The Signal, 1931-9-24, Page 7,bird Tailorj" and -- it4pacistatder .,Iia . Your Maths • • • Chas. Black Phone 219 Goderich ear was badly damaged. Prof. and Mrs. Herbert Kalbflelseh. who had been In New York City the last few years. have been visiting the Proferwor's parents at Zurich. They will now heeome reeldenta of London. Where Mr. Kalhfiela•h Is teaehing. The street carnival held at Wingham Inst Thursday night. under the empires( of the Chamfer of (commerce. wan a treat nue es,. The net proceeds. iw- tween MAO aril 1.4110. will go toward.. �.e .X-ral._fund of gingham for intim yeera 10. Csbprne_ town- Ainte n' James Yining died at hie "hR Por fthe first elttren years shl1 110me in Morris township nn September land her husband had lived in Exeter. 14th nt the MEP of thirty-eight peen. She 'suffered a fractured hip four years Nls d.ath followed a. week', Illness ago and had elms. been an Invalid. of interetinal "An.'" Aims"eurvived byBeside'* tierttttateand.--esu• ',are. three ing Memo' the slowly moving trINk Ma wife. formerly MtiorlMna item* of wren?: etfd'Titrii ail 1i*ers;. � wtrrn it ,tarir.t tn- s1+ r ttM toad 01 PIJ Rest Wawanowhh. and franc Amts. I A pretty wwMing sok plan. In St. all .lioling ht nnr ,tole. nail the trallet Mary Elizabeth Elliott, wife of Phil- Stanislaus Roman (catholic church. went into the ditch. pulling the rah ip !biome]. township of Turnterry. �('hnteworth. ren September 14th. when after it. The• elwwn.ws young man wee HN youngest son of Mr. and Mrs: R. 7 Breen of Ti, rnlerry /111,1 W a. only twen- ty -sic years of age. Exeter is enjoying • three -mill re- duction In Its tag rate this year. The rate Is 41 milts for 1931. Ulm Eleanor Plumsteel ot Clinton has tal(en a position on the staff of Ssafurth ('olleglate listltute. George Bateman, a reopened rest - dent of Ethel, passed away September 15th at the age ot seventy-six years. Rev. Dr. Letitia. wbo has been very 111 is Staetnrth hnsltltal- is reported to he making sattstattory progress toward recovery. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart have been appointed choir leader end or- ganist in Northside United church, Sertorth. Thomas Hatter. of Exeter. celebrated his ninety-fourth birthday on Saturday last. He spent his early years in the Brltleh army and came to Canada In IMO. He Is still hale and hearty. The marriage of Miss Dorothy Hirt - set. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John HIrtzt•1 of Crediton. to Howard Heaney of Detroit. took place September 9th. Mr. and Mrs. Rennet' will reside In De- troit. Presbyterian church. Reeve McNabb of Grey township bad The death oerurred In Mullett town- township. In this county. Atter their a close call when the rear tire Of big ship en September 14th of Florence wedding they made their home at Kin - ear blew out. causing it to turn over on Tighe. wife of Miebaet Merrieree. - De - took • In that township, where Mr. Cole the Provincial highway near the 6th 1 ceased was ■ daughter of Thomas teeok over a sawmill and brickyard. In eoncesalon of Wallace township. Thr Tighe and the late Mrs. Tighe of Hul- ('ole they anted to Ethel. where Mr. Cole conducted a sawmill business until 1921. when the couple retired to Stratford. They have three daughters: Mrs. Tboe. Dougherty of Hentryn, Mrs. Joseph Welsh of Olds. Alberta. and Mrs. A. J. Colley of Stratford. Fatal Highway ArttWat Wellington Wray Rreen. a Turn - berry township young man. died In the Kitchener -Waterloo) hospital September 12th as the rei,ult of an accident on the Kitchener -Elmira high- way. Young Breen and Roy Adair weer•hrking a -$ ellener. Adair lens at the wheel when Breen gat nut to see what was wrong with one of the wheels. He wan climb. diel on Saturday evening In her sixty- fifth year. She was talking to her am on the telephone when she eollap- sed. She 1s survived by her husband. four sons and three daughters ' A happy event took plaee In the R. Related. (:nests were present frpim C. ehurch. Drywlal.. September 12th.ISeaforth. Toronto, Owevt Round. Cosh• salt v. TatlePr Marehand solemn- Irene- fintlemt t'entre and other iced the marriage of F.Inore. daughter I Mr. and