The Signal, 1931-9-10, Page 5THE SIGNAL HEAR THE NEW VICTOR 8 -TUBE SUPER /Adt: HETRODYNE RADIO AT NEW LOW PRICES et ON KAN8LAUGHI'ER CHARGE a•MillalM111111.60 _At CAMPBELL'S DRAMSTORS • PERFECTION It never ass intended that we should be perfect on eartit; the greet thing is uot never to miss the bull's eye. but to get a little nearer to it every time we 1 DIDN'T MIND Head Walter -"Would monsieur pre- fer Spaulmh, French. or Italian cook - boiled egg" COAL COAL COAL Now ie the time to put in your winter Coal The Anthra- cite Coal that we handle is from the Hazelbrook Mines. This Coal is guaranteed to he free from slate and clinkers. This Coal coati twenty -live cents (25c)_g_ton MON thnn other .Coal, but-ereitecatiliet it- at the 4wittso EGG 1 $16.50 par ton less S1.00 per STOVE C HESTNUT ton for cash on deSvory COKE S12.50 toe I Prices subjoct to si.oe'sall fee es& 501-11. $11.50 toe I ow deliver'. For !Utilisers, IlliraNkish. aad Heating. try us. We guarantee -PHONES-Seere 2.2, Reese 112 - MIss M. Drake Succumbs to Injuries Received In Car Accident John Lamont of Milken township was arrested on Wednesday •nd •p - peered in Police Court charged with manslaughter. He war adulated to bail of $5,000. Mr Lamont was the driver of the motor car which figured in an aecident near Dublin reeently, When leveret yeung people were der - °wily injured. One of the aecideet .*:.14,2tIr Margaret Drake, aged CARLOW CARLOW, dept. it -Mei. A. John - to *wad a few day. In the city. daughter, a Toronto, were week -end rialto/is at the home of Mr. rud Tait Clark. Mr. and Mra. Harry Tufford and two children, of Turouto, are vielaug Mr. and Mrs. Hurou Tufford, Dunlop. Mr. aud Km Will Claytuu and sou Jack, of Putnam. aud Miss biladyis Treble, or Toronto, tweet the.week-end 'home -for two weeks' +milder,. Mrs. Sam Allan, of Goderich, spent last week with her son, Mr. Alden Al - !au at MeGaw. Death of Mackenzie Young. -Word was received by relatives here tills week of the death of Mr. Matteuzie Young. son of Rev. John Young, of Mexico, According to newspaper despatches the deceased was a victitu of roadside thugs near Fortuna, Calif-, las hodY be- ing found riddled with bullets. The young man first spraug iuto euce on hie return from the war whet Later his parents noticed a photograph resembling him in the newepapers, aud later inquiry elicited the tutursuatton that the young new had beeu a mem- ber of the itoyal Chapman Andrews into tbe Gold DederL lie had sent word of hit ireceilTtire;- it never reached hie Parents, and the/ believed him dead. His parents kuew of no enemies their mu might have had, and, according to dispatcher Cal- ifittula State police are working on the theory tbat he was niurdered for what yginehleii were in his poraessium The funeral will take place at Etainilton, Ont.. -on ?rider of Olio week-. -31.r.. Alex. Town, of Colborne towuship GoDERICH TOWNSHIP, Sept, 8.- ! Miss Elsie Jefferies, of Toronto, owl WO' Inez Stager. of Kitchener. spent outplay at the Intim- of 'Al Vitt. Mr. end Mrs. Irwin Speiran of De.. sR gnu sial Mr. Fred Moron ,Kilieliv- ditto. 'Amid the Itolidey...trith .Mr. and Nr. 114 Mrs. Mellwelti and 1 family of Ottiova have !teen visiting " with Mr. IMO Mrs. Rohl. 31ciluiriu and . Robert Devialson mud' Friday as the result of inju7re-s-re- (rived in the evident. An Inquest into the death of MiAR Drake was held at Seaforth on Friday and adjournment made to September 17th. „„ Another mernlser of the party of five who were riding In the roadster whe it eareened Into the diteh on the Hur- on -Perth county road. Alex. Gardiner. aged 17. of rromarty. in still In the Memorial hoopital in view of thin fart. the intim-et was