The Signal, 1931-9-24, Page 2�aaootzv ).—Thursday, September letb, 1951 ._..,..,noir ;urs .. -4"*.10. 'a .30 TRE 8IgNAL tonal Batatelebed 1848 GODZRICH : CANADA Msenbsr of (lames& Weekly News- papers AanxLtion Published every Thursday morning. Mabocrlptloa pries $2-00 per year S trictly In advance. TIM SIGNAL PRINTING CO.. LTD. Notes of a Motor Trip in the States A Qtrpuit Of 100 lets Illinois, Iowa, liJpRM Sla The editor ofTbe etit►al returned Telephone 35 °odor", Ont. bone I..t week after a alae � , a lteeeressm. IRdtter mad 111.411.11 I days' holiday trip, and alai set =ala 24th. 1951 thing eventful occurred during the trip Zebaraday. Septemberrperhaps a few notes wet be of aloe Interest. Leavtug Godedch on September Oth, I reached Detroit that evening, and next morning set out for Chicago by 'lets. The Labor Day traffic was heavy and it took eleven hours to make the Journey, though the schedule calls for only nine hours and the railway train does it in about six hours. It must be said in favor of the 'bus, however, that it gives you glimpses of residential districts, parks and other pretty places that you cannot see on a railway trip. At ('bleago my chum of former days when he lived In Guderich. Will Pas - more, was awaiting me, and next morn- ing, atter canine upon a few of bis friends at Chicago Heights, where be works and resides, we eeloloeseed a 1400 -mile trip in Will's motor car. Through the Interesting urban or sub- urban district surrounding Chicago. we passed out to the pilins of Illinois and wan realized that Porn Is a very Important product In that State. indeed. there was little else to tw sewn in the fields. though of course It was too lute in the season to see other crops. Joliet. Ottawa. Princeton and Galesburg were same of the towns through which we passed and we reached the Mississippi River at Burl- ington. Somehow or other the Mb+s- iasippi has alwae' had romantic as- sociations In my mind -perhaps it lues for most people—and 1 should have been glad to linger here a while and bsorb some of the "atmosphere" of beautiful and majestic river: but it was getting on towards dusk and we pushed on. 1 might add that as we neared the Mississipppyi we were passing through a waterui'Ion country, for --- along withewt--gok?-a'neie Sam -may- at ._plant' plates along the roads were great pilesT big melons wtfh a yet Nod the yellow metal almost ,o- loan ur woman in charge prepared to irksome as it was to King Miens. sell the trait to passing, motorists. • • • r We reached Ottumwa. Iowa, atter a When Gandhi proclaims hinlw•It the run of 3_*_ miles, -and here we put up - sepeermtatl7e 9[ lhdias "dumb and for Wecalled tfiend I the dried rap fad ZDIYO L ROWS It la sot often that September has so long an acquaintance with summer. • • • The school Lairs are topping the program of lite la this part of the coun- try this week. • • • Great Britala Is balancing Its budget by drastic economies. Other Govern- ment* might take notice and follow the example. . __. ,,. '. - • .a With tbe leaders of alt parties tem - bitting to prop It up, the British pouud bas reason to consider itself of some importance. what • serious thing the tow price of cora must be to the farmers of Iowa and other States. That neer we stayed et Fort Dodge. lows. and tett morning we pursued our way. affil In a serthwe.terly direc- tion, towards the' titan of Minnesota. Statlggltug +Malsat Um combined easels 1 of a eternities tram sad • bestiaries wind. we ate very little but ■b.ueted quantities it ice cream. lemonade. *edit water and plain water In a deepertte attempt to keep from being burned up like the corn—and thereby hangs • little tile. 01 litter a lur-WaTetb- carded -coats mad seets, a d- Ally -Ac essiunally used a hat. Approaching a Place With the 1ntrlgutmg name of Spirit Lake, 1 wondered what It would be like. However, it appeared to be an ordinary prairie town and we stopped at a drug store to get an Ice cream soda. Hours later. many miles away, when i looked for my hat 1 remem- bered that 1 had taken It into that drug store—and had lett It there. i1 was a perfectly good hat. taught just the day before i left ()alerich. at Walter Pridham'a. and if this ever meet* the eye of that druggist he le anthorized to sell It for the benefit for the meal hnspltal or any other fund. So there seemed to be some- thing after all in the name of the glare —though neither of ns had anything stronger than sots water. 