Mrs. Dale w•Ill reside at Hol - of Mr, and Mrs. John ('harrette ofland ('entre. Hay township, and Ralph Men of Dei Ell Ensign. a former resident ret troll. Mr. and Mn. Meen will reside 1•nel,now. ditr1 at the home of Hugh In Detroit. - I Roan. Kinl... township. on September The death tiritied-at Exeter on' 14th. ileew, iI and his wife mh't44t Friday of Thomas Flynn. In his seven- to Lncknow• from the t.cw•hulsh distrlet some years ago. and Mrs. F.nstgn died In 1922. Recently Mr. Ensign had been living with his daughter at Sarnia, hilt he was spending the summer In this neighborhood when his death oeenrred. The funeral took darn from the home of Herb F.nwign. 14th eoncea•lon of Ashfield. to the f•ochaleh cemetery. TAP farm home of Mra.43baa. Rex. on the 4th roneessien K Stephen town- ship. Baugh* fire o ani'" -recently and hut for the prompt actin of the nelghlor, would have been destroyed. A Are had heen lighted In the roil oil stove and one ret the burners hav- leg been turned too high had Ignited somP papers and tea towels. then some enrtalre.. and the Are had then rue along the wall to the roof of the kit- eAen. Help wan summoned by tete- phone and the blare was quietly Px- tlmguished. The death occurred at the R tehener- Waterloo hospital on Sunday morning. September 12th. of Mn. Floyd Miller of Detroit. formerly Miss Olga Howald mf Zurich. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jamb Howald. Derpased was horn 1n Znrkeh and after her marriage twelve year. ago went to reside In Detroit. While cloning her sister. Mrs. (Sear Miller. at Kitehener she became 111 and death remitted. The renlaina were itrrmeht to Zurich for burial. the fun- eral taking plaee from the 110mP of Mra. Miller's parents. NellieEllen Frineee. eldest daughter of Henry haycock of Cochrane. become the bride of Alynn Joseph Dale. s eond ,nn of Mr. and Mr,. Christopher Dale of Seaforth. Rev, Father (bilin, of - •.e &whey Bros. btu sttMeo�ot-rOss AND O AmislaaN *Miss s M all hears, ears, Mild PHONES: Store 120 Res, 217 0ODERICV J. R. Wheeler 1 ItUaerY NQwsfar semilI>.ahaI W All calls promptly attended to day or night AMBULM4c$ SERVICE PHONES Ston 335 Residence 365w Hamilton Street, Godertcb W. l S SHOE STORE ORE -.1l ST .ARKI%PD- ladiei time kid ties with Cuban teals ter $2.16 pr. Ladies' Ono kid gores with Coban hods for $3.56 pr Ladies' Sae Idd strap with Cuban boob for MIS and $3.25 pr. Ladies' Meet strap with Spanish heels for $2.95 pr. -The Quality is Good - SHOP AT W. HERN'S Plums 43n. THE SIGNAL GODERICII, ONT. Thursday. September 24th, 1931-1 Countyand D He tanned in Wallace township for some years Wore removing lu 1914 to Ethel. He Is survived by his wife, one daughter, Mrs. W. E. Willis. of liswaa.town, and one sou, Lloyd. of Winnipeg. Death came suddenly to James J. Kelly, of Morris township. on Septem- ber 10th. He wan at a neighbor's get• Rlannhard Rural Telephone Co. A wire ttag reser read. lelleg : lli l aped' a attached to one of the poles tame 1a llaastag away taataaUJ ....&LWT$ a lite- roseset arftk a Ludas .wish..aai...tbe risen and Mr. Roan assisted his wife and two {segbters, who had been awakened, to escape. Mad in their night attire. Very tittle furniture was saved teem the limes. The Clinton Are bri- g ade was called and prevented the spread of the Games to other buildings. There was insurance on building and contents. Young Man 6Metneded A Clifford young man. David Hordes Wighttan. youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wlghtmau. lost his life by eleetroeutlon near Sebringvllle, while removing POMP pole.. for the long resident of the township. Ills wife, formerly Mian Anna Gibbon of East Wawauosh. survives. with two daughters, Angelis of London and Anna of Torouto. Mr. and Mra. Wesley Treleaveu and daughter, Mien Norma, have removed from Lueknow to Clinton: where they will make their home In future. The family formerly lived in Clinton, but for a number of years Mr. Treleaven taught school at Timmins. Atter his superannuation last year the family came to Lueknow. Recently Miss Treleaven accepted the position of or- ganist and choir leader in the Clinton current pnnsed into the chain wits which Wlghtman, and another man, Ja-1 cob Klein of Sebringellie, were working. Roth men died In spite of efforts to revive them by artificial respiration. Wlghtman wan in hie twentieth year. The funeral took place from the home of his parents In Clifford to the eeme- trey there Former Residents of Mullett Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Cole of Stratford celebrated their golden wedding on Sat- urday last. They were married In the Methodist parsonage at Seaforth on September 20. 