffs from market gardens to such vol shunt' forth as brightly Ac peer." the lensed p►opmihir peter >ytw:'L�ile cities as Toronto. Benighted in Colborn Tewrahlp I made available for pnrehase In Ontario 2. The Ontario Department of Agri- 'rite t:xp1.1l11r last week published ober, feed. which the 1PrpIrk.-_ lack iultniT wig offering to give away 001 bushels of tomatoes to all or any who would take them. They were so.cheap there was no market fttr them. - 1.; -'Wheat t. leo &teap In erase watt' totrilta_ of the continent that 1t can be Imught for 15 -rents - a` :--A bnc}RI of wheat makes about stxt9-11ve loaves of bread. one pound each. .4, . Coffee Is being burned. in ,huge stave bonfires down In Brasil. - 5. 'Peach tree". erapevinee are being axed. uprooted. burner 1n PiTIfoieii • • • The report at the crippled clttldren'o clinic at lieaforth on Saturday draw.. -• 'attention once- more to the splendid work that tit being done under the - auspices otThe Lions elide for unfor. tunate children. Some who otherwise would have little chance for happl- bias aa -i• /routs, in itft-iJ fWbeittr "pat on pule feet" in very truth. • s • '"alla-S,wrepAn*hi DLhooua nn wheat production le not working out eatiafae •t r1i , ATKefta _farmers -_say' that it is not the best way of amslcting the We'd. beeallme It helps the man whew 1 has a good crop while nothing 1. done for the man whose crop was a fallnre. They cuggext as an alternative that the Government pay .one_ dollar an acre - to atone nnfnrhlnatko tiarwers.. am. Mr.. , Bennett has, promie.d ilia considera- tion. When the five -tent Monne was iles before the Hollow of Commons et the last Wootton. Time. McMillan. the South Huron member. painted mit file weak spot In the pmptooal. " • t MOO, • • • 1 f the mole of the nrltlgh f h to the toed neer Smiths HILI proved per„, n wolf, a Mr. Buchanan.lat i"lightly different plane then the farmer'* tpNn. l an4T-� -he ante the - lrnlitai . not he mid. ' 6. Truck ganleliers near Port Credit have been "gelling' corn on the cots at three dozen for five eentc. following from a Toronto reader: Toronto. September 22. Dear Expamitor.-i was much in- terested In reading your account of lark ltnn1*cZ .Lt.. Weatrrn Ontario. tube goal in the negotiation. le the contained in the bud two loons of1'BTit1*Prieteyseas market. It is h,spAR The Rzpoeltor. hire rhe-t•o-ope'retion of rsIlwayc i well ree.tl the due. haring driven Anrl ),hake- t'olnnrl Kennedy hope. with horse .54 MuRRr from Wingham that file (►ntario farm'-. with Ananelel to floderleh that morning. About.3 aid that may Ft fortheeomtng, will take eirioek In the afternoon. mixed clouds fn the new Arrringom'nf. Feed Ise pien- h*ng over -the lake, suggesting ■ tifiil and (-heap In Ontario ■cad the in file w�ilher. although it was British market for flnl/hed steers was Mhereat* a=hsnntihal autumn day. We never better at the present time. 1' tothe had In abundance. The Mintcter went Went to inspect personally the type of cattle which will lie shipper east. The nitl- decided to start on rule return trip Machine Pulls Y.. ... about 4 p.m.. hilt bed not gotten veal Theme days oar hears A int about far when we became alarmed at what file "machine MRP' end of what out appeared approaching night. We ehlnp, will do. hat It to certainly in- pres,el 1111, however. but ac the dark - nese deepened Into inky bineknese we tereattng to note that A machine outside to follow the road and de- .hem been decelopel whieb will pull cider to beg lodging* et the fret farm the feathers off a hen faster than It twine. A dim light In a window elate ran rte done by bend and do a hrttpr joh, Ry ihr simple prow of aping JI►HN 1RECKF:NRIfNiF one of the faremoat eitizeno of the Proposals n e - Tiling, of Ripley was ea1Ic4 from earth nets of itMminnm dl'tk*. emelt revolving Qaat Indies to the 17 Wuxi f[t�1 - Te ion September 21st. In the pr fi a web -cone loe•{inner, mill i Niel{!ve the ?tsRn ltrerkenrhtee,-o-itotiet-a- - liquid' that -of Repuldle leave mit el account the wlxhee of the people mead eoneerned, the Inhabitant* of the Wept Tndies. There I. no IodleatIon that they de- nim any change of netlnnnllly: the evidence. indeed. le all the other way. Another suggestion that ("repo* op every new and then im that the Wends .honld he annexed to ('anada end g'vr•rnrd from Ottawa- Tune.listnn. r rnnncction Ich. Deceased uses In hie acventy•first pear and hotel lsrn HI over two years. His parents were Mr, ami Mrs. John Rreekrmrldge.'