'liliiT afternoon Ire re•PMed Werth- Ineton. Minnesota. and there i was happy to and some friends of my youth whom i had not seen for more years than i care to pat In print. Time works greet changes. lint friendships can be as enduring as time. •nd i was not sorry that I had travelled so tar for the make of "sold lang syne." Eastward through Min/ este Atter dinner in the hospitable home of my friends. we turned our way eastward, and that night stayed at Mankato. Minn. Until we reached northern Iowa we hail not been off paved roads.lent there mewl- in Mese- (-sots eta(-sots were a few stretches ofgond gravel road. For tulles on end the roads. paved or unpaved. traverser) the prairie emmtry. with oely ale occa-rwitie a co-operative test on each of Monet tree. ewe under the hot ase we Itan farms la each t'on0Iy„, where lime minted the shady foliage to which we are accustomed In Ontario., By the way 1 might mention that gasoline In the Irnete•I States sold at • • • A Toronto business man says be be- lieves the turn in business conditions will come suddenly Well, a hairpin turn ou the road to Prosperity will not scare most of us. • • • Because of existing monetary con- ditions. Canadian money Is at a Heavy diwormt in the United 4466o- at some points is not accepted at a11. '!U '' obvious thing for Canadians to do is to keep their dollars at Thome.. a • • Won't it be a good joke on the United States. which has moat of the world's gold plied In its vaults, If the other nations decide they can get ,... GODERICH, ONT. Of Interest to the Busy Farmer Ism lehed by the (Mimi, D.partIntnt of Agriculture line Mot Crap Roots in the digerent field .plot experiments at O. A. l'. are Wok- ing particularly well and nha of been visited .by many the commercial seed trade. A visa would well repay auy tanners particularly lat•rested in this crop. IntIdeetally the demana this autumn b5 farmer% fef. material for co-operative experiments over Ontario buil "t esti greater rep to this time than during 19.'tii. Mute ad- miration has been expressed e tine stand of soy beans at the College. A Rainy Riser Industry The (sixth annual market bunk Lair b$d recently In the Rainy River dlstrlet was a very suctesstad event. An attractive prise list was offered by the eo-operithm of Dominion and Ow tarlo Live :(tock branches and edth Rainy River Valley Sheep Asws•Iation. Several purebred rams were auctioned off and two carloads of market lambs shipped to the stockyards at Winnipeg, and two carloads of se- lected lambs to the Thunder Bay teetdis- trict. where they will sup�� cling Mock for rleveral boys' P being organized there through the On- tario Live Stack lerauch. Sheep -rais- ing has become a very Important part of agriculture in the Rainy River tits - trite. r• • '"�� .- art ptestlhl this year. with a large crop or grapes and bumper barren et apples. The bean crop it proving bet- ter than anticipated. The tobacco temp. an eiveptlonally heavy one, Is pried - catty all In. The root crop- 1a very promising. Farm Bops airalli wark''w..• A 1U -tat .i;1 i5Y.31'x-iia h- cud sirlo- in ttre rural distriets of Ontario cum• within the scope of organisations con- ducted under Jurladtction of the depart- ment. according to figures compiled by R. S. Duncan, Director of Represen- tatives. A total of 5A1 sebool fairs ac- count tot 129.3011 boys and girls; Junior Farmers and Junior-anatltutes embrace 23,029 boys and girls between 1.0 and 20. while 234 Boy.' and Girls' Clubs take care of 4917 boys and girl" between 12 and 20. During the past year the following clubs have been In operation: 2:1 calf clubs. 30 potato clubs. 15 grain clubs. 13 swine clubs. 