11011. Mr. and Mrs. Cole are both former residents of Hallett lett and spent her whole lite lis Mat townablp. She la survived by her husband. two daughters. her father, tour brothers. Rev. Father Tighe of Windsor. Thomas of Detroit. John and Bernard at home. and one *liter, Ei- leen. also at home. The death occurred In Exeter on September 9th of Elisabeth Jane Snell. wife of Henry Squire. aged wventy- slx years. INreaelwl was born in Hal- lett township and after her marriage F. Bell & Bros. for- Cement and Gravel Contracts Excellent Cement Forms ani Good Gravel Grating Machine Write, Telephone or See Ur Telepho.es: Goderiek i12r13; (Clea ME. R. R. No. 1, G.lsricL. Residence at Porter's Hill Tie Leap ales's Stere. • • • Eassatisitai that's new O Nina Wear Coal and Wood Genuine Hard Stove Coal Chestnut Coal Pea Cosi Cola Pocobontas (311 -aryl) , -ern...------- 1 can supply your*w..l.'i.' any of the above tusi.--Prom1 service and reasonable pelisse: r L. FUCK Telephone 17Sj Goderich' ty-ntnt% year. Ell, wife passed away only a few weeks ago. and ,ttrviving are three sons and three daughter. Mr. Flynn bait been a reesldertt of 14xeter for thirty years and previous to that time had lived at CnMlton. By the death of August Eckmter, on September 10th, the v111agemo1 Ethel has lost an old and respected citizen. Deceaaldwas In his aerenty-ninth year. Sparr's F()12 Choice Quality Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables, Lard, Butter, Eggs, Meat, Floor, Shortening, etc. TIIF: ItE-TUF' Fa F.Itl"Tit INoi SPECIAL PRICES .1'e invite you to call in and in - .pert nnr clean wholes one 1110C1 Frigidaire-equipped for your protection Silverwood's Ice Cream PHONE 146 - T:rcd 1 1 Q.i1vvt c Sleepkkssness apt E `C_ By forming new, rich biota Dr. Chase's Norse Food re- stores tis •shaunad n•rv« and removes aha emu. of Slo•pbm- nem, Irritability, Headaches and Nervous Indigestion. Dr. Chase's NERVE FOOD Still Asking for Building Permits - (Continued from page 31 registered as to principal and interest 1e purchasers for this hind. The 02.000 b'ektiiat received from the Robert Mac- Kay estate fur cemetery purposes had beta deposited in the town general ac- count. The net receipts from the grandstand during the fall_ fair, len $4 expenaes. were surt.oes, of whleb one -haft. or $06.01, one to be paid bast - 10 the fall fait board. The public works committee ' made the following recommendation regard- ing unemployment relief work : That Mr. S. M. Johnson be asked to come up and make a report on a new trunk sewer on Nelson street. from 1, ictorla W Church; un Church street. from Nel- aaa'>iECstt: Patrick's] street. from Colborne to Waterloo, and on Waterloo street. from St. Patrick's to Elgin ave.. and that a Joint meeting of e -the eeuasil -ass/ this orator sad light - -- commission be help next Thursday evening to discuss relief works. The water. light and harbor com- mittee reported : Regarding the letter of September 3rd from the Robin Head Mills for more space in the ware- house arehouse at the harbor. we recommend that the crompany be notified that there is no more spate available to rent at present : that the matter of renting more spore in the warehouse at the harbor be left with the chairman of this committee. We. recommend that the chairman of this committee be empowered to pet a new 12 -inch eastes- truughiug on the big warehouse at the dock and also to plat'. two cement pillars under the centre of this shed It ne essary. We recommend that the ar, I. against the Detroit River Construction (company for warehouse , rental 1e handed to the ,olieitor for collection. We recommend