-whn will be remembered by older residents of ibis Town. De - reamed llvel for some yearn in Huron tnwnahlip. Brace evmnty, thew -far three years at Calumet. Mk'h., anti for two Morn at Norwleh. Conn. RPtarnine to this empire' thlrty-seven yekns ago. hP took /DM residence hi 1kt•.111161re of Ripley. were ire 841111 a fine of MI* .art would -Me of dmthtfnl lone- home. In edditlon to bona • site. fit, however. either to the Beat Indic- , •ssfnl former. Mr. Breckenridge ii'aa or to Canada. Best -Informed njlininn also n pin.trring r•mli-._ 44 sari PCP- St. !Moe on .toid•iy. -•o- t.•lotted menu r'ntritme tea-thlit ttm• ifs Afi** tMIvP Netteeedy+of Witite•ltotrcit... w n m cat na f11r ;the awes. --an efficient phase L_prrduced night. ,T think that espericnee would provide a thrill. even In this -day of super -thrills. for If looked like "good -- night" to th■tnlght and all nlgbtc. het aa the +stn %hone nut brightly next morning we fearful. ones were assured of aitnther- Tn-mamas-." W. $OMFRVIT.LF.. BELFAST BELFAST. Sept 2`4.- A amnia, from lure ntMnd...l 11• *drool fair At alfl �l • 1'1 %\ I What time shall,, I meet you? sotoems tvo 8.'j6'w�-Akt1e *lister erBIi: . merein1 rrletinn. with Cnnxdn act de- wits a ni•mMer of the 'wooden of the 01s•111 the week -eel with her friend, 1 is net Ripley 1'rr.hytrrlen rhnrch. He I* .car \lies Nein Inn, k" tt. Rut A day's work finished slrahlP the Anne2Atlnn pmptrlsA ctcoel by his wife. two sone. Rlls•el of Anniversary .enlres a•rrv• held at cher •r• still fresh and .bright. resented xerMusly:'•eT,ord Oliver, who Detroit end Rent of Hurontown.hlp. He'k,•t1'. rhnrch on Sunday. Rev. Sir. to be an "expert" In Wes Is- end two daughter..., Mr.. KPnnetTi fins- Finley -of 1l'nocrler loping the .pa•c1n1 They will tell you that the way IP mail t Man affair.. Is quoted than: •'711o*t• egionle* which. unlike tamal'a. are not cln.tely depe•adrnf til. United Platy. market haat -recently manlfetted a 4eilr. For :moi preferentlel trade Klagda that the colonial' of- ik 1441arita t, f y ,refit Altos. -r4 „}Mbit colrmie•. the Rekt- or 1'h awe .lowiehMh inereasing heal vitality rind ind.- 11lthtf.ecc. act !Whose! of bola/ . filar .star /ass aa• I by ami Mi.. Edith. R.N.• of Detroit: speaker. The mixed quartette from el.n by a hrotber• Ttrrt. of ('oloredn, ' 1,n'know United rhnrch rrndernl cps'- and two sisters. Mr.. Wll.nnInnd Nile* (-Lal finish. In the Afternoon Jessie. Rrceketirldge of Norwich. Conn. Mics Melds Lane. of atretfor,l Noir• The fnneriti on W,dTne•Aay of tort week met. spent *+*indite at ler how._. to Ripley armoury we. tercel! et- Mr and Mr.. .lam Sherwood end t.nneeli- Among those pre*eat were i Kr end Mrs. Andrew (taunt !pent Kra. Ile. le Rreckenr u4u*.,arid 1lke.at and Roy. of Goderich. A Ilweilah liraibths7. *1tn" gently at Mg, Anew an Arm. pw•noden .for 0fty-two roars atlunil4y.JJ_ Mr. Kam Sherwood'!. _The ue•fui haJnial, till' yAke,fs Afeni tlr 0110Miltofe tea •.litmalayg5..•. An-ent Ile flo,iriol e. et high altItt and 1N a etmeg beast. to keep fresh in to keep your month refreshed. The pure, cool flavor of ww10i crs refreshes the mouth as noth- ing Ass cue. D tires in every price ranipe Louth with Supertwiat cord is your good fortune if you choose here. Stop in and let's talk it over. Tire prices were never lower than this year. And whether you choose Goodyear Pathfinders, Goodyear All -Weathers, or Goodyear He2vy Duty Tires, we've got your size right here in stock. Every tire guaranteed. No extra charge for putting tkeni o -lour wheels. Miler's Service Station Comer Victorid Elgin Ave. .,maw• :e^w... ✓+•. ' .t -, w -wee-RR.0 i frail' k./1M y Sadie caslietr....:- - n.. 259'-- •1= 5,._b.: ,aw x-! R Y�-_;i�7k"lt #�ik':•. "i ..,r li+„'.-- . _. .5 MIX /wwslvw