100 home gardeu and canning clubs, and 32 sheep clubs. These dubs Dave done a very important work in direct- ing the activities of boys sad girls oa the farm and in creating amon6 them a new ethereal to tarot work. •M Mattis Nest The O•tart° Plowmen's Assoelatlotl Is holding Its International Plowing Match and Farm Machinery Demon- stration on farms adjoining the city The O. A. ('. Department of Chem - Inge I of Peterboro. The dates of the s1 t Istry recently Issued the following re- I I°gra will he Oct. l:d. 14. 15 and 18. port. which gives some conception of l cxrl comppUtlon will to held the first the valuable work It Is 'doing: Boll sur I day. Tuewlay. and the second day Is set veys In Wentworth and Middles*: have I apart for atuhblr plowing: the third been completed and much valuable data day. sod plowing. and the last day. assembled. Five carloads of lime hare I open competition (tractor and hoses been distributed inthecounties i>f E1-' *tome the Inter -county rumpttitlnns gin. Wentworth. Haldimand, Welland yawl the banquet. The International flowing lIah•h and Lincoln. This Is In connection and Farm Machinery Demonstration Is the outstanding achievement of this nrganl.atiem alul It is admittedly thy largest Institution of Its kind In the world Each year It is held In a dif• ferent section of Ontario. Those ellgllde to enter in the local e1ass,� . must Is• reaidents of Peter- Iworo. Victoria. Durham or $o—fr ham= twrland eunnties. Many specials are offered in the seri ms chis•es. Tet,' Hydro -Electric Commission will hive a targe hen where different appliances NORRIIS FARMS* M MATS . The •uddeS death of Mr. Robert J. Young. familiarly known as "Bert." • young farmer of Morris, has cast 1 gloom over the community. He bad not been feeling well for a day or two. but continued at the elo.ing of the harvest, whewthe "wormer du" attacked him. Medie•I aid •nd eunaultatlou ut Wend - glans were not able to save his lite. and he parsed away Just a week after going to bed. The funeral was con- ducted by Rev. K. MacLean of Wing- bam and Rev. William Moore of Brns- sees. and he was turfed in the Bran- don cemetery at Belgraye. As the de- eeseed btleajed to ame of the oldest end most respected remitter. In the township and Mrs: Toung, a daughter of Mr. John W. Mason, of Wawanaeh, also Is of a widely connected family. the attendance was very large. The fol- lowing were pallbearers: James Clark. Clarence Startle, James HSgg. John Craig, B -nerd Craig and Bert Pease. Those from a dlstane were Mr. Allan Mason of Kitchener. a brother -In-law, end Rev. A. L. Budge of Hagersvflle. a cousin. Deceased trades behind his wife •nd tour boys. the eldest being eleven years of age. was applied to acid molls when seeding wjwat. The plan • was made possible til? co-operation tit [alis Department with the Markets Drench. Department roadside 14 to Tt sent. ■ g.lton- _Wind= = ter 1 of Agriculture. the limestone companies State tar. - - kali the ratiwiys. 1rartftnlr We spent only a short time at Minn- experimental tcdweco plots In Norfolk eapolla and St. Pani. the great Twin comity is Anlshed end a erop of excel - Cities of - ]tinaesote: We-hadtime, lent finality was garnered. Many soil rr the eight. on some however, for a visit to the famed Minn- samples have been received in the post lends of Witt's.-menntemat the Fos- P6ttlett ed rI bre.lr—.itthe a we month by ihi. Department with the I will 1* in nl�erathm. {' _ __ fids -be est sed millions." the obniona rt t no a s— y were a rP({m . Ottumwa'. great industry, the meat Pre was nothin or ns n hr a. cera as o ha:" We are infnresed that the city wheat. investigation of Insecticides, ha!" sem ar m ons. ter family who are at the head o tort is that British rule has brought the f but t "h w t fertilizerdo treatment for fail amelioration to India's oppressed and packing esteblishment of John Morrell intends to revive the famous sprtacle and tnncleides Is twine eontinned. and hex enal.Ied millions to live whom & Co. In the morning we were kindly � by turning into the stream a supply of a number of samples of ration(' brands of Parts green. ealelnm -arsenate end lead arsenate are being studied. i Show Graded