that the chairman of fists committee be em- ppwerwl to place x2.000 fire Insurance an the war.hotise at (iowderlch harbor reently purchased from the C.P.R. The Are committee reported that all sppilratlons for bolding ferret' to this committee meeting had been ptsswi. These reports were all adopted. Mr. John Marriott was heard with reference to a proposal to rent the former C. 1'. it. waYtilon.e at the liar bor. The matter was referred to the water. light and harbor committee. Councillor Brown again brought ap the matter of the Harbor Hill 'side- walk, and on kis motion. seconded by (bunrilfor Mooney, it was resolved "that immediate action be taken to put the ...Jewell In permanent good condi- tion. aud that the matter be referred to the public works and special commit- tees Jointly, to take up en relief work." Deputy Reeve Messer said there were a number of romptalnts of sidewalks in tad condition -heaved up or dropped -and the matter of repairs was re- ferred to the publle works committer, with power to aet at once where nares• .art'. Councillor Hays spoke of the dan- ger from areaways' on the streets. and this matter was referred to the special committee with power to consult the solicitor and bring In a bylaw regulat- ing the InstaUatlon of areaways and protecting the town. The 'simnel' then went Into commit- ter of the whole to discuss matters le connection with the cemetery purchase. Ins 11AS FIVE -Y married 1 V�scarriage and Isis perfectly miserable. "I took three bottles of Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Com- pound and later gave birth to a Inc baby boy. "1 now have five children. 1 always take InctVegetable Com. pound during pregnancy and is - helps me. It benefits my sisters. in-law too." Mrs. W. J. Zin R. K. No. 2, Lakefleld, 0 VEGETABLE COMPOUND CLEVELAND'S BAKERY !! -TRY OUR - Milk -made Bread YOU WILL BE DATED WiTH IT , PIES, CAKES and PASTRY Ali orders given our prompt and courteous attention manager'at PItnton tor the Onnn. t.ang- lols Co, for the Fist two years. is be - Ing transferred to the Harrlston branch. Robert Marshall who has been Mr. Mc('aglte s mace manager. will he in charge until a sneess,or to Mr. Me - Vague Is appointed. Mr. Me('ngute was for a few years the agrlenitaral repre- s.nETW fr -AArnn ennnty and is welt-- known _ end pop lar throughout the dIstrtet. A Midright Fire The home of Walter Tull!. two mites north of Rrns,ets, was totally de- stroyed Ire Are at midnight Inst Thurs- day. In tanking his escape from the fmrning building. Mr. Yutll grabbed a bureau drawer which lie thought eon- - WE DF:Li\'ER- I Coined a notnler of valuable papers, B CLEVELAND`Ji`,,h. •es. roa ltaut he removed the • wrong oe. The Are broke not in the basement. (w( end the n -i et• id the Telephone 114 W..t Street holt... awakened by the denim 'smoke ►Sparr's GROCERY '' The Store d Satiei'adMimt Hamilton West Street ELECTRIC SHOP \v'F: (':'.RR) A COMPLETE Electrical Appliances, Fixtures, etc. Electric Wiring of all kinds Estimates liven on application FRANK McARTHUR wrDELlv!.R IN TOWN • Telephotw `s2 - (;odicri i - �..r, touring Into their rooms. had barely time to ' p' In their nightclothes. Shipley -•-Huller 1'1m tnlrri.ge 111 Florence Irene, v ,tItute.t slaughter of air. rend airs. George Huller at. ('liutuu, to .Reginald W. Shipley, eldest son of Mr.- rind Mrs. Joseph Shipley of the Landon rnnul. ee As sol (nun iz'rl-Wsrhx'-rhe!-tsf- lase - o eek by Rev 't ' Holmes it the old Wesley pnr.ottage. /'Iintnn. .Mts' Mar, loris• planter was hrid,-meld n,Nl Holli. 