adjourned until Thurmday. Sept 17 Coroner Dr. F. J. Burrows preedried at the Inqueot., Whether or not the eonditinn of be learned It is underetood that he le %offering from concussion of the brain and that nn X-ray revealed that there war, en injury to the head At times the youth is ennseintis and at other flavour lapaise Into rtneonseimetnew.. CRASH NEAR EXETER On Provincial ITIghwae No. 4. one mile north nf Exeter. on Tumidity I night ear Arleen by Mr Wm. Neeb Exeter. Roth vehteles-wore protreedIng in the some direetion at the time of Me eon. Girls, 8 and under -Betty Har- ris, Bernice Grigg Hoyt, 13 and un- der -Grant Sterling, Stewart &hoe- uals, Robin Thompron. Girls, 12 and uuder-Margaret Schoeurls, Jean John - sou, latreue Cox. Hoye' 3 -legged rim - Rob Sterling and Harold Johafituu, Al- vin Cux and Jack Perdue. Girls' 3 - legged race -Sylvia Louden end Elisa- beth Thiel. tiledyr Clerk end Jean Johnsuu. Young men's race --Jack Sterling, Fraser Sterling, MAU Arm- stroug. Youug ladies' race -Marjory Glidduu, Margaret Schoeuals, Mary lirigg. 'Married mews rjoe-Klug Harris, Pee roma, Elliott diarrhatu. FOR YOUR NEXT ROOFING JOB —fizz Ull— No job too small. No too large. • Let us give you an estimate kob 1 Cement 'Work.. moving and Fresh Cement and Lillie arrived. We deliver in town a no countryTh17.;; reason- Telepiews 303. Hsamilte. Street. Gederich, Ontario. Pkkard. Relay rave -Jack Sterling. King Harris. A bats:hall game between greatly enjoyed. The score ives 34-13 in favor of the home team..A tug-of- war was staged, the home 114101 *In- ning agAtn. Supper was then served. and everyone did justice to We ample supply of "eats" prorated 1 by the Id ladles. Mr. Lewls Tebhutt the reported for the judges. annOnneing he prize& whiners as Mows: Rept reamed - Mr. McDonald. Beat doat-Goderleb township eonnell. Beet band -Mr. Jas. Sterling. and others In order. I Men's Club. darkey family. ear with i goat nod girls from !Won church Thel preehlent of the Club. Mr. Fred El- liott. then Introduced Mr. Geo. Spot - ton. M.P. for North Huron. who ad- dressed the gathering Mr. Sonttun listener' to with a great deal of In- termit Following Mr. Spotton'e ed., The proceeds of the dee amounted to ' grin and the Men's nal, are to la. eon- . gratulated on their enterprise In hold- ing this gplendid field day. I maw West Street. Telephone 132, Goderieh. NewFurniture Goderich Beauty Shop Keep your hair bright. and beaoti - fat with _- Finger Wave . Marcel Was* - Manicure SOc SOc Miss Ella Campbell Phone 536 est Street Ara Helen 'MAW ed to Lonuou alit! 1%11E4 with Mr. and.Mrs. Elwin Auderritu Mit • Mies Helen Daviibion'is-li Clinton a taking a secretarial course at Mei - *chool of Commerce. - Miss -Marguerite -Pricones1-- !home of..lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. I Oro. Falconer. I Miss Alice Sowerby. of Toronto,. Margaret Pentland spent the • k -end and noiiday at -the home- -et spent the week -end and holiday at the home of her father, WW1. ilowerhy. her parents, Mr and Mrs. A. B. Pent- GuesM at the home of Mrs. Jas. ROSS for the week -end were: Mr. and Mrs. Thos. K. Ross, Master Teddy Reed Ross of -Peterboro and - Mrs. Geo. Rote. of Goderich. visited • Turoiday at the home of Mrs. Jas. "Mr. 11/1d Wre: Rotert-Meltwain, jr., Mrs..1. Mcllwain, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Siellwain and three children nintonsi to Ashfield and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jame* Johnston. A party eonslating of Mr. and Mrs. John Cunningham, Miss Elorenee Cun- ningham. Mrs. A. T. Cooper. Mr end Mrs. H. E. Rorke and Mite Flprenee Rorke -of Clinton spent Labor Day at Lewis' beaeh. Mr. Dare Davidson has been vieiting for a few days at the home of his per- mits, Mr. and Sirs. Robt. Davideon. Ijalsa Church Notro--A corn roast was tied uy tue 1'. ut Luton m• ach. About thirty >ouug people Hot Water a Plenty-z19n Wash -Da _;_Whe...a _Us* PIV1) Footwearin Distinctive Styles Our eurtotners will appreciate dio many distinctive style features+ which characterize the Smart Shore we are showing this Pawn. They will take Weir -Mace in the front rank et the Eaeter style parade. . The predominsting styles are black and brown kid leather. in Pump. and Ties with a variety of heels. moray the medium Cuban for street "rhe selectim is so extensive for men, worten and child/go that WO wreath, en- van wireste-Tern-i&-stifellif, ityle and prioe if you'll only let us try. GEO. MACVICAR THE PRACTICAL SHOE MAN NORTH SIDE OF SQUARE GODERICH MONEY•SAVING -Am SPECIALS -----71111-, weekly specials are anuses! mune', -saving orporteeilks. ?boy feature items seWng under the ususJ low A P prices. By all means take advantage of them but remember that every- day prices on everyday foods are always lower at A Ils P Stores and they always save money for you. Remember, too. that A • r quality is backed by our unqualified guarentee of "satisfaction er yoar money back." allneametheraiewasuramounta— CHOICE CUTS OF TENDER A & P BEEF SHOULDER OR CHUCK lb. ioe _suuiriAnt site am= 1111 • .nigNrigeFF,:fir7ir 14_ ps FANCY NEW SEASON SPRING LAMB t Meer LEGS sorr lb. as. MATED lb. 121 FRONT QUARTERS - CUTS OF' TENDER YOUNG It OACIIND PORK R SHOULDERS BUTTS RAMS mow ?nib Cats II OZZIE on 111-11111 EQUIPPED WITH THE NEW ELECTRIC WATER HEATER Teirtel Plated Towage Arlhwitirte Sawa WRINGER Sakey maw gives pronietints the( when agersted the Wliele tag roll may h e reserred. Eq•imed with cams burley mil meta parte CeIhrtiate plated ee pewee& rushee/ BALLOON ROLLS . gain rubber Waal break batter le bed ea • Lateratetle• CONTROLS mum and eihel rAatea. lighted up the 1eaclr, w,here various gamer were played. A n ug -rung war 14 -la eratJ'DIIE:1et'bT ►` r. N. Craik. The t'orter Myr sup.' piled the cure, and there was abun- dance for everyone. After singing "Auld Lang Syne,' the party weudeu its way up the bill... ,Toe meeting of We W. M. 8._ will be held at the home of lin. h'orest iicCinre un Werlaeedif of this week. Mrs. A. Phillipe will have charge of the uteetipg.... •1'be re- inter meeting of the. Y. 1'. 14. will be held in the cnurth ou !'ridry eveuiug. The Y. 1'. S. of Grace church will All pones people ate cordially Ini t ..The set: - vice at l'uiuu on 1Sueday I t was takeu by Rev. k'. W. Craik, who has re- turued from et month'. vacation. He took as his text The Inspirldg Wold" from 1'salm 1111:4:,. The eungregatfon • was small, owing to the dw•oratlun set - tire at Melliyud cemetery. Field -1* 1It Porter's Ilial:-!'leld 11ay was held at fetter's hill un- aTiurt a! , t rhurrh. The weather was Ideal end the picogram' w -as �•arrlerl out to "guild I iii tyle. . tmnt tliree liendred ',mode I fsi 1orni,l o,lt. Hnd eve•ryuoe thoroughly •iiJuyetil thetuw'it-er. At Leib o'clock 1 parade was formed and this braved I 'wry aitnang. tilt then, representing! tle�' tGesh'rielt township eouneil, Ivor. I it for e/L*4 ne amusing nets,. .\ itemiser Id „f girls reprtsettt•'ti the 31e11•s Club,' oral' Wrre' ,to outsiders an inkling of oiler hent •1u lnelde•the ('hfi. 4r. Jas. sterling dee ewortiterlt ids talents bandmaster and Wes followed by the I Tum? flintlt' With 3fnmtc-Mr111mm1tt: J- t }cern, ear of ancient vintsge with a ¢oat ae the r , hamper°' was fnllnwttl f rep a "dre,s, 1 h p' eon�rle from Union berth, After cirri ink' the field, the pa rule! pa«ea1 In front ot• the. Judmet!. who were Meese.. Towle Teishett, f'Itit holsh, rind Sent ('a,dM. Immediately after the parade, a progrem of rem" wet e'arried out The prise_w-inners: Ty* A and Htwler--Ttnngle• Sterling, Erle nor. Way Ilerrls (heir !S ttRlQ - utd r --Roth Harris. ,l-•:tn Real. Wilda END CIIIITS,156111 Atm 110111.1711:11. FRESH FISH 20e FILLETS —"Vote ten. neA phimer4revitt ash - sinned to designed tut to ~lose tbe Weshor learn top to bottom giving d ead vviin support AM fell waterier. lbe partelatn-enamelled telt which twarated by as •.r were to preetet TUB Stsee kr.. 4 4601..1 Malign •nal nut fully proaraled to pre- vent earrltrtg and dame.. k7 • ft...a epeeist derv. IR SPACE To prevent rooting nine abeenne at arty pecking to Neonate (nil and dome and eendert beet Motor and neater rontrolltre it specially ileuipred indicating and nIpriAralinn bean duty nsiteb MOTOR Over*. Her, Pener Cenediaa beet. Mbletere Drool and MI. ever 11 'If' AGITATOR FINS eat—thus ,Iners• more reireant ing AGITATOR Amore bentingi GES CAIIPORNIA SMALL SIZE 2 1)". 3 5. WATER DR A IN— ire.sktins .10(9.11, applIP.1 10 DRIVE &ago a• putt 88 Ilrllinnel Olen eivelrir iniulation het ...pm Ilse m.o.., and tranrrmaawars Mon otirninnte. an, in a direct dn.. and virmlid 1,11111 In iihninern0 emir on IA. he•nraga. TIIANSMISSIIES frame hii anew* nerfe,i Amman. and Plirlinrtro Nal ...apple...a Inn.* OUR OWN FINEST QUALITY SILYERBROO K BRAND ONTARIO CREAMERV BUTTER lb' 22c SUNNYFIELD PASTEURIZED CREAMERY .... lb. 24c RTENING 1 -LB 19 CASTERS 111111111110. 0101111111111110md ifticirr —14 PATTNTS Wear rereeken se ethos swept tbe motor. ebldi II few drops were • yew It le rerswareebekd. bower.. I* drain tlia irseentimit. row her entity three rare and refill. Wisher is fully grenne4 by patents 'Waal eesteasamsztre wed* or awarrial A Brantford 'Washing Machine Co. Ltd. FLOUR PAtITIIT 2,44b. Bag 45c 1148 West Street Electrical Shop, Goderich. wirtrowomst Telephone 82 See Locomotive Washer at our Booth at Goderich Flgr Next Tuesday -and .Wedstesda Septemher 15th and 16th. A P COFFEE TRIO Over SS.000 cups of our dela 0,us %It at '..r (111111 t lir first week ol the Canadian Nat'on.11 Exhi halm*. HU II. 111.1 110111111 11.4%0R BOKAR lb. Tin 35e RED CIRCLE th-29c 8 O'CLOCK A Pure Santos garner of North Street and Square GODERICH 'MANTIC 41,. rACIFIC reemoramaglieeMiattal SATURDAY EVEKNG, SEPTEMBER 12th -Farr -and-His-Orcitesire-et-the---- IFAIR WEEK SPECIAL ATTRACTION 443V W. WARK las , And His All -Colored - -Orchestra of Chicago, will furnish the music at a ;DANCE AT THE PAVILION -Tiiiesday Ev'm Sept. 15th _. ADMISSION 25 cents 1 Cement 'Work.. moving and Fresh Cement and Lillie arrived. We deliver in town a no countryTh17.;; reason- Telepiews 303. Hsamilte. Street. Gederich, Ontario. Pkkard. Relay rave -Jack Sterling. King Harris. A bats:hall game between greatly enjoyed. The score ives 34-13 in favor of the home team..A tug-of- war was staged, the home 114101 *In- ning agAtn. Supper was then served. and everyone did justice to We ample supply of "eats" prorated 1 by the Id ladles. Mr. Lewls Tebhutt the reported for the judges. annOnneing he prize& whiners as Mows: Rept reamed - Mr. McDonald. Beat doat-Goderleb township eonnell. Beet band -Mr. Jas. Sterling. and others In order. I Men's Club. darkey family. ear with i goat nod girls from !Won church Thel preehlent of the Club. Mr. Fred El- liott. then Introduced Mr. Geo. Spot - ton. M.P. for North Huron. who ad- dressed the gathering Mr. Sonttun listener' to with a great deal of In- termit Following Mr. Spotton'e ed., The proceeds of the dee amounted to ' grin and the Men's nal, are to la. eon- . gratulated on their enterprise In hold- ing this gplendid field day. I maw West Street. Telephone 132, Goderieh. NewFurniture Goderich Beauty Shop Keep your hair bright. and beaoti - fat with _- Finger Wave . Marcel Was* - Manicure SOc SOc Miss Ella Campbell Phone 536 est Street Ara Helen 'MAW ed to Lonuou alit! 1%11E4 with Mr. and.Mrs. Elwin Auderritu Mit • Mies Helen Daviibion'is-li Clinton a taking a secretarial course at Mei - *chool of Commerce. - Miss -Marguerite -Pricones1-- !home of..lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. I Oro. Falconer. I Miss Alice Sowerby. of Toronto,. Margaret Pentland spent the • k -end and noiiday at -the home- -et spent the week -end and holiday at the home of her father, WW1. ilowerhy. her parents, Mr and Mrs. A. B. Pent- GuesM at the home of Mrs. Jas. ROSS for the week -end were: Mr. and Mrs. Thos. K. Ross, Master Teddy Reed Ross of -Peterboro and - Mrs. Geo. Rote. of Goderich. visited • Turoiday at the home of Mrs. Jas. "Mr. 11/1d Wre: Rotert-Meltwain, jr., Mrs..1. Mcllwain, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Siellwain and three children nintonsi to Ashfield and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jame* Johnston. A party eonslating of Mr. and Mrs. John Cunningham, Miss Elorenee Cun- ningham. Mrs. A. T. Cooper. Mr end Mrs. H. E. Rorke and Mite Flprenee Rorke -of Clinton spent Labor Day at Lewis' beaeh. Mr. Dare Davidson has been vieiting for a few days at the home of his per- mits, Mr. and Sirs. Robt. Davideon. Ijalsa Church Notro--A corn roast was tied uy tue 1'. ut Luton m• ach. About thirty >ouug people Hot Water a Plenty-z19n Wash -Da _;_Whe...a _Us* PIV1) Footwearin Distinctive Styles Our eurtotners will appreciate dio many distinctive style features+ which characterize the Smart Shore we are showing this Pawn. They will take Weir -Mace in the front rank et the Eaeter style parade. . The predominsting styles are black and brown kid leather. in Pump. and Ties with a variety of heels. moray the medium Cuban for street "rhe selectim is so extensive for men, worten and child/go that WO wreath, en- van wireste-Tern-i&-stifellif, ityle and prioe if you'll only let us try. GEO. MACVICAR THE PRACTICAL SHOE MAN NORTH SIDE OF SQUARE GODERICH MONEY•SAVING -Am SPECIALS -----71111-, weekly specials are anuses! mune', -saving orporteeilks. ?boy feature items seWng under the ususJ low A P prices. By all means take advantage of them but remember that every- day prices on everyday foods are always lower at A Ils P Stores and they always save money for you. Remember, too. that A • r quality is backed by our unqualified guarentee of "satisfaction er yoar money back." allneametheraiewasuramounta— CHOICE CUTS OF TENDER A & P BEEF SHOULDER OR CHUCK lb. ioe _suuiriAnt site am= 1111 • .nigNrigeFF,:fir7ir 14_ ps FANCY NEW SEASON SPRING LAMB t Meer LEGS sorr lb. as. MATED lb. 121 FRONT QUARTERS - CUTS OF' TENDER YOUNG It OACIIND PORK R SHOULDERS BUTTS RAMS mow ?nib Cats II OZZIE on 111-11111 EQUIPPED WITH THE NEW ELECTRIC WATER HEATER Teirtel Plated Towage Arlhwitirte Sawa WRINGER Sakey maw gives pronietints the( when agersted the Wliele tag roll may h e reserred. Eq•imed with cams burley mil meta parte CeIhrtiate plated ee pewee& rushee/ BALLOON ROLLS . gain rubber Waal break batter le bed ea • Lateratetle• CONTROLS mum and eihel rAatea. lighted up the 1eaclr, w,here various gamer were played. A n ug -rung war 14 -la eratJ'DIIE:1et'bT ►` r. N. Craik. The t'orter Myr sup.' piled the cure, and there was abun- dance for everyone. After singing "Auld Lang Syne,' the party weudeu its way up the bill... ,Toe meeting of We W. M. 8._ will be held at the home of lin. h'orest iicCinre un Werlaeedif of this week. Mrs. A. Phillipe will have charge of the uteetipg.... •1'be re- inter meeting of the. Y. 1'. 14. will be held in the cnurth ou !'ridry eveuiug. The Y. 1'. S. of Grace church will All pones people ate cordially Ini t ..The set: - vice at l'uiuu on 1Sueday I t was takeu by Rev. k'. W. Craik, who has re- turued from et month'. vacation. He took as his text The Inspirldg Wold" from 1'salm 1111:4:,. The eungregatfon • was small, owing to the dw•oratlun set - tire at Melliyud cemetery. Field -1* 1It Porter's Ilial:-!'leld 11ay was held at fetter's hill un- aTiurt a! , t rhurrh. The weather was Ideal end the picogram' w -as �•arrlerl out to "guild I iii tyle. . tmnt tliree liendred ',mode I fsi 1orni,l o,lt. Hnd eve•ryuoe thoroughly •iiJuyetil thetuw'it-er. At Leib o'clock 1 parade was formed and this braved I 'wry aitnang. tilt then, representing! tle�' tGesh'rielt township eouneil, Ivor. I it for e/L*4 ne amusing nets,. .\ itemiser Id „f girls reprtsettt•'ti the 31e11•s Club,' oral' Wrre' ,to outsiders an inkling of oiler hent •1u lnelde•the ('hfi. 4r. Jas. sterling dee ewortiterlt ids talents bandmaster and Wes followed by the I Tum? flintlt' With 3fnmtc-Mr111mm1tt: J- t }cern, ear of ancient vintsge with a ¢oat ae the r , hamper°' was fnllnwttl f rep a "dre,s, 1 h p' eon�rle from Union berth, After cirri ink' the field, the pa rule! pa«ea1 In front ot• the. Judmet!. who were Meese.. Towle Teishett, f'Itit holsh, rind Sent ('a,dM. Immediately after the parade, a progrem of rem" wet e'arried out The prise_w-inners: Ty* A and Htwler--Ttnngle• Sterling, Erle nor. Way Ilerrls (heir !S ttRlQ - utd r --Roth Harris. ,l-•:tn Real. Wilda END CIIIITS,156111 Atm 110111.1711:11. FRESH FISH 20e FILLETS —"Vote ten. neA phimer4revitt ash - sinned to designed tut to ~lose tbe Weshor learn top to bottom giving d ead vviin support AM fell waterier. lbe partelatn-enamelled telt which twarated by as •.r were to preetet TUB Stsee kr.. 4 4601..1 Malign •nal nut fully proaraled to pre- vent earrltrtg and dame.. k7 • ft...a epeeist derv. IR SPACE To prevent rooting nine abeenne at arty pecking to Neonate (nil and dome and eendert beet Motor and neater rontrolltre it specially ileuipred indicating and nIpriAralinn bean duty nsiteb MOTOR Over*. Her, Pener Cenediaa beet. Mbletere Drool and MI. ever 11 'If' AGITATOR FINS eat—thus ,Iners• more reireant ing AGITATOR Amore bentingi GES CAIIPORNIA SMALL SIZE 2 1)". 3 5. WATER DR A IN— ire.sktins .10(9.11, applIP.1 10 DRIVE &ago a• putt 88 Ilrllinnel Olen eivelrir iniulation het ...pm Ilse m.o.., and tranrrmaawars Mon otirninnte. an, in a direct dn.. and virmlid 1,11111 In iihninern0 emir on IA. he•nraga. TIIANSMISSIIES frame hii anew* nerfe,i Amman. and Plirlinrtro Nal ...apple...a Inn.* OUR OWN FINEST QUALITY SILYERBROO K BRAND ONTARIO CREAMERV BUTTER lb' 22c SUNNYFIELD PASTEURIZED CREAMERY .... lb. 24c RTENING 1 -LB 19 CASTERS 111111111110. 0101111111111110md ifticirr —14 PATTNTS Wear rereeken se ethos swept tbe motor. ebldi II few drops were • yew It le rerswareebekd. bower.. I* drain tlia irseentimit. row her entity three rare and refill. Wisher is fully grenne4 by patents 'Waal eesteasamsztre wed* or awarrial A Brantford 'Washing Machine Co. Ltd. FLOUR PAtITIIT 2,44b. Bag 45c 1148 West Street Electrical Shop, Goderich. wirtrowomst Telephone 82 See Locomotive Washer at our Booth at Goderich Flgr Next Tuesday -and .Wedstesda Septemher 15th and 16th. A P COFFEE TRIO Over SS.000 cups of our dela 0,us %It at '..r (111111 t lir first week ol the Canadian Nat'on.11 Exhi halm*. HU II. 111.1 110111111 11.4%0R BOKAR lb. Tin 35e RED CIRCLE th-29c 8 O'CLOCK A Pure Santos garner of North Street and Square GODERICH 'MANTIC 41,. rACIFIC reemoramaglieeMiattal