Homey tune of the outstanding features In the government exhibit at the Central Canada F.r1YRAHnn this year watt the display' of graded honey D7 the Bee Division of the Central Experimental Farm. This year for the first time hooey is graded with government standards Into the clave'• white. golden. amber and dark. sad there are three grades In each of these elaseee. As the rrdf Ott graphically portrayed. the Mowelsh ere In graded hooey is • better product elefrtftCNtttrstnmPr demand for really line gmlity to one of na- ture's wholesome sweets_ The grad- ing is Peppered. then:nth satisfied clertowers haying with coefidenee in nitaIIhr. to intresee demand. to facil- itate orderly marketing. and to ensure greater returns for the producer. Roth novel and Intereatlne was the 41aptey of 240 pounds of honey. the prodrw•t 01' one hive at the Central Ex- perimental Farm no tar this year. ar- ranged aa it was In pyramid of five- mernet puttee otherwise famine would have claimed. conducted through the packing plant by George Foster. Jr. 1 had never seen such a plant before. and to me It The railways continue to suffer from seemed a model of efficiency and clean - the competition of truck and 'bus lines liness leers of experience have de- • • • that ase the public highways at no expense to themselves. while the rail- ways are at heavy expense In main- - -lathing it roadbeds. As a result, - Canadian taxpayers will have to face --heave charges for railway deficits. • - • • The London Free Press Is bound to nate Mtn -hell HPpbnre.-Ltberai 1 elect. s "wet." it pnbllahed last week a report teatI1(r dupe¢ 'r awe putting fortb a new liquor policy including the abolition of persalts and provisions for the errs sees s 1e of liquor. The report was promptly repudleted by Mr. Hepburn, bot this will not prevent The Free Press from continuing to misre- present his attitude. • • • _.•ea We have all heard advoestes of pro- tection say that free trade would be the Ideal policy if all nations would adopt It. Today we have in the par- alysis of world trade an Illustration of the results of an almost worldwide adoption of protective tariffs. And we may Tet see_ fast rendition; will Im- prove in proportion to the extent that the mations scale down their tariff > s cog. rUaw t24 o pursue its natural conriell. : w Essex county people are urging apo• the Provincial Government---dhe con- struction of twenty-five miles of road to link up Stoney Point In that county with Port irmhton in Lambton county as a action oe the Blue Water High - wee. Prefilter Henry le (protect ss stat- Ing that he bas studied theTproierted link for some years and that no doubt eventually It will 1e built. TheEssex county promoters propose that the work be undertaken at once by the Government as an goempldynent_rte lief proposition. At thea ehId of the upon as practically the emthern'end of the route: but If an extension to FP- aex county can be provided there will -water from the tete mains. A Minneapolis paper [bat day car- ried a statement that the city's re- ed of September heat had been brok- en a wonderhtl system of hand- lingwith a temperature of 104. egttal- ling the previous record for any month. ling the varied products of the plant. 'So we had good scrum for believing that the weather was nncommo.ly hot. At Wausau. Wisconsin Evening found ha rat Waws-O,—Wrs- consln. where in the morning we called on Mrs. W. A. Wilson. sister of Mem Porter and Mrs. Hlnoks of town. Mrs. Wilson's daughter. lira. ('hap. Hooker. known to many in Goderich as Evelyn Wilson, kindly drove us to points of Internet In and about the town. Wan - (Pronounced with the &event on'They tl`ie w haedmome fifty of shunt TOW and the ingenuity of the many devices employed was matched by the efficiency of the men who operated them. There were ao slain,. of depression to be seen al Ottumwa. doabtleps owing to tbe aseeey employment of the thousands who work In the Morrell plant. The Big Cars Mate lett Ottumwa in the early after- noon and drove 1a a northwesterly direction through the Stajse„glt.Jdfeite first syllable. and colloquially I -o -way). Epeople. with (tar pubfle Mrfidtngw and every appearance of comfort end prose pretty. I was particularly taken wltb the State of Wisconsin as a whole. While the hurried trip we were making did not provide • fair tweet tor ees- perleon. what we saw of WIaeoastn, Rs lakes and Its beautiful rolltag eowstry impressed me most favorably. We had hoped to make ('hiesere that night (Saturday n. Mat It wa,• dark when we reached ttilwankee ami we stayed there for the nigh Sed went oa to Chicago is the morning. Will drove me through the magni- ficent lakeskle boulevard dtstrlrt gttd Men to the railway station. whrrP fought tbe train for.1)etrott r was mar- itime time for ■ risit of a day mr two in Chleago. where i had intend- ed to look sap mine friends, ibut my time was a. and I had to hurry back to On every hand was corn, corn. core— miles and miles of it. and much of it horned brown by the Sun. We were told. howevter. that the drying eat did not Injure the corn. We did not linger by the way to talk with the farmers—indeed. we saw very few of them: perhaps it was too hot for them to work in the son—tett after see - Ing the thousands of acres of corn we passed through it is easy to understand eeroetery of which Goderteh people are rightly so proud. • • • The first grain cargo h• ht t Church - 111 for the voyage through Hudson Bay to England. Inaugurating the new sea route intended as an outlet for Western solo. t s eamer'Flitotiefdtiit cargo ot._27,74/90 bu he of wheat, and she is to be followed by another %termer of similar erpeei(y. Modern facllltles for handling grabs have lees provkled et Churchill by the Federal Government. and It remains to be sees whether shipments by ibe sew route ran tete mals at- it cad 14"e0ADete sae- tesefully with the Great Inkee and St Lawrence route. As an alternative roan. 1t bits, of course, the &sadism. tate that it 10 open only a few months tike year. A lot of gond moat has itp.rt• It bonding the railway -ts the Bay and to eetitdishing a port wisdom of the badertak- add a word in tribute to the Kew GraderRaba New amendment. to the Root and T.'getahree Act cull for the grading of potatoes, at aft masons of the year td ins s ban on all cnll apples and frolto from the markpfa. These anorndmerrre were pawed at the regneat . _ rbc Cafptt[1.iLefQrienitnrnl Council and nnmtrmis grown' suiww1nllnnk thrgrghont Canada. Co-nperattnn of truckers. wholtsaters and gra—Veer asked in bringing [fie law into effect. There wfir he the regular four grades of potatoes. Canada No. '1. Ro. 2 and No. 3. end ("amide Fancy. Oren -ere wire he rertafred to mark all packages enntalntng potatoes for sale wtth their full nano.- and address, grade of pnttrteen end weight. Ter the Fruit Art the ungraded' regulation has Seen atwrttahed. 1; will no longer f1.- iegal to mark rover hamlets' of fruit '-r-ngraded." Aft haskehe with patent covers. all MARI.. wins he (15 51fied ander the act as Mawr parkagee and the i *6Es for rinsed pactagres Rift eppty. --A11__pasket' packed este wlthont coven mast remain no nM with apprehension } en113. With a foreman. of only three arm the Ridge s cy ,c,1 111e present generaltPt 'wteen lernit In hulk: In eselmtd lots or the general ARP to Ret away from the tam -trance motor _Mirk mads: ecerpt In direet of Sendai fie a holy day. at the same mnrement to Theory or proems plants, time maintaining that the titre ilex .hall rnntnin no ,5114. with a tolerance largely •1n *loser Attentlor to the rye- of nniy them per loaf. esteem Ili.-. Tire new rethrtatlone have been This Ia n matter which same dealt melee to prntret the ihnein, prattlewith editorially by The Nedra last spring. when the bnsy traffic, seeleM n ori hone Iswn denten not to rause was opening np.tont apparently the v h rl.hlp to growers. Ihrdhtlr' ere -tmt-reade-to tet -*rotated aver Ing heft al waye beete in An outline .of ihe • relief toesteerN1 • * an additienal outlet: ,or inlet. at 1 width are being undertaken br the the Border Cities, and perhaps an ad- ditional argument for the poving of the entire route. . _ "The evil that hien do lives aftelli them: the good is •oft interred with I lined II coneereliteisive peogrein of their bootee- Sn, utitilt the poet : hut 1 rued -building. partieularly in t.011- ' -The town eounell having got into at nil. Attest Of the late leder Macnne wee ., , men wile would etherwi.e he paid to the town owl with the, ttfie- . Wh011y tinemployed. The obtere is the highway undertaking, sod. sweend. transients anti elm& nun front 'triton (-entree as eertified through -the Emliloyment Service of Cancela.-telyIng upon the muni - Opel untlertskings to faniab em- ployment for the nlOPP 'killed ar- tbians In building and other in• diudriee In this way msreledemen Ftelerir-Govertinteer- co -or -refine *WI 11/IS heel) hoilltbl. The plena for this Province are 'dittoed AA fillIOWP: ibis money mseettlemeht of the difii- One eon he in* Oat the donor of tido money, were he Mire to see the reetiltr of his benefactiolk Weald be gratified 10 know that hie gift had brought peace and ha mem! In the Men einem ot his e town, intl. ferthetethatrthat. had tte• resin to eon* will main 'I -vane able end "baarrritat in 're"' ir' handling fats ear. He drove Dearly MI the way. at the speed Iteeeraary to enter the ereand, and frequently in Derry tragic. and without the ellghrest mishap. Re geode bha regards to hie meets friends he Oodsrlch• W arm ataatfpLAAlag another tens for writ -year%-__ W. H. $OBERTNON. NIL II MPLEY IMAM TES WAY (Chatham News) Rev. J. W. RediK• M.A.. TIM pea- tor_ot the -Canham street f ntred (Woreh. of Rfewhet a Is reported/1ETtlP News -Tribune of that pinre as regieter- a among comllftlnt against the operation of motor trncks on ikemTe n Thep earned dtrfne from the town on The famous [waning Tower of Pew was built In 11:4 A.D. 1w MEN( WANTSD I�•I G•amiess - cam amide. 1111U81MOOT ..Lim Near erase. •a t '.`..•,. nee. Tr..a. Klose. HA11OYY CAMADMrt Q1OWN OUTWIT JILZ Rw•t,.�••t•e Nes•wte. ....ay. at* bati—. sod waaat••a• r w.h. WRITE TO DAY CAMS BROTHERS 111. 'L 1. 'Valasad, (Warn ICE aE�AAMp -1; I� LIGHT D DRINKS YWH` LUNCES Crich's Restaurant Sole Dealer for Smiles ' Chuckles (chocolates i r Instant Brisk and &marital. !les always feels fresh. shit explains,bsestne she keep her soot n fresh. WRIOLCY'S :asterism Gum re. 6aeh•r the mouth and removes all trace of eattag and smoking. WRIOI.EY'S after every meal—the of refinement, efficiency. INIIPiNS1Ya SATISFYING NOTICE poultry Shipments received on Tuesdays and Fridays. ERS Shipments received -on every week -day. Open Saturday nights until 10 o'clock. —WE TAY CASS— Egp graded while yon wait. MULHOi LAND & JERVIS Warehouse : East St., Goder ich Telephone 110 DEQUATE PROTF1CTI OF THE 'HOME p SRT IN THE YEARS OF LIFE `�ttyt i 4Ns • i. i - can be assured LIFE-.��e INSURAIZTC� t:e • 1,•'1- ,+t";;.y`. - Do Not Lapse any oa the Life Insure c � Protection you have; better, still --Ger-More of It! eettneld emit questloste. ass the .14tinday- truck •any call+ O• they traffic dill eontinues. At that time It their hakete. wns pointed .ottt,tbat railway'. are not permitted by laWto lona their enter on The etreinsige Istvielete teemettnefit aM"1I he enterreeirg „f te knew Puttee -hen these transport l. arrimitear sir, s N.14 4.-mo„.tra. tricks, resednev make long thin of 110 mu. of (Ire m.4111'411010, It isrtplite reason -nide to grant thee i, 1,,. 10,1 rcv e•ssi. en Sundae rein be Justified. bet it have /111 csmbi,'ot drain:ire III in. and -1. mete apparent hem the Inoks A/ -some of the lottas missing thrreigh thet the gondol they emery ermid he trans. outing the nullity nf the merehandige reptirtnewt -Tom- of the Weekly Crept flopert gofer Nil winmt 11.1. bet•ii sown hut Mote moistitte.i• retptit!sil_lp maim k leadie the PottdittiOn• Ideal et moot district. roma for javeatigation in this' matter. Mgt thealtstinntifie • No matter what your Life Insur• ance needs may be, The Pru. dential has a policy to serve you. And Annuities that will assure you an Income for Life. Prudential representatives are prepared to give you the best advice obtainable. • Pr rutlruli Horne Office, NEWARK, N. J. efilleer amt.?