11111 ,$uuitk..ata _l>ynL UWli,, Mitt tJtt eedoling breakfast Mr. :tnl Mem. Ship- ley lett by mutter on a trip to 1tieton, North Aber nrtel 11.11's-111. from whirs, 'hey will return nls.ett the ens of the mewl, Hallett IMelling Burned The hvostory frame house of tVll. Ilam Ross.,lst enneess10n of Ilnllett tnwnahip, wits totally destroyed by fire .wt Saturday morning. Mr. Retia was tilling a conl oil lamp in the kitchen of hi. home when the °lamp expided r • Armes quickly enveloped the kit - permit.' ret at the last WHEN GASTRIC JUICES FAR. TO FLOW F Fo�Marm DistinctiveSfles Oar custom s's will appreciate she maty dietiuosive style features which chanosarise the smart Shuns we are showing this season. They will -sake their place in the front rank of the Easter Style parade. The predomtaaung twain. are blank and brown kid leathers in Pumps and Tier with a varlets of hest. mostly the madiuw Cuban for street wear. The selects n is so egtenture for men, women and children that we ase sure we can At and please you in Sunlit, style and price if you'll only let us try. GEO. MACV ICAFt THE PRACTICAL SHOE MAN NORTH SIDE OF SQUARE GODERICH • COAL COAL Z COAL Now is the time to put in your winter Coal. The Anthra- cite Coal that we handle is from the Hazelbrook Mines. This Coal is guaranteed to be tree from slate and clinkers. This Coal costa twenty-five cents (25c) a ton more than other Coal, but wmare selling it at the same price. STOP 1 $16.50 per ton leu $1.00 per CHESTNUTton for cash on delivery COKE .. ....._-........ .. $12.50 ton I Priv eabiect to $1.00 off for a.b P OCOIIOIITAS .-.: $1250 boa •a d•liv•ry. SOFT ,. fill 1.50 toil Fns Hariset e. rismaia1 sad H•.tiry, try ass. W gwwaates •atsheties --:- -- tEE, at the Harbor -'WMIES-Store 22. Home 112- 1 Job Printing of Every Description at The Signal Announcement I HAVE EZEN APPOINTS D THE ♦QTUO&1ZED PARTS DEPOT FOR • Auto -Lite a Electric Systems These two systems cover practically all our common cars. I have a good service stook of genuine Parts and also the proper testing equipment to give you service on generators, distributors, starting motors, etc. Miller's Service Station Corner of Victoria Street and Elgin Ave. Phone 259 .5 et AST aro Nee mato ewe fere red shrift parr •e Misr. h J'..' 4As she Assess herd coot dip Ins veer sten ail•.0 gnamr' oar 1, e•rrbd ole the seta• wyrn • k.rnlsss Ow Isar ted grlb An Identifled Coa You lmiw► bnw badly an engine runs when it guts clogged up. It's the same with your Indy when your gastric -or diem lye -jitters fall to Hew. Your food, instewl of being assimilated by your system, simply collects ant stagnates inside vnu, producing harmful acid poueons. :shat you need then is a term.'-Natun•'s own tepie -Nature's six mineral cults. You get alt these six salts in Knueher. Salts, and each one of them has an actio of its own. Together, they stimulate and tune up the bodily tunetions from • number of different angles, The first effect et these salts M Go p to the flow of the saliva and sb awaken the appetite. The nem action occurs in the stomach, where the digestive jukes are encouraged pour out and ale upon the fond. Again is the int.stirul tract certain of th salts promote ■ further Ilnw of three v$tsl juices which deal with partly digested fond and prepare It finally for absorption into the system. So you see there is no mystery about Kruseben. 1t works on purely orien- talist and well-known principlesProvo It for yonmelf. 4 ....- tap ,..........-;_I L saw only as etraers 0111411i IOU die diaereses b•tw•a the essay V sad waled kinds of coal- But mow you care all D. L. • W. Swsaloa Aadr•cIts Mrd coop, da Retest eve browllet elbow* pound, by desply leokiws et 11. Thom Is ao pomlb4tty of widish* ... for this ass coal is colored Blue branded as Who .....chid product rt brsnd•d. No ods coal cow b• trsde-mrlced to this way, so dist doe cannot possibly be my subaMtetioe iroa the pithead a yeow fvrnsce door. 'bloat tool' is not new. This lemons D.L.IW. Scranton Ands/write hes -Amen islet_ complete estisiedien ins (raodl•a koes•s for swore dere 50 yawn- It has now been tinted Blue with • harmless dap, so that rise away be certain of setting ell de cowl video for which you have beim paylni. The col« does not effect this clean, poles, Iona-berning, economical fuel In any w•y ... but It does maim it easy few you to order with con- Rdence. Simply 'phone yaw dealer and order 'blow coal' In the size you want. Thom can't be any mistake or misunderstanding. And 'blue cowl' Is sold with this Geunntee: 11 it fails to completely satisfy we will remove thm remainder without cod. Order from your Dealer NOW - and know what 'blue coal' comfort means iblue coal' THE COLOR - GUAR ANTEE.g__T__N__E_... OUALI.,J,.Y